Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 62: Hard fight

At the urging of Zhang Liang, the fanatical Yellow Turban archer fired a rocket, and the arrow rain fell into the wooden village of the Han army. Some camps caught fire and billowing black smoke rose up.

   On the battlefield, the arrows flew randomly and the black smoke filled, many Han and Rebels joined forces to fight the fire.

   While the defending army was in a hurry because of the fire attack, a ladder of the Yellow Turban Army had already hooked up the wooden wall of the Han Barracks, and the fanatical Yellow Turban soldiers climbed the ladder to attack the city.

"Do not!"

A lord from Jiaozhou was ordered to defend one of the wooden arrow towers. When the ferocious yellow turban soldiers attacked the city wall under the leadership of the yellow turban leader, the lord saw that his soldier was hacked to death by the yellow turban leader. The blood splashed all over him, and he could not help sitting down. on the ground.

   The cruelty of the epic battle was unacceptable to the lords who participated in the battle. The Yellow Turban army in the fight of the trapped beasts counterattacked very fiercely, and the lords who had never seen the big scene were defeated.

   "You lead all the troops to suppress the yellow turban soldiers who went to the city!"

   Sima Zhang Tie of the Han Army saw that some lords could not hold on, so he had to send two officers to lead soldiers to retake the walls that these lords had lost.

   If more Yellow Turban soldiers were to board the city wall, the entire camp would fall.

   The section of the city wall that Chutian was responsible for defending had not yet fallen. The Xuzhou archers led by Liu Sandao shot as much as possible the yellow turban soldiers who attacked this section of the wall. At least dozens of them fell under the blow of the Xuzhou archers.

   Two simple ladders were placed on the wall, and Zhou Yafu led the infantry to destroy the ladders with kerosene and linen cloth.

   The cloud ladder was burning with black smoke, and the Yellow Turban soldiers who had tried to climb the city wall fell into despair. Without a ladder, they would not be able to climb the four-meter-high city wall at all, and would only be killed by random arrows.

   Chutian was choked by the black smoke and coughed violently. He took a longbow into the battle and shot and killed a Yellow Turban soldier himself.

   But this is just a drop in the bucket. There are tens of thousands of Yellow Turban soldiers outside the city.

   But Chu Tian and his soldiers are already outstanding among all lords. Some small lords have long collapsed. Even the big lords performed poorly in the face of the crowded Yellow Turban army and were killed by the Yellow Turban soldiers on the city wall.

   Chutian leaned against the wall and found that the lord Huo An from the Western Regions Protector House was in a bitter battle.

   A small group of Yellow Turbans first ascended and concentrated on attacking the walls defended by Huo An. The Yellow Turbans belonging to Tier 3 infantry were fierce. The soldiers Huo An brought from the Western Regions Protectorate were successively beheaded by the Yellow Turbans.

   Huo An’s most proud twenty Dawan cavalrymen were unable to exert their cavalry strength on the wooden city wall, instead they were not as long as the yellow turban.

   A few Dawan cavalry guards their lord Huo An, and other low-level infantry of the Western Regions Protector House tried their best to drive the Yellow Turban soldiers down the city, but they continued to fight to death.

   Huo An fell into despair, and the elite of the Yellow Turban Army was not an existence that early players could provoke. This time it was extremely difficult to obtain military exploits.

   "Brothers, enter the camp and grab money and food!"

   A yellow turban general climbed to the city himself, holding a machete in both hands, and slashing on the shoulders of the Dawan cavalry.

   The Dawan cavalry was beheaded by the Yellow Turban generals in front of Huo An. Blood splashed on Huo An\'s face!

   Huo An held his shield and hit the Yellow Turban general. The Yellow Turban general did not expect the player lord to be very fierce. After being hit by the shield, he stepped back and slammed into the wooden wall.


   Huo An shouted boldly, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and tried to assassinate the Yellow Turban general.

   The yellow turban general is of a very high level, with an estimated force value of about 60. He did not give Huo An a chance, but kicked Huo An.

   Huo An flew upside down and hit the city wall, looking wilted, and vomiting a mouthful of blood.

   Even if they are not historical generals, ordinary yellow turban generals are too powerful for early players.

  The soldiers from the Western Regions Protectorate were dragged by the Yellow Turban soldiers, and the Yellow Turban generals held their machete high.

