Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 496: Recover Kaifeng

The crossbow arrow of the Ba Niu Crossbow landed less than 20 meters in front of Song Qinzong and hit a wooden house. The wooden house collapsed and splashed with dirt, making Song Huizong and Song Qinzong back several steps in fright.

The trebuchets on the outer city wall were throwing stones to block the siege Han army. However, the range of the catapult was far inferior to that of the bed crossbow, so it could not threaten the lives of the two Song Emperors.

Chu Tian hijacked the two Emperors of Song and forced them to conquer them by himself, so that they could see what the real war was like.

The soldiers on the front line fought **** battles, while the meat-eaters commanded indiscriminately, which is really a taboo for soldiers.

The Han and Song troops removed all the Ba Niu crossbows, double-bow bed crossbows and other siege equipment from the Song State arsenal, and even dismantled the bed crossbows on the walls of the inner city and imperial palace to attack the outer walls!

The Han army concentrated on attacking Xuanhua Gate!

Eight cattle crossbows roared, the terrifying tension shot out the thick crossbow arrows, and a gold army heavy infantry was torn apart like pieces of paper!

The intensive rain of arrows covered the golden soldiers, and the Han army fired at the golden soldiers on the city wall with its god-arm bow.

Among the golden soldiers on the outer city wall, there were many servants. They were equipped with divine arm bows seized from the Song army, causing considerable casualties to the Han and Song army.

Chu Tian saw that Jin Bing’s servant army was using the God Arm Bow on a large scale. The original Song Army’s big killer had become Jin Bing’s advantage. He was so angry that he said to Song Huizong and Song Qinzong: “Please move forward Fifteen steps!"

Song Huizong hesitated and said, "Your envoy, if you go further, maybe you will be shot by a bedzi crossbow..."

Song Qinzong pulled at the corner of his father\'s clothes and found that Chu Tian had already drawn his sword. If Song Huizong angered Chu Tian, ​​a man from Chu Tian would get angry and splash five steps of blood, and the two Song Emperors would die in his own hands.

So Song Huizong and Song Qinzong walked fifteen small steps forward like walking on thin ice.

"Order the bed crossbow, god-arm bow, and longbowman to support, step by step, and take the stone steps!"

There are stone steps in the city that can lead to the city wall. It was originally a channel used by the defenders to quickly send reinforcements to the city wall. However, the Han army is in the city at this time.

The heavy infantry armor comes in handy at this time. In short-distance combat, the defensive infantry armor makes the heavy infantry dare to attack the opponent\'s arrow rain!

Liu Bei dispatched Zhang Fei, Mingguan dispatched Chang Yuchun, Chutian dispatched Xue Rengui, and Lao Qin dispatched Lv Bu to clear the way and attack the stone steps with fierce generals and steppers!

Jin Bing deployed a group of heavy infantry and crossbowmen on the stone steps. When the Han army came to attack, hundreds of crossbow arrows were fired!

Two Fangtian painted halberds whirled like the wind, and the crossbow arrows were knocked into the air, splashing everywhere!

Xue Rengui and Lu Bu are vying for fear of being one step behind others!

Xue Rengui, who had reached the pinnacle of Lu Bu\'s jealousy, was unwilling to admit that someone\'s true force would tie it. At this time, he fought hard, trying to keep his title of number one warrior.

The golden soldier on the stone steps was shocked when he saw that his crossbow bolt could not cause damage to the two fierce generals.

Suddenly, Xue Rengui and Lu Bu attacked the stone steps, engaged in foot battles, rushed into the golden soldiers, and killed the Quartet!

The golden soldiers were constantly picked up and dropped to the ground, losing their breath.

"Don\'t forget your grandpa Zhang!"

Zhang Fei saw that the two people who painted the halberd with Fang Tian were so fierce, and unwilling to show weakness, he held the Zhangba Snake Spear and attacked.

The golden soldiers on the city wall were suppressed by the bed crossbow, **** arm bow, and oak composite bow, and they dared not come out for a while.

Soon, Xue Rengui and Lu Bu joined forces to break through the city wall and cut hundreds of golden soldiers!

The armor of the two men was stained red with blood.

They represent the highest personal combat power of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and they are not much worse than the pseudo-saint-level generals.

A military commander holding a big sword stood in front of them, and Wanyan Zongwang ordered the Han to smash Wang Bolong.

