Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 92: Recruit Xiliuying

Chu Tian\'s dream of recruiting special arms was about to come true, and the sixth-level infantry battalion was finally completed.

Zhou Yafu came to the sixth-level infantry battalion with Chu Tian under his eyes.

Zhou Yafu also stayed up all night. Recruiting Xiliu Camp, as the commander-in-chief, Zhou Yafu is the most direct beneficiary.

There is a good soldier who can command, like a fish in water.

Although both of them suffered from insomnia because they were about to recruit soldiers from Xiliu Battalion, they were still very excited when they came to the sixth-level infantry battalion. This is probably the simple happiness of men.

Chutian excitedly checked the infantry that can be recruited in the sixth-tier infantry battalion: first-tier light infantry, second-tier elite light infantry, third-tier Xuzhou light infantry, and fourth-tier Xuzhou heavy infantry.

These arms are all conventional arms, and there are no restrictions on military commanders. That is to say, even if you have not recruited historical generals, you can still recruit the above-mentioned arms.

For special arms like Xiliu Camp, only when specific historical military commanders are recruited can they meet the conditions for recruitment.

The heavy armored infantry turned out to be a Tier 4 arms.

However, the protagonist of Chu Tian\'s attention this time is not the heavy armored infantry, but the Xiliuying.

[Arms]: Xiliu Camp

[Rank]: Tier 6 infantry

[Attack power]: 19 [Defense power]: 14 [Speed]: 6

[Skills]: Advanced Fenxun (when you fall into hard fighting, you can greatly improve morale, only once a day), advanced shield formation (when forming a shield formation, defense +5), advanced spear formation (when forming a spear formation, damage to cavalry Significant increase), order and prohibition (probability of chaos is greatly reduced)

[Features]: There is Yafu in Xiliu Camp (when Zhou Yafu is the main general, attack +3, defense +4, speed +1)

【Military Pay】: 6 taels/month

[Must be equipped]: Ring head sword or Han sword, halberd or spear, infantry crossbow or bow, leather or iron armor, shield, quiver

[Additional equipment]: iron armor, war horse

[Training cycle]: 2 months

[Quantity limit]: 10,000

The requirements of the Xiliu Battalion are very demanding. They must have a short weapon, a long weapon, a long-range weapon, and an armor shield.

Obviously Xiliuying can be used for both long and close combat.

Moreover, the salary required by a soldier of the Xiliu Battalion is very high, six times that of the first-tier light infantry. After all, Xiliuying\'s attributes are too high.

Wouldn\'t the 10,000 Xiliu Camp cost 60,000 taels of silver every month?

No wonder there is a saying that when a cannon is fired, gold is ten thousand taels.

Xiliuying\'s training cycle is also very long.

"How about recruiting five hundred Xiliu Battalion infantry?"

Chu Tian demanded five hundred Xiliu Camp infantry positions in one go.

Zhou Yafu couldn\'t believe it: "Will Wubai Xiliuying be too much? 3000 taels of silver a month..."

"The Xiliu Camp only started to pay salaries after the training was completed. Two months later, we have already begun to attack the villages and towns near Kaiyang County. At that time, we can use the captured gold and silver to pay for the army."

Chutian\'s recruitment of troops and horses was in line with the strategic plan, and it was not an unplanned army expansion.

As soon as Xiliu Battalion comes out, it can be thrown into the battlefield, and ordinary infantry can be defeated even with a difference in level.

Chutian drew 500 people into the sixth-level infantry battalion and was transferred to the Xiliu battalion infantry.

"His physique is not suitable for being part of Xiliuying."

The instructors brought by the sixth-level infantry battalion singled out the unqualified personnel.

Only then did Chu Tian understand that Xiliu Camp\'s troop source is still a hidden condition, and only those who meet the physical fitness can become Xiliu Camp soldiers.


With the best source of troops, complete equipment, and a historical commander, the trained army is not elite.

