Love Dependency Disease

993 993 Kneeling and Licking

Liu Yi\'s seemingly shy and provocative attitude no doubt angered Dao.

"You guys, I think you are here to provoke! The people before you are the ones we gave you, but you better stop here! Otherwise, Hugh blame our fox fairy and you are welcome, the great power destroys you !"

"It\'s scary."

Liu Yi pretended to be terrified, "Dare a fox spirit who hides his head and tail, dare to say such a thing?"

The three words of fox essence made Lin Tong roll his eyes. Wasn\'t he cursing himself?

The people around were not upset this time. Obediently stood by and watched the excitement.One is the Fox Fairy and the other is a little Taoist with magical mana. Who is the real master?

"You are too presumptuous to dare to say such things in front of the fox fairy!"

Dao Gu was immediately annoyed, "Where are you, a little Taoist, so presumptuous! Huh, with her daughters, you can see at a glance that it is not a serious, shameless Taoist!"

"Oh... what can I do with that..."

Liu Yi had some headaches, "She actually knew that I was a flower Taoist, then do I want to kill people and kill my mouth!"

Dao\'s face paled when he heard it, and he was subconsciously afraid.

"I don\'t think it\'s that serious!"

Lin Tong said, "Just know your identity, she just doesn\'t want to speak out."

Taoist heart said, this girl is kind-hearted.But Lin Tong\'s next sentence killed her in seconds, making her fall into hell.

"It\'s okay to cut her tongue directly, she won\'t say it."

"No, it\'s the Internet age now."

Liu Yi shook his head and rejected Lin Tong’s idea, “You don’t have to rely on your mouth to speak in the Internet age.”

"Then cut her ten fingers so that she can\'t type. Then poke her eyes blind, she can\'t see the news on the Internet."

The Dao aunt trembles, this woman... simply, it is the heart of a viper!

It\'s terrible, really terrible!Such a self might as well die!The eyes are blind, the fingers are gone, and the mouth is dumb, so what else to do alive, it is simply better than death!

"It certainly looks like this."

Liu Yi nodded, "It\'s still your kindest heart."

"That\'s right!"

Lin Tong nodded triumphantly, "It is the so-called saving one\'s life and making seven-level floats! It\'s a living life, it\'s a pity to kill it, keep it."

Why not kill me!

The two men sang one peace, making Dao aunt\'s heart angry.

"The two of you are shameless! You are ready to cry today in front of this maiden temple!"

"Why do you want to cry?"

Liu Yi asked puzzled, "It\'s okay to laugh with tears."

"Unpretentious, too presumptuous!"

Taoist was shivering with Liu Yi\'s irrational words, "Then let you see our mana\'s mana, and see if you dare to make a big speech here!"

With that, she reached for a big stone beside her finger.The big stone is about the size of a big watermelon. It is estimated to be very heavy. An adult needs a lot of effort if he picks it up.And as the aunt raised her finger, the big rock floated slowly and slowly into the air, as if an invisible hand was dragging it.

"Wow! Okay, so amazing!"

"Really powerful! The fairy fairy fox is so powerful!"

The onlookers beside him were all amazed at the case, and were applauded for it.

But Liu Yi really wanted to laugh, what is this, is it just as good as a child playing a house?

Lin Tong also wanted to have fun, but as a dignified girl, she decided to maintain her ladylike style, otherwise she must laugh.

"Do you see it!"

Dao aunt didn’t know what Liu Yi thought in their minds, and thought she was afraid, so she said proudly, “This is the magic of our fox fairy lady! If you dare to be so extravagant, be careful of your head! Now you kneel down to the lady Knock a few heads to apologize, it\'s too late!"

"Oh, what can I do?"

Lin Tong pulled Liu Yi and said diligently, "You are going to be killed! Please kneel!"

"Well, this is difficult."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, "I Liu Yi kneel to his parents on knees and never kneel to those wild fox spirits."

"You guys, dare to insult your mother!"

Taoist shouted, "I really don\'t know what to do!"

"I don\'t see you guys!"

Liu Yi suddenly smiled, snorted, and stroked his right hand.

The big rock that had floated in the air suddenly flew in a horizontal direction, and then smashed on the doorkeeper on the side, breaking a pillar of the temple directly.

"I was abducted here by a demon pit, even trying to deceive people\'s life-saving money! Do you think no one is in charge of you? Little fox demon, today I will take you from Liu Yi!"

"Hey, is that ambiguous?"

Lin Tong secretly poked Liu Yi\'s waist in the back.

