Lord Of The Witches

Chapter 11 - Chapter:-11 Anna (Part-2)

Roland , wearing purple robe walked through the old castle, he wore a black-white shirt ,purple gloves, black boots ,black pants. A light smile could be seen on his face as he made his way towards the courtyard.

Standing behind a pillar ,under the shadow created by the rays he watched a petite figure wearing maids robes standing rigidly with her palm outward. Flames danced around her finger tips.

Next to her ,a pile of burnt robes could be seen inside a bucket, it was evident that the girl couldn't control the fire ,her body generated through magic yet.

The girl was a head shorter than Roland, she had fair skin with brown silky hair, her eyes were like pearl found in the ocean. She had a nice figure though a little malnourished, her state was improving.

She tried to increase the intensity of flames ,thus channels more mana into her hand. She was successful ,the flames dancing around her fingers widened and burned with more vigor. But soon the fire spread through her palm, her sleeves caught fire burning the robe have was wearing.

She immediately focused on the flames and cut off the mana supply, without fuel the flames quickly died out but the robe was already beyond use.

She discarded her burnt robes while Roland turned his head away from her, to provide her with privacy and general courtesy.

She reached out with her soft hands and clutched onto another robe kept inside the bucket beside her.

Roland resumed watching after she changed her burnt clothes, he was about to continue his observation when a voice entered his ears.

"You should ask her to rest, she has exhausted herself...." The voice was of a man, there was no sympathy in his tone but concern of his tool being broken.

Roland smiled a little be he spoke, he eyes glanced beside him.

Anna was the name of the petite girl, standing in front of him.

Anna was born to a poor family and her father is a miner in Border Town. Anna attended Karl van Bate's school and enjoyed learning everything she could.

One day there was a fire in her house which resulted in the death of her mother. This was also the day she awakened as a witch. After her mother's death, her father would almost never let her outside of the house.

When the mine collapsed, she rushed to the mine and found her father with a crushed leg being robbed by another miner. She used her power to kill the looter and was reported for being a witch by her father for a reward of 25 golden royals.

Roland stood behind her quietly observing the amount of concentration she was using to control the fire.

"Ok....That will be enough for now." He suddenly spoke causing her to jump forward.

"....." She turned around and glared a little at the prince for scaring her like that.

"I apologize.....Let eat something before we move on to the next task." Said Roland as he gestured her to follow behind him.

They entered a large room, in middle was a long table with three maids standing near the plates.

She stared at them ,a little dumbfounded upon seeing 3-powerful witches working as maids. Kattara noticed Anna and smiled back ,Cynthia politely nodded while Mellena ignored her all together.

"Sit down Miss Anna....." Roland sat on his chair as Mellena set up his plate and poured some water in his glass.

Anna hesitated a bit before nodding back at Roland ,she sat down on the opposite end of the long table.

"Today in the afternoon, a lecture will be conducted for you.....Since I can't provide you with the opportunity to join and learn with other kids, I myself will be the one teaching you...." Said Roland as he finished eating his food.

After cleaning himself up he walked towards the door leaving behind Anna, who was still eating her food.

Anna gazed at his back, until he left the room. Outside while walking ,he heard a voice enter his ears.

"You are being watched...." Kite could sense another individual watching Roland, he knew that this individual was a witch and didn't had any malice towards Roland.

He let her be ,patiently waiting for her to make her move....Not only her but also one of the maids of the castle was acting as an agent for Garcia, Roland's elder sister.

Azik had gone to the southern mining cave to kill Anna's father, he was an unnecessary pawn it would be for the best for him to die, not only will Anna fully belong to Roland but also their enemies couldn't use him against Anna.

Princess Garcia ,she had expressed her intent to kill Roland, so either she gives up or she she would have to die.....Kite wouldn't tolerate any obstacles ,if they stopped him from reaching his goal only death awaited them.

"I know....,she probably came to rescue Anna but after seeing her conditions and my attitude towards witches, she must have decided to talk to me once....." Reasoned Roland as he continued to walk forward.

"[Months of Demons] are near, we need to hurry....You can't expose your identity yet whereas Mr.Azik is busy digesting his potion."

"I received the news that a girl named Nana pine, a witch with ability to heal wants to seek shelter under the guidance of her teacher."

"Tell Mellena to ask the girl to attend the lecture....." Said Roland.

"Don't grow soft Roland, don't grow too attached to them, you know our goal.....I won't allow any disturbance....." Said Kite before leaving.

Roland stopped at looked towards the gate of the castle before softly sighing "I know....."