Love Dependency Disease

862 862 Ruyi Sect

What Mo forgets most about him is not the world\'s villas, nor his father, but his sister Moran.

Moran was brought up by Mo Wang from small to large.

As the owner of the world\'s villa, my father was so busy with the affairs of the villa that he never asked Moran.Therefore, Mo Wang said that he was an elder brother. In fact, he was more like a dad. He took care of Moran until he grew up.

So the feelings between the two brothers and sisters are also quite deep, until Mo Wang sees through the true face of the decent and falls to the demon.

"How dare you not be responsible for my sister, even if Mo Mou is a crushed bone, today you must let you know the lesson!"

Mo Wang said, urging his black smoke into hundreds of black generals, waving his halberd, and rushed towards Liu Yi.

This Ruyi mentality is indeed a bit powerful, it is worthy of the martial art of Ruyi Sect.

However, Liu Yi was not timid, even if Jiuyang Divine Power was not used, the strength of Mo Wang\'s strength was far worse than him.

Now he has completely recovered four Sunsuan without any enhancement method, and his strength has also broken through the heavens.

Use the ice and fire armor alone, Jin Wu real body, his own strength can reach the beginning of 24 stars.

Using the Divine Change alone, your own strength can also reach the beginning of the twenty-four stars.

So compared to it, Ice Fire Armor is more practical than Tenjin.Because the Ice Fire Armor requires less mana and lasts longer than the Divine Transformation.

However, the real cow fork is the simultaneous use of two methods!

The two methods are applied at the same time, and the strength is directly chasing the middle of 25 stars!

With the addition of the Excalibur Bodyguard and the Nine Yang Chain, your own strength can also reach the end of 25 stars!

This kind of strength is completely ok in the human world!

Even when facing the Sea Ghost Emperor again, Liu Yi does not need other souls to help, and he can completely clean up by himself!

It seems that when I send an invitation letter, I get a lot of benefits.

Moreover, he also captured the soul of the Qin imperial palace and kept it in the ghost ring.

Liu Yi didn\'t plan to release him for questioning too early, let him suffer in the ghost ring first, and then talk!

But for now, let\'s solve the immediate crisis first!

"Dharma Body!"

Liu Yi\'s body was shocked, and he was exactly the same as him, but the dazzling golden body flew out from behind him.

This method is more than three meters tall, with three heads and six arms!

Two of the arms were holding two Divine Fire Swords, two arms were holding a rifled gilt, two hands holding a multicolored chain in one hand, and the other holding a black imperial axe!

Such a magic body, holding various magic weapons, and wrapped in ice and fire armor, can be said to be armed to the teeth!

"This, this is the law of the daughter country?"

Seeing this, Mo Wang was also shocked.

"How do you know the law of your daughter\'s country? Is this their body?"

Between the speeches, the three-headed, six-armed dharma body had destroyed the desolate land, and all the black generals who were close to him were smashed into shattered smoke.

This dharma body is too special, too cruel!

Even if the people from the daughter country come, there is no such fierce dharma body!

How is this possible!

This young man seems to be younger than himself, but he has such mana.

The last time I met him, I was shocked by his strength... This time, he didn\'t seem to know how much he had grown!

How did he practice... Did he eat Dali pills?

If there is such a powerful panacea in this world, then the world’s immortals will not be mad!

I really want to know how this guy practices, Nima!

In a blink of an eye, all the generals who had been smashed into their own dreams were smashed to ashes.

This is the gap widening?

"Senior Mo, we might as well say..."

"Liu Yi, you are too rampant!"

Mo Wang was very uncomfortable and unwilling, and immediately yelled, "Don\'t think that you are invincible, Mo Mou is going to give all his strength today!"

With that, Mo Wang growled, and suddenly the purple gold gourd hanging around his waist suddenly fell and fell to the ground.

The purple gold gourd started to grow bigger in a blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye it became a big gourd with a height of one person.

Then the billowing black smoke erupted from the gourd, and the black smoke flew into the air, turning into a majestic giant tiger in a blink of an eye!

This tiger was more than ten meters long, extremely powerful, and immediately fell to Liu Yi, overwhelming him.

But at this time, Liu Yi\'s dharma body turned around, throwing an arm out of the chain in his hand, locking it to the tiger\'s neck, and then dragging down, directly dragging the tiger to the ground.

The ground was smashed and the tiger screamed.

Dharma continued to carry two Shenhuo swords, and waved his hand away from the tiger\'s head.

The tiger was torn apart and turned into dozens of black snakes in a blink of an eye, competing for Liu Yi.

"Senior Mo is really persevering!"

Liu Yi smiled, and then held up the gilt rifles in two hands and two hands, and stabbed hard on the ground in front of him.

A red-red thunderbolt spewed out, smashing all the black snakes.

