Love Dependency Disease

994 Chapter 994: Fox Demon Seeing Fox Demon

"Let me kneel and lick when you meet, sister paper, you are really open, worthy of Bai Jie."

Liu Yi gave a thumbs up and gave a heartfelt like.

But Bai Jie couldn\'t be angry, and looked at the two people opposite with surprise.The two of them haven\'t been fooled by their charms?How can this be?

I am a nine-tailed white fox. Who can escape his charms in this world?Even a mortal with a high concentration of power will be charmed, and then obediently fall into his arms!

The two people in front of them obviously still maintain their own reason!This shouldn\'t be, it is really unscientific!

"Damn, my fascination is impossible!"

The fox fairy maiden Bai Jie shouted again, then clenched her fists, and a red light erupted in her eyes.This light suddenly spread out, flooded around, photographed on everyone\'s body, and made them feel a bit of a body.

"Everyone, be my slave!"

Bai Jie said, stretching out a foot and stepping on the top of a kneeling man in front of him.

Other men also knelt down one after another, caught her charms, and now became her captives.Bai Jie is now the queen of all men.

But Liu Yi held his arm and stood there endlessly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"what happened!"

Bai Jie was taken aback, his charm technique had been exerted to the extreme, but the man on the opposite side was still fart!

Isn\'t his charm technique ineffective for him?

It seems that this man has a deep concentration!

However, after so many years of hard work, you should not be able to win a mortal pair!

"You have a good concentration!"

Bai Jie said, "However, it may not be able to withstand my fascination!"

"Comrade Bai, what means is there to use it?"

Liu Yi ticked his finger at Bai Jie, "If you hit your means, leave it to your disposal."

I am already the power of a cross-border person, although my state of mind is still a little bit, but there is no problem in dealing with the charm of a nine-tailed white fox.

"Okay! This is what you said!"

Bai Jie was overjoyed, secretly saying that your kid is not obedient to my way!

She immediately went up, and then gently attached to Liu Yi\'s body.That scent of fragrance immediately plunged into Liu Yi\'s nose, like a small hand hooking his heart.But Liu Yi was holding Yuan Shouqian, his mind was still, and he was not confused by the female fox!

Even if the strength does not reach the cross-border, Liu Yi is also a person who has practiced the Buddha\'s mind, and a Luohan golden body in his body is fixed on the spiritual platform, just like the blessing of the Buddha\'s light, from the six impure things.

This little charm, Liu Yi did not take it seriously.Only those ordinary people who have not been trained to cultivate cents will be fooled.The people of Buddhism are already superhuman in their state of mind, and trying to get them to use magic techniques is harder than letting them eat meat!

Bai Jie stuck to Liu Yi\'s body, and then his lips gently kissed on Liu Yi\'s earlobe, and a low moan in his mouth.

This whisper came into the ears of other men, and immediately made these men excited, screaming one by one, and the lower body Yangguan fell behind, so it was so shot!

And it\'s not a person, it\'s a big piece!It can be seen that the power of Bai Jie is even stronger than that atomic bomb!

Only Liu Yi still stood there, unmoved.He folded his hands, looked at his nose, looked at his heart, and didn\'t move, like an old statue, standing there and letting the wind and rain hit him, he couldn\'t shake him.

"Old monk settled?"

Bai Jie saw Liu Yiwen\'s motionlessness and couldn\'t help looking at him sideways, frowning gently, whispering softly.

"Is it because you are still a monk? Strange, where will there be a young monk with hair training."

Bai Jie was puzzled, but the momentum of disobedience was becoming more and more obvious.Not only was she chanting, but her hands were walking on Liu Yi\'s body, touching Liu Yi\'s sensitive area.

She is a nine-tailed white fox that has been trained to perfection, and the magic technique is naturally very powerful!It stands to reason that if she goes on like this, even the fairy is unstoppable!But Liu Yi was still standing there, closing his eyes and raising his mind, as if not disturbed at all.

"Don\'t you be the reincarnation of Buddha!"

Bai Jie felt that her dignity was seriously challenged. She simply kissed Liu Yi\'s mouth.But at this time, Liu Yi suddenly reached out and blocked Bai Jie\'s small mouth.

"Sorry, the following is a bit out of bounds."

Liu Yi blocked it with his hand and said slowly, "My mouth already has a master. Don\'t even think about it."


Bai Jie was very annoyed that she didn\'t think her charm technique would fail. She looked cold, and then raised her right hand, and her five fingers became sharp claws. She grabbed Liu Yi\'s head!

Her claws are extremely sharp, and she can directly scratch the skull of the person and the brain of the person!

But Liu Yi was not the master of any slaughter. He only extended a finger and poked at Bai Jie\'s falling claws.