   "I wanted to defend the Western Regions Protectorate for the Eastern Han District in the future, but I didn\'t expect that the Yellow Turban Rebellion would be so difficult..."

   Huo An is injured, knowing that he is not the opponent of the Yellow Turban general, most likely to be killed by the Yellow Turban general.

   Just when Huo An was about to be beheaded, a military commander appeared in time and attacked the Yellow Turban general. The Yellow Turban general had to fight back with his sword.

   "Brother Huo, are you okay?"

   Chutian stretched out his hand to pull the injured Huo An up.

   Huo An hugged his abdomen in pain and found that Xia Zhen\'s female military commander was fighting with the Yellow Turban general. The Yellow Turban general was at a disadvantage, parrying each other.

   "Farmer, your girlfriend\'s strength is so high that even the Yellow Turban general can be defeated."

   Huo An thought Hua Mulan was a female player.

   Chutian was too lazy to explain that the most important thing was to drive the Yellow Turban soldiers off the city wall at this time: "This is not the time to chat."

   "I didn\'t expect the Yellow Turban soldiers to be so powerful. Before joining the war, I thought I could kill a Yellow Turban soldier with a single blow. Now I was almost killed by the Yellow Turban soldier."

   Huo An led a small group of soldiers from the Western Regions Protectorate to unite with the Xiazhen soldiers to temporarily stabilize the line of defense.

   It is the responsibility of all players in the Han court camp to defend the Han army camp. It is not enough to guard your own walls.

  The Yellow Turban general who attacked the city wall was not a historical general, but an ordinary Yellow Turban general. After fighting against Hua Mulan for more than a dozen rounds, the Yellow Turban general was killed by Hua Mulan.

   With the improvement of Hua Mulan\'s level and strength, the level suppression effect of the Yellow Turban generals is no longer great.

   The squad of the Protector House of the Western Regions respected Chutian, Hua Mulan and a group of lords, generals, and soldiers of Xia Town. If it weren\'t for Xia Zhen\'s timely help, the wall they were defending would have fallen.

   Two Han army officers led the elites of the Han army to roam the city wall, supporting the lords, and regaining control of the entire city wall.

   The battle between the Han Army and the Yellow Turban Army lasted for two hours. Both sides suffered losses. The Yellow Turban Army killed at least a thousand soldiers and three generals.

   "This is not the way to go, unless there are reinforcements."

   Zhou Yafu\'s sword was stained with blood, and a yellow turban soldier fell from the wooden wall.

   Dozens of people were injured or killed in the battle of Xia Town. While the Yellow Turban Army continued to attack, Zhang Liang seemed to have to take down this Han barracks.

   "Reinforcements, our reinforcements are here!"

   The archer of the Han army on a wooden arrow tower noticed that a 500-man cavalry of the Han army appeared on the horizon, and the banners of the Han family were displayed, so they excitedly reported to the guarding army Sima.

   This 500-man cavalry of the Han army entered the Yellow Turban Army from the flanks. The generals headed by the Qinglong Yanyue Sword held the sword, and a dozen Yellow Turban soldiers along the way were killed by him with a large sword!

   "The thieves are here to fight!"

  Another general is holding the Eighth Snake Spear. The Yellow Turban soldier lacking iron armor is easily pierced by the Eight Snake Spear!

   The Five Hundred Han Army cavalry are the elite Sanhe cavalry under the command of Beizhong Lang general Lu Zhi (Hedong, Hanoi and Henan cavalry). Under the leadership of three generals, they cut through the flanks of the Yellow Turban Army!

   In addition to three generals and five hundred Han cavalry, there are hundreds of players participating in the battle!

   Zhang Liang saw that the situation was not good, and worried that the Han army in the camp would be united with the incoming Han cavalry, and hurriedly retreated. The yellow turban soldiers retreated like a tide, leaving thousands of corpses.

   Five hundred Han army cavalry came under the Han army camp. One of the generals shouted: "My eldest brother has been ordered by General Bei Zhonglang to come and support. Open the door of the village and let us in!"

   Chutian saw the three generals in front of the five hundred Han cavalry, one with long hands over the knee, one with a beard of two feet long, and one with a leopard head and eyes, which was greatly shocked.

   Of these three people, out of ten are the three brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei!

   "It seems that some players have already turned to Liu Bei."

   Chutian noticed a group of free players following Liu Bei.

   In addition to building power on their own, the vassals of the Three Kingdoms are also a way to survive and make achievements in troubled times.