Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 63: Liu Guanzhang

With Zhang Liang\'s withdrawal, the crisis in the Han barracks was temporarily lifted. The lord in the Han army camp had not recovered from the initial battle with the Yellow Turban Army, and was shocked by seeing the three historical heroes Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.

   Liu Guanzhang and the three are famous in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Players who do not have the Eastern Han Dynasty do not know them.

   In "The Lord", the force of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei can play a greater role, and the inherent characteristics are also very powerful. It\'s just that no one knows what their inherent characteristics are until a lord subdues them.

   Therefore, many free players in the Eastern Han Dynasty sought after Liu Guanzhang, trying to become the future minister of the Shu Kingdom, and the generals and ministers.

   But the lords of all walks of life are not very popular with the lord players. It is impossible for Liu Bei to allow other lords to exist in his forces, and this principle also applies to other princes.

   Now the princes of all walks of life have no desire to expand, which is equivalent to giving the lord player a protection period.

   Once the protection period has passed, the player lord has the capital to contend with the princes, the world may be in chaos, and the princes will also wipe out dissidents.

   At least for now, the princes of the Eastern Han Dynasty still have an overwhelming advantage over the early players.

"Liu Bei is really popular, even in historical battles, hundreds of players have followed. You must know that the birthplace of this battle is random. Judging by this, Liu Bei\'s followers in Zhuo County may be more...Farming brothers, thanks to this time Save yourself, or I will die here today."

   Huo An of the Western Regions Protector House took the initiative to thank Chu Tian after the war ended.

   "My surname is Chu, and the term farming always feels a bit strange."

   "Brother Chu, if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you. Alas, the four hundred people I brought now have died a lot. Fortunately, there are still three hundred soldiers in my territory."

   Huo An counted the losses of the Western Regions Protectorate Team. The Western Regions Protectorate Team that was attacked by the Yellow Turban generals and the Yellow Turbans had 51 dead and hundreds of people injured.

   The death rate exceeded 10%, and hundreds of soldiers temporarily lost their combat effectiveness. This was a huge loss for Huo An. The morale of the Western Regions Protectorate Team had fallen below 50.

   There are not many troops that are truly annihilated. After the casualty rate exceeds a certain value, the army will collapse without fighting.

   Chutian also counted his losses. A total of 14 soldiers were killed in Xia Town, 15 soldiers were seriously injured, and 23 soldiers were injured.

  Seriously wounded soldiers are basically incompetent, and it takes a long time to recover. The wounded soldiers have reduced combat effectiveness and can barely fight.

   Chutian felt a little distressed about the loss. The month-long Yellow Turban Rebellion is only the first day. Xia Zhen\'s death and serious injury rate has been 3.6%. According to this ratio, the soldiers and horses of Xia Town may be wiped out in a month.

   The first battle came to an end, and the Yellow Turban army led by Zhang Liang hadn\'t completely left the intention, and seemed to want to attack.

  The lords rested their troops and rescued the wounded.

   All eyes are on the newly arrived Liu Guanzhang and the five hundred Han cavalry.

   Sanhe cavalry is one of the elites of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is very likely that they are Tier 4 or Tier 5 cavalry. They can easily defeat Tier 3 Yellow Turbans on the Great Plains, which makes many lords who still use Tier 1 and Tier 2 arms envy.

   The free players who followed Liu Bei had a slightly arrogant attitude, and they didn\'t really look down on the other little lords.

   Some lord mumbled privately: "Cut, isn\'t it just to take refuge in Liu Bei? A group of foxes and pretenders think that they can become future officials by following Liu Bei? When I develop, I will hang up Liu Bei and Cao Cao and fight."

   "That is, if Li Cunxiao and Qin Qiong are recruited for me, why should I be afraid of meeting Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?"

   "Before Liu Bei develops, it would be nice if there was a lord who could suppress his power."

   Chutian heard the discussion between the lord.

   Now Liu Bei is only concerned with the two brothers Yu and Zhang Fei, and he doesn\'t even have his own soldiers and horses. The Five Hundred Han Cavaliers are not Liu Bei\'s soldiers and horses, but the elites of the Han army that Lu Zhi lent him.

   Chutian still didn\'t want to provoke Liu Bei, and he didn\'t specifically go to marry Liu Bei. Liu Bei\'s basic board is in Hebei, and he might end up with enemies in the future.

   There are only eternal interests between the lords, and no eternal friends. Sun Quan was still stabbing Liu Bei with a knife in the back.

   Those who didn\'t cheekily lick Liu Bei were the lord of Youzhou, Prince Yan, the lord of the Western Regions Protectorate Huo An, and several high lords from Bingzhou and Yizhou.

   They all have their own ambitions, unless they have nowhere to go, they will not turn to Liu Bei.

   Liu Bei and Cao Cao are too dangerous for them, it is better to take refuge in a slightly incompetent prince, and then plunder their territory. Refuge in Liu Bei and Cao Cao, there is no room for development.

   Liu Bei directly ignored the weak player lords, but went straight to Sima of the Han army. The army Sima has five thousand Han army, which is many times stronger than the player lord.

   Chutian arranged for a group of well-sturdy soldiers to continue to patrol the city wall, and the remaining soldiers rest in the camp.

   Li Lan and another Xia Zhen doctor took the lead in rescuing the seriously injured soldier.

   "Master, the force of those two people seems to be very strong."

   Hua Mulan looked at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and raised the matter to Chu Tian.

   Chutian nodded. He has no doubt that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are more powerful than Hua Mulan.

   In "Lord", the five tiger generals are set as imperial generals, which Chu Tian has known for a long time. I just don\'t know if the achievement system will show the achievements of "Five Tigers" when recruiting the Five Tigers?

In short, Liu Bei has not established his own power, but no player dared to provoke Liu Bei~www.novelhall.com~ Just Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, give them two good horses, and maybe you can take the lead among the army. level.

   "Lord, what does Huo An mean by girlfriend?"

   "Cough cough cough..."

   Hua Mulan suddenly asked, making Chu Tian choke while he was drinking with a wooden spoon.

   Hua Mulan is not a player, so some vocabulary cannot be understood.

"It\'s nothing."

   Chutian fooled around at will, and then checked his military merits and rankings.

   First place, and the lord of Taiyuan County "Does not teach Huma Duyin Mountain" with 412 points.

   Second place, "General Yang", lord of Xiangyang County, Jingzhou, with 410 points.

   Third place, the lord of Xiangping County, Youzhou, "a small soldier at the border at the end of Ming Dynasty", with 401 military merits.

   Fourth place, the lord of Lujiang County, Yangzhou, "Tongquechun deeply locks Er Qiao" with 395 points.

   Fifth place, Lord of Langya Kingdom of Xuzhou "I just want to farm well", with 394 points.


  The competition in the Eastern Han District is fierce, and every state has its big lords to stand out.

   Chu Tian\'s Hua Mulan killed an ordinary yellow turban general, and he was only ranked fifth.

   Although the gap between the top five is very small, the battle has just begun, and it is still very difficult to win the five.

   In addition to Chutian\'s more familiar Bianguan one soldier at the end of the Ming Dynasty and Tongquechun Shensuo Erqiao, there was also a Bianzhou and a Jingzhou lord on the rankings.

  The territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty is vast, and hidden great lords emerge in endlessly.

   "You must find opportunities to expand the results."

   Chutian thought in his heart how to gain more combat exploits.

   Obviously, if the Han army can win a big victory and hunt down the Yellow Turban army, it can greatly expand the results.