Lord Qin Tricks Sweet Wife


Wenzhizhi takes Qin Keke back to his rented house, and his steps are a little anxious. She was afraid that Qin Hanze would really take her daughter away from her, which she could not bear.

Qin Keke tries to keep up with wenzhizhi, but he can only trot. But looking at her mother's eager voice, how could she not know what she was thinking.

No matter how much words can only be pressed in the heart, the burden on her body is already big enough. Can not go to him to add other things, only can give her a little comfort.

Lin Shu nods. Wenzhizhi doesn't let him follow her. Lin Shu doesn't want to go out and look for a job. His task is to protect the safety of wenzhizhi. If he goes out to find a job, it will bring a lot of uncertain factors.

"Go up first. Do you have any more food?" Wenzhizhi said slowly, her eyes fell on Lin Shu. I was busy with some things all day, and the meal was not so delicious. I and my daughter are now empty at night, just nervous tension is not hungry, now all of a sudden relax, but feel empty stomach.

Lin Shu thought in this way, looking at wenzhizhi's smiling face, he could not help but also flashed the slightest worry. I don't know what my wife will think about it. I just hope that the arrival of the young lady will bring her a little comfort.

The little lady brought it back. According to the truth, the young lady should be taken out and went abroad with the young master. I think she should come back with her.

I just don't know why I went out here, and I'm afraid that "I'm worried about your safety, madam, so I'm waiting for you." Lin Shu said so, looking at her lips slightly hook. He was really worried about the safety of Winchester, but now that he was safe, he was relieved.

Wenzhizhi nodded and looked at Lin Shu. Seeing him walking beside him, he asked, "how did you get down?"

She thought like this, but she picked her eyebrows slightly and said, "Mom, go ahead first."

Qin Keke nodded slightly. She knew the man in front of her. She heard from the Qin family that if one of her father's family servants was sent by him to protect her mother, she didn't know why she lost contact with her father.

A person flashed in my heart. I'm afraid that only a small one can match her identity. When Lin Shu thought of this, he felt Qin Keke's eyes fall on him. He nodded slightly and said, "little lady."

Lin Shu was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. Who should this person be. He took a close look at Qin Keke's eyes and eyebrows, and naturally found that she was similar to wenzhizhi and his young master Qin Hanze.

he was relieved and stepped forward quickly, but he saw that she was still holding a little girl in her hand.

He had calculated the usual time of wenzhizhi. At this time point, she should have been back long ago, but he did not think that she had not been seen. This let him in the heart is very worried, but did not think, turned to see her figure slowly came.

In the end, what kind of accident will happen? Lin Shu's heart has been very uneasy. Wandering around downstairs for a circle, but he did not see his figure appear, speechless anxiety spread in his heart.

However, due to her command and bad opinion, she can only wait here for her return. In fact, he is more worried about her accident, he is not easy to explain to the young master, he is also worried about this like his sister.

Come on, I can't help but feel relieved. She didn't come back for dinner today, and there was no news. Lin Shu was very worried.

Lin Shu stood at the top of the stairs and looked at Wen Zhizhi. She walked by from far away.

Qin Keke inherited his father. Naturally, he was not so gentle. It's just that he doesn't show it to his mother.

It's just that wenzhizhi doesn't know which one of the children coming out of the gaomen courtyard is gentle and kind-hearted? Yan Shun's Gaowen compound is cannibalism. It is better to say that cannibals are those who will be in power later.

Qin Keke looks at wenzhizhi's eyes and doesn't want him to know more about those things. Just nodded seriously, looking pure and harmless.

Looking at him slightly, the gentle look on his face looks very moving. At least Qin Keke's heart was warmed up. For a person who has not felt her mother's love for such a long time, this is the best love.

"I know Mom can be selfish, but I really don't want you to leave me. Qin family is a cannibal place, so I hope you can stay with your mother Wenzhizhi took her hand and led her to the front.

Rise, also let a person's heart heat, warm and dry.

Every time there will always be a lot of things involved in it, each time will be blocked by a lot of things. It's rare to see this kind of good in a

way. Wenzhizhi couldn't help laughing, bent her eyes, and gently patted her head with her hand. Her eyes were filled with deep maternal love. She has not been able to get along well with her daughter for a long time.She said, with her daughter's playful smile in her eyes. She looked very cute. Winking at wenzhizhi, I can't stop my love.

Qin Keke hugs wenzhizhi and caresses her back with the strength of her hand, as if to comfort her. Warm voice to her slowly said: "Mom, don't feel bad, I will always be with you. No matter how Dad is there, I will always be with you

Because he is a piece of flesh from her own body, her own blood, the most important person in her life. She thought of this, but was a small soft body to embrace.

She never thought that she and her daughter would meet again after so long absence. In this way, a feeling of extreme fear arose in her heart. She was afraid that she would once again lose her daughter, and that she would no longer have her.

She said so, but her eyes were red.

Wenzhizhi responded and slowed down a little. She turned and looked at her with a faint sense of guilt in her eyes. Holding her hand, he opened his mouth to her and said, "I'm sorry, it's mom who's trying."

"Mom." Qin Keke opened his mouth and looked up at her eyes with worry. She didn't want to see her like this, but because she was still young, she could only do so.

So the hygiene and food of the two families were all wrapped up in him. However, fortunately, he used to study abroad on his own. During that time, he was on his own, and cooking in foreign countries was also done by himself.

So these things are still difficult for him. He goes into the kitchen to serve the rich meal of wenzhizhi, and does not forget Qin Keke's share.