Love Dependency Disease

701 701 Test Field

"God, is this an artificial island? It\'s too high-tech!"

"No wonder it is the elite technology of the Riyao Group!"

On the artificial island, the students of Sakura High School stood on top of a maglev elevator, looking at the vast underneath, the artificial island full of high-tech buildings, could not help but cried out excitedly.

"Xi, your father is so good!"

"Yeah, yeah, such an amazing artificial island can be developed!"

Everyone\'s eyes fell enviously on Yin Qianxi, and Yin Qianxi could only laugh twice.

Although she has always been proud of her father... but she has not seen her father for a long time.

Sometimes, even what her father looked like was forgotten... This made her a little scared.

Nishishita Ehwa did not come to accompany herself. After all, her father passed away. She is now Jiu Daimu, and she is busy dealing with the affairs of the Yamaguchi team.

She must have no time to visit the artificial island or something.

Alas, Xiaolihua\'s father also passed away...Although his father is still alive, what\'s the difference?

Thinking of this, Yin Qianxi was a little confused.

The high-tech and beautiful scenery in front of her couldn\'t attract her attention.

However, Yin Qianxi faintly felt that this artificial island was somewhat familiar... as if she had seen it before.

Strange... obviously this is the first time here, why do you feel a bit familiar?

Yin Qianxi couldn\'t understand it, and the students next to him chattered about it, making her unable to calm down and think.

So annoying... really annoying...

Yin Qianxi felt so upset for the first time!

At this time, their suspended elevator finally reached the deck of the artificial island.

At this time, a familiar face was already standing there.


Seeing this man, Yin Qianxi finally settled down.Perhaps, as long as he is by his side... all troubles will be solved.

"Classmate Xi."

Teacher-student love is definitely not allowed, so in front of the students, Liu Yi is very low-key and just smiles gently at her.

"Teacher is here too?"

"Are you here to visit the artificial island?"

Those students who saw Liu Yi also came around.

Liu Yi\'s Chinese class is very good, and often tells some interesting stories, but other teachers have never told them.

Therefore, everyone likes Liu Yi\'s course. Besides, he looks pretty, and he has become a popular male teacher.

On Liu Yi\'s desk, he often receives love letters written by girls, but he smiles and puts them away.

There are already three sisters in the island country, Liu Hongxian, Yin Qianxi and Xiaolihua. He doesn\'t want to cause more peach debts.

"The teacher is so handsome today!"

Seeing Liu Yi\'s black dress, many girls couldn\'t help screaming.

"Yeah yeah, the first time I saw a teacher wearing such formal clothes! It\'s so handsome!"

Many girls in the island country express their feelings in a straightforward way, so they are very straightforward.

"Is there an opening performance on the artificial island, are you going to see it?"

Liu Yi\'s eyes can\'t stay on Yin Qianxi all the time. Although he has a lot of things to ask Yin Qianxi, it is not now.,


"Go, let\'s go together!"

The students heard that there was a show to watch, and immediately became happy, followed Liu Yi to the small square on the artificial island.

The fairy crane spring water has been cut, and at this time Dong Cangjian is singing passionately on it.

The national idol came out, and it really attracted the attention of many little girls.

"It\'s cool, it\'s Dongcangjian!"

"Can I have a signature in a while..."

The eyes of the students fell on the stage, especially Wang Yuzheng also sang on stage. Her singing attracted most people\'s attention.

Liu Yi and Yin Qianxi stood at the end and started talking in a low voice.

"Teacher... why are you here?"

"I was invited by your your stepmother."

Liu Yi almost said that she missed her mouth and quickly changed her mind.

"Spring Water? Invited you?"

Hearing Liu Yi\'s words, Yin Qianxi was obviously surprised.

Why should two people who don\'t have any intersection meet?

"You and Chunshui...when did you know each other?"

Yin Qianxi did not know why, and inexplicably worried.

"I have something to tell you."

Liu Yi pretended to look at the stage, but said softly in his mouth, "But before that, I have something to ask you."

"What is it? You ask, teacher."

Yin Qianxi didn\'t know what medicine was sold in Liu Yi Hulu. He was so serious, he saw it for the first time, as if... something heavy.

Liu Yi took out his mobile phone, opened the photo copied from Xianhe Chunshui, and showed it to Yin Qianxi.

"Tell me, who is this man in the picture?"

"This... what photo is this!"

Liu Yi thought about many scenes, such as Yin Qianxi\'s complexion, and then desperately said sorry to herself.

Or sneer directly and tell yourself that it is just for fun.

