Love Dependency Disease

869 869 Who is the girlfriend?

What is Murongdie calling himself this big year?

Liu Yi didn\'t dare to delay the call of Missy, so she picked it up quickly.

It doesn\'t matter this connection, Murongdie shouted immediately on the phone.

"Liu Yi! You bastard! Where did you die!"

This sweat of Liu Yi, how can this be cursed?

"My old lady, what\'s wrong?"

Liu Yi hurriedly asked.

"What\'s wrong? What\'s wrong with you?"

Murong Diehe East roared, "Miss Ben has been standing at your door for more than an hour! It will be a sculpture at the station! Where the hell are you!"

Holy crap……

Murongdie is here?

Isn\'t it a joke!What time is it, why is Murongdie here?

I thought this lady would not come!Lying trough, is God teasing me!

"Only you come back!"

Murongdie made a last growl on the phone and hung up.

"Xiaoyi, who\'s calling?"

Wang Yaru asked.

"That... is also a friend... to come to our house for the New Year..."

Liu Yi put down the phone and said with some embarrassment, "Mom... It seems that New Year\'s Eve dinner can only be eaten first... We have to go home."

"Why don\'t you let her eat together?"

Wang Yaru asked.

"This...not very convenient..."

Liu Yigan coughed, fearing it would be hilarious.

"Then hurry back... Lao Chen, we will go back first."

"Ah, you don\'t eat it anymore?"

Chen Zizi asked in surprise.

"Something\'s wrong, you have to go back quickly. Auntie, don\'t blame me."

Liu Yi and Chen Pozi apologized.

"If you have something, you will be busy. It doesn\'t matter. It doesn\'t matter!"

Qingqing hurriedly said, "If I let Yongyou drive you back, I am afraid that it is not easy to get a taxi outside!"

"This is unnecessary, I came by car."

Li Biyue laughed, "but thank you sister anyway."

"Look at me, I have forgotten all this, and Sister Li must have come by car."

Qingqing slapped his forehead, "Then I will send you!"

"No, you are eating. Let\'s go first."

Liu Yixin said that this attitude is diametrically opposed to the previous one.

Sure enough, it is a person with a tendency to become inflamed, and then his neighbor may suffer.

Liu Yi helped his mother and went downstairs with Li Biyue.

Li Biyue quickly drove the car over, and when the roadster was parked in front of the restaurant, Wang Yaru was a little surprised.

"Little girl conditions are really good..."

While Li Biyue was sitting in the car, Wang Yaru secretly said in his son\'s ear, "You can treat others well!"

"Relax, mom, I will."

Liu Yi didn\'t know how to explain it, so he had to answer it first.

"That\'s good, that\'s good, don\'t bully the girls! Our boys in the Liu family, don\'t be that kind of arrogant, have you heard? Look at your dad, such a powerful soldier at that time, you can\'t obey you now Damn it? He didn’t dare to spend his time outside, and so do you. If you want to dare to spend your time, my mother will discount your legs!"

Liu Yi fought a chill, and said to himself that this leg... If you don\'t do it, you can\'t keep it...

But she couldn\'t explain anything to her mother. Liu Yi had to get in the car first and then drove home all the way.

Murongdie sat on the stairs, fooling around with her phone.

As the eldest lady of Murong\'s family, she didn\'t know how many text messages about her to have dinner on the phone.

But these text messages, Murongdie ignored them all, leaving only one, Liu Yi sent.

"This goddamn bastard, why haven\'t you come back! See how Miss Ben will clean up him later! How dare you put Miss Ben\'s pigeons!"

Just as Murong Die complained, there was a footstep in his ear.

This footsteps came upstairs, and Murongdie was surprised.

"Asshole, finally willing to come back?"

Murongdie stood up and turned around and found that the person who came was not Liu Yi, but a woman wearing a police uniform.

"Huh? Sister Yuan?"

"Ah? Are you here too?"

Yuan Zhenyue and Murongdie stayed at the same time.

Although Yuan Zhenyue is a member of the dragon group, she is still a policewoman and occasionally comes out on duty.

This is the case today. Many policemen are on holiday to catch up with the big dragon in Beilong City. A robbery has appeared on the street. She has just returned from get off work after she has finished working.

Because of Liu Yi\'s text messages, Yuan Zhenyue was still a little bit happy.

This unconscionable one, has finally gotten rid of it this time!

Although the text says that he is pretending to be his girlfriend... but this kind of thing,\'s easy to do the fake play!

You can please Liu Yi\'s mother well, as long as the aunt likes herself, then the success rate of herself and Liu Yi will be much higher.

But I didn\'t expect that I ran here and saw the young lady of Murong\'s family!

Damn... this is not conscience, I found a few "girlfriends".

Sure enough, it\'s a flowery ghost!

"Did you... also receive text messages?"

"You also received it?"

The two girls looked at each other in surprise, and then they all scolded Liu Yilai.