Bai Jie\'s palm was suddenly worn by Liu Yi\'s fingers, and blood flew out, splashing Bai Jie\'s face, so that this beautiful woman, who was as beautiful as a demon, became extremely grim in the blink of an eye, like a hell\'s evil!


Bai Jietong screamed again and again, and Dao was also dumbfounded. For the first time, she saw that the fox fairy was losing money!

"Despite this little mana, dare to run out of trouble?"

Liu Yi put down that finger, there was no blood on the finger, but Bai Jie\'s palm was red with blood!

"Let\'s go back and practice for another five hundred years to come out, Liujie is so big, so many masters, is it a place where you can be a little fox demon?"

"I am already a nine-tailed white fox!"

Bai Jie was very annoyed, growled, and then rushed towards Liu Yi with a greasy rush, and at the same time his paws lit up with cold winds and five winds.

Liu Yi let Bai Jie\'s paws catch on his heart, Bai Jie felt that his paws were caught in Liu Yi\'s mouth muscles, but he couldn\'t pierce half a point!

The muscles in Liu Yi\'s body seemed to be alive, locking Bai Jie\'s claws.

"You, who are you!"

Even if Bai Jie is stupid, Liu Yi feels extraordinary.

"The road is uneven, people who are busy with business!"

Liu Yi said, raising a palm and patting on Bai Jie\'s shoulder.

Bai Jie is just a nine-tailed fox, where can bear the attack of Liu Yi!She screamed suddenly, flew out, and collapsed a wall in the back, the whole person was in a state of embarrassment.

"Put down the butcher\'s knife and stand up to become a Buddha."

Liu Yi still kindly persuaded, "You are going on like this, I am afraid that no one can save you."

"Neither will I die! No one needs to be saved!"

Bai Jie was so determined to kill Liu Yi, she climbed up again, and nine white tails flew out behind her. The furry, each of which was huge, floated behind her.

Nine tails come out together, this is a powerful method of the Fox race!At that time, Liu Yi just learned a little bit of tail-tailing, playing with many master dogs with three foxtails!

Now this white and clean spell seems to have some similarities.

"Good, but that\'s it."

Lin Tong praised him aside, then stepped forward and said loudly.

"Bai Jie, you are the Meihu clan, but you are doing evil. If you don\'t know how to repent, then blame me the Meihu clan to punish the traitors in the door!"

"Who are you, who can represent our Meihu clan?"

Bai Jie asked with his mouth closed.

"Good question."

Lin Tong nodded, "Miss Ben can\'t change her name, she can\'t change her surname, Lin Tong is too!"

"Lin Tong?"

Nine-tailed white fox, as if hearing something terrible, rounded her eyes and asked, "You, who is your master?"

"Is it still necessary to ask, my master is only a demon world, that is Qiu Shuiyun!"

"You, you, are you an apprentice of Patriarch Qiu?"

The nine-tailed white fox suddenly realized, and asked hurriedly.

"If fake replacement!"

Lin Tong snorted, and also showed his tail while these buddies were sluggish.

Eight tails of foxes with gold rims and gold belts sprung up in such a magnificent manner that the nine-tailed white fox directly fell on his knees and fell to the ground.

"Oh, my little master, grandmother Xiaozu!"

Her arrogant attitude was completely gone, and now she looked respectful and frightened.

"Forgive me, forgive me!\'

As she said, she sucked her mouth. "I didn\'t even know that you were here. If I knew that you were the apprentice of Patriarch Qiu, I wouldn\'t dare to kill you!"

"It seems that you know quite a lot."

Lin Tong is a little triumphant. His identity is definitely useless to outsiders, but for this fox demon, it must be easy to use.

"Then, this one is a fascinating demon world... Lord Sword Emperor..."

Bai Jie was terrified in his heart, and said that he had just seduce the sword emperor just now...

"I have already abandoned this name."

Liu Yi said lightly, Bai Jie was even more afraid.I went, and the other name is the dragon hunter. For the demon clan, there is no more terrible title than this!

"The two adults, the younger, don\'t dare anymore, this is also the money fan\'s mind, and the money fan head!"

Bai Jie begs forgiveness again and again, "Please also let the two spare their small lives, beg the two!"

"I\'m not the one who tried to kill them."

Liu Yi was kind-hearted, but could not bear to kill the fox demon like this. As long as she had the heart to repent, he would give her a second chance.

"But you must guarantee that you will not do this kind of thing. At the same time, return all the money you deceived in the past few days."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely get it, I will!"

Bai Jie will be scared to death. It would be nice to be able to live under the sword emperor\'s hand. How dare you think about the money!

"Exactly, I also want to ask you something."

Liu Yi thought that Bai Jie was the ground snake here, so he took advantage of the moment and asked about the business.