The Thunder of Judgment is extremely domineering, and dealing with these black snakes is of no use.

After the black snake was smashed, it turned into countless black locusts in the blink of an eye, and continued to pounce on Liu Yi, as if he wanted to devour Liu Yi into a skeleton.

The imperial axe in the dharma body immediately transformed into an imperial shield, which was more than four meters high, like a huge door.

When Fashen was put forward, he immediately protected Liu Yi with the big shield.

The locusts hit the emperor\'s shield and were knocked out.

The Imperial Shield defenses are very powerful, and they simply cannot break through.

But the locust turned around, intending to attack Liu Yi from all directions.

Liu Yi smiled, stretched out his hand, and slapped it on the Emperor Shield.

Nine Yang Divine Power was poured into it, and then erupted from the shield.

The entire Emperor Shield shone with dazzling golden light, shining like those of the sun on those black locusts.

The locusts were immediately burned to ashes by the sun.

"Fuck! Are you invincible!"

Don\'t forget to grind your teeth, your attack has no effect at all!

"Senior Mo, let\'s talk about it."

Liu Yi once again persuaded.

"Talk to the other person\'s body!"

Mo Wang gritted his teeth and showed all his skills.

His thick smoke flew over and wrapped his body.

The smoke kept changing shape and then piled up, and soon, a huge black devil stood up.

This guy is more than ten meters high, very huge, and resembles a human shape, and the shape is somewhat like a cattle, demon, fire and beast living in the magma sea.

A pair of horns above the head, four arms, and a oxtail dragging behind the buttocks.


Mo Wang, who turned into a giant spirit, growled, then shouted.

"Liu Yi, come here!"

With that said, he jumped high and thought of Liu Yi stepping over.


The ground suddenly trembled, and it kept shaking.

Layers of cracks appeared throughout the ground and spread out in all directions.

And Liu Yi stood in front of this Mo Wang, unmoved.

As if the ground was still stable, Liu Yi sighed slightly with his arms folded.

"Senior Mo, why do you insist on fighting?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Let\'s talk nonsense and say it again! Momou wants to avenge her sister!"

With that said, four huge fists smashed down, and it seemed that Liu Yi was going to be smashed into meat.

"Since that\'s the case, I\'m welcome!"

Liu Yi said, reaching out, releasing the small Tai Chi, constantly floating in front of Liu Yi\'s palm, and then rotating.

This little Tai Chi turned faster and faster, and was released by Liu Yi.


Like a meteor rushing to the moon, the flying sword immediately passed through Mo Wang\'s arm, and then pierced his chest.

The huge demon immediately began to shatter, and then Mo Wang\'s figure fell from inside.

"Damn... why not..."

Mo Wang knelt half on the ground, his face did not believe it.

"Mo Mou has been practicing for so many years... the talent is so high... why is it not at all an opponent of your kid... how did you practice, tell me!"

"This... some luck..."

Liu Yi didn\'t know how to explain it, anyway, he was also confused, and had to fight for a few times to win the whole body!

Mo Wang may have experienced some things, but he did not experience much more than himself.

"Senior Mo, I think there is some misunderstanding between us."

Liu Yi hurriedly said, "There is really nothing between me and Moran. The two of us may have some feelings... But, I have never slept with her!"

"Have you never slept?"

Mo Wang blinked several times before saying, "Really, haven\'t I slept?"

"Really never slept!"

Liu Yi raised three fingers, "There is nothing to lie about this kind of thing, Moran and I haven\'t reached this point yet!"

"Did I guess wrong?"

Mo forgetted, "Shouldn\'t... Mo shouldn\'t have guessed his sister\'s thoughts!"

"I\'m relying on it, I guess with you!"

Liu Yiqi\'s terrible, for so long a day, it turned out that this sister accused of neurosis!

I rely on, why do you want such a sister control!

What a terrible daddy!

"As an older brother... I think... yes, I should know my sister..."

Mo Wanggan laughed twice, and Liu Yi wanted to scold his mother.

What the hell are you talking about?

There was a fight somehow!

"Then you can always take me to see your overlord now?"

Liu Yi asked.

"Good, Momou will take you here."

Mo Wang nodded a little embarrassedly, and then extended his hand, "Sovereign Lord is here, please follow me."

After talking, led Liu Yi, turned and walked towards a bamboo forest.

Liu Yi had no choice but to see the suzerain anyway.

He followed Mo Wang and walked into the bamboo forest all the way.

The bamboo forest is very quiet, the wind blowing bamboo and wood, with a rustling sound.

"It\'s quite secluded here..."

Liu Yi said, "It really doesn\'t seem to be a place where the boss of the Mozong should live."

"Or where do you live, slaughterhouse?"

Mo Wang laughed.

At this time, a small bamboo house appeared in front of Liu Yi.