Love Dependency Disease

849 849 This monk is too arrogant

Although the goddess\' body is huge, but without the support of the Jiutian God\'s fire stick, it is vulnerable and pitiful.

The goddess stood among the crowd and resisted the fallen buddha with her body.

But the bergamot just paused a little, and crushed the goddess\' body, and then continued to fall.

All female warriors flashed a desperate look in their eyes. At this time, they seemed to be really dead.

But at this time, Liu Yi\'s body suddenly swelled to more than two meters high, and then used his body to replace the goddess, resisting this huge buddha.


Master Hiroshi saw that someone could catch his buddha with his body, and his eyes were almost startled.

"Break me!"

Liu Yi roared and released Jiuyang Divine Power on both hands.

Suddenly, the bergamot shattered directly into a little golden starlight, scattered everywhere.

Master Hiroshi shivered a little, and the chief swallower beside him wanted to bite his tongue and shouted in panic.

"Well, how is this possible! Brother holding Jiutianshen fire stick, there are still people who can crack your Buddha\'s power!"

"Buddha? But it\'s just an evil Buddha!"

Liu Yi laughed, "Can you also call it Buddha? Let me see, what is the real Buddha power!"

With that, the dazzling golden light shone on his body, and all the nine-yang divine power in his body was transformed into Buddha power!

There is a golden body in Liu Yi\'s body, which was close to the Buddha. Now it is completely changed to the Buddha\'s power, which directly lights up a golden circle behind his head!

Nine golden lotus flowers, constantly rotating around his body!

Bao Xiang was solemn, and a lot of people almost bowed down to Liu Yi for a time!

There seemed to be a Sanskrit Buddha sound echoing in the sky, so that everyone became clear and spiritual, and piety slowly grew from the bottom of my heart.

Many days the priests of the Que school directly knelt down and folded their hands at Liu Yi.

"You, what are you doing?"

Master Hiroshi watched that the people of the Tianque faction had fallen to his knees, and even his master\'s brother, the swallow goose, said that he knelt down and immediately asked in amazement.

"From today, I will convert to my Buddha..."

The big eyes that swallowed the goose were filled with piety towards the heart of the Buddha, and said slowly, "I was so wrong in the past, I will put down the butcher knife, and the blue light will be my companion...

"Damn, wake me up!"

Master Hiroshi shocked Liu Yi\'s Buddha\'s power while swelling his own strength and roared.

This sound, with the power to wash the Lingtai, immediately awakened those who were sent by the Tianque School.

"Ah, me, what\'s wrong with me!"

"Why is there a thought to become a monk!"

Everyone exclaimed, and Liu Yi smiled with his arms clasped, "Your men finally want to devote themselves to repairing the Buddha. How can you stop them?"

"Obviously you are confusing them again! Why do you guys have such a strong Buddha power!"

"Everything in the world can become a Buddha, but you cannot be a Buddha!"

Liu Yi’s eyes were aggressive and fell on Master Hiroshi, "Because your heart is not right, it is evil! The reason you planted is evil! The evil cause does not bear good fruit, and you can only die. You will even fall into the realm of animals to repay the cause you planted!"

"Buddha is a real Buddha, how can he fall into samsara! There is less nonsense!"

Master Jihong didn\'t believe Liu Yi\'s words at all, and the head of the swallowing goose next to him couldn\'t help it.

"Mal Gobi, this kid dare to confuse Dao, Brother, let Brother solve him for you!"

With that said, the swallowing goose grabbed a peach wood sword in his hand, and stab him towards Liu Yi.

At the same time, he took out a spell and put it on his forehead.

"Tai Shang Lao Jun, anxious as a decree! Nezha real man, quickly get on me!"

Swallowing the goose and using the Taoist magic technique, he invited Nezha upper body of the fairy world!

Suddenly, a golden light fell from the sky and hit him.

The head of the swallowing goose immediately grew three heads and six arms, each holding a red tassel in his hand, mixed with Tianya and Qiankun circle.

"Just let you see what I know is my master!"

Swallowing Goose Road grew up laughing and flew to Liu Yi.

"Oops... this is Nezha, a real person..."

"That toad can even invite such a fairy!"

Qiu Han and several female elders were shocked.

"Big, you have to be careful!"

Yue Qing\'er worried about Liu Yi\'s safety and quickly reminded.

"Relax, this kind of carving insects can\'t hurt me."

While talking, Liu Yi withdrew his own Buddha power and converted back to Jiuyang Divine Power.

The mana to swallow the goose is only 21 stars. For Liu Yi, it is poor and pitiful.

He didn\'t even need to open the black and white border, he just saw through the opponent\'s offensive trajectory.

Swallowing the goose, three heads and six arms, has not been able to hit Liu Yi, Liu Yi has been facing him directly.

"Dai Yaori Palm? Disillusionment!"


The sound of air fluctuations!

