Love Dependency Disease

975 975 I'll go with you

"I said it, not because I don\'t want to help, but because I love it."

Liu Yi shrugged his shoulders, "I don\'t even know the whereabouts of those people. Even if I want to help, I can\'t find them."

"Head Liu, you have a lot of magic!"

Those of the martial arts begged, "You are so capable, you can find the elders with magical powers!"

"Yeah, yeah, don\'t say goodbye! In this way, we offended you a few days ago, we apologize to you! I hope you adults ignore the villains and spare us once! Everyone will be good friends in the future. !"

Chen Keqing said, good friends and sisters, you guys, what kind of thing is simply a clue!

"We won\'t control it!"

So she said simply.What is there to talk about with this group of things, it is meaningless!Quickly let them get out of the way, there are still a lot of things to be done in the Temple of Tu!

"Sister Master, you don\'t have to be so heartless."

Liu Yi waved his hands, so that the already desperate people once again saw the dawn of hope.

"Although some of the Taoists here have indeed betrayed our Tutu Temple, but the Tutu Temple is to inherit the gates of the ancient foundation, it should not have such a little temperament. The world is a family of immortal world, and we will all fight against the Qin Imperial Palace Invasion. So you are in trouble, I slaughtered the temple, and I should be willing to help with reason and reason."

"Head Liu is really righteous!"

"It\'s really a prime minister who can hold a boat!"

After listening to these immortals, they were overjoyed, and they all wore high hats.

Chen Keqing sighed, saying that his brother\'s heart was too soft.It seems that even after practicing the demon way, his nature will not change.

"Let’s do it like this first. I’ll send someone to ask you about the whereabouts of the missing elders. Once I hear about it, I will go to the rescue immediately. What do you think?"

"Okay, that\'s it!"

"Thank you very much, Liu!"

Some of these immortals are proud, and some really admire Liu Yi\'s demeanor.

Indeed, this is the demeanor that a martial art should have.No wonder Liu Yi\'s martial arts will become the first in the world, which has an absolute relationship with his character.

"No need to thank, after all, I haven\'t figured out where the person is. It\'s not too late to thank you when you are rescued later."

"Yes yes, Liu Zhangmen is right!"

"It will definitely be saved!"

The following people echoed again.

"Then you don\'t need to continue skinning with me here. The most important thing now is to get up and find someone right now?"

Although Liu Yi should be responsible for saving people, it does not mean that he has no emotion.

These guys like grass on the wall are really disgusting.

Hearing Liu Yi say this, those people quickly left each other to find the whereabouts of the masters in their door.

"Sister Master, you said, what do those people do with masters from all disciplines?"

Liu Yi asked, leaning on his chin.

"This...I really can\'t think of..."

Chen Keqing shook his head, and then looked at Ai Ling, who was sitting with his eyes closed and looking for help.

"Miss Ai is clever and does not know if she can come up with any answers?"


I thought I could give some useful answers, but I thought Ai Ling shook her head and said, "These people are acting weirdly, they can\'t figure out the routine, and I can\'t guess the mystery."

She pondered for a while, and then continued, "But one thing that made me very concerned is that listening to what they just said, those masters are all enslaved by the other party, and they seem to be controlled by some kind of black pill... this is the most Worry me."

"Ai Ling is right."

Liu Yi nodded. "Those little black pills are a little scary. If I take a pill, will I also become a slave to the other party?"

"I was a little scared when you said that."

Chen Keqing shivered, "What if they feed me such pills and ask me to do something evil... Brother, you must save me by then! If you can\'t save me, you must kill It\'s me!"

"Don\'t worry, Sister, when you meet them, just close your mouth tightly?"

Liu Yi blinked at Chen Keqing, and suddenly made this master sister blush angrily.

"Well, you are smart! You have the ability to find their hiding place!"

"Actually, I really know where they are probably."

Unexpectedly, Liu Yi said an amazing answer.

This surprised both Chen Keqing and Ai Ling. The places where those people hide are particularly mysterious. They come and go without a trace. How does Liu Yi know their whereabouts?

"When killing those two enemies, my Xiaoxuan devoured their systems."

Seeing that both sisters were a little surprised, Liu Yi immediately explained with a smile.

"Although I can\'t upgrade Xiaoxuan\'s system, it\'s enough to get some scattered information. In particular, I can sense that their signals are there. Although they are weak, they can still be found if you look carefully. "

"Why didn\'t you just say that?"

Ai Ling and Chen Keqing both asked.