Damn...this Liu Yi...too fucking!

"Sister Yuan, this is the night shift... so busy, how come you have time?"

Murongdie turned his eyes and then asked.

"Ah... this is about to leave work..."

Yuan Zhenyue coughed twice, "Why didn\'t Miss Murong follow Mr. Murong\'s New Year today?"

"My dad didn\'t stay up late, he was asleep."

Murongdie waved his phone and gave Yuan Zhenyue a glance at the time above.

It\'s already 11 o\'clock at night, and it\'s really early.

In another hour, the New Year\'s bell should also ring.

"It\'s so late, it is estimated that Liu Yi will not come back!"

Murongdie continued, "Sister Yuan is so busy and has just got off work. It\'s very tiring, otherwise you should go back to rest early."

"Fortunately, my physical strength is still good, just come over from get off work to see."

Yuan Zhenyue smiled faintly, "It\'s Miss Murong. If she ran out of the house so late, wouldn\'t Murong\'s house be messy?"

"Sorry Sister Yuan is missing."

Murongdie smiled with a hint of cunning, "I greeted my family when I came out."

"Well... It seems that Miss Murong is very worried about Liu Yi, and he will come to see him."

There is something in Yuan Zhenyue\'s words.

"Who would miss that guy!"

Murong Die suddenly whispered, "But it\'s right to come to see him, the two of us... after all, are male and female friends, don\'t sister Yuan know?"


Yuan Zhenyue was startled immediately, "When did it happen?"

"Isn\'t that what happened when I was in college? It\'s still a buzz in our two schools!"

Murongdie\'s expression at that time was called a pride, like a victorious peacock.

"Originally, it was like this..."

Yuan Zhenyue seemed a little sad, but he quickly put away this expression.

Who are you?You are Yuan Zhenyue!

Yuan Zhenyue of the Dragon Group!

Even the bad guys are not afraid, how could she be afraid of the girl in front of her!

Even if it’s a boyfriend or a girlfriend, isn’t it not married yet?

Yuan Zhenyue has been strong for so many years, and it is not easy to meet a boy who can make her love, how can it be so easy to let go!

Yuan Zhenyue gathered courage and said.

"No wonder you came to see him in the middle of the night, but how could he send me a text message saying that he wanted me to fake his girlfriend?"

Yuan Zhenyue has started to fight back.

"it is as expected……"

Murongdie\'s eyes were starting to catch fire, this damn king bastard, obviously he already has a girlfriend, even playing this set!

Merry guy!

Isn\'t it enough to have myself and Wang Yuzheng, but still want to take the harem?

It\'s really abominable!When he comes back, he must take care of him!

"Speaking of this, Liu Yi is also regarded as our colleague."

Yuan Zhenyue said, "Since my colleagues are in trouble, I will naturally come to help myself."

"I\'m all here, will Sister Yue need help?"

"How can this be done? I have to see myself for this kind of thing before I can make other plans?"

Murong Die is very angry, this policewoman spends... It seems that she really wants to pester our family bastard!

How to do this, I must find a way to send her off.

Murongdie just wanted to say something, and footsteps sounded downstairs again.

The two women looked down at the same time and found that it was none other than Liu Yi\'s family.

"Eh, why are you all here?"

When Liu Yi saw the two beautiful women standing in front of her house, Murong Die and Yuan Zhenyue, the white hair sweat suddenly came out.

I got a grass... I thought this text message wasn\'t good...Nima and this are the backlash!

Isn\'t it terrible!

It has become a desperate SMS!

Yuan Zhenyue and Murong Die were delighted to see Liu Yi, but they found a pretty woman standing beside him and immediately got angry.

This guy... in the end to provoke a few women!

"Xiao Yi... who are these?"

Wang Yaru didn\'t expect that his son\'s friend would be two big beauties, even a policeman, and asked in surprise.

"Auntie! My name is Murong Die, your son\'s girlfriend!"

Murongdie quickly made a self-introduction, and said to herself, Miss Ben is the real one!

"You, you are also Xiaoyi\'s girlfriend?"

Wang Yaru is a little stupid, what about Li Biyue?

She didn\'t care about anything else and hurriedly asked the woman in police uniform.

"Here, this comrade, what are you doing here? My son is a law-abiding citizen..."

"Auntie, you are more attentive."

Yuan Zhenyue couldn\'t help laughing, "I am also Liu Yi\'s girlfriend."

Liu Yi almost cried.


Wang Yaru lost his footsteps and nearly fell over.

Liu Yi hurriedly supported her mother, and said to Nima, this big one, isn\'t it funny?

Fluttershy would just say that... after all, the two are indeed boyfriends and girlfriends!

But what happened to Yuan Zhenyue!Isn\'t this going to kill someone?

"Auntie, are you okay!"

"Auntie, I will help you to rest!"

"Auntie, sit down for a while!"

All three women stepped forward, making Wang Yaru feel more dizzy...

What kind of trouble is this?