Love Dependency Disease

863 Chapter 863 Negotiation?

The bamboo house in the bamboo forest is elegant and chic, which reminds Liu Yi of the bamboo house where Ren Yingying and Zhu Linweng live in Xiaoao River and Lake.

"This is where our patriarch lives."

Mo Wang pointed at the bamboo house and said.

"It\'s very chic!"

Liu Yi blurted out, "If I want to retreat in the future, I would also like to get a bamboo house like this. Your patriarch, it seems that I will enjoy it."

"That\'s of course, Lord Sovereign is a man of great taste."

Mo Wang smiled and said, "This place is suitable for our suzerain. You see, the crane on the roof is our suzerain\'s pet."

Keep a crane?

Good fellow, is this guy really the boss of Mozong?

It\'s such a fairy bone!

Just when the two of them had just entered the bamboo house, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the bamboo house.

"Who is close to Yangxinzhai!"

"Return to Sect Master, it\'s me!"

Mo Wang stood in front of the bamboo house, arched his hands and said.

"I\'m sorry to disturb the patriarch\'s meeting with the guests, but my subordinates have important matters to discuss!"

"Oh, it\'s Mohufa."

The voice inside hummed, and then said, "Since it is Mohufa, then you don\'t need to be so polite, come in!"

With that said, the bamboo door of the bamboo house opened by itself.

The silhouettes of two men sat among them.

One of the figures was holding a tea cup in his hand and was about to taste tea. Suddenly he saw Liu Yi outside the door and immediately stood up.

"Liu Yi!"

"Under Liu Yi, I have seen the suzerain."

Liu Yiming knew that the man was from the Qin Emperor\'s Palace, but he didn\'t pay attention to it. Instead, he paid a courtesy to the master of Ruyi Sect.

"It\'s hard to say, hehe, I have long admired Liu Zhenren\'s name. Seeing today, it really is a young hero!"

The patriarch also put down the teacup in his hand and smiled at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi suddenly felt that this guy was not easy to deal with... The more you smile at you, the deeper you are in the Middle East and Tibet!

This old guy, Liu Yi can\'t see it at all, is he good or evil to himself!

Enemy or friend, still to be investigated!

However, Liu Yi had a lot of doubts in his heart, but he still remained calm. "The Sect Master has won the prize. At this point, the reputation is nothing, and the Sect Master\'s magic name is very impressive!"

"Hahaha, those things are never on my mind!"

The Sect Master laughed twice, "There are more people in the world who are known for their reputation, this seat is not among them!"

This old fox, still want to play detachment?

"Sect Master Qiu!"

And the man sitting opposite him, put away the anger just now, and then asked, "Today we have a great talk, why is there such an extra person?"

"Mr. Ding, don\'t worry. Why do you only have a few more people between you and me when tasting tea? Isn\'t it the same?"

The lord of this Ruyi sect is cunning enough, and Liu Yi sees that he doesn’t want to stand up at all now.

After all, he did not understand the strength of both sides, so it would be difficult for him to choose a team in this way.

"Sect Master Qiu, this is a bad word."

Ding looked calm, and said slowly, "As the saying is different, don\'t make a plan! The two of you share the same path, and the others are simply not worthy of talking with us! The return of the Qin Palace now Just around the corner, it has become a foregone conclusion, no matter who it is, it can\'t be changed. Sect Master Qiu, you are a smart person and naturally know what to do."

"Mr. Ding, there seems to be a threat in this sentence."

Qiu Jiqing, the head of the Ruyi Sect, slowly took a sip of the tea in the cup, and then looked at Nading without looking at it, and said dullly.

"This is not a threat, but an advisory."

Ding fiddled with the teacup in front of him, "Sect Master Qiu is a wise man and will naturally figure out the joints in it."

"Is it?"

Qiu Jiqing said with a smile, "But this seat feels that if it seems to cooperate with Liu Zhenren, it may be a choice."

"On him alone? Sect Master Qiu really looks up to him!"

Ding said disdainfully.

"This seems wrong."

Liu Yi finally interjected, "Your so-called rising Qin Palace seems to have four people dead in my hands. Dare to ask you, ten days, how many people are left?"

"Your kid repair is going to be rampant!"

Ding Yinyang said strangely, "I thought that the soldiers who defeated several Qin Palaces are invincible? Tell you, the true power of Qin Palace, you haven\'t seen the tip of the iceberg! These of us are just remnants of a dead soul! The day when the Emperor Qin awakens is the day when you Liu Yi die!"

"It seems that I can live a little longer."

Liu Yi was active for a while, "I\'m worried I can\'t find anyone in your Qin Palace, now you are by my side, it\'s just a gift from God. I have the fifth Qin Palace on my list. Name."

"Want to start?"

Ding\'s eyes turned, "Liu Yi, don\'t be too presumptuous, but this is the Ruyi Sect, not a place where you can come in disorder!"

"Liu Zhenren, maybe you have a deep hatred with the Qin Palace. But here, please bear with me."

