Love Dependency Disease

722 Chapter 722: Grandpa!

Fortunately, there is still a long time until the activity of the small hall is over. Liu Yi asked before leaving, and Murongdie and they would have to close their booths around eight o\'clock.

And it\'s only three o\'clock in the afternoon, and there is still plenty of time to get things done.

When two people squeezed out of the subway, it was already more than four o\'clock, and they sat on the subway for an hour.

Sometimes I have to sigh that the transportation of this great capital is indeed a problem.But Liu Yi was also convinced that Murong Hong beside him was sweating and squeezed the subway with himself to the present.

It\'s a real man who can bend and stretch, this buddy will be amazing in the future...

Well, it should be my father-in-law, shouting buddy\'s generation!

"Here it is, this is it."

Murong Hong led Liu Yi to the front of a high-level club. In a place like Kyoto, a club can be opened like a private manor. It is really rich and rich, and it can be seen that the background is also extraordinary.

At the door stood a group of security guards wearing high-level uniforms. Liu Yi\'s Red Star Company also had security business. Their security uniforms were not bad, but compared with the people in front of them, it seemed to be a few grades worse.

When these security guards saw Murong Hong and Liu Yi coming over, they immediately stepped forward politely.

"Sorry, this is a private club, two of you please show your membership certificate."

Liu Yi originally thought that Murong Hong would handsomely take out his gold glittering membership card. He didn\'t expect him to shrug his shoulders and said roguely.


I wipe!Without you, bring me here!

At that time, Liu Yi wanted to scold his mother.

Do you take my lord as a Sunday?Murong Hong, the old fox, what medicine is sold in the gourd?

"I\'m very sorry, you can\'t enter this club without a membership card, please understand."

Security in high-end venues is more polite, but if they are not going out, Liu Yi will see them more pleasingly.

"Hey, go tell you Qiao Dong, I am Murong Hong, he wants to see him, he wants to see me and leave, I just wait five minutes, that\'s it."

After Muronghong finished speaking, he did not go in or walk, holding his arms and waiting there.

Liu Yi had no choice but to wait with him. Who knows what plane this old fox plays?

"The person we want to meet is a big man, will you have no idea?"

Murong Hong turned his head and asked Liu Yi with an inscrutable expression.

"Big man? Uncle, to be honest, I have seen a lot of big men."

Liu Yi smiled, "I have even seen the emperor."

"Your kid is bullshit, how can there be an emperor in this era, abroad?"

Murong Hong didn\'t understand what it was like to have travelled 1,300 years ago, so he laughed.

"Authentic domestic emperor, authentic, and the royal god..."

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but think back to his time in the Tang Dynasty. When he thought about living with the sweet and sweet couple, the corners of his mouth couldn\'t help rising.

"You kid make me happy."

Murong Hong laughed, "Have you seen it in the history book?"

"Hey, even if your uncle doesn\'t believe it, in short, I was stress-free when I saw you in high school. Now I see a guy who is a little more powerful than you.

"Okay, I will keep this rhythm for a while."

Murong Hong appreciates Liu Yi\'s courage. This kid is now also a hegemon. The commander of the Red Scarf Army can be regarded as one-handed.

However, in front of that person... even if he is, there will be some shortness of breath... I hope he can maintain the status quo.

The two security guards looked at Murong Hong with extraordinary demeanor. The boy next to him looked even more inscrutable. He did not dare to neglect and quickly contacted him.

"It turns out to be Mr. Murong, please inside, please inside."

The attitude of the two security guards towards Murong Hong has obviously changed, and the two men are guided to walk inwards respectfully.

"Come on, let\'s go meet the big man together."

Murong Hong patted Liu Yi\'s shoulder gently, and the two followed the two security guards to the depths of the senior clubhouse.

The two passed through the hallway, the hall, and finally came to a lawn.

It\'s already clearly winter, but here I don\'t know what method was used, it\'s not too cold here, and the grass is still green.

This grass is very broad, like the rhythm of a golf course.

"Two gentlemen, please get in the car."

The two cars were parked there. Liu Yi and Murong Hong went up separately, then drove a long way back, and finally in front of some men in casual clothes who were playing golf.

One of the oldest people attracted the most attention from Liu Yi.

At first glance, the old man was not an ordinary person. Liu Yi had only seen it in Murong Hong\'s temperament.

He stood there, holding a golf club in his hand, with a faint smile on his face. Someone who didn\'t know, thought this guy was the emperor of the place!

What is meant by poor people and short-sighted, wealthy!

From the old man\'s body, Liu Yi clearly felt it!

The arrogance of the high-ranking man in his body is too explicit!

