Love Dependency Disease

976 Chapter 976 Support You

The wind listener is a blind man.

But he has a natural talent since childhood, and his hearing ability is thousands of times higher than others, just like a bat!

His hearing can even reach one kind, and the sound of grass growing can be heard across a few hundred meters.

Therefore, he is responsible for guarding the gate of this laboratory, and once foreign enemies come, he will notify all people as soon as possible.


Almost as soon as his front foot sounded the alarm, the back door of the laboratory was kicked open.

The legendary man, dressed in a black and white robe with arrow sleeves, walked in majesticly, followed by a beautiful woman with a nice and smart breath.

The men and women, no matter which one, are the characters of the future legend.Perhaps they should have been saviors, but in this era, they can only be enemies.

"The road ahead is different."

The wind listener was holding two long knives in his hand, and the blade was horizontal, blocking Liu Yi\'s way.

"A blind man?"

Ai Ling could not help whispering when she saw the ribbon tied to the wind listener\'s eyes.

"Blind, not blind."

The listener said lightly that he could clearly hear the actions of the two people, including the sound of Liu Yi\'s fist.

"If you don\'t give up, your heart will probably be blind."

Liu Yi didn\'t want to get entangled with these little fish and shrimps. According to the database, their head should be a woman named Black Knight.Only when she is found and asked to understand everything, these things will not let Liu Yi continue to be upset.

The truth, the most wanted thing in this world, is always the truth!

"Your heart is irritable."

The wind listener said, "Such a violent heart will be shrouded in smoke."

"Let me fight mystery!"

Liu Yi frowned, "I\'ve warned you once, I won\'t warn you a second time."

"Come on if you have the ability."

The listener waved two long knives in his hand, "but I can\'t guarantee you will go back alive."

"Okay! Then try it!"

Liu Yi immediately turned into a black light and instantly reached the wind listener.

The wind listener snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand waved like splashing ink, which was very wonderful. He kept all the vital points of his whole body and blocked Liu Yi\'s progress.

Liu Yi grabbed two Sun Flame Swords, the dharma body popped out behind, grabbed six Divine Fire Swords, and attacked the wind listener insanely.

The wind listener was not in a hurry. The two long knives seemed to be spiritual.Liu Yi attacked hundreds of tricks in the blink of an eye, but none of them fell on the listeners!

This guy really is a defensive master!

"I know you\'ve become a Protoss immortal."

The wind listener said slowly, "Although I can\'t beat you, you can\'t beat me."

"is it?"

Liu Yi would not admit the viewpoint of the wind listener. After all, he has not entered the gods change at this time, but just casually deal with the wind listener to try his strength.

This wind listener\'s power is probably around 24 stars. With their unique abilities as a super hunter, the average person will encounter some difficulties.

"I admit that your hearing is really interesting."

Liu Yi suddenly withdrew the attack and chuckled, "However, don\'t you think this is your biggest weakness?"


The wind listener shook his head directly, "Strong listening is my ace skill, it makes me extremely powerful!"


Liu Yi reached out and grabbed a huge gong directly.

The dark power of black allows Liu Yi to create a variety of objects.Therefore, it is not difficult to create a gong.

"What did you come up with."

The wind listener felt a change in the airflow and immediately said.

"Yes, something that surprises you."

Liu Yi said, picking up the hammer of the gong and knocking hard on the gong.


The gong rang loudly like a thunderstorm!


The wind listener immediately covered his ears, and blood came out of his ears.

"Your strength is naturally your weakness."

Liu Yi sighed and looked at the listeners who knelt there and screamed again and again, "Don\'t put all your bets in one place in the future."

"Damn the demon! You are the source of sin, I will kill you!"

The wind listener suddenly tolerated the pain and jumped up. The two long knives carried a strange brilliance and cut towards Liu Yi.

As soon as Liu Yi turned around, a silver moon appeared on his forehead.

The Moon Dream mentality was launched, and the body of the wind listener was immediately captured by Liu Yi, and then tossed aside.


He smashed it against the wall and smashed it directly into a big hole.

The scene of the laboratory was exposed behind the big hole, and Liu Yi lifted his foot and walked in.

"Thank you for opening the door."

Ai Ling couldn\'t help but blinked at the back, and said that this guy was pretty good.Did you like such a man before?Looks like, very interesting...

"This is not where you should come."

