Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 56: Wind and Cloud Meeting

"Lord, you must be careful during this trip, and you generals must protect the lord."

   At the gate of Xia Town, Li Li led a group of townspeople to see off Chutian, Hua Mulan, and Zhou Yafu.

During the battle of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the logistics were under the control of the Han court, and Xiazhen didn\'t need to provide food by himself, so Li Li didn\'t need to manage the logistics with the army and stayed in the safe Xiazhen.

   During the epic battle, the Eastern Han Dynasty government issued a decree to stop the world, and no war could be waged between the lords. The lords who force the war will be hostile to all the lords and lords of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Chutian has prepared the construction drawings and development plan in advance, and Li Li only needs to develop the town according to the plan. The most ideal situation is that when Chu Tian returns, Xia Zhen will soon be able to upgrade to a third-level town.

  East Han District covers an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers. Chutian chose the Guangzong battlefield in Julu County. Julu County is located in Jizhou, which is also in Hebei. Walking from Langya Country in Xuzhou to Julu County in Jizhou, it is estimated that in Guangzong County, the war was over long ago.

   Some lords in more remote areas, not to mention, especially the lords of Jiaozhou and the Western Regions Protectorate. When they come, let alone the Yellow Turban, the crusade against Dong Zhuo will begin.

   Based on this consideration, the lords and free players participating in the battle can use the teleportation array to teleport to the battlefield through the nearby large cities. The existence of the teleportation array can save distance. In "Lord", the existence of a teleportation array between counties and cities is also necessary, otherwise a lord may not be able to unify the entire Eastern Han region for a lifetime, and can only be on the road forever.

   Tens of millions of square kilometers of land can\'t be walked in a lifetime.

   Of course, there is a price to turn on the teleportation array, not unlimited use.

   Chutian led eight hundred people to the nearest Langya City. Langya City is a large-scale city, and it is also the county city of Langya Kingdom, also known as Kaiyang City, with a teleportation array.

   Mulan accepted: "Please rest assured, Lord Li, we must protect the lord."

   Zhou Yafu also said: "Definitely."

   The fifth-level loyalty shrine in Xia Town is still under construction, and Chu Tian is a little worried about the development of Xia Town, but in order to obtain the reward of the first epic battle, Chu Tian can only choose to take risks.

   The early advantages are very important, and the rewards of epic battles are the most generous among various activities.

   The Battle of Tonshama in the Dongying District, the Spartak Uprising in the Holy See District, the Unification War of the Three Koreas in the Goryeo District... Each civilized district has launched its first epic battle.

   The lords who are famous on the epic battle list are likely to become the high lords of their own civilized zone, and they will represent their civilized zone in the future.

   So every lord tried his best to gain an early advantage for himself.

   "Xiazhen will ask Mr. Xiazhen."

   Before Chutian went out of battle, rest assured that Xia Zhen was handed over to Li Li. With Li Di taking care of Xiazhen, Chutian is more at ease.

   "Remember, come back alive."

   Xia Xia Liang, who served as the city\'s cao, came to see Chu Tian farewell. She is now a special talent of internal affairs and has no chance to go to the battlefield.

   "If a player comes to make trouble during this period of time, I need you to help settle it."

   Chutian didn\'t doubt Li Zian\'s ability, but when dealing with players, Chutian still used Xia Liang, the latter was more familiar with the player\'s way of doing things, which Li Zian couldn\'t compare.

   Xia Liang nodded: "Don\'t worry, after all, I was the village head not long ago."

   "If I die this time, then you will inherit Xiazhen."

   Chutian appointed Xia Liang, also a player, as the heir.

   Chutian prepared for the worst. If he died in battle, Xiazhen would have no lord, and he really didn\'t want the Xiazhen that he had built up to become a ruin. Li Di is a civil servant, not suitable to be a lord, and there is no other candidate.

   "Don\'t say that, you can definitely live back."

   Chutian didn\'t know yet, he said casually, but it made Xia Liang\'s loyalty rise.

   There is no such thing as loyalty among players, but everyone has the idea of ​​dying for a confidant. This is also a means to win people\'s hearts.

"set off."

   Chutian embarked on the journey with eight hundred soldiers, Xiazhen’s military flag, Hua Mulan, Zhou Yafu, and Liu Sandao’s general flags were displayed, marching along the Yi River to the north of Langya City.


   In Xiangping County, Liaodong County, Youzhou, a small group of Youzhou cavalry marched quickly towards Xiangping City. This Youzhou cavalry was a Tier 3 cavalry with only fifty men. The rest were Tier 1 light cavalry.

   Although the number of Youzhou cavalry is small, you can imagine what Tier 3 cavalry means in the early stage.

   "Lao Qin, this time I chose the battlefield of Julu County. Which battlefield did you choose? It depends on whether you are the first or mine."

   At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a soldier at the border had high fighting spirit in his eyes, and beside him was a Ming Dynasty general-Zu Dashou.

   Guanzhong Plain, a heavy infantry squad marched towards the county town. This heavy infantry squad is well-armed and armed with a 4.5-meter-long spear, which is far from the light infantry wearing cloth or leather armor.

  Lord Lao Qin, the lord who has attracted the attention of the Eastern Han Dynasty, is the lord of this heavy infantry squad. He and a small soldier in the border gate at the end of the Ming Dynasty competed with each other for the first and second place in the Eastern Han Dynasty. This matter has already spread among other lords. The number one in the Eastern Han District fluctuates among them.

  赳赳 Lao Qin was the lord of the first village in the Eastern Han District, and a small soldier in the border at the end of the Ming Dynasty was the lord of the first town in the Eastern Han District.

   This is related to their geographic location. At this time, the Guanzhong area had fertile plains and a large population. Youzhou had many cavalry and expanded rapidly. Each has its advantages.

  "This trip to the battlefield of Yingchuan County~www.novelhall.com~ will soon see the hero Cao Cao. Cao Cao shouldn\'t have any generals yet, he is still a passionate young man, maybe he can befriend him."

  赳赳Lao Qin was full of confidence in this battle.

  Lujiang County, most of the lords here chose the third battlefield, the Nanyang County battlefield. The reason is also very simple. Sun Jian, the Jiangdong Tiger, will participate in the battlefield of Nanyang County. Most of the lords in Jiangdong wanted to use the opportunity to make friends with the Sun family.

In the Hanzhong Basin, a lord looked down on the peasant army under the mountains and said to himself: "The fewer people joining the Yellow Turban camp, the better, so that I have a chance to be the first in the Yellow Turban Army rankings. I joined Wu Mi Taoism to get it. The characteristics are more consistent with the rewards of the Yellow Turban army."

   More than three thousand peasant troops went to Nanzheng County under his leadership.

The lords of Jingzhou, Yizhou, Jiaozhou, Bingzhou, Liangzhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, and the Western Regions Protected Houses gathered like moths to their respective counties, preparing to travel to Julu County, Yingchuan County, and Nanyang County through the teleportation array. Three battlefields.

  Despite the dangers of epic battles, many big lords are willing to take risks. Some lords and players even chose the Yellow Turban camp out of rushing to the rankings.

   Choosing the Yellow Turban camp is not necessarily dangerous. As long as it lasts for a month, they will be rewarded when the battle is over.

   When Chutian led eight hundred people to Langya City, Langya City was already crowded with people, and the lords and free players of Langya Kingdom could only teleport through Langya City.

   In a neutral city, the lord and free players dare not make trouble, so it is safe.

   These lords and free players who came to Langya City could not help but feel a commotion when they saw Chu Tian, ​​who led 800 soldiers. The great lords who usually hide in Langya Kingdom have all come out this time.