Lord Qin Tricks Sweet Wife


Qin Keke turned to look at her with a smile on her face. "Don't be sad, mom," she said slowly. It's only when something happens that it's like this. I'm back now, and you should be happy. "

She said with a smile. The tears from her eyes were slowly left, but she nodded when she heard her words. Nodding his head, he said, "I'm just so happy. I'm really happy."

She said with a smile, but tears were slowly flowing down, full of satisfaction.

Qin Hanze listens to her like this to say, go up one step to want to catch her, but was stood by Meng Qingyang to stop, looking at his eyes with anger.

It sounds easy to give up your love by yourself, but it's not easy to do it. But there is no way, since it has been decided, it must be done.

Wenzhizhi said gently but firmly, tears from her eyes, but full of pain.

He raised his head, looked at Qin Hanze with red eyes, and said, "I must take cocoa away today. The relationship between us will be severed from today. I'm sorry I can't hold on to it."

She choked that the strength of her hands was very strong, as if to integrate her into the blood.

With a smile, she said, "I know, my mother will not lose you next time."

In fact, her heart was bitter and astringent, so she could only slowly mention

when she said this, wenzhizhi suddenly understood that her heart was bitter and sweet. If I had been firm last night, would I have met her?

Qin Keke choked and said: "next time, I will never hesitate. I won't miss you next time

"Well? Were you there? " With doubts in her eyes, she hugged her tightly in the next second.

I don't know why. That's how she feels. I think my mother is very much like the person last night, like her very much, no matter from which aspect.

"Mom, do you remember a little girl who was harassed when she was having a barbecue last night. It's like you're still standing up to help, do you remember? " She stammered like this, with a look in her eyes.

But Qin Keke is fierce one Leng, the hand grasped her clothes all of a sudden. I don't know why she always feels like her mother, like a person, like the woman she met last night.

Wenzhizhi said so, with a smile on her face and her tenderness.

"You just need to be your baby here. You don't have to worry about everything else, and you don't have to cover yourself up with anything else. You can play your little temper on me, you can be like a child, it doesn't matter

She thought of this, chuckled and stroked Qin Keke's head.

For example, between himself and Qin Hanze, those emotional entanglements. It would be nice to know those things between him and herself. She is still so young. She should be playing hard and enjoying her childhood.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Wenzhizhi said in a soft voice, with a gentle light in her eyes, where there was such a sad look just now. She doesn't want to put all her pain on her daughter, and she doesn't want her to bear something she shouldn't bear.

She was afraid to see her mother like this, but she didn't know how to comfort her. She could only gently reach out and hold her hand. I hope this method can bring her some comfort.

Qin Keke looked flustered in her eyes and put her hand gently on the back of her hand.

To hide all the emotions in my heart.

The look in her eyes seems to have the beauty of the whole world, but she has lost the yearning for the love that began. She didn't want to be like this, but she was hurt too much. In the end, she could only slowly

when wenzhizhi said this, she sighed slightly and put a smile on her mouth.

"Since the children have said so, don't insist on your so-called reasons. I also know your mother's attitude. She prefers Sheng Yun ming to me. Now it's just the right thing to do, so that you don't always have problems with her. "

"I think it's not the mother, it's just you that makes a fool of yourself from the beginning to the end." She said slowly, looking at Qin Hanze, with anger in her eyes.

However, he was scorned by Qin Keke and looked at him with contempt and disappointment in his eyes.

"I don't want to quarrel with you. At this time, I hope you can take into account the overall situation. Don't come with your mother Qin Hanze harshly reprimand, looking at her with anger in his eyes.

He is not only poor at understanding people's ideas, but also in other people's minds. All he did was for his own consideration, never for others.

Sometimes she really hates her father,

"don't use your behavior to decide everything about me! Even if I leave the Qin family, it is my own decision! " Qin Keke angrily said, eyes straight at Qin Hanze, eyes with undisguised hate.She looked at her father with anger in her eyes. "When can you get rid of your shortcomings like this? Don't think that you are my father and can determine everything in my life. What I want to do, whether I want to follow you or follow my mother, he is my own intention

Once something has been decided, she will not change her mind. What's more, she has been in constant conflict with Qin Hanze. Now he takes out such a tone, which is nothing but infuriating Qin Keke's anger.

He wanted to do his best to treat her with the dignity of being a father, so that she might retreat. But Qin Hanze was wrong, and the mistake was out of line. His daughter was not gentle at all, but inherited him.

But still pretending to be calm in his eyes, he slowly opened his mouth to Qin cocoa and said, "cocoa, come here."

However, Qin Hanze was gloomy. He didn't expect his daughter would suddenly come out to stir up trouble, and he broke the only thing he could threaten her, which made him uneasy at once.

wenzhizhi nodded and held her in his arms with his back hand, which was very powerful, as if he was afraid that she would leave again.

Qin Keke walked over and held her in his arms. He was not as tall as wenzhizhi, but he looked like a little adult.

"Now that she has made it so clear to you, don't go after her. It's not good for you or for her to go on. You can go back and marry your Sheng family, and don't provoke her any more. "

He said so with a look in his eyes. Qin Hanze did not speak for a moment. He just stood there watching their mother and daughter gradually leave.

His heart, is also unspeakable pain.