A faint voice rang, and Liu Yi discovered that he had just stepped into the laboratory and appeared in a cemetery the next second!

The cemetery is very strange, with worn tombstones erected everywhere.

A gust of breeze struck Liu Yi and Ai Ling.

"Really, it\'s too affectionate to come to such a ghost place."

Ai Ling frowned, with some dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"It doesn\'t matter, we will go out soon."

Liu Yi gave Ai Ling a reassuring smile, then looked at a tombstone on the left and said.

"Since you\'re here, don\'t hide your head, do you want me to invite you out?"

"It\'s a demon, and I found the true body of my gravekeeper."

The voice with a strange air flew out again, and then a palm broke out of the grave of the grave, and then a skinny man climbed out.

"Ji Jie... You are well suited to be a corpse in my tomb."

This super hunter named Tombkeeper has been sneering, making Liu Yi very uncomfortable.

"That woman is not bad...make a corpse, and then be my bride!"

This sentence undoubtedly angered Liu Yi, daring to hit the chick\'s idea, this guy is dead!

"Choose a grave for yourself!"

Liu Yi said, reaching out, grabbing a Shenhuo sword, and holding it in his hand.

"Ji Jie... No one can kill me!"

The gravekeeper laughed strangely, "This is my world, and my servants will kill you!"

As he said, he knelt down on the ground and then put his hands in the dirt.

For a time, there was a gust of wind around and howling continuously!Many corpses scrambled out of the grave, and then roared towards Liu Yi.

These corpses carry horrible powers, and are obviously not ordinary zombies.

Liu Yi snorted. He waved the Shenhuo sword and launched the Jiu Jianshu.

"Forever and forever, this hatred is endless!"

The black sword shadows created by Jiu Jianshu immediately flew out, just like automatic missiles, chasing every active corpse and killing them to the ground again!

These corpses were like giving food to Liu Yi, and he did not hurt him at all!

"My servants... my servants..."

The tombkeeper was very angry when he saw that his attack had no effect at all.

But Liu Yi not only cultivated to become an immortal of the Protoss, but also a breakthrough in mana, and he cannot cope with his current strength!

"Kill me!"

Suddenly he spurted a spit of blood onto the tombstone in front of him.

The tombstone exploded, and then a huge corpse protruded from the ground, and then slapped hard at Liu Yi with a slap.

Liu Yi Shenhuo Sword was put away, his hands were facing the huge corpse, and he pulled towards the sides.

The Moon Dream mentality was launched, and the huge corpse was directly torn in half and fell to the ground.


The gravekeeper was shocked, and some could not believe the facts he saw.

"this is the truth."

Liu Yi shrugged, "It\'s time to report to your grave."

He politely stretched out his hand and lifted the tombkeeper\'s body into the air by pinching his neck.

"You can stay with your corpses forever now, perverted."

Liu Yi said that as usual, the body of the tomb-keeper was torn in half.

The gravekeeper\'s system was immediately devoured by Xiaoxuan, and then Xiaoxuan fell into evolution.

"Finally, this pervert was disturbed."

After killing the tombkeeper, Liu Yi had no psychological burden.

How dare you insult your chick, just go to death.

Ai Ling stood aside, watching all this silently.He still maintains himself that way, probably, he thinks he will return to his side.

This man seems to love himself deeply.She felt deeply guilty for Ai Ling who had forgotten all this.

With the death of the gravekeeper, that illusion slowly disappeared.The original face of the laboratory appeared in front of the two.

There are also four super hunters in front, one is Liu Yueli, the other is the Sky Sword Master, and there are two others left.The man in the white coat on the right looked at him like a perverted buddy who looked like his first love, like a dragon-scorpion.

Each of these super hunters has its own code name.

"Hey, I said that buddy, can you look at me without such eyesight, making me think that your orientation is wrong."

"There is no problem with my orientation."

The dragon-mouthed scorpion just reassured Liu Yi, but immediately let him worry again!

"I just like men at all."

Male Gobi!It’s gay!Lying trough, do you want to fuck like this!Are there any gay people coming back in the future?Liu Yi felt that this was not her sexism, but that the odds were a bit... speechless?

Is there no talent in the future?

"You will scare him, dragon-billed scorpion."

The corner of the mouth exposed under the sword of Sky Sword Master rose slightly, "But I am willing to support your love."

Support your sister!What\'s wrong with you!

Liu Yi roared.