But now Yin Qianxi\'s reaction surprised Liu Yi.

Because Yin Qianxi is inexplicable at all, "Teacher, who did this come from?"

"P came out? How is it possible that this was actually taken."

"how can that be possible!"

Yin Qianxi shook his head again and again, "I never knew such a man! Not to mention taking photos with him so intimately!"

"You don\'t know this man?"

Liu Yi was even more puzzled when he heard this, Nima, what the hell is going on?

"Yes, teacher, you believe me, I really don\'t know him!"

Yin Qianxi was crying anxiously, her eyes turned red, "You have to believe me, who deliberately framed me..."

"Don’t cry, don’t cry... It’s probably the photo from P..."

Seeing Yin Qianxi\'s aggrieved expression, Liu Yixin softened.

She doesn\'t seem to be lying, so is the fairy crane spring water fooling around?

Huh, it must be this girl, intentionally using fake photos to destroy his relationship with Yin Qianxi!Well you are a crane and spring water, it is really too much!

"Woo... who the hell..."

Yin Qianxi was sad, "It hurts me so much, I haven\'t messed with anyone..."

Liu Yi wanted to hold Yin Qianxi in his arms, but he couldn\'t do it in front of so many people.

He was somewhat ashamed of his doubts about Yin Qianxi.

Obviously, she is a girl who loves herself wholeheartedly. How should she doubt her?Liu Yi, Liu Yi, you actually hit the fairy crane spring again!

Huh, look back to the damn woman to settle the accounts!

"Teacher... what do you have to tell me?"

Yin Qianxi also knew that this was not the place to cry, so she wiped away her tears and asked.

"Xi, actually I..."

When Liu Yigang wanted to say something, the artificial island suddenly shook slowly.

"Ah, what\'s wrong?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Just kidding, why is there an earthquake on the artificial island, is it a tsunami?"

These students panicked, and at this time, on the seashore of the artificial island, a pillar more than ten meters high suddenly stretched out, and then each column was connected with a blue-violet electric light, just like the entire artificial island Blocked up.

"what\'s going on?"

"What\'s wrong, is it blocked?"

A bird seemed to want to fly out in the sky, but as a result, he hit the grid directly and turned it into coke.

"Okay, so scary..."

"Why shut us down, woo woo..."

The students panicked for a while, and some timid already cried on their knees.

Liu Yi also frowned, pulled Yin Qianxi directly, and walked to the reception desk above the small square.

Xianhe Chunshui was standing there, making a phone call in his hand.

Wang Yuzheng was also helplessly standing on the side, and after seeing a beautiful girl beside Liu Yi, his eyes suddenly had a complex light.

Liu Yi couldn\'t manage so much at this time, he questioned the fairy crane spring water.

"What plane are you doing? What is this for?"

"I don\'t know, don\'t ask me!"

Xianhe Chunshui also can\'t figure out why this happens!

At this time, on the top of the highest building of the artificial island, the glass of the whole building directly became a large screen, and a familiar face appeared on it.

"Dear friends, don\'t panic. The reason I closed this island is actually to play an interesting game with everyone."

Yin Qiandashi!

A flash of light flashed in Liu Yi\'s eyes. Was it this guy?

Well, finally willing to show up!

I\'m so hard to find what you are looking for!


Seeing that face, Yin Qianxi was slightly dumbfounded, and turned out to be his father...but... why did he shut himself up?

"Yin Qian Dashi, what the hell are you doing!"

Xianhe Chunshui couldn\'t help but scolded, "Should we all be shut down on this island?"

However, Yin Qiandashi ignored his "wife" and continued to speak on his own.

"There are a lot of interesting pets on this island. The game you are going to do today is to survive on this island. Those who live to the end will be rewarded, ha ha ha..."

Survival game?

Liu Yi was a little surprised. Did Yin Qiandashi ignore his daughter?

"What game?"

"What is this man talking about?"

Those students and other tourists do not understand what is going on.

At this moment, closed elevators suddenly rose above the deck.

The elevator doors opened one by one, and then came out from inside the hordes of zombies. Unlike the TV, these zombies did not move at all slowly, but instead roared, like the athletes who took the doping, quickly toward the crowd Rushed over.


"What are these!"

Without waiting for the people to react, a lot of people have been rushed to the ground and gnawing on the ground!

Some people\'s arms, legs, and even faces are bitten off.And those who were bitten soon became part of the zombie army!


Liu Yi suddenly realized that Yin Qiandashi clearly regarded this as a test field!

Fuck him!Does he even care about his wife and daughter!