Love Dependency Disease

850 Chapter 850

During the speech, Master Hiroshi began to pinch the spell on both hands, and then hit the staff.

The staff continually burst out with dazzling golden light, and soon, blossoming flame lotuses bloomed on the staff.

One, two, three...

"Nine Sky God\'s Fire Stick, Nine Flame Lotus..."

Princess Huarong lost her color, and cold sweat trickled down her forehead. "If these nine days of god fire are released...the whole daughter country will become a ruin..."

In front of her, there was a scene where nine red lotus flowers in the sky slowly fell towards the ground.

Just like the explosion of nine atomic bombs, huge clouds of black mushrooms, glowing with red flames, quickly rushed into the sky.

Heaven and earth changed their colors, and the waves of fire swallowed everything!

This was when a monster organization wanted to invade his daughter\'s country. Tang Sanzang held up the Jiutianshen fire stick and cast this spell.

That monster and their country of existence instantly became history.

This is a memory passed down from mother to mother...

Although the princess has no mana, she has a unique ability to peep into the memories of others.

Even if the queen turned into a stone, her memory could still be seen by herself.

Nine Sky Divine Fire... This spell is too powerful.Really spread out, with the power of Master Hiroshi, I am afraid that the daughter country will turn into dust!

"You just wait to die! The Queen Real Stone belongs to Lord Buddha!"

Master Hiroshi’s eyes were red, and he laughed again and again, and there were already six flame lotus flowers. When nine flowers gathered, the spell was activated.

"Want to use Jiutian Shenhuoshu? Ask me before I talk!"

Standing in front of the Brahma knot interface, Liu Yi clenched his fists.

"How can I take Lord Buddha?"

Master Hiroshi didn\'t even care about Liu Yi\'s words, "None of you can break this Brahma enchantment! Wait for the end to come!"

During the speech, Liu Yi took a deep breath, and then slapped hard on the Brahma Enchantment.

The whole Brahma enchantment suddenly shivered!

The waves above are layer after layer, and a huge gravure appears slowly.

"Useless, you can\'t break..."

Without waiting for Master Hong\'s words to finish, Brahma Enchantment suddenly groaned, and then the entire enchantment twisted, and Liu Yi\'s palm had completely broken this barrier!

Day Yao Palm?Breaking the military!

With a palm dedicated to breaking the enchantment, Brahma\'s enchantment is also vulnerable under Liu Yi\'s full-strength attack!


Master Hiroshi was almost scared to pee, this man actually broke the Brahma enchantment!

How can it be!This is the triumphant method of Tang Sanzang!

He relied on this barrier to protect his daughter\'s country for more than a thousand years!

It was broken by this man right now!

"You, who the hell are you!"

Master Hiroshi shivered all over, urinating with urgency!

Can do this... It seems that it is only the level of his master...

"Well, since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you with compassion."

Liu Yi withdrew his palm, embraced his arm, and said, "My surname is Liu, and I have a single name."

"Liu, you turned out to be Liu Yi!"

Master Hiroshi was really scared this time!

"Impossible! Liu Yiming was hit by my master\'s moon dream in the palm of the sky, impossible to be alive!"

"This kind of thing, just ask your master."

Liu Yi said that his body appeared in front of Master Hiroshi, and then raised his foot high, like a battle axe, splitting on Master Hiroshi\'s head.


Master Hiroshi\'s body was directly blasted into the ground, the staff fell down, and Liu Yi was caught in his hand.

"Is this the Jiutian God Fire Stick?"

In order to feel the surging power in this staff, the Buddha\'s power is really strong.

Holding this staff, Liu Yi felt like he was holding a big Buddha!

Tang Sanzang\'s strength does seem to be the same as that of cattle... but his magic weapon has such power!

He himself, how strong is that?

At that time, he did not become a Buddha, and his strength was a crossover.Later, he became a Buddha, and his strength should have entered the ranks of several heavens!

This guy is also his enemy... but he promised Qing\'er to beat Tang Sanzang\'s guilty man.

Looks like a difficult task again!

"You are done, you are really done!"

Unexpectedly, the monk was not dead yet, struggling to get up from the ground, "Your death is coming soon!"

"If you can kill me, come!"

Liu Yi ticked his finger at the monk, "However, if you can\'t kill me, you should fall into samsara!"

"Buddha, I won\'t fall into samsara!"

The big monk suddenly growled, and then Qiqiao began to bleed.

Nima, what rhythm is this?

Liu Yi is a little confused. Is there any evil way?

But at this time, the sky was suddenly overcast with clouds, and it was still daylight, as if it was some kind of magic spell, the sun disappeared and the moon quietly rose and hung in the sky.