"How can such important information tell those unreliable guys."

Liu Yi said, "They only have their own interests in their eyes. If they let them know that they wouldn\'t unite a large group of people to force me to look for it? Then, when the teachers were moving, and they walked again, wouldn\'t it be a surprise to tell them? I went alone to find those guys and solve them. The more people, the more troublesome it will be."

"You guys have a lot of thought."

Ai Ling immediately looked at Liu Yi. She originally thought that although Liu Yi was more powerful, her mind was simpler.

"With you, you have to be humbled if you are careless."

Liu Yi said, standing up, "It\'s not too late, I\'ll take a look here, you stay to see the house."

With that said, he would go outside the door.

"They just need to watch the house. I\'ll accompany you."

Ai Ling followed Liu Yi, and she had a feeling that if she did not follow Liu Yi, her memory might not be recovered.

This feeling is very mysterious. Ai Ling has no doubt about her intuition, so she follows Liu Yi.This made Liu Yi look at her curiously. Why is this girl so active lately that she still wants to follow her?

"Huh, I\'m just bored, is it okay to go out with you and walk around?"

Ai Ling noticed that Liu Yi looked at his own eyes, his cheeks suddenly turned red, and then he grunted.

"You guys, don\'t want to be crooked, I\'m not reluctant to follow you!"

"It turns out that it really makes me happy."

Liu Yi sighed and turned to go out.

Ai Ling hurried to keep up, and secretly said.

Why is Liu Yi weird today? Is it impossible to take the wrong medicine?She didn\'t know that Liu Yi\'s mood was really heavy now.Because Liu Yi discovered the identity of these enemies through some scattered information.

If the information obtained by Xiaoxuan is correct, they should be a group of guys who claim to be super hunters.Their birth stems from the terrible end of the world.Therefore, these talents tried to prevent the birth of the end through some peculiar methods.

But why do they have to deal with themselves, is it related to the end?

This is what makes Yi Yi the most heavy. No matter what, he must find those super hunters and ask clearly.

"Do you really know where they are?"

After the two swords flew into the air, Ai Ling finally couldn\'t help breaking the deadlock and asked Liu Yi.

"Well, the approximate direction is already known."

Liu Yi reached out to the east with a hand, "If you keep flying, you can find their trail."

At the same time, in a private laboratory in the United States.A high-tech laboratory provided to a local tyrant to develop pharmacy on weekdays is now dominated by super hunters.The original personnel of the laboratory were kidnapped and locked up, so as not to hinder them.

The black knight held his arm and looked at the pile of bottles in front of him.

"Dragon-billed scorpion, how is the baby plan going?"

"A little more guinea pig is needed."

The dragon-billed scorpion in a white coat, with a mask, playing with the reagents, looks like a professional.

"The people who were sent back before are too weak. If you want to control the Dark Lord in this era, you need a stronger experiment!"

"A stronger guinea pig..."

The Black Knight frowned, thinking hard about the candidate.

"Yes, Jie Jie... And, right now there is the best person!"

The dragon-billed scorpion laughed a few times, and then there was some longing in his eyes.

"If it were him... there must be no problem..."

"Oh? Who are you talking about?"

The black knight asked something faintly.

"Hey, hey... this person is Liu Yi."

The dragon-billed scorpion licked his tongue and said.

"Liu Yi? He has mastered the Protoss immortality, can you catch him?"

"It\'s your business to catch people."

The dragon-billed scorpion said, "I am responsible for researching babies, which is the key to saving the world. You are manual laborers, and my dragon-billed scorpion is a mental laborer."

"Got it, pity, you are ready to start."

The black knight frowned and ordered his daughter.

"I think you hate more and more."

Liu Yueli, who had been standing aside, stared at the dragon-scorpion with some dissatisfaction, "actually let me catch that terrible guy!"

"If you learn to use your power, you may have a chance to control him."

The dragon-billed scorpion immediately said, "Your time skills can control everything. If you use it skillfully, you may have the chance of defeating the Dark Lord."

"Just kidding, how could I ever fight the Dark Lord."

Liu Yueli rolled his eyes again, "If it\'s that simple, we won\'t sacrifice so many people, we will lose so much strength and go back to the past!"

"Pity, don\'t talk too much, don\'t go to the task yet!"

The Black Knight urged.

"Well... people go here..."

Liu Yueli was very afraid of her mother, so she pouted her mouth and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, an alarm sounded in the room.

Several people looked at each other, and an enemy came!