Love Dependency Disease

851 Chapter 851: Damn Toad

A moonlight immediately shone down and hit the corpse that had been split in half.

"Want to escape?"

This time Liu Yi has made sufficient preparations so that these people in the Qin Palace will not escape again!

"Sword protector!"

He released his hands and released six Excaliburs. These six Excaliburs appeared on top of the body of the corpse.

The magic sword blocked Moonlight for a while, so that Moonlight could not shine on Na Yi\'s body.


Liu Yi again cast a demon sword technique, grabbed Na Yi\'s soul, and took it into his own hands.

"What, me, my soul!"

B found that he could not escape smoothly, but was caught by Liu Yi, and he was so shocked that he was so distracted.

Moonlight is their last means of escape, and it is now invalid!

"There was a chatter here, do you want to escape now?"

Liu Yi looked at the little soul in his hand and sneered.

At this time, B\'s body seemed to be compressed into a small villain, standing on his palm.

"What are you going to do to me, let me go, or the Qin Palace will not spare you!"

"Is the Qin Palace the old one before?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help laughing, "Don\'t be funny, there must be a battle between me and Qin Palace, killing you, but also solving an enemy!"

"I won\'t die! You can\'t kill me!"

"It\'s up to you!"

Liu Yi said, Guiling launched.

He didn\'t have any spells to search for souls, so he had to send this guy to Xiao Tai Chi and make sacrifices for him.

"Don\'t... don\'t kill me!"

B discovered that the seemingly flat sword had a terrible sucking force on it, and seemed to devour his soul. Yes, he was immediately terrified.

"Don\'t kill me, me, I don\'t want to die!"

B kept pleading.

"Don\'t want to die, then give me everything I want!"

Liu Yi\'s eyes narrowed and frightened.

Although this B is proud, it seems to be very afraid of death!

If you can take advantage of this, you may be able to formulate what you want!

But now is not the time to ask questions. Liu Yi took out the ghost ring, and B was trembling directly.

"Ghost Ring... This, why is this ring in your hands?"

"Oh? Did you recognize this warning?"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help asking with a smile.

"Why, why don\'t you know... this is Ren\'s ring!"

Yi couldn\'t help trembling, "Ren that damn guy...betrayed Qin Huang, and stole Qin Huang\'s ghost ring! You, you really killed him!"

"It was him who sought death."

"What are you doing with this ring..."

"Give you a place to stay first."

Liu Yi felt that his smile was a bit gloomy.

But in order to hit the Qin Palace, it doesn\'t matter if it\'s a bad guy.

"Don\'t let me go in, no!"

Yilian shook his head again and again, his eyes full of terror.

"Go in and say hi to those ghosts in your Qin Palace."

Liu Yi said, stuffing Yi into the ghost ring.

At the same time, Master Hiroshi, who had become a blood man, cried directly.

Nima!Even their master was killed!

Why is this Liu Yi so natural!

Master\'s overbearing characters have now turned into souls of death!

"Okay, now it\'s your turn, monk."

Liu Yi wore a ghost ring and turned her head to look at Master Hong. "You see you are like this. No one, no ghost, no ghost. What\'s the point of being alive? Obediently reincarnate as your animal. "

"Come on!"

Master Hiroshi took off at his feet, and he turned and fled.

"Where to go?"

Liu Yi laughed, and a chain flew out behind him, entangled in Master Hong that time.


Master Ji Hong was dragged back to the ground by Liu Yi and smashed into a big pit.

"Damn stinky monk, where are you going!"

"No one from the Tianque faction can leave!"

The female warriors of the daughter\'s kingdom gathered around them, enclosing Master Hiroshi and the people of the Tianque faction.

"Princess, how to deal with them, please order!"

Qiu Han let these queen guards hold the Tianque faction, lest they escape.

"Kill these guys!"

Yue Qing\'er said angrily, "These people broke into the daughter\'s country, ruined my nine-day god fire rod, and also violated my daughter\'s people! The sin is unforgivable!

"Yes, kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The beauties of the daughter country all shouted, and the eyes looking at the Tianque faction were full of badness.

I am afraid that these sisters, those who hate Tianque Palace hate to die.

"Sure enough, there is no good thing for the Tianque faction!"

Qiu Han carried the dagger in his hand and placed it on the neck of a Tianque school man. "Just get you the knife first!"

"Who dares to move my gods!"

It was at this time that he didn\'t know where the toad swallowed the goose, and ran back in embarrassment.

After eating Liu Yi\'s palm, the toad has a swollen nose and a swollen face.

"You can\'t help yourself, and are you worried about your Tianque faction?"

Qiu Han asked coldly.

"In short...Dao Ye is here, and you are not allowed to move the sky!"

