Love Dependency Disease

723 Chapter 723 Demolition

Grandpa Liu Yi said, let Grandpa Qiao change his face, let Gu Yuchen\'s feet soften, and let Murong Hong secretly thumbs up.

This kid, sure enough!

"What are you screaming about, who is your grandfather!"

Master Qiao snorted, and then glared at Murong Hong, "Murong Hong, what do you mean? Come and take my army?"

"How can I say that, Mr. Qiao, don\'t you want to tell Fluttershy about your family? I\'ll take someone to show you this old man! Isn\'t it right with your heart, do you see how you pay it back? Angry?"

"I think you deliberately!"

Mr. Qiao said coldly, "Murong Hong, don\'t forget what you are now. You are no longer the chairman of the Murong Consortium that can stomping your feet in the north! Disobeying me will only make you worse! "

"Uncle, don\'t be too stubborn. Father Joe is also for you!"

Gu Yuchen on the side also quickly interjected, "Look, letting Fluttershy return to Qiao\'s house is not a bad thing, is it? In this way, Fluttershy can be her Miss Qianjin again, and you will Regain your original identity. It’s not a good time to live like this now. Just listen to Uncle, you still come by subway? Oops, where did people live these days. Uncle, even if you can suffer, think about small Butterfly, do you still want Fluttershy to suffer with him?"

"You care about Fluttershy."

Murong Hong smiled, "However, these don\'t need you to worry about. Even if I am not Murong Hong, I still have my son-in-law."

"Your son-in-law? What is your son-in-law?"

Mr. Qiao laughed, "I can even ruin Murong Hong. Will I be afraid of your son-in-law? Who is he? Believe it or not, I can disrupt their company with a phone call?"

"Senior man, this is a cold day, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you talk big."

Liu Yi finally couldn\'t help but spoke, ironically.

"Hahaha, boy, I\'m afraid you don\'t know who I am?"

Then Mr. Qiao laughed, "Tell you, my name is Qiao Jiahui, and the economy of the whole South is basically in my hands! Is Murong Hong enough to make a big business? Isn’t it that I’m broken down? Tell you, I want to break down. Your family is really easy!"

"Okay, let\'s make a bet!"

Liu Yi snapped his fingers and said, "What if you can\'t disrupt my family with a phone call?"

"Oh, who do you think you are?"

Before waiting for Mr. Qiao to speak, Gu Yuchen on the side interjected, "No one in China has dared to talk to Mr. Qiao like this! Mr. Qiao is the leader of the economy. Just like you, a small person, killing you, it’s just a side dish. A plate, you know?"

Mr. Joe nodded, and he did not deny it.

"I don\'t care about these, I only care about whether you dare to gamble once."

Liu Yi stood there, with a little veteran at his age, asked.

"You are so arrogant at a young age!"

Mr. Qiao couldn\'t help but sneered, "Speak, what do you want to gamble?"

"If I lose, learn to bark, and walk out of this high-level club on my stomach. If you lose, I will immediately fund my father-in-law 20 billion yuan for free, how?"

Liu Yi\'s words caused Master Qiao and Gu Yuchen to laugh at the same time, "Interesting, really interesting, it seems that you guys want to insult yourself!"

"Well, I will let you see what you know, what is really cruel reality! Let you understand, who you can\'t afford!"

Grandpa Qiao said and picked up the phone, "Speak, who the hell are you?"

"Before speaking, I want to confirm one thing first."

Liu Yi didn\'t panic and said, "I think our old Joe, should be a promise of money, willing to gamble to lose, not regret it, right?"

"Just kidding, when I said Qiao Jiahui, when did I repent!"

"The best over there!"

Liu Yi nodded, then patted with his hand, "Brothers of the Red Scarf Army, you can come out."

A palm shot immediately came out from all around. Many men wearing black suits and red ribbons on their arms directly surrounded these people on the golf course.

Many of Joe\'s bodyguards panicked immediately, pulled out the batons one by one, and stared at the sturdy big men around!

"Hey, it looks like professional special forces, just right, you can have fun."

The members of the Red Towel Army are retired soldiers. It is too simple to clean up the underworld on weekdays. At this time, it is difficult to see some opponents, and each one has their hands itchy.

"Don\'t do it!"

Qiao Jiahui was very clever, and at a glance he could see the identities of these men tied with red ribbons.

"Red towel army... Red Star Group?"

He was a little surprised in his eyes, looked around, and finally fell on Liu Yi.

What\'s this boy...?

"Master, please sit down."

Two Red Scarf Army members carried a chair and placed it behind Liu Yi.

"You guys, it\'s not funny!"

