Love Dependency Disease

740 Chapter 740: Have friends come from afar?

"Hey, what\'s going on!"

The leader looked at this scene in embarrassment, and his heart shivered.

The powerful Ao shrimp tribe is now beaten by some ordinary shrimp soldiers and crabs to this virtue!

How is this possible!This can only be a nightmare!

"It\'s\'s impossible..."

He himself also transformed into a huge Ao shrimp, which is more than ten meters long, and is indeed the leader of this Ao shrimp tribe!

The giant Ao shrimp leader smashed the huge pliers and landed on the ground, and immediately flew a lot of shrimp soldiers.

Instead, Liu Yi stood steadily, holding his arms and watching the leader of Ao Shrimp utterly awe-inspiring.

I have to say that this Ao shrimp has great strength and is not slow in action. It can indeed be called a crushing pet.

After conquering them and presumably fighting against other Dragon Palace forces, it will be a lot easier.

"Long-range troops are ready! Target Ao shrimp leader!"

The saber instructed the toads to squat down immediately, then opened their mouths, and sprayed green liquid at the leader of the awe-inspiring Ao shrimp.

"Puff puff!"

This green liquid flew precisely out of the parabola, and then landed on the leader of Nao shrimp.

"How can this venom have my strong armor!"

The leader of Ao Shrimp assumes his own armor defense. The most proud of their Ao Shrimp clan is the hard carapace on their body. The defense on it, even the scales of the dragon clan, cannot be compared!

This is a gift from God!It is also a weapon given to them!

But the leader of Ao shrimp soon discovered that his proud carapace could not resist!

So many venoms are coming up, covering more and more!Corroded black holes began to appear on the carapace, and then exposed the tender meat inside!

"Why, how could this happen!"

The leader of Ao shrimp quickly tried to shake off the venom on his body, but the remote toad continued to spray continuously.

Soon, he could no longer support his huge body, fell to the ground with a thump, and shook the ground with a large amount of dust.

"The leader...the leader is defeated!"

"God, our higher Ao shrimp tribe actually lost to these little fish..."

The people of Ao Shrimp can\'t stand such a blow. They are the little bullies in the water, second only to the dragon.The dragon\'s reproduction ability is very poor, it is good to have several dragons in a water area.The Aoxia tribe was originally ambitious and wanted to conquer the waters of this area relying on a strong population force.But I did not expect that their status has been provoked so strongly today!

"Impossible... why is this..."

The chief was breathing, and lying there, his voice trembling.

"My family of Ao shrimp, should be the overlord in the water...why, it will become like this..."

"Arrogance will only bury you and your people."

Liu Yi waved his hand, indicating that the battle could be temporarily stopped.

The Songjiang Longgong troops immediately took hold of the firepower and their blades, and retreated to the side.

Seeing this scene, the old dragon king nodded happily.

The Songjiang Dragon Palace, which was under its own rule at that time, was completely scattered.It is now different to Liu Yi.

Perhaps this man can really dominate the whole world, maybe...

"I am not convinced, this water is ours!"

The leader roared, "We are the real overlord!"

"It\'s mine now."

Liu Yi is also welcome to this man who has cut an old dragon king\'s arm and has to cook the old dragon king.

He stretched out a hand and put his palm on the ugly face of the leader of Ao Shrimp.


The huge body of Ao Shrimp shook it directly, and then the body of red blood spewed out from the body, and finally it became soft as a mud, lying on the ground, completely dead.

"Your boss is finished. What about you? Surrender or death."

Liu Yi stood up and put his hands in his pockets, looking at the huge Ao shrimp that had been stunned in front of him.

The people of the Ao shrimp tribe are stupid, how can Nima play?

The leader was killed directly!The rest will not even beat those shrimps and crabs!

Is this really the Songjiang Dragon clan that was bullied before?

Their fighting power now, I am afraid that even the Dragon Palace in Heilongjiang is not their opponent...

"Me, I surrender..."

An Ao shrimp tribe is already desperate. If you don\'t surrender, you die. You might as well live.

"I surrender too..."

"Me, me too..."

One person surrendered, and the rest of them raised their hands.

The Ao shrimp family has always been the supreme, and now the dragon lord Liu Yi is obviously more powerful!In the past, the Dragon Palace in Heilongjiang was helpless to them, and they had to choose to let go and cooperate.

And the Songjiang Dragon Clan destroyed them in an instant...this fighting power...can\'t look directly!


Liu Yi saw that the Ao shrimp tribes were all in obedience, he nodded in satisfaction, and then said loudly, "Just, hitting the iron while the heat is hot, the saber, and going back to order the soldiers, we went straight to the Heilongjiang Dragon Palace and took the whole water in one fell swoop!"


