Love Dependency Disease

1185 Chapter 1185 Call Me Five

"Here, five strings!"

The owner of the barbecue restaurant thought that Alata asked him for skewers and handed him five skewers.

Alata took it in doubt, and then smelled it, feeling really sweet.

Alata opened his mouth directly and stuffed the skewer into his mouth in one bite, eating all the iron picks together.

"Oh my God……"

The boss scared, this buddy... will not be the terminator!

"Not bad..."

Alata nodded, "Very good, delicious... um..."

Alata suddenly vomited, and his stomach was sorely, like a knife!

" actually poisoned me..."

Alata looked pale and pointed to the boss.

"Guest, you, what\'s wrong with you?"

The boss couldn\'t understand the words of the Titans. He was so scared that he saw the buddy vomiting nonstop.

Although the things I made are not very clean, I have never eaten up!Is this foreigner\'s stomach too weak?That\'s right, it should be so!

The Huaxia people are already innocent, and the foreigners are still far away!

Seeing that Alata kept vomiting, the owner of the barbecue stall couldn\'t control it, and went straight to close the stall.

Alata vomited to the end, even the blood was spit out, he operated the power in the body, constantly adjusted the body, this saved his life!

But this time, Alatan can be scared.

The East... The mysterious East is really terrible!

No, he is Alatan, but he is the first beautiful man of Titan. How could he be stumped by such a little difficulty!

Correct!It must be your current image, which is not in line with the aesthetics of the Orientals!

You have a good foundation, and if you change it a little, you will be able to become a beautiful man in the eyes of these people!

Alata decided to get a bit of human currency first. He tapped aside and found that a man was holding a piece of red paper and handed it to another person, and the other person stuffed him with two packets of cigarettes.

Alata understood that the red paper was the currency of the human world.

He nodded, then shook his hand, and a word of money appeared in his hand.As the first beautiful man in Titan, this little trick can still be done!

Alata took this stack of money and happily looked around for a place where he could change himself.

Finally, he found a hair salon.He found that after many people went in, the image was completely new!

"It must be here!"

Alata immediately walked into the store, and a clerk saw Alata and immediately came to catch people.

"Go around! We have no money for you here!"

This buddy regards Alata as a beggar.Alata didn\'t understand his words at first, but Alata with special power quickly adjusted his frequency and reached the same frequency as the language of the human world. Now he can understand the other party\'s words directly.

When he found out that the other party was going to drive himself away, Alata hurriedly patted the money on the table.

"I want to design myself!"

Seeing such a ladle of money on the table, several people\'s eyes were straight.

"First, wash your hair first, brother."

The manager personally greeted him, bowed to Alata and said, "We are a one-stop washing, blowing and blowing! It also includes hot dyeing, which will ensure that your image will be refreshed!"

"Okay, I\'ll leave it to you!"

Alatan is very satisfied, "Must get me the most handsome look!"


The hair salon here started to be designed in a murky way.

On the other side, Liu Yi is taking Wang Lele and standing in the real estate center of Binhai Avenue.

Wang Lele obediently followed Liu Yi\'s side and couldn\'t help but ask, "Brother Xiao Yi...... Why did you suddenly think of buying a house?"

"Yeah, buy a big house, let\'s live together."

Liu Yi said, "In this way, we can meet every day."


Wang Lele clapped his hands happily, "Then you have to buy a bigger one!"


Liu Yi also had this intention. He waved his hand and shouted to a female salesperson, "Trouble, please ask, what is the largest apartment type here?"

"Oh, you two can\'t afford it."

The female shopping guide pouted and said, "Why don\'t you just look at this apartment type? Small apartment, down payment is also cheap. Large apartment, it\'s not something you can afford."

"Hey, hello, who do you look down on?"

Wang Lele was a little bit unhappy when he heard this, and he said nothing. Why should I say Xiao Yi brother!

"Which eye do you see that we can\'t afford a house?"

"The two of you have lost your temper with me."

The female shopping guide sneered, "I also do it for your good. The large apartment is 30,000 yuan per square meter, and it is not less than 100 square meters. Can you afford it?"

"How much is this single-family three-storey villa?"

Liu Yi kept silent, he finally couldn\'t help but pointed to a model in the lawn next to him and said.

Speaking of the villa, from the model, it is really pretty.Behind the villa is a large swimming pool with artificial beaches around the pool!

And in front of the house, a huge fountain was built, which is unique, with a sculpture of a woman standing in the middle of the fountain.

"This set? Hey!"

The female shopping guide smiled suddenly, and the smiling Wang Lele was not happy again.