Is this the Moon Dream mentality?

And the skin on the body of Master Hiroshi in front of him began to ulcerate a little bit. It was originally a white and tender monk, and now it is no different from a rotten zombie.

It seems that for this method, this guy does not hesitate to sacrifice his own body!

A moonlight shone down, and a man\'s figure came out from the moonlight.

"What\'s the matter with using forbidden technique to be a teacher?"

The man asked.

"Master... Tu\'er, Tu\'er is ashamed of Master... this time, the plan failed..."

Although Master Hiroshi\'s body was broken, he was still able to speak freely, but the voice was full of fear!


The man growled, "Failed? You still have a face to see me!"

"Master...but, but the one who defeated the disciples is Liu Yi..."

"Bullshit, Liu Yi has already won the dream of being a teacher, and the palm of the moon is back to heaven. How can it be alive..."

When the man said this, his eyes finally fell on Liu Yi\'s body, and his body suddenly shuddered, apparently not surprised!

"It seems that the culprit has finally been found."

Liu Yi moved his muscles and looked at the man on the opposite side, "Ping Bai was beaten for so long without reason, and I still had a belly fire!"

"Hum, is it up to you?"

The man hugged his arms and snorted proudly, "I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time!"

"Don\'t you report your name before killing me?"

Liu Yi wants to test out the identity of this person.

He has already killed three in ten days. Who is this guy?

"My name, it\'s okay to tell you!"

This person\'s eyes are full of confidence, it seems that Liu Yi is already a dead person in his eyes.

"I\'m B in ten days. I didn\'t kill you the last time, this time you sent it yourself! Okay! Let me solve you completely!"

With that, Yi\'s left hand lifted the sky, a mountain in the distance was separated from the ground, and then flew to the sky here in a blink of an eye, thinking that Liu Yi was heading down!

Moon dream mentality, move mountains to fill the sea!

This method is really against the sky, and Liu Yi is a little itchy in her heart, if you will be fine!

Although it is said that greed is not chewing... but who is so against the sky, who doesn\'t want to learn!

You only need to learn the essence, and then combine it with your own Jiuyang Divine Power!

But now it seems that there is no time to think about it. The mountain has been pressed down with a slap of his head, and Liu Yi can be pressed into a slime in the blink of an eye.

However, this is not the first time that Liu Yi has faced this kind of law. He doesn’t even care about the Five Finger Mountain of the Living Buddha, not to mention such an ordinary mountain without mana.


Liu Yi stretched out his hand directly and used his one hand to hold the mountain that is hundreds of meters high.

"This thing is not fun, give it back to you!"

With that said, Liu Yi let go.

The whole mountain slammed towards Yi.

"Great strength!"

Surprised, B stretched out his hands and controlled the big mountain in front of him with the moon dream of both hands.

"But what\'s the use of strength?"

B said, his hands continually posed in the air.

The huge mountain began to tremble, and the stones on it were constantly peeled off!

This month\'s dream mentality turned out to be like the hand of God, and soon changed the shape of the big mountain to something else!

The mountain turned into a huge triangle, and below the triangle were all spiky boulders!

If this thing is to fall now, even if it is a giant, it will be pierced into a hedgehog!

"Look at how you resist this time!"

Yi Ha ha laughed, and Liu Yi raised his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Sun Sword!"

He reached out and grabbed a big golden-red sword in his hand.

At the same time, this big sword is long when it meets the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it has become a flaming sword almost 100 meters long!

"What... this, is this Yuehua Sword?"

B couldn\'t believe his eyes. Did this kid use the same method as Yuehuajian?

This is impossible!


Liu Yi shouted, and then the big sword in his hand slashed!

The spiked mountain above his head was immediately divided into two by his Sun Flame Sword, and at the same time the Flame Sword continued to fall towards the opposite Yi!

"Stop me!"

B was shocked, and quickly reached out his hands to control, using the moon dream mind method to stop the huge Sun Flame Sword at a position within half a meter above his head.

Yan Jian shivered continuously, like a beast, trying to break through B\'s limit.

And B was so sweaty that he vaguely felt that the kid on the opposite side was stronger than himself!

"It\'s\'s absolutely impossible..."

Just a chess piece, why is it stronger than him?

He is the second in ten days!

"There are more impossible things! You attacked my palm before, I will give you back now!"

Liu Yi said that two groups of golden awns broke out in his eyes, and the sun lines appeared faintly behind him, and nine golden chains floated with him!

Riyan Jian directly broke through B\'s Moon Dream mentality, cut it from the top of his head, split his body in half, and then split the ground in two!

A deep ditch nearly 100 meters long appeared on the ground like this!