Wang Bolong\'s real strength temporarily +5, which is already close to the real holy warrior.

With a broad sword cut through the air, Lü Bu blocked with a halberd and backed two or three steps back.

Lu Bu was shocked.

Obviously, there is still a considerable gap between him and the king Xiang Yu.

After Wang Bolong\'s strength +5, whether he has the level of Overlord Xiang Yu, it is hard to say.

After Wanyan Zongwang stayed, he had confidence in Wang Bolong.

"I\'ll help you."

Xue Rengui intends to join forces with Lu Bu, and two fierce generals who also use Fang Tian\'s halberd will be able to defeat the strongest pseudo-saint-level general in the Golden Army.

"I can do it alone!"

Lu Bu\'s arrogance made him disdain to join forces with Xue Rengui, because he was very upset when he saw his shadow from Xue Rengui.

Without a word, Wang Bolong slashed with a broad knife and slashed towards Lu Bu!

Two fierce generals moved and chopped on the wall, the golden soldiers along the way were affected by the fight, and all died!

Lu Bu\'s muscles were trembling, he was also a pseudo-saint, and Wang Bolong was much stronger than Gao Biao who was killed!

If Gao Biao\'s true force is 95, then Wang Bolong\'s true force may be 96 or 97!

Temporarily bursting out of force close to King Xiang Yu, Wang Bolong\'s sword almost smashed Lu Bu\'s Fang Tian painted halberd, allowing Lu Bu to see that he was still far from the real Saint.

Seeing that Lv Bu lost to the strengthened Wang Bolong, Xue Rengui disregarded Lv Bu\'s opposition and came to fight with a halberd!

Two Fangtian painted halberds attacked the left and right separately, and Wang Bolong had to fight back with his sword!

Even so, Wang Bolong still has the upper hand.

"Yan Ren Zhang Fei is here too!"

Zhang Fei picked up two golden soldiers and came to help!

Zhang Fei could hold Lv Bu or Xue Rengui for a while, he joined the battlefield, Wang Bolong had to deal with three fierce generals at the same time, the pressure surged.

Zhang Fei\'s mouth hurt, and Zhang Fei yelled, "Unexpectedly, he is better than a slave of the three surnames!"

"Ring-eye thief, you are looking for death!"

Lu Bu was even more unhappy with Zhang Fei, but at this time everyone besieged Wang Bolong and couldn\'t get distracted.

Yan Jia, Qin Ruishi, Tianxiong Army and other heavy armored infantry who replaced their infantry armors climbed to the city. Li Guang carried a quiver on his back, and his ape-like arms kept shooting arrows, like a machine gun, shooting hundreds of golden soldiers, and heavy infantry in the rear surged Go up the city wall and quickly occupy the outer city.

The purpose of building the outer city wall was to deal with enemies from outside the city, attacking from the inside, and the difficulty was greatly reduced.

"The outer wall is about to be recovered."

Chu Tian looked at other sections of the city wall, a group of Baojia militiamen attracted the attention of Jin Bing, while the elites of the Han army were mixed among the Baojia militia, attacking various gates and walls, and the golden soldiers retreated steadily.

As for the elite soldiers and horses of the Golden Soldiers, including the kidnappers, Tiefutu, Xi Liulu Army, and Changsheng Army, they have retreated outside the city.

The outer city wall could not accommodate too many golden soldiers. Obviously, Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Zonghan, the two heads of the golden army, saw that the situation was not good and made the decision to withdraw their troops.

In other words, as long as the Jinbing retreats and Kaifeng is defended by the Han army, Duan Duan is unlikely to fall.

The battle of Jingkang basically won.

Just, is this enough?

"The Golden Soldiers retreat, this is the blessing of the Great Song Kingdom! You heavenly soldiers and generals, I will build temples for you and others, so that people can burn incense day and night and keep incense forever!"

When Song Qinzong saw the Han and Song troops ascend the city, the shouts of killing gradually faded. Knowing that the city wall was basically taken back by the Han and Song troops, Kaifeng City had no worries for the time being, and immediately thanked Chutian and his party.

Chu Tian and other Eastern Han princes were too lazy to talk to Song Qinzong.

With different thinking, it is impossible for Song Qinzong to accept the materialist dialectics.

"The two coaches of Jin Guo are very cunning."

"Not bad."

Chu Tian and Lao Qin, Ming Guan and others looked at each other and were very dissatisfied with the results of this battle.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were puzzled.

