Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 93: Level 3 towns and powerful enemies

"If it weren\'t for the Xianbei and Wuhuan tribe riots, how could I let the Romans take the first place!"

   Liaodong County, where there is a lot of flames, the heavy snow on the grassland freezes many cattle and sheep, and the local tribes looted the grain of Liaodong County, which seriously affected the development of the lord of Liaodong County.

   Liaodong Town, the most prosperous town in the Eastern Han Dynasty, was also greatly affected and lost the opportunity to become the first third-tier town.

The    Wuhuan and Xianbei tribes were so powerful that the lords in the early and middle stages could barely contend with them. They had to rely on the Han army of the Liaodong and Liaoxi prefects to resist them.

   The lord of the Eastern Han Dynasty has realized the pressure brought by other civilized areas and has begun to accelerate the development speed.

   Xia Town was successfully upgraded to a three-level town.

   [Territory]: Xia Town (second-level town)

   [Lord]: Chu Tian (fifth doctor)

   [affiliation]: Langya Country, Xuzhou, Eastern Han District

  【Specialty】: Ordinary celadon, ordinary bronze mirror, rice wine, Yihe freshwater fish, Shandong garlic, high-quality raw silk, high-quality silk, high-quality indigo, high-quality ramie (new)

  [Population]: 12021/50000


  [Policy and order]: 89

   [Prosperity]: 8157/40000

   [Administrative efficiency]: 44/100

   [Agricultural efficiency]: 42/100

   [Economic efficiency]: 45/100

   [Cultural efficiency]: 37/100

  【City Defense Fortification】: High-grade rammed earth city wall (6 meters high, bottom thickness 7.1 meters)

   [New Building]: Paper Workshop (Level 3), Hemp Textile Workshop (Level 3)

   [Subsidiary Territory]: Lingyan Town, Yunlai Town, Shangbi Town, Liangshan Town...

   Upgrade to a third-level town, and the two buildings randomly rewarded by the system are the papermaking workshop and the hemp textile workshop.

  The paper industry was still a relatively large industry in ancient times. At this time, the output of paper was not much, but it was the carrier of cultural transmission.

   Linen textile workshop produces linen. At this time, most ordinary people wore linen cloth, and silk was too expensive to wear.

   Some player lords even started the cotton textile industry.

   In addition to hemp cloth, hemp rope, an indispensable tool, can also be produced by planting ramie. Hemp rope is still very useful, not only for binding prisoners, but also for making large wooden equipment such as sailboats and catapults.

   Because of the annexation of Xiaozhu Village, Xiazhen is now not just a military town, but also has developed agriculture and economy. Fang Xuanling\'s rectification of officials has also improved administrative efficiency.

   Chutian didn\'t care much about obtaining these two unexpected buildings. It\'s better to give it away for nothing.

   "The conditions for upgrading a third-level town to a first-level city may not be too harsh..."

   Chutian glanced at the conditions from a third-level town to a first-level city. Only the population requirement required the main town to reach 40,000.

   There are currently 12,000 people in Xia Town. Even if the population of all the villages and towns are moved to Xia Town, it will not reach 40,000.

   It seems that no one can go to the first-level city in a short time.

   When other lords saw such a request, they probably sighed like Chu Tian.

   If you want to quickly reach a population of 40,000, you can only grab and merge other people\'s territories.

   This is forcing the various lords to conflict.

When    was originally a secondary town, there was more than enough living space between the towns, but in order to upgrade to a city, a new round of conflicts would surely be set off.

   In the southern part of Yangdu County, in the area bordering Kaiyang County, a second-level town "War Soul Town" is making final preparations for upgrading the third-level town.

"I heard that a third-level town needs a population of 40,000 to attack the world\'s first city. We have to start expanding. There are several towns nearby. They are the territory of the Wolf Guild, and the leader’s territory is Xueyue Town. If the wolf can be defeated The coalition forces of several towns in the guild captured Xueyue Town. My Battle Soul Town is eligible to attack the world\'s first city, and the Battle Soul Guild can become the top guild in the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

  The president of the War Soul Guild is inciting the guild members’ emotions and asking the guild members to support him in the crusade against the Wolf Guild and Xueyue Town.

   He wants to annex the territories of other lords in the guild, but the other eight high lords in the guild are not so easy to speak. He can only choose to lead the guild to expand to the outside world, and use the prestige brought about by victory to simultaneously annex the Wolf Walk Guild and the War Soul Guild.

   He wanted to use the power of the guild, not his own. Every lord who has the ability to still hold the position of the chairman in this complicated situation is not a mediocre person.

   "Our Battle Soul Guild has nine town-level lords, and a total of seventeen towns and fifty-two villages can be assembled. Vice President, your investigation of the Wolf Guild in the past half month should have results."

   "Well, the Wolves Guild has six town-level lords in Kaiyang County, 12 towns and 37 villages, and 500 free players."

   "Their strength is not much different from ours. If they rashly declare war on the Wolves Guild, I am afraid that we will lose both. Our chance of winning is only 70%. If we are accidentally defeated, we might die."

  The lord and free players of the War Soul Guild hesitated about this battle, because the Wolf Walk Guild seemed not so easy to deal with.

   "What are you afraid of!"

The president    looked around the members in the lobby with fierce eyes, and only with a tough posture can other players yield.

   "I have a diamond-level historical general. His cavalry can lead us to victory!"

   The president of the Battle Soul Guild made a major news, and the other members got up in surprise.

  Diamond-level historical military commanders are rare in the early and middle period, and they are more than rare. There are not many lords in the entire Eastern Han Dynasty who have historical military generals.

   "President, why didn\'t we know this before?"

"This historical general was originally a hero who was recruited by the lord of a third-level village by using the silver level to recruit by chance~www.novelhall.com~ he is an extremely lucky guy. I have not heard of anyone else who can pass the silver level. The recruitment order recruited historical heroes. Unfortunately, his territorial development was too poor. After I destroyed the village, the epic heroes took refuge in me."

   "It turns out that the guild leader recruited a diamond-level historical general, and he was also a cavalry general. In this way, we will defeat the Wolf Guild and be sure of it..."

   Contrary to the attitude just now, the lord and free players of the War Soul Guild heard that their guild leader had subdued a diamond-level historical military commander, and immediately inclined to crusade against the wolf guild.

   Under the premise of owning the advantage, the president has another epic rider, almost invincible.

  The other eight high lords of the Battle Soul Guild are somewhat wary of their guild leaders, and the guild leader with historical military generals is likely to defeat them.

"Our 17 towns, with an average of 500 professional soldiers per town, can form a corps of 8,500 people. It is not impossible to fight a small city on such a scale. In addition, each village gives out 100 villagers to carry food and fly. The ladder can have 5,200 auxiliary troops and food transport teams."

   "There is also a free-player squad of 800 people. They are not suitable for charging and fighting because they are afraid of death. But they can be used to sneak attacks on some villages and towns of the Wolf\'s Guild and make everyone at risk."

  The president of the War Soul Guild made detailed plans to defeat the Wolf Guild. This group of people are not bad minds. After being familiar with the rules of this world, they began to adapt to the rules of the game in this world and embarked on the road of hegemony.

   "Chairman, which dynasty is the famous general of the historical facts you subdued?"

  After listening to the plan, some members couldn\'t help but wonder.

   "The general of the late Ming and early Qing, Wu Sangui."