Sure enough, Qiu Jiqing said.

After all, here is his Ruyi Sect. If Liu Yi and the people of Qin Palace were to fight against him, it would be bad for his reputation.

By the time, his prestige of Qiu Jiqing is not greatly discounted?

"People in the Qin Palace, when I see them, I won\'t let them go."

Liu Yi\'s attitude this time was very firm, "Sect Master Qiu, please give me a hand."

"Liu Yi, don\'t mess around..."

Mo Wang hurriedly dissuaded him, saying Liu Yi like this, wouldn\'t it be the same as slapping Qiu Jiqing in the face?

Sure enough, Qiu Jiqing was a little unhappy after hearing this.

"Liu Zhenren, this seat respects you as a young hero, but you don\'t even take this seat in your eyes!"

Qiu Jiqing\'s eyes flashed sharply, and the sympathetic middle-aged uncle seemed to disappear in an instant.

This old devil...acted the real image, which one is his true face.

"This is a bad word."

Liu Yi waved his hand, "I have always admired Sect Master Qiu, and I believe Sect Master Qiu is a good partner who can cooperate. But now I have changed my impression because Sect Master Qiu is not only irrational, but he has done things that make me very disappointed! Negotiations at the palace are tantamount to seeking skins with a tiger!"

"What do you want from this seat, it\'s not your turn to control this outsider!"

Qiu Jiqing snorted.

"I don\'t want to control it, nor will I."

Liu Yi bowed his hand, "However, it is up to you to decide what you are doing!"

After that, his eyes fell on Ding.

Ding suddenly shivered, Nima, said that not afraid of Liu Yi is impossible!

This guy, Liu Yi, was used as a pawn by Qin Huanggong before. As a result, this guy got rid of it, not only broke away from Qin Huanggong\'s control, but even killed a few ten days of Qin Huanggong!

Such a thing, Ding felt that it should only appear in mythology!

But now this is the fact, the fact that Ding can\'t believe!

He is a wise man in the Qin Palace, and even strong men like Ren Ren and Geng have died in his hands... What about being a hairy oneself?

"Sect Master Qiu, he didn\'t take you into consideration at all!"

Ding immediately transferred the contradiction out and tried to provoke a war between Liu Yi and Ruyi Sect.

"Liu Zhenren, this one hates violence most."

Sect Master Qiu continued to pretend, "How about sitting down and having a drink? If there is anything, is it better to talk about it?"

"Since that is the case, then give Sect Master Qiu a face, and talk about it."

Liu Yi suddenly turned his eyes and then sat down.

Ding was shocked, he did not expect that this kid actually agreed to negotiate!

He wanted to use Liu Yi\'s insistence to fight him with Ruyi Zong, so he could take advantage of the fisherman himself!

Unexpectedly...Nima doesn\'t play cards according to the routine!

"How does this make..."

Ding seemed to want to object, but Qiu Jiqing choked him back with a word.

"Mr. Ding, wouldn\'t you not give this seat a little thin face?"

If you don’t give it, then I’m afraid Ruyi Zong could really stand up to Liu Yi!

The Qin Palace is still re-emerging and cannot be enemies from all sides!

When the Qin Emperor comes back to life, who dares not rise and fall?

By that time, everyone will be a slave of Qin Huang!

For that moment, why don\'t you forgive the moment now!

"Okay, let\'s talk about it!"

Ding touched his teacup, "Our Qin Palace also hopes to have more allies and fewer enemies. If Liu Zhenren can cooperate with us, I think it would be better."


With a sneer, Liu Yi can rely on the Qin Palace to hold my nails?

This Ding Chengfu is not bad, it seems not very easy to deal with.

But the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, no matter how dark the nattin was, he had to find a way to deal with it!

"Our Qin imperial palace came to Ruyi Sect this time just to form an alliance with Ruyi Sect."

Ding sat there and slowly threw his bait. "Sect Master Qiu, Ruyi Zong is so powerful, but he is still subject to some decent deeds such as Xiao Xiao, what is the reason? I am very optimistic about Sect Master Qiu Ruyi Sect with Sect Master Qiu. If we cooperate, when Sovereign Emperor Qin ascends to the throne, the Sect Master Qiu will be appointed as the Master of the Guardian of our Qin Palace.

"This condition sounds very generous."

Qiu Jiqing sat there, undecided.And Mo Wang stood behind him and pouted his mouth, obviously disdainful.

"The Qin Palace will return to the mortal world sooner or later. At that time, not only the mortal world, the entire Six Realms, and even the Nine Chongtian will be ours! Sect Master Qiu, is your ambition limited to this small Ruyi Sect?

Liu Yi\'s inner secret was so powerful, this Ding\'s remarks pierced Qiu Jiqing\'s heart!This Qiu Jiqing...... If you don\'t do it, you will be perturbed. You really have a cooperation with Qin Palace.

In this way... it is not good for our alliance!

Liu Yi rolled his eyes, raised the teacup, and interjected.