The soldiers of Songjiang Dragon Palace were also excited, and the soft foot scares that were scared when they heard the battle were already completely different!

How can we not be excited about collecting the entire Heilongjiang waters?

But just as Liu Yi was about to continue, a Songjiang sentry sentry quickly swam over, then jumped into the enchantment and shouted.

"Report! Lord Dragon Lord! Report!"

"Why panic?"

Liu Yi glanced at the pancake with sweat and asked.

"Report, report!"

The sentry knelt in front of Liu Yi, and then said, "The second princess of the East China Sea Dragon Palace came to the Songjiang Dragon Palace as a guest...that, please invite the Dragon Lord to go back quickly..."

"What? Two Princess Tokai is here?"

The old dragon king had stood up at this moment, and he was shocked when he heard this.

"She\'s so good, what did she do when we ran to Songjiang Dragon Palace?"


At this time, Suo Susu also shook his head and woke up.

I didn\'t know what drugs were involved before and made her sleepy.At this time the battle was over and she woke up.

"Head hurts... what\'s wrong..."

She rubbed her temples, and then saw the people in front of the Ao shrimp tribe, immediately realized.

"Damn, what medicine did you give me! Damn Ao Shrimp... Father, you, your arm... ah, god, I killed you!"

Seeing that the Old Dragon King was like Yang, shaking his arm and standing next to him, Susu Su understood it, roaring a few times, and a burst of flame burst out.

The strength of the terrain is not what those Ao shrimp can bear!

Especially the coercion of this place makes them unable to hold their heads up.

"Susu, it\'s all gone."

Liu Yi reached out a hand and gently laid it on Bosu\'s shoulder.

Suo Susu\'s body suddenly shuddered, and the condensed power was instantly dissolved.

"Liu Yi? Why..."

"They have been conquered by us. Since then, Ao Shrimp has been a tribe of our Songjiang Dragon Palace. The guy who fainted you and started to deal with your father, I have helped you get rid of.

"Damn, why are your hands so fast!"

Susu snorted dissatisfiedly, "That kind of guy should teach me to deal with it personally!"

"Forget it, it\'s over."

Liu Yi patted Su Su\'s shoulders, "Now there are more important things to deal with..."

"whats the matter?"

"The Second Princess of the East China Sea is here."

In a word, Liu Yi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Ah? What is she doing here? Did that brother come back?"

"No, the second son did not come back..."

The sentry shook his head and said, "Only the second princess of the East China Sea and her fiance..."

"Princess II and her fiance..."

Old Dragon King frowned, "I remember, her fiancé... isn\'t he the crown prince of Heilongjiang Dragon Palace..."

"Yes, I remember that guy!"

Suo Susu pouted, "He still chased me for a while, but was rejected by me. Well, who thought that he would get a deal with the second princess of the East China Sea. The taste of the second princess is still quite serious, because That guy is a wonderful thing at all!"

"There is such a thing? Let\'s go, let\'s take the soldiers back to the house and meet the second princess."

Liu Yi waved his hand and said.

"Master Dragon!"

The old dragon king quickly reminded, "Well, the temperament of the second princess of the East China Sea is not very good... Her person, that character is well known to the whole world. For our peace and stability in Songjiang, Lord Dragon, you must be patient! "


Liu Yi extended his thumb and pointed to the Ao shrimp tribe behind him, "Old Dragon King, why do you say I included this tribe?"

"No, no, just ask me to be the Dragon Lord!"

The old dragon king hurriedly said, "The power of the East China Sea is too huge... their lobster warriors don\'t know how much, and their strength and level are not weaker than the Ao shrimp tribe! There are more powerful tiger shark warriors, Whale warrior... Our current power in Songjiang can\'t resist at all! What\'s more, my two sons are still the son-in-law of the East China Sea, and it\'s not yet time to be in a stalemate with the East China Sea, so Lord Dragon, you even look at In the face of the old minister and Susu, try to be patient!"


Liu Yi said nothing, and frowned slightly.

"Let\'s be patient for a while."

The saber also whispered beside Liu Yi, "Waging a war with the East China Sea is indeed detrimental to us. We have just included the Ao shrimp tribe. Before we complete the transformation of them, let us not use force."

"I know."

Liu Yi nodded and said, "Then go back and see what the second princess looks like. Hope, don\'t make me too hot."

After finishing the speech, Liu Yi led Su Su and flew back together in the direction of Songjiang.

"Must not have an accident..."

The old dragon king also followed, although his arm was broken, but the dragon\'s resilience is still very strong, and it almost grew out in half a month.

He was not worried about arm problems, but the safety of Songjiang.

Certainly, don\'t clash with the East China Sea!