Love Dependency Disease

870 870 What is the world

"Liu Yi, what the hell is going on!"

Wang Yaru eased off, stretched out his hand, and slapped Liu Yi\'s back on the back, and the one he called was loud.

If ordinary people, even if they are immortal cultivation, who can give Liu Yi such a solid slap?

Probably in the world, Wang Yaru dared to fight like this, and Liu Yi dared not say anything again.

"This, this..."

Liu Yi scratched his head and didn\'t know how to explain it for a while.

"Go home first! Don\'t let the three girls freeze outside!"

Wang Yaru is not such a barbarous person. He first let a few people into his house and then sat in a ball.

Five people were sitting in the living room, and the atmosphere was a bit stiff for a while.

"Then...Mom, I turn on the TV, you always look at the Spring Festival Gala..."

"Look at the Spring Festival Gala? Let me see a P!"

Wang Yaru doesn\'t have a good temper now, she feels a mess now!

The stinky kid in his family provokes three girls at the same time!

It\'s still so pretty, and it doesn\'t look like a girl from ordinary home!

How is this good...

Just when the atmosphere was stiff, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.

"Mom, I\'m going to open the door, maybe Aunt Chen they are back!"

Like an amnesty, Liu Yi hurried to the door and reached for the door.

"Liu Yi, your girlfriend is here!"

Outside jumped in a cheerful girl.

"My family just fell asleep, I sneaked out, hee hee..."

It was none other than Wang Lele who came in.

Wang Lele saw that Liu Yi\'s text messages were all broken, and it was a good thing to see Liu Yi\'s family... it was a bit shy.

But the family members don\'t even know that they are in love. They always have to wait until they fall asleep before they can slip out!

Wang Lele also wanted to take a good look at Liu Yijia while he was resting at night...

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came in, she saw a lot of eyes, and looked at her so straight.

"Uh... why everyone is here... Sister Xiaodie, you are also..."

"Of course I am!"

Murong Die hummed and said, "Unexpectedly, Liu Yi even abducted you!"

Murongdie thought straight, thinking that Liu Yi also brought Wang Lele over.

Where does she know that these two people are Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang!

"Come and sit down..."

Wang Yaru glared at Liu Yi fiercely, then patted the empty seat beside the sofa.

"The home is too small... this is the first time so many guests..."

Wang Yaru didn\'t know what to say. She was full of beautiful women, but she couldn\'t get used to it for a while.

I have been worried about Liu Yi\'s future events...Is it because I worry too much?

"Liu Yi, you stupid boy! You tell the truth, these girls, did you find them for money?"

Wang Yaru hummed and said, "I\'ve seen it on TV, and it\'s all played in those TV shows. There are so many of them now! Without a girlfriend, in order to cope with the elders, they will pay to hire someone! Something arrogant... can\'t be like this without a girlfriend!"


Li Biyue couldn\'t help but smiled first, and then took Wang Yaru\'s hand and said.

"Auntie, you\'re really worried this time. Your family Liu Yi, you still have to worry about your girlfriend\'s problems? Women who like him may have lined up from Beilong City to Kyoto City."


Wang Yaru was dumbfounded.

"Liu Yi, don\'t you tell me honestly! If you don\'t, I will discount your leg today!"

Wang Yaru was upset at this big New Year.

"What exactly is going on!"

"This, this, mom..."

Liu Yi didn\'t know how to explain for a while.

"I said, how could such a good girl be your girlfriend!"

Wang Yaru scolded angrily, "You little bunny, you pretend again, you have the ability to get a big star and come back to be my wife!"

Murongdie\'s face became a little strange.

During the talk, the door was knocked again.

"Who is this!"

Wang Yaru hummed and said, "Go open the door again!"

"Mom, don\'t be angry, me, I will go!"

Liu Yi obediently ran to open the door, and as soon as the door opened, it was indeed this girl.

"Husband! I never thought I could come!"

Wang Yuzheng jumped into Liu Yi\'s arms happily, "I went back to the plane directly after the Spring Festival Gala! Fortunately, I was the opening program, otherwise I would not be able to catch up with the New Year\'s bell, hehe... Do you want to... …amount……"

When Wang Yuzheng saw the people in the room, his body suddenly shook, and then his face flushed blushing, like a frightened deer, jumping back.

"Why, so many people..."

Wang Yaru is a bit silly.

"My mother...well, this is not the big star who was still singing on the did he jump out of the TV in a blink of an eye!"

Several other women covered their mouths and chuckled, and Li Biyue took Wang Yaru\'s hand and said.

"Auntie, don\'t be surprised, this is also your daughter-in-law."

" is this, you tell me well...what the hell is going on..."

