Love Dependency Disease

1186 1186 Killing the Giant Giant


Wang Lele agreed with a grin, then walked over and glanced at the red Cayenne stopped in front.

"Yeah, it\'s a new car!"

"That\'s of course, just mentioned, you come to drive, I have a good chat with this lady!"

The local tyrant ordered his horse, Liu Yixin said, this time the woman was completely used as a servant!It\'s true that the money we keep is really not in vain.

"My dear... people don\'t want to drive..."

The woman herself was very uncomfortable, she immediately said coquettishly.

"Grass, if you open it, you will open it. If you don\'t, you will fuck up!"

The local tyrant yelled, and the beauty suddenly dared not say anything.

"Don\'t, I dare not take your car, your car doesn\'t look strong!"

Wang Lele said, holding his chest.

"how can that be possible!"

The local tyrant quickly said, "I am Cayenne! The quality is good!"

"Is it?"

Pretending to be suspicious, Wang Lele reached out and patted the roof twice.


With two loud sounds, the front tire of the car exploded directly, and the body was pushed forward, like an injured mustang, with its front leg bent.

"Ah! Me, my car!"

The local tyrant was so distressed that he almost burst into tears.

"Look, I said your car is not strong."

Wang Lele refrained from laughing and turned back, squeezing his eyes at Liu Yi.Liu Yi was almost amused too, this Lele, more and more ancient spirit.

The local tyrants were in agony and did not know who to pay for their cars.Sister paper looks so weak, but not superman, surely she will not be bad!Is it the quality of the car itself?How is it possible...Porsche!Nor is it a used car, what is the problem?

"It turns out that the human world also has such lovely and powerful beauties."

At this time, a man came slowly next to him, posing a poss handsomely.

Liu Yi looked at the person opposite carefully, frowning.

The buddy opposite, dress up to be more funny!

Obviously a foreigner, but the standard non-mainstream dress to kill Matt.His golden hair was dyed green, and the hair on both sides was cut off, leaving only the middle row, one row soaring into the sky.He had a nose ring on his nose, lip nails on his lips, and he wore a big black coat with one sleeve and one without sleeves.He had a pair of black pants with long legs and short legs.Liu Yixin said that this buddy took the guitar and was able to sing the most dazzling national style!

But he did not despise it, because he felt a terrible power from the foreign killing Matt.

"My dear... who is he..."

The beauties around the local tyrant asked curiously, "How did it look like this?"

"Who knows where is the neuropathy."

The local tyrant is getting angry, and now it is extremely uncomfortable.Hearing his question about Ma Zi, he immediately said angrily, "Who is he who cares about your fucking business, call me to call the rescue car honestly!"

The local tyrant lost his temper there, and Liu Yi\'s eyes had been on the killing Matt.

"Little beauty, you are honored to know me. I am the first beautiful man of the Titans, Alata."

Alata said, stroking his proud head.This type of person can be said, handsome guys only!Is it a handsome guy, you can tell from this hair!Isn\'t there a saying in their world, blood can bleed, head can be broken, hair style can\'t be messed up!

"who are you?"

Wang Lele looked at Alata on the opposite side with some surprise. "You dress like this, do you know at home?"

Wang Lele was originally a joke, but Alata was obviously taken seriously.He laughed, "How, little beauty, you are also pleased with my handsome Alata!"

"Pro, is there something wrong with your aesthetic?"

Wang Lele almost laughed, "Where are you handsome, all over you?"

"You, do you think I am not handsome?"

Alata was shocked when he heard this, "Is something wrong with your eyes!"

"I think there is something wrong with your eyes, go and see the doctor, don\'t come out and run around!"

Wang Lele said.

"Damn, how dare you look down on me Alatan!"

Alatan was angry, and he raised his foot and stepped hard on the ground.


The ground began to follow Alatan\'s feet without breaking, and this crack came to Wang Lele in the blink of an eye.

Liu Yi reached out and pulled Wang Lele, and immediately appeared on the roof of a newly built building beside him.

The local tyrant and his girlfriend were frightened, and the poor Cayenne fell directly into the ground.

"Okay, horrible!"

"My car! Call the police, call the police!"

The two men fled to the side, and at the urging of the local tyrant, his girlfriend took out his mobile phone and started calling the police.

But his girlfriend has doubts in his mind. Can such a thing be solved by the police?

At this time, Liu Yi and Wang Lele were standing above the small high-rise building with a height of more than ten layers. This small high-rise building was just built and there was no occupant in it.

Alatan went downstairs and looked at the two people above.