Being so explicit makes Liu Yi annoying!

And the two men stood behind the old man, like the left and right door gods.

Liu Yi\'s eyes narrowed slightly, he felt a different breath from those two men, there was a... spirit power!

These two men are tall, wearing white clothes, and the other is a little bit fat, wearing a black robe, and his face is very angry. It is definitely the level that can take out the children and scare the bed!

The old man swings vigorously, hits the golf ball high, and then falls deep into the lawn.

"nice shot!"

A handsome young man in white sportswear beside him couldn’t help but clap his hands and praised, “Senior Joe is really a young sword. This ball is really good. I don’t think I can be so beautiful in my life. Ball."

Liu Yi almost spit it out disgustingly, I wipe it, as far as flattering like this, I can\'t bear to listen to it.

Unable to understand the world of local tyrants, the old man actually enjoyed it and smiled and withdrew the club, saying, "Ah, I am old, I didn\'t play well when I was young. In other words, Gu\'s ball is also very good."

"Laughing and laughing, in front of Mr. Qiao, I can only say that it is the axe of the class!"

The young man surnamed Gu waved his hands again and again, and what did Mr. Joe want to say? A man with a secretary next to him stepped forward and whispered.

"Dong Qiao, Mr. Murong is here."

"Well, I know."

Master Qiao nodded, and then turned around slowly, glancing at Murong Hong, but turned a blind eye to Liu Yi standing beside him.

It is true that Liu Yi\'s strength has already entered the stage of returning to the original, and he stood there in the past.Now, he is like a floating wind, blending with nature, it is really difficult to attract people\'s attention.

Obviously, Mr. Qiao should regard Liu Yi as a secretary like Murong Hong.

"You finally came?"

Mr. Joe sat in a chair beside him, took a sip of some kind of medicinal wine, and then said slowly.

"Changed your mind?"

"Senior Joe, this is?"

The young man asked carefully.

"Oh by the way, let me introduce you first. This is a guy named Gu Yuchen, who belongs to the Gu family. A very nice little friend, very good."

After Qiao finished speaking, he pointed to Muronghong, "And this one is Muronghong."

"Oh, it turns out that you are the head of the Murong Consortium. Thank you very much, and you will be so honored for a long time!"

Gu Yuchen immediately stepped forward with a smile, holding Murong Hong\'s hand enthusiastically.

"Oh, I laughed."

Murong Hong said without a surprise, "Don\'t praise me, where is Murong Consortium now?"

"Eh, I also heard that the Murong family\'s debt crisis is coming, but everyone will be a family in the future, and my uncle\'s business is my business. If you need any help, just mention it.

Gu Yuchen seemed to have something to say, which made Liu Yi very unhappy and clenched his fists.

Seemingly feeling a little murderous, the two dressed bodyguards immediately turned their heads subconsciously and looked at Liu Yi, and then both frowned, so they could no longer notice the slightest threat from this guy. .

Why did you feel wrong?

Where did the murderous just come from?

"I really have a request, I don\'t know if Gu Xiaojue is willing to help?"

A trace of cunning flashed in Murong Hong\'s eyes and asked with a smile.

"Uncle said it!"

Gu Yuchen continued to pretend to be a duke and said selflessly.

"Lend me 20 billion."

"Cough cough..."

Gu Yuchen didn\'t catch up in a breath, coughed for a long time, and his face was flushed.

"Murong Hong, why should we scare our little friend Gu?"

Mr. Qiao said a little bit dissatisfiedly, "It\'s only RMB 20 billion. If you really agree to my terms, I will lend you. And I will also help you to calm down the bank."

"Do you give Fluttershy to you?"

Murong Hong laughed again, "I said, Mr. Joe, at least let me introduce the people I brought. Let me tell you. My elder brother took the subway and came to visit, not to see your children."

"Oh? This is?"

Old Master Qiao gave Liu Yi a glance, but he couldn\'t make a clue.

"Liu Yi, let me introduce you first. This old man, Joe, is my father-in-law, and is also the grandfather of Fluttershy, the leading figure in the southern economy!"

Holy crap!

Co-op with this old fox, brought with you to meet Murongdie\'s grandfather?

Suddenly Liu Yi felt a faint worries...and another rhythm of being pitted!

"And this one is my prospective son-in-law of Murong Hong, our little boyfriend of Fluttershy, Liu Yi. Come, Liu Yi, call Grandpa!"

I wipe, Murong Hong, you are ruthless enough!

But Liu Yi was not a good stubble. He immediately stepped forward and made a smile that he felt was the simplest and most innocent, bowing at the old Joe, and shouting loudly.


At that moment, the shouting Joe\'s face changed a lot!