"What do you mean by this person? I look down on people!"

"Don\'t talk nonsense, I took the people fairly."

The female shopping guide immediately retorted, "But the two are poor students at first glance, why bother to come here to find me happy? Go away! Go play in the Internet cafe!"

Hearing the urge of the female shopping guide, Liu Yi was still indifferent, but Wang Lele was not happy.

"Brother Xiaoyi, how can she talk like this!"

"I thought she was right."

At this time, a middle-aged man walked over with a woman in a sexy dress.

The middle-aged man wore mink fur, a big gold chain around his neck, and a big gold ring on his finger, a look like an upstart.

Looking at the woman in his arms, wearing a leopard print skirt, the neckline was pulled low, revealing a strong career line.From her, there was a strong fragrance of perfume.Liu Yi, who had been in the Red Scarf Army for a long time, immediately judged that this sister was a lady sitting at night.

"My dear, I like this house."

The woman reached out and pointed to a set of high-level executives.

"Okay, buy buy buy, little money!"

"Huh, your wife lives in the villa, and I want to live in the villa."

"Good, living in a high-rise apartment is also very good, and the high-end apartment here is also very good."

With that said, the local tyrant glanced at the female shopping guide. The female shopping guide quickly followed and said, "Yes, miss, our apartments here are all modern and absolutely satisfy the miss!"

"Then a set!"

The local tyrant took out the bank card, "Unambiguous!"

"Good sir!"

The female shopping guide is very excited, and took a big order in the morning!

She went to go through the formalities, the local tyrant chuckled, then looked at Liu Yi and said, "Little brother, do you now know what is wealthy, is the person poor and short-haired? Little beauty, what do you follow this person It\'s better to follow me. What kind of house do you want to live in, I will buy you what kind of house!"

The local tyrant teased Wang Lele, and the woman next door dared not say anything.

The two are the relationship between money and flesh-body. She can only watch what the local tyrant does.

The local tyrant often slaps with other women in front of her, and she will not react.Anyway, as long as this man pays for himself, she doesn\'t love this man.

But the poor kid looks pretty good.


Wang Lele laughed, "I really like a piece of real estate. If you buy it for me, I will follow you!"

"it is good!"

The local tyrant was overjoyed and quickly asked, "I don\'t know where the real estate you are looking for is beauty! As long as you look at it, I can\'t buy it!"

"I took a fancy to Tiananmen Square, where the feng shui is good, you buy it for me."

In a word, Wang Lele directly killed the local tyrant.Lying trough, Tiananmen Square, what joke did you tell me!

Looking at the dumbfounded local tyrant, Liu Yi couldn\'t help it.This Wang Lele, more and more naughty.

"Brother Xiaoyi, let\'s buy another place."

Wang Lele turned and asked Liu Yi.

"No, just buy it here."

Liu Yi was too lazy to toss, he said, "The villa environment here is pretty good."

He said, beckoning to a younger female shopping guide next to him, "Do we want to do our business?"

"I want it, sir."

The younger female shopping guide immediately came over. She wore a ponytail and wore a black suit. She looked very dignified. "Sir, what type of apartment do you want to buy."

"Just this villa, give me five sets."

Liu Yi wants to buy one set for his parents, and the remaining four sets. One set is for himself and his own women, the other set is reserved for self-reliance and cultivation, and the other two sets are reserved for use.

Anyway, he is a local tyrant, not bad money.

After listening to Liu Yi\'s words, the ponytail froze for a moment.

"You, are you kidding me?"

"He must be joking! This poor and sour guy, where so much money comes from!"

After the local tyrant just finished, Liu Yi had already pulled out a black card and handed it to the ponytail.

"Go and swipe, you need five sets, next to each other."

"Good, sir! I will do it for you!"

Five villas, the commission for one villa is 100,000, and five villas is 500,000!The eyes of other sales around me suddenly turned red!But the woman who had rejected Liu Yi\'s sales before, regretted that her intestines were all green, and she slammed her face vigorously.

The money can make the ghosts grind, and the five villas alarmed the manager and came out to help Liu Yi with the formalities.

The local tyrant\'s girlfriend looked at Liu Yi\'s eyes green, and then looking at the local tyrant was as disgusting as eating a fly.

After buying the villa, Liu Yi took Wang Lele to see the house.It happened that the local tyrant also came out with his girlfriend. The local tyrant did not give up. He patted his Cayenne and said to Wang Lele.

"Beauty, how far have you walked, why not take my car!"

Liu Yi sighed, and said that this buddy is really...finding himself to death!