"Damn Oriental! Let you taste the anger of the Titans!"

Alatan said, reaching out, clenching his fists, and hitting the building hard.


The entire small building immediately fell apart, and a good building began to collapse in no time!

"My goodness……"

"Damn it, I\'m damn..."

The local tyrants were so scared that they knelt directly on the ground and looked at this incredible scene.

Holding Liu Lele, Liu Yi slowly fell from the sky and stood in front of Nalatan.

"Good strength."

Liu Yi said, "It\'s a pity that there is nothing but power and no brain. It can be seen that your Titans are all brave and incapable.

"you wanna die!"

Hearing Liu Yi humiliate Titan, Alatan suddenly red eyes, some lost reason, skipped over directly, punched fiercely against Liu Yi\'s cheek.

Liu Yi held Wang Lele in one hand, "Lele may be a bit upset and hug me."


While Wang Lele held Liu Yi tightly, Liu Yi\'s other hand clenched into a fist, and the mark of King Kong appeared on his eyebrows.

Soon, the imprint of the Vajra was replaced by a golden dragon-shaped sword. This is the imprint of the Dragon Sword!

Among Liu Yi\'s eight swords, the Tianlong sword symbolizes power!He stepped on the ground in one step, the ground was stepped on a clear footprint, and his fist greeted Alatan\'s fist.

Alatan laughed in his heart and dared to compete with the Titans!This Oriental must have a funny head!

The fists of the two quickly collided together!


An explosion wave immediately spread out!

The ground beneath the two was directly impacted by this force into a huge pit, a hundred meters square and tens of meters deep!

The surrounding buildings were also affected, and turned into powder!

This power storm is crazy!Local tyrants and women thought they were dead, and closed their eyes in despair when the storm of power struck.

But after a long time, the imaginary death did not come, they could not help opening their eyes, and found themselves alive.

And a golden seal was floating slowly above their heads.


Alatan\'s right arm fractured directly, and he screamed when he was in pain.

"Ahhhh! My hands!"

For the first time Alatan suffered a loss in strength, he could not believe his eyes.

How can this be!Someone beat him in strength!

This is impossible, impossible at all!

Alatan dangled his right arm without sleeves, and sweat on Matt\'s hair.

"You, what is your power?"

"The power of fighting."

Liu Yi embraced Wang Lele again with the princess, "Give up, you have no chance of winning."

"I am Alatan! I am the first beautiful man of the Titans!"

Alatan said, reaching out with his left hand and slammed into the ground.He pulled a huge axe directly from the crack in the ground and waved it twice in his hand.

"Just use my Alatan\'s axe of despair to kill your life!"

Saying that, when Alatan stepped on the ground, the whole person quickly jumped towards Liu Yi.

While Liu Yi is still holding Wang Lele, the mark of his eyebrow sword turned into a golden fairy sword in the blink of an eye.

Liu Yi\'s current Golden Immortal Sword has evolved to a new level and is completely integrated with Xuan Bing Qi.The current golden fairy sword, with ice crystals all over the body, is very beautiful, just like an artwork.

At the moment Alatan jumped in front of him, the golden body of Fawu was found behind Liu Yi.

This real body turned blue in an instant, and the body was made of frost!It raised an arm, grabbed Alatan directly in the air, and then dropped the killing Matt Titan on the ground, slapping him hard with another palm.


A frost directly freezes all the 100 meters in a circle and becomes the world of ice!

Alatan was also frozen into an ice sculpture and could not move for a long time on this ground.

Finally, a lot of golden lines appeared on his body, as if the power was gone, he broke the ice sculpture directly, came out from inside, and roared loudly.

"I, will kill you!"

During the talk, his body began to split from the golden lines, stretched, and then expanded!

Almost a blink of an eye, before Alatan disappeared, in front of Liu Yi, there appeared a 100-meter-tall giant who killed Matt!

The giant roared and stepped hard on Liu Yi.

"Oh my God……"

"Help me..."

Both the local tyrant and his girlfriend were frightened.

And Liu Yi stood on the spot, letting the giant mountain-like feet fall towards the top of his head.

The golden fairy sword of Liu Yi\'s heart turned into a dragon sword!

The appearance of the gold body behind has also changed, and the appearance of the gold body has transformed into the shape of a human dragon, with a long horn on the top of the head and a dragon wing on the back.

Its six arms were raised at the same time, directly catching the giant\'s foot!


The ground trembled, like a terrible earthquake!

"Could this be the end?"

The local tyrant asked blankly.