Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 57: Julu County Battlefield

At least hundreds of lords who belong to Langya Kingdom gathered in Langya City, and dozens of free players from guilds. There are more than 100,000 players in Langya Country, but not all players dare to participate in dangerous epic battles. If you are not careful, you might die.

   "No one is allowed to make noise, and those who violate the order will be killed!"

  The defenders of Langya City are maintaining order.

   The power of player lords has expanded, and the level of free players has increased, and the threat to NPC power is increasing. If it were not for the fact that the NPC forces hadn\'t had the desire to expand at this time, the lords had already faced a disaster.

   Chutian’s 800 sergeants are extremely conspicuous among all player lords.

  Especially the one hundred cavalrymen of Xiazhen. In Langya country, almost no other lord has cavalry of this size. A hundred war horses cost at least 200 gold.

   In addition to one hundred light cavalry, Xiazhen also has two hundred Tier 3 Xuzhou archers and five hundred elite infantry. These soldiers are equipped with equipment seized from various villages and towns, as well as weapons, leather armor, leather shields, and wooden shields produced by Xiazhen using iron ore, leather, and wood.

   led a burly cavalry holding the flag of Xia Zhen, the other lords saw Xia Zhen\'s mighty army, and subconsciously evaded to the sides.

   It is human nature to bully the soft and fear the hard.

   The lineup of generals in Xiazhen is even more impressive, with two generals at the king rank, one gold rank, and three silver ranks.

   After Chutian came to Langya City, he bought a silver-level inferior war horse for each of them.

   "Brother Farm, you really have come to participate in this epic battle. This is our President Xueyue."

  A coalition composed of a group of lords and free players saw Chu Tian, ​​and one of the men took the initiative to greet Chu Tian.

   These people are members of the Wolf Walk Guild.

   Chu Tian doesn\'t care much about the guild, and the other lords of the guild are not within his sphere of influence.

   However, the Wolves’ Guild seems to be still not a small guild. Now it can gather dozens of lords and possess thousands of armies. Xueyue, the president of the Wolves\' Guild, is a female player with short hair. She wears iron armor and carries a huge sword. She seems to be a general-type lord.

   She looked at the member in front of her curiously. The total prosperity of Chutian territory ranks among the top twenty in the Eastern Han District, and a person\'s power is almost equivalent to a medium-sized guild.

   Chutian is very low-key, almost only active in his own territory, so Xueyue, as the president, has never seen Chutian before.

   "Which battlefield did you choose?"

   "Julu County Battlefield."

   "The lord of our guild uniformly chose the battlefield of Julu County. The teleportation array will randomly arrange the place of birth. If the lord of our guild is assigned to a nearby barracks, I hope to have a care."

   Xueyue lifted her bangs. As the president, she did not ask Chu Tian to do anything, but normal cooperation between the guild lords.

"for sure."

   Chutian knew that the lord of the guild chose the Han court camp, and they were allies in this battle.

   There are 13 states in the world and hundreds of prefectures. Each prefecture has a large number of guilds. It is better to have a reference than the enemy in the world.

   Unless he is a lunatic, he will completely offend all NPC forces and player guilds and make himself difficult.

   "How many people did you bring? In Xueyue Town on my side, five hundred soldiers were sent."

  Wolf Guild\'s chairman Xueyue noticed a group of elites such as Hua Mulan, Zhou Yafu, and Liu Sandao behind Chu Tian, ​​and couldn\'t help wondering how many people Xia Zhen sent.

   "eight hundred."

   "Eight hundred?! Unbelievable, my town dare not raise so many soldiers, otherwise it will go bankrupt."

   Xueyue exclaimed slightly.

   In any case, it can feed 800 professional soldiers in half a year. Such a speed of development has been beyond the reach of many lords.

   The lords of other wolf guilds brought even less force. The lord of two to three hundred professional soldiers is already regarded as the high lord in Langya country, and the small lord may only have dozens or one hundred professional soldiers.

   "There are many guilds participating in the battle this time. They may choose to join the Yellow Turban camp. I don\'t know how many people will die this time."

   The lords of the Wolf Guild were somewhat uneasy.

  All lords and free players participating in epic battles will be teleported to random barracks, so it is difficult for each lords to join forces unless the two lords happen to be reborn in the same place.

   After the number of lords gathered in Langya City increased, the teleportation array in Langya City was opened. The Captain Zangba of Langya country personally led his troops to maintain order, and the lords led their troops into the teleportation array and teleported to the battlefield of their choice.

   "It would be great if our place of birth is close. The two towns unite 1,300 soldiers. But the possibility is very small. After all, there are hundreds of prefecture players participating in the battle, and at least tens of thousands of lords choose the Julu Battlefield."

   Xueyue said to Chu Tian before leading her Xueyue Town army into the teleportation formation. Their town can be regarded as a big town in Langya Kingdom, and together they can contend with thousands of Yellow Turbans.

   Then it was Chutian\'s 800 soldiers to enter the teleportation formation.

   This is the first time Chu Tian has used the teleportation array of the county city.

   The scene in front of Chutian changed from Langya City to a plain, surrounded by wild areas. In front of Chutian was a huge wooden village with a wooden wall four meters high. To be precise, this is a huge Han army barracks, with defensive facilities such as Juma, Luzhai, trenches, wooden fences, and hundreds of wooden arrow towers. The arrow towers are the last elites of the Han Empire!

   [Name]: Archer Camp Archer

  [Level]: 70

   [Description]: The powerful empire in the past ~www.novelhall.com~ really can\'t go back? Where should I go...

   Chu Tian was slightly surprised. The Shooting Battalion was one of the five Northern Army schools, the last elite that the Han Empire could control. It was with this elite team that the Han Empire was able to suppress the Yellow Turban Uprising. But with the loss of the elite of the Han Empire and the rise of aristocratic princes everywhere, the Han Empire was no longer able to control the situation.

   A 70-level archer, if he is shot by an arrow on the arrow tower, he is afraid that he will die on the spot.

The archers of    Shooting Sound Camp guarded the wooden arrow tower. The Yellow Turban army might have to pay a huge price to conquer this wooden village.

   In addition to Chutian, lords have been sent to this wooden village one after another.

   Due to the large number of players participating in the decisive battle related to the national movement, the Han army and the Yellow Turban army in the battlefield of Julu County set up a large number of Muzhai, showing the two armies are facing each other.

   The center of the battlefield is Guangzong County. According to Guangzong County, it is the Yellow Turban leader Zhang Jiao. There are at least hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in Guangzong City.

   Chutian did not see Xueyue and Xiaopang from the Wolves Guild. After all, there were players from hundreds of counties participating in the battle, and their birth locations were random. They did not know which barracks they were assigned to.

   A leader of the Han army came over with the support of dozens of soldiers and summoned all the lord players who were born in this Muzhai.

   These Han soldiers wore expensive iron armor, which made Chu Tian jealous. With Xia Zhen\'s current strength, he couldn\'t create many iron armors.

The head of the Han army has a gangly face and a voice like Hong Lei: "I am Sima Zhang Tie of the Han army. There are a total of 120 volunteer leaders and 18,000 volunteers in this camp. The Yellow Turban army has troubled the world and wanted to shake the foundation of the country. , I will serve the country, Shroud of Horse Leather! Now I will explain to you the rules for obtaining military merit in this crusade against the Yellow Turban!"