"Auntie, this thing...I can\'t explain it to you, you have to let your baby son tell you!"

Li Biyue\'s eyes fell on Liu Yi.

"Scary boy, don\'t hurry!"

Liu Yiyu cried without tears. After pulling Wang Yuzheng to sit down, he explained hesitantly.

"This... actually...some of them are my girlfriend...some are not..."

"What is it, is it, is it not?"

Wang Yaru stared at Liu Yi fiercely, waiting for him to give an explanation.

"Just, it\'s..."

Liu Yi had no choice but to sit down and tell her mother something.

Of course, not all the truth, such as Wang Lele\'s things, Liu Yi concealed it first.

This big festival is already lively enough, don\'t become more lively!

After all the explanations were finished, Wang Yaru was a little stupid, and he regained his strength for a long time.

"Your\'s such a sensation...that a girlfriend isn\'t enough, but two of,, what should I say to you!"

Wang Yaru wanted to blame his son, but also felt that he did not know how to blame.

I want to fight, this kid wasn’t like that when he was a kid. He grew up, and in the face of so many girls, he shouldn’t fight.

For a while, Wang Yaru didn\'t really know what to do, but thought it was a ridiculous thing.

"Mom... this is a child\'s thing. Don\'t worry about it. Let\'s eat dumplings and watch the Spring Festival Gala!"

Liu Yi felt that the atmosphere should be moderated, and stood up and said, "Since all are here today, it’s better to have a big New Year’s Eve together. The big New Year’s Eve is going to eat dumplings, a few beauties, who will make dumplings what?"

"I will."

Li Biyue stood up first.

"I will too."

Wang Yuzheng also raised his hand and said.

Murongdie, Wang Lele, and Yuan Zhenyue can only look at each other.

These three women, two young ladies, a violent policewoman, have never learned to cook, let alone dumplings!

"Okay, Naizhen and my sister will help me."

Liu Yi is still able to cook, so he went to the kitchen to get the flour and dumpling stuffing that he had prepared earlier, held it with a large panel, and placed it on the living room table.

"Come and come, let\'s help together."

Both Wang Yuzheng and Li Biyue stepped forward, rolled up their sleeves and started helping dumplings.

Liu Yi is also busy with her work, and the other three women are a bit unsure what to do.

"Then, what are we doing?"

Murongdie couldn\'t help asking.

"You will accompany my mother to see the Spring Festival Evening and talk about your own words!"

Liu Yi smiled at them, causing the eyes of the three women.

"Come here, let\'s watch the Spring Festival Gala, watch the Spring Festival Gala!"

Wang Yaru held the hands of the three girls, fearing that the three girls would be angry, and hurriedly comforted them, "Wait for twelve o\'clock, let\'s go out and set off firecrackers!"


"Okay, let\'s accompany the aunt to watch the Spring Festival Gala!"

The three girls immediately surrounded Wang Yaru, each speaking intimate words to please Wang Yaru.

Liu Yi is a little confused, so Murong Die and Wang Lele just want to please their mother... but Yuan Zhenyue is so busy!

This evening was very lively. Liu Yi mother and son, five beauties, lived here.

The bell sounded at twelve o\'clock, and several people had reached the top of the building with fireworks and firecrackers in their hands.

After everyone went back, Wang Lele packed up the garbage on the ground and prepared to go downstairs.

But at this moment, a moonlight hit her.

Wang Lele suddenly shook his body, and then changed into a person, standing there coldly.

"You shouldn\'t come."

"If I don\'t come, you will lose your mind!"

Bing walked out of the moonlight, with a trace of anger on his face, "I ask you, do you still have the Qin Emperor Palace in your heart? Is there still the Qin Emperor?"

"Is it in my heart, I know it myself."

Wang Lele\'s voice was colder than the cold winter in the northeast.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"You... are you still mad at me?"

Bingyi time was a little soft-hearted, "I know, I have something wrong... But not everything I do is for us, for the entire Qin imperial palace, for the whole world?"

"World? What is the world?"

Wang Lele sneered sarcastically, "In your eyes, only your so-called world. Whatever, I used to think that your world is my world. For my world, I gave my life."

"Yeah, you are a ten-day-daughter of the Qin imperial palace, and I\'m C\'s fiancee! Don\'t forget, your identity!"

"No need to remind you! This is not the time for you to appear!"

"I\'m here to tell you, Liu Yi, must die!"

Bing sneered twice, "He only stays in Beilong City these days, you have to take advantage of these days to kill him! Do you know?"


Wang Lele said nothing.

"Don\'t forget, you are from the Qin Palace."

Bing Ding urged, "I don\'t want to stay any longer, so please hurry down and be suspicious! This Liu Yi\'s dog\'s life is in your hands!"