Liu Yi\'s palm was directly shot on the body of the goose who swallowed the goose. This guy suddenly turned into a cannonball, was blasted out of a few hundred meters, and finally disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Why, what..."

Liu Yi hugged his arm again, his palm came out very fast, almost everyone didn\'t realize that the man had moved, and their swallowing the goose was disappeared without a trace...

What is this mana?

"Swallow the goose..."

Master Hiroshi squeezed his staff, and his heart shook.

His strength of 22 stars barely saw Liu Yi shot.

Fly your own brother and sister with a palm... such a thing, you can\'t even do it yourself...

A man who has just been abused by himself... Why did he become so strong in the blink of an eye?

Or, is this his real skill?

The people in the daughter\'s country are also shocked. This man is so strong... How did he practice?

"It\'s so boring, let\'s go together!"

Liu Yi hooked his finger at the people of the Tianque school.

"Too rampant, take him down!"

Master Hiroshi roared.

As a result, none of the Tianque factions moved.

"Can\'t you hear, come on! Take him down!"

Master Hiroshi roared again.

" could we be opponents..."

"Yeah, even our master was defeated..."

The priests of the Tianque school were now soft eggs, shaking their heads like rattles.

"Go on your own! We can\'t!"

" go... we cheer for you!"

"Damn it, a bunch of waste!"

Master Hiroshi almost vomited blood, and this group of bastards became deserters in the blink of an eye!

"Very good, then let Foye I take action to solve you personally! Fofa\'s mana is not something you can bear!"

With that said, he stretched out his staff and pointed at Liu Yi\'s void.

With the power of the Nine Heavens God\'s fire stick, plus his mana, the Moon Dream Mind is released!

Liu Yi\'s eyes were sharp, and this guy wanted to control his body with the Moon Dream mentality!

Just like the sea ghost emperor did to himself!

But Liu Yi will no longer let this happen!

"Nine Yang Divine Power!"

He roared and flew nine golden suns behind him!

Soon, nine rounds of sun turned into golden light and fell on Liu Yi!

He imitated his daughter\'s unique dharma body and created his new ability!

Nine golden chains protruded from his clothes and hung on the ground.

Liu Yi\'s power is a little special. It can\'t be like the women in her daughter\'s country, who put the dharmakaya into a feather coat.

But Jiuyang Divine Power was pressed into a chain by him at this time, which also played the role he needed!

The body is invisible to produce a protective cover, which can enhance Liu Yi\'s physical defense, and can also isolate Yuemeng\'s control of him!

Liu Yi feels that his current image is a bit like the Phoenix of a Saint Seiya!

"Get me up!"

Master Hiroshi tried to use the moon dream mentality to lift Liu Yi, but found that his moon dream mentality actually failed!

Liu Yi still stood there with his arms folded, tilting his head and looking at himself with a wicked smile.

"How can this be!"

Master Hiroshi was shocked, and Yuemeng\'s mentality failed for the first time!

Even if the opponent\'s mana is stronger than himself, it is impossible to have no effect at all!

"I have seen this mentality countless times."

Liu Yi whispered, "It\'s simply weak to die when you show it."

Liu Yi said, the body was put on the armor of ice and fire, and then kicked.

Did not release Yingbu, Liu Yi was relying on his strong leg strength, and suddenly accelerated suddenly, and instantly reached the master of that time.

"Brahma Enchantment!"

Master Hiroshi was frightened and hurriedly raised his zen stick, releasing the power of Jiutian God\'s fire stick.

A small flame enchantment wrapped his body and protected him inside.


Liu Yi slapped it on the palm, the enchantment shivered, and the violent waves splashed on it, and finally stabilized.

Liu Yi\'s body stepped back two steps, and his palms were smoky.

"Hahaha! This is the scepter of Tang Sanzang!"

Seeing that Liu Yi was blocked by the enchantment he released, Master Hiroshi\'s suspended heart immediately dropped, and then he laughed loudly, "How can you break this Brahma enchantment with you!"

Unlike Brahma\'s Great Enchantment, Brahma\'s Enchantment is a single defensive spell. Although it was exhibited by Master Jihong, it was a few levels away from Tang Sanzang, but it still blocked Liu Yi\'s attack.

"The thief, how dare I use my Nine Gods Fire Stick!"

Qiu Han\'s body was shaking.

"You protect the princess, I will attack with him!"

With that said, she rushed over with two magic swords, which continued to fall on the Brahma Enchantment, hitting layers of waves.

"Useless, do you still want to break through the Brahma enchantment?"

Master Hiroshi smiled repeatedly, "This is the barrier that protected you before, but now it\'s blocking you, how is it, how does your heart feel? Isn\'t it crazy, hahaha! How about you, Lord Buddha! I can only watch Lord Buddha standing here!"

He said, put the Jiutian God\'s fire stick on the ground, and then shouted, "The Jiutian God\'s fire stick also has a great ability, which is the Jiutian God fire technique! When the Buddha I urge it, I will kill you directly, and then take your queen. Real stone, ha ha ha!"