Of the 500 local brave and light infantry recruited by Chutian, fewer than 200 were eligible to be transferred to Xiliu Camp infantry, and there was a shortfall of 300.

"Immediately recruit soldiers from all villages and towns, and find 300 suitable infantry soldiers in Xiliu Camp. I don\'t believe in the monthly salary of six taels of silver. No one applied."

Chu Tian thought that Xiliuying\'s salary was higher than the current Xiazhen Bronze Hero\'s salary, and he couldn\'t help but feel distressed.

Once the notice for recruiting Xiliuying was posted, it caused an uproar in Xiazhen.

Generally, professional soldiers can eat enough for a month, and one or two taels of silver is enough to support the family, and six taels of silver a month can allow the family to live a well-off life.

At a time, there were two thousand soldiers in Xia Town and nearby villages and towns, and they could barely make up 300 qualified troops.

With the addition of the previous two hundred, the Xiliuying of the five hundred people that Chu Tian wanted was gathered.

The limitation of special arms is not only the salary, but also the population. The larger the population, the more suitable troops there are.

If you want to recruit 10,000 Xiliu Camp, you must first have a population of hundreds of thousands, and secondly, you must be able to afford 60,000 taels of silver per month.

Throughout the dynasties, expenditures on border crossings have cost millions.

Although Zhou Yafu was a little distressed about the expenses, he just led the soldiers to fight, and didn\'t care about the source of the military pay.

His soldiers were replaced by the Xiliu Camp, which still felt great.

Chu Tian appointed a silver-level infantry general Chen Dao to manage the second-tier elite light infantry.

After most territories are upgraded to the township level, it is not uncommon for generals to be at the Bronze and Silver levels, and heroes at the Gold level or above are still rare.

"Xiliu battalion five hundred infantry, five hundred second-order infantry, five hundred Xuzhou longbowmen, two hundred light cavalry. A total of 1,700 people. In addition, we will recruit city defense troops."

Chutian maximized the war potential of the territory and gathered forces for the spring offensive.

He distinguishes between the field army and the city defense army. Of course, the size of Xiazhen\'s troops is far from being a legion.

During this period, he made another fifty flying ladders, ready to attack other lord towns.

After Xia Town annexed Liangshanbo and established Liangshan Town, the territory of Chutian had a population of 30,000.

The city of Langya, which has a population of hundreds of thousands of people, will be captured in one year.

Chu Tian, ​​Fang Xuanling and others calculated that at least a territory of 300,000 people and a professional soldier of 20,000 would be sure to capture Langya City, and they could not attack by force, but only outsmart it. Otherwise, the towering walls of Langya City will be a nightmare for all soldiers.

Zhou Yafu was already a little impatient, waiting for the training of the Wubai Xiliu Camp infantry to complete. Before that, Zhou Yafu was still practicing the old ministry.

"Ding! The lord of the Holy See, the "Last Roman" became the first lord with a three-tier town in the world!"

A system announcement sounded.

The player territory of the Eastern Han District suddenly boiled after hearing this news~www.novelhall.com~ For the past few months, the lords of the Eastern Han District have been ranked first in the world, but now they are caught up by the lords of the Holy See?

"The last Roman...maybe it was this guy who recruited the ancient Roman great Scipio..."

Chu Tian discovered that the lord "The Last Roman" had climbed to the first place, not only surpassing the other lords of the Holy See, but also surpassing all the lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

For a time, the great lords of the Eastern Han District were a little angry, and the competition within the Eastern Han District was ignored, but the Romans could not be allowed to climb on their heads.

All the lords in front of the Eastern Han Dynasty will upgrade their third-tier towns in the next few days to compete with the "Last Romans" for the world\'s first city.

On the fifth day after the appearance of the first three-level town, several lords in the Eastern Han District have successively owned three-level towns.

Chutian’s Xia Town has also reached the upgrade conditions for a third-level town.

"Within five days, the gap is not too big, you can grab the reward of the world\'s first city."