Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 495: Slaying the False Saint

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong are very disturbed now. They are carried out of the city by a group of celestial soldiers, and they are forced to conquer themselves.

With the Han army all around, the two emperors can finally experience the feeling of leading a powerful army to fight, but this time they are facing the golden army like a wolf like a tiger.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were afraid of the golden soldiers before, and Chutian wanted to help them break the fear of the golden soldiers.

The founding emperors often dared to charge and fight, and the soldiers were born to death, but most of their descendants did not dare to fight because of the growth environment.

"His Majesty the Emperor personally led many heavenly soldiers and generals to expel the golden soldiers!"

"Long live!"

The news of Emperor Song\'s imperial conquest spread throughout the city, and the Song army and the Baojia militia in Kaifeng were once again stimulated and cheered.

After many years, Emperor Song finally once again drove himself! And this time, in addition to Emperor Song, there are also celestial soldiers!

The Han army from Chutian came out of the Zhuquemen and finished attacking Yan Zongwang!

Many houses in the outer city that were destroyed by the fire were still emitting black smoke. The Jin Army did not respond, and the counterattack of the Han and Song troops had begun.

"This...what is going on!?"

"All soldiers and horses, gather immediately!"

On the outer city wall, the few Jinjiang who stayed behind saw the inner city gate open, and they were shocked.

The soldiers and horses of the Golden Army summoned immediately.

The current golden soldiers are divided into three parts, one part in the outer city, part in the outer city wall, and part outside the city to attack and support the rebels in Kaifeng.

There are about one hundred thousand golden soldiers in the outer city, and they are facing fifty thousand Song army, one hundred thousand Han army, and two hundred thousand Baojia!

"Pave the way with a chariot!"

While training the Baojia militia, the Han army was also secretly building military vehicles.

Military vehicles are not a category of arms, they are special equipment.

Chu Tian and the others didn\'t expect the Baojia militia to fight the golden soldiers, so a group of Baojia pushed the chariots and wooden carts to clear the way, behind them were crossbowmen.

Once at war with the Golden Soldiers, military vehicles and wooden carts blocked the streets, and then all arrows were fired, forcing the Golden Soldiers to retreat.

With this steady and steady tactic, the Golden Soldiers were driven out of the city step by step to prevent the Golden Soldiers from dispersing the lack of combat strength of the Baojia militia.

The streets and lanes were blocked by military vehicles and wooden carts, and the angry people of Kaifeng City, under the command of the generals, reduced the range of activities of the golden soldiers.

The Yanjia, Tianxiong Army, and Qin Ruishi, some of the infantry, put on heavy infantry armor, stepped on the pontoon bridge and advanced along the imperial street.

The Song Army’s bed crossbow came and fired at the Jin Bing. Wan Yan Zongwang found that the Han and Song troops counterattacked across the board, and there were enemies in every street. He might be surrounded.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Wanyanzong led the Golden Soldiers to withdraw like a tide, even abandoning the bed crossbows deployed on the street.

"Jin Jun wants to escape!"

When Chu Tian and his party sent troops, the Jin Army fled.

Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were stunned, and they couldn\'t help being overjoyed. It turned out that the Jin Jun bullied the soft and feared the hard. Hearing that the Emperor Song drove him personally, he turned and fled.

"Qin Ruishi, attack with me! Lu Bu and Yang Dayan, led the wolf rider, and dragged the golden soldier!"

With Li Xin as his lieutenant, Old Qin led a team of Qin Ruishi to fight.

Qin Ruishi is similar to Wei Wuzu, but Qin Ruishi is murderous in a black armor.

Lv Bu and Yang Dayan two fierce generals led a small group of cavalry to pursue.

"Xue Rengui, go help them."

Chu Tian knew that there were three or four pseudo-saint-level warlords among the golden soldiers, so he sent Xue Rengui over.

According to the current trend, I dare not say that the main force of the Golden Army can be annihilated, but regaining the outer city or even retaking the outer city wall is a sure thing.