The word "commander" has already frightened Qiao Jiahui, and Liu Yi\'s attitude towards these Red Scarves has made him feel cold.

"My father-in-law is still standing, can I sit alone? Your father-in-law, please sit down first."

Liu Yi can be considered as making a face for Murong Hong today. Murong Hong\'s heart blossomed, but he said fakely.

"Well, sit down."

The man with the Red Scarf next to him came to the chair and put it behind Liu Yi.

Liu Yi sat down and stood next to a big man, carrying a fan in his hand to give Liu Yi a fan.

"Fuck, did you make a mistake, this is winter, fan your sister\'s wind!"

Liu Yi couldn\'t help crying and glared at the Red Scarf Army.

"Um... Lord Commander, I watch it on TV..."

"You watch more TV! Stand behind, don\'t be embarrassing!"


"How is it, Mr. Joe, you should call."

Liu Yi was sitting in a chair, and a younger brother took out Zhonghua Cigarette.

"Second goods, don\'t you know our commander does not smoke!"

"Ah, I really don\'t know..."

Liu Yi covered his forehead, these guys are really ashamed...

"What do you mean……"

Although the other party is the Red Scarf Army, Qiao Jiahui is still carrying his own rack, after all, he is a financial predator!

"Don\'t you play awesome on my ground?"

"Your territory?"

Liu Yi smiled, "Master Joe, look at what this is."

Liu Yi clapped his hands and immediately came behind a member of the Red Scarf Army, holding a contract in his hand.

"This is a land lease contract, and now this land is owned by my Red Star Group. You are allowed to move the entire clubhouse within a day, otherwise, don\'t blame me for ostracizing!"

"What? Land lease contract? How is it possible?"

Qiao Jiahui said incredulously, "I have ten years of rent here! It is not yet expired!"

"If you don\'t believe me, please call Joe!"

Liu Yi had sent Chen Dahai to do these things before he entered here. He originally wanted to give someone who had a bad thought to Fluttershy to get off the horse, but he did not expect to get Fluttershy and her grandfather first.

But the other party deserves it. Who made him want to marry Fluttershy?

If you want to move your own woman, be ready to bear your anger first!

"Break contract? This, how can this be done, even if the compensation is not enough for my financial loss, your behavior is simply... Hey, hey?"

Qiao Jiahui had finished the phone call, and his face was obviously very ugly.

He really didn\'t expect that the Red Star Group had such great energy that it could influence the government\'s ideas, and even let the authorities rent the land to Red Star without hesitation for breach of contract!

Although some liquidated damages can be obtained, the value of the club’s economic damage cannot be estimated!

After all, there are some really rich people in this clubhouse, they spend money, sincerely like running water!

And such a big club, move away within a day... This is too exaggerated!

"What the hell are you doing!"

Qiao Jiahui felt fear for the first time. He had been in business for so long, and worked hard in the mall for so many years. It was the first time he felt fear!

The other party has such terrible energy, and the Red Scarf Army eats black and white, and Murong Hong even finds such a bullish person to be his son-in-law!

Compared with that kid, it seems that Gu Yuchen really can\'t count anything...

"You are too much! Are you really the emperor?"

Gu Yuchen couldn\'t control his emotions and shouted, "I\'m the young master of the Gu family in Beijing, tell you, this is what you want to win!"

"Let him shut up."

Liu Yi clapped his hands, and a red towel army immediately appeared behind Gu Yuchen, slapped his neck with a slap, and knocked the young Master Gu away.

"This is much quieter."

Liu Yi clapped his hands, "Speaking of taking advantage, Mr. Qiao, this buddy is hitting your face."

Liu Yiyi pointed out, then the old Joe suddenly blushed and said.

"Huh, the mall is like a battlefield, and the soldiers are not deceitful. He Muronghong thought it was too greedy to get this end, no wonder I.

"Yeah, that\'s why Mr. Joe became so arrogant."

Liu Yi asked back, leaving Qiao Jiahui speechless for a long time.

"Oh, come back to what happened just now, isn\'t Mr. Qiao trying to disintegrate my family?"

Liu Yi clapped her hands gently, "Now my family is all in front of you, Father Joe, it\'s up to you."

See your sister!Red towel army!It\'s strange that I can disintegrate!

Red Star Group and the government wear a pair of pants, almost everyone in the business knows!Who can bring them down?It\'s impossible!

For the first time in life, Qiao Jiahui wanted to beat his face for what he said!

What a regret he has!

20 billion!Not two hundred dollars!

Although Qiao Jiahui had a great career, but money wasn\'t brought by the wind, he hurt!