Toad is not serious, he knows that Tianque faction is everything for him!

If there is no Tianque faction, then the Qin imperial palace will abandon him...

Without the antidote given by the Qin Palace, he would die if he swallowed his goose sooner or later!

"Well, let me get you on the road first!"

Qiu Han carried the dagger, and the sword was cut towards the toad\'s head.

"No, no!"

Just then, a woman rushed out and stopped in front of Qiu Han.

"Wang Fang, what are you doing?"

Qiu Han asked her when she saw her.

"Courageous, have you forgotten your identity?"

"Elder Qiu, yes, sorry..."

The woman cried with tears, "I, I\'m already his man...Birth is his, death is his ghost, can not watch him die..."

"You, you unworthy thing, have you forgotten the national training of our daughter country?"

"I, I never forgot...I\'m sorry you, sorry princess..."

Wang Fang knelt on the ground and cried into tears.

"To kill, just kill me first..."

"You, you uncomfortable thing!"

Qiu Han\'s body was shaking.

"Hand over the Queen Real Stone immediately!"

At this moment, the head of the swallow goose stepped forward, grabbed a peach sword and put it on Wang Fang\'s neck.

"Otherwise, I killed her!"

"Chong, Brother Chong..."

Wang Fang looked at Toad with shock in his eyes.

"You, you treated me like this..."

"Ha ha ha, stupid woman, do you think Dao I really love you?"

Toad laughed all the time, his face was proud.

"Dao Dao and you are just for fun! You stupid woman who still believes in love is ridiculous!"

"you you……"

Wang Fang trembled, and his tears fell down.

She did not expect that the only man she had trusted would turn around and hurt her.

"Toad, you are too shameless!"

Qiu Han\'s eyes widened.

"Damn stinky man! Damn it!"

Yue Qing\'er carried two magic swords, which were intertwined.

Everyone in the daughter\'s country is going to be mad, this toad is simply abominable!

"Then you come to kill Dao Ye, come!"

Toad is fearless, "As long as you dare to move, Dao Ye, I will kill this woman!"

"You, you are too shameless!"

"Toad, let\'s release our Wang Fang!"

The soldiers of the daughter country are all angry, and the anger can burn half of the sky!

"Let her go? Dreaming! If you don\'t hand over the Queen Real Stone, she will only die!"

Seeing all this, Liu Yi couldn\'t help but sigh.

"Wang Fang, do you still love this man now?"


Blood burst into the corner of Wang Fang\'s eyes, "I do love this man...but...I love the wrong person."

She said, turning her head slowly, glancing at Toad a little bit miserably.

"Chong Ge... We can\'t live together... Then die together..."

After Wang Fang finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed the magic sword and then stabbed it into his chest.

The sword penetrated her chest and then penetrated into the body of the toad.

"Wang Fang!"

"Wang Fang, you are crazy!"

The people of the daughter\'s country were shocked suddenly, and then they cried together.

The toad bleeds from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes are shocked.

"You... you dare to kill Dao Ye!"

"Let\'s die together...hope the next life...we can be a good person together..."

Bleeding in Wang Fang\'s mouth, he fell slowly.


Although Toad was stabbed with a sword, he was still alive. He seemed to know that something was wrong and wanted to escape as soon as he turned around.

"Who made you run away!"

As soon as Liu Yi shook his hand, the sky suddenly dropped a Shenhuo sword, directly penetrating Toad\'s body, and nailed him to the ground.


The toad spouted a sip of blood, and then pulled out the Shenhuo sword on his back in awkward motion, crawling and trying to leave.

Who doesn’t want to survive?At this time, there is a strong survival psychology in the heart of Swallow Goose!

"Swallow the goose, you have committed such a crime, do you still want to go?"

Liu Yi was also annoyed in his heart. Such a man should be killed!

"Who can kill Dao Ye!"

Toad roared, and suddenly his body turned into a huge green light.

In a blink of an eye, he reappeared as a dark green toad.

This time became a real toad, this guy more than ten meters in size, exuded a bad smell on his body, so that the girls present were covering their noses.

"Ah... it smells..."

"God... why is it so stinky!"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but want to vomit. Nima is a toad or a bug!


The giant toad opened his mouth, a black tongue flew out directly, and rolled towards the princess!

The female soldiers were shocked!

Who is that princess?The daughter of the daughter\'s country now, just lost all its mana due to an accident!

She couldn\'t cope with the toad\'s attack!


Fortunately, Liu Yi was still by her side. His palm fell, and a golden godfire sword once again fell into the sky, nailed to the toad\'s tongue.


The giant toad groaned in pain, and the pus on the back cracked, ejecting several venoms and heading towards the princess again.