Xue Rengui received Chutian\'s order and ran out with Fang Tian\'s painted halberd, and a small group of Tang Gongqi galloped to follow!

"General Zhennai!"

Originally, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were worried about being killed in the melee, but the situation was so good that the two Song emperors had leisurely comment on the generals such as Xue Rengui, Lu Bu, and Yang Dayan.


Chu Tian couldn\'t help shaking his head. These two emperors didn\'t know whether to say that they were big-hearted, or what to do.

In history, the two of them went to the Jinbing camp to negotiate with the Jinbing, and they were taken away by the Jinbing.

In a sense, these two people are not generally big.

After Wanyan Zongwang left the Bohai fierce general Gao Biao and broke up with a group of golden cavalrymen, he expected that the Han and Song troops would not dare to send cavalry along the imperial street, but he still underestimated the attack of the Han princes.

Two flying generals, Lu Bu and Yang Dayan, galloped, holding Fang Tian\'s painting halberd and Ma Jian, respectively, to chase and kill them!

Gao Biao was carrying a mace and stopped the chasing soldiers in the rear. He saw Lu Bu and Yang Dayan join hands to chase him. The mace stood sideways and slammed his head on Lu Bu and Yang Dayan! !


Lü Bu was very annoyed when he saw Gao Biao, a false saint standing in front of him.

His military power is genuine, and Gao Biao only relies on the system bonus, but he is above him. This makes Lu Bu unbearable for the arrogant character. Therefore, Lu Bu wants to kill Gao Biao to prove that his military power is superior to Gao Biao. !

Fang Tian painted a halberd to fight back, with howling and breaking air!

The heavy mace smashed down and was blocked by Fang Tian\'s painted halberd. Lu Bu\'s arms sank down, almost breaking the defense by the opponent.

"I\'ll help you!"

Yang Dayan was already familiar with cooperating with Lu Bu, and Ma Li stabbed the cavalry around Gao Biao to death!

Everywhere you go, the enemy will land or be killed.

The howling Ma Li stabbed at Gao Biao, and Gao Biao pressed Fang Tian\'s painted halberd, and led Fang Tian\'s painted halberd to hit Ma\'s. The three weapons collided, and Yang Dayan\'s arms trembled.

The force of the pseudo-saint level has surpassed that of the imperial level generals.

A stream of light passed by, and a sharp arrow shot at Gao Biao, making a sonic boom!

With one enemy and two, Gao Biao felt the danger coming, struggling to open Fangtian\'s painted halberd and Ma Jian, and tried his best to resist the arrow that was shot!

The mace hits the stream, and the armor-piercing arrow cluster is extremely sharp, hitting the iron cone of the mace, rubbing fiercely, and sparks everywhere!

After Gao Biao destroyed the deadly arrow, he yelled: "How can it be so simple to kill me!"

"I\'ll kill you!"

Lu Bu fell into a frenzy, and the more urgent Yang Dayan offensive, Fang Tian painted a halberd over Gao Biao!

Both Lü Bu and Yang Dayan were solid weapons. The two long weapons fought against each other, which made Gao Biao block from side to side. It was extremely difficult!

"The power of the people in the world is more powerful than that of Lu Feng, and there are no two!"

Lu Bu tried his best to kill Gao Biao and keep his position as the number one in force!

The sharp halberd blade pierced Gao Biao\'s armor and severely damaged it!

After Gao Biao was injured, he fell into a violent, heavy mace like a plaything in his hand, blowing a gust of wind, and violently attacked Lu Bu!

The two men’s weapons fought fiercely. They fought for dozens of rounds in a short period of time. Lu Bu faced a pseudo-saint-level military commander and did not lose the wind, while Yang Dayan held his arms and swept aside. He was known for his speed, and Ma Li attacked from time to time. , Stabbed Gao Biao!

Gao Biao\'s barbarian traits were triggered, and he continued to rage, coupled with the force of the false saints, to hold Lv Bu and Yang Da\'s eyes.

The golden soldiers in the rear were able to retreat.

The second stream of light swept over, the air was blasting, and this arrow shot at Gao Biao again!

This arrow is made by Gan Jiang and Mo Xie, with extremely high quality!

Gao Biao\'s life was threatened, and he once again attacked Fang Tianhuaji and Ma Qian, trying to block the deadly arrow.

However, Lu Bu and Yang Dayan held it back and did not give Gao Biao a chance to resist the arrow.

Gao Biao was anxious and more powerful, and Lu Bu and Yang Dayan found that their hands holding weapons were shaking violently.

The stream that caused the air to whistle sharply hit the struggling Gao Biao\'s right chest, and the powerful impact made Gao Biao\'s body shake!

The sharp arrow created by the legendary craftsman has a strong ability to break armor. Gao Biao\'s two layers of iron armor were also broken, and the arrow clusters pierced into the flesh, causing great pain.

If it weren\'t for dodge, Gao Biao would be sealed by an arrow!

Lu Bu and Yang Dayan rushed, and the injured Gao Biao\'s strength dropped, and he had fallen from the level of the false saint!

Yiqi galloped in, and a Fangtian painted halberd hit Gao Biao, using the inertia generated by the horse\'s charge to directly kill the injured Gao Biao!

Gao Biao\'s burly body fell from the horse\'s back and fell to the ground with no breath.

A false saint-level fierce general, was chopped!

Xue Rengui held Fang Tian\'s painting halberd in both hands, because Gao Biao\'s force in this battle was a pseudo-sage and had the brute force of the Bohai tribe. Even if he was injured, Xue Rengui had to use his hands and did not dare to support it.

First shot it with an arrow, then chopped it, all in one go.


Lu Bu discovered that his opponent was killed by Xue Rengui, and immediately stared at Xue Rengui.

This young white-robed teenager took away his military exploits.

If it weren\'t for Lu Bu and Yang Dayan to drag Gao Biao, the barbarian who could fly the crossbow fired by the bed crossbow would not have been shot and killed by Xue Rengui.

Now almost all the credit is taken by Xue Rengui.

"Killing the enemy in the battlefield depends on their ability."

Xue Rengui changed his two-handed halberd into one-handed halberd, and continued to pursue the golden soldiers.

When Gao Biao\'s soldiers saw the false saint-level generals killed in battle, they immediately disintegrated, and Xue Rengui killed dozens of people, with blood staining red and white robe. The war horse covered with iron armor trampled past the broken golden soldier, and the golden soldier was killed and injured.

"It\'s only been four years, and his force has been comparable to mine."

Lu Bu saw Xue Rengui\'s indomitable progress and had his own shadow. He was amazed and burned with jealousy.


Not to be outdone, Lu Bu clamped his horse\'s belly to catch up.

His horse is as red as coals, and his stature is majestic, galloping like flying!

Fang Tian\'s painted halberd cuts down, like harvesting grass and mustard!

Yang Dayan\'s force was not as powerful as the two, but it was also at the level of the five tiger generals. He held Ma Fu in battle. Ma Fu swept past. The enemy soldiers were killed and injured. The wooden pillars on the side of the Yu Street were destroyed by Ma Fu and a mess.

This group of fierce generals fought, and directly demolished a lot of wooden houses in the outer city of Kaifeng.

"Ding! Your military commander killed Gao Biao, a pseudo-Saint-level military commander, and earned 10,000 points."

When Chu Tian led the main force of the Han army to the battlefield where a few fierce generals were fighting just now, Gao Biao had been killed, and Chu Tian also gained extra points.

You can get extra points by killing important figures of the Golden Soldier.

Among them, the points for killing the two Jin Guo coaches were the highest, followed by the killing of their troops.

Chu Tian looked at the majestic outer city wall. Jin Bing lost thousands of people in the outer city. At this time, he was already retreating to the outer city wall. He planned to use the fortifications of the outer city wall to trap the Han and Song troops inside the city.

Now it has become a fierce battle.

However, the stone steps to climb the city wall are on the inner side, and the difficulty of attacking the city wall is reduced.

In addition, a group of