Jin Bing had been frightened by the mighty rebel army and fled. The Song Dynasty achieved a rare epic victory. Why did these Han vassals look solemn?

"My envoys, the golden soldiers have retired, Bianjing is relieved, why..."

"The main force of the Golden Soldiers did not lose many soldiers and horses at all. In this month, the Golden Soldiers lost only 20,000 to 30,000, among which there are many servants. They advance and retreat in an orderly manner, and they have not completely defeated."

The goal of Chu Tian and others is not only to relieve Kaifeng, but also to earn points, exchange some good things, and bring them back to the main world.

Because the Jin Bing did not die many people, the main force of the Jin Bing, the kidnappers, Tiefutu, the Changsheng Army, and other soldiers and horses did not go into battle in large numbers, and the gains of the various Han vassals were limited.

In addition, Jin Guo coach Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Zonghan, Jin Wushu (Wanyan Zongbi), Wanyan Yinshu and others who can provide extra points, the Han army failed to kill none of them.

These Jin Guo commanders cherished their lives and hid in the back, did not personally charge into the battle, but only let a group of reckless generals lead their troops into the battle.

"Jin Bing wanted to escape north safely, but it was not easy, because the Hebei area they passed through still had a large number of Song and Volunteers. But..."

Chu Tian thought that the marshal Zhao Gou was stationed in the Daming Mansion, and took back his words.

This guy Zhao Gou, let alone whether he can cut off the back of the Golden Soldier, or dare to cut off the back of the Golden Soldier, both have to say two things.

Old Qin\'s eyes had a ruthless look: "We can go out of the city to chase the Golden Soldiers and continue to the sixteenth prefectures of Yanyun. At this time, there are still two months before the end of the Jingkang battle, enough to travel north."

"Why not!"

Mingguan is not a person who is afraid of things. The map of the Battle of Jingkang is the same as the actual scale. Two months\' time is enough for the cavalry to catch up to Yanjing from Kaifeng.

Because each prince can only bring 10,000 soldiers and horses, Chutian has equipped both Yanjia and Shengsheng battalion with war horses, and other princes are similar.

Even infantrymen and crossbowmen, equipped with war horses, can also carry out long-distance attacks.

The heavy cavalry has two horses or three horses per person and can also participate in the pursuit.

Fang Xuanling said to Chu Tian: "Jin Bing may not be really withdrawing~www.novelhall.com~ Jin Bing is good at field battles, but not good at attacking fortifications. Maybe Wan Yan Zongwang just wants to lead us out of the city, wipe out through field battles, and attack again. Kaifeng City. When I wait for the defeat, the morale of the defenders will fall, and Kaifeng City will be difficult to defend."

"I\'ve always known that this is the gold soldier\'s scheming, but people die for money, and birds die for food."

Chu Tian looked at Lao Qin, Ming Guan and others. From their eyes, we could confirm that both Lao Qin and Ming Guan knew that Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Zonghan had withdrawn their troops deliberately and led the Han army to pursue them.

If the Han army does not chase them, they will attack Henan, Shandong, and Hebei, plunder all directions, and then go north.

The main force of the Jin army was not severely injured, and Tiefutu only killed a few hundred people. The demise of the Northern Song Dynasty is only a matter of time. The second time it will not go south, the Golden Army can go south for the third and fourth time.

As long as the Northern Song Dynasty continues to have redundant troops, redundant officials, and redundant expenses, forming a vicious circle, no matter how good the finances are, it will be dragged down.

The Song army had a large number, like a bottomless pit that swallowed up finances, but lacked combat effectiveness. It was defeated by a single blow, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses marched out, most of them were defeated.

The battles that the Song army won were often defensive battles or small-scale battles.

Chu Tian and other princes did not consider such a long-term matter, they cared about points!

The first level of Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Zonghan, Jin Wushu and others are points!

If you go out of the city to hunt down the golden soldiers, you can also earn points. If the golden soldiers retreat, the points will be lost.

That\'s why some people die for money and birds die for food.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong heard that Chu Tian and others were going to go out of the city to hunt down the Jin Bing, and they would be annihilating the Jin Bing with reinforcements from various places in Henan and Hebei, and they had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Chu Tian looked at the two Song emperors: "Two sires, please follow us to kill the golden soldiers. If we are killed in battle, the two sires will also be martyred."

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong\'s faces became pale.