Well, this sounds really ambiguous, but Liu Yi swears to Tian that he definitely keeps a kind heart!I never thought about the situation that Sister Fox Fairy wanted!No matter how hungry you are, you may not be interested in a stone statue.

"You, who are you!"

Aunt Tao saw that Liu Yi seemed to be unusual, and finally began to get nervous.

"I\'m just doing business."

Liu Yi said, "Your behavior is too embarrassing to the fox demon."

"That\'s right, it\'s too embarrassing to us!"

The little fox fairy Lin Tong shouted beside him, it was because of these guys that their reputation as a fox fairy was so bad!Humph!

Lin Tong was very dissatisfied, and Liu Yi hurried out for her sister Fox Fairy.

"Let\'s indulge you again, sooner or later you will be killed."

Liu Yi felt terrified when he thought of the old man who made a wish with life-saving money.If he didn\'t meet himself today, the old man\'s son is estimated to be returning to the west.

"Only you two?"

The aunt Dao stopped speaking, but a woman\'s voice flew out of the temple.

This voice is very crisp, and there is a little tenderness in the voice, forming a fox charm, which is passed on.

The men around were standing in the same place. Before anyone saw him, they were fascinated by the sound.

A fragrant wind also followed, and when everyone looked sideways, they saw a beautiful woman slowly flying out of the temple and fell in front of everyone.

This woman is extremely beautiful, her body is satin, red gauze skirt, gently wrapped around her body.

This woman\'s figure is also very good, especially the hips are very eye-catching, wrapped in a gauze skirt, like two half-round melon petals, eye-catching, attracting water!

As soon as she played, she almost detonated the audience.The men couldn\'t look away, and the women looked enviously and jealously.

Even Liu Yi\'s own eyes were slightly dull for a while, so beautiful Hu Meizi, so powerful Hu Meishu!

"It\'s worthy of being the nine-tailed white fox, the charm technique is really overbearing!"

Lin Tong had to give a thumbs up and admire, "Even my master\'s charm technique is not as good as her by three points!"

"Although I don\'t know who the two of you are, you shouldn\'t come to my site to let go!"

After flying out, the nine-tailed white fox stood on the ground, with a little arrogant look, said to Liu Yi and Lin Tong.

The person next to her gaze was full of obsession, and there was an urge to cherish this woman in her arms.This is the powerful fascination of the Nine-Tailed White Fox, which confuses everyone present.Even some women couldn\'t help being emotional with her.

It was this look that made the expression of the nine-tailed white fox more extraordinary.Liu Yi couldn\'t help but sigh, it really is a fox spirit that harms the world.If you do not conquer her, I am afraid that this generation will be a disaster.Liu Yi himself hates distinguishing between people and demon.Or as soon as they heard it was a demon, they could not wait to shout and kill.

He feels that all things are equal, all beings are equal, and everyone has the right to survive.But if these people are not self-love and want to persecute other lives, then Liu Yike is really welcome.

"Fox, what\'s your name?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Bold! How dare you call this fairy a fox demon?"

Nine-tailed fox screamed angrily, "You ordinary people should call me Bai Jie Niangniang!"

Bai Jie?

Liu Yi has an urge to spur blood. Should I call such a bullish name!Bai Jie Niangniang, I still ****!Wouldn’t it be Jinchi to make Jinlin after a while?

"If you dare to be extravagant, be careful that this fairy used supernatural powers to destroy you!"

As Bai Jie said, he secretly transmitted a voice to Liu Yi.

"If you dare to do anything good for me again, I will let you die by bleeding!"

Hey, this fox demon, has come to threaten himself, he hasn\'t threatened her yet.

Liu Yi pretended to be afraid and said, "Don\'t kill me, I\'m so young, I haven\'t lived enough yet."

"Hahaha, do you know fear now?"

The Nine-Tailed White Fox smiled and said softly, "I have no one who has died injustice under Bai Jie\'s hands. If you kneel down and give me a few blows to my god today, we will even expose it. Otherwise, yours today You can’t stay alive!"

After speaking, it seemed afraid that the people around her would find her fierce. The nine-tailed white fox directly launched the strongest charm technique. The people around them immediately fell into a dull state, and was lost in the wits by this fox demon named Bai Jie .

The only people who still keep their minds are Bai Jie, Dao, Liu Yi and Lin Tong.

Bai Jie thought that mortals like Liu Yi should also be confused by himself, and said proudly, "Come on, kneel down to Ben Fairy and lick Ben Fairy\'s shoes!"

"She asked you to kneel and lick!"

Lin Tong looked at Liu Yi with a smile on his face.

"This... sounds quite interesting."

Liu Yi also said pretendingly, "But a good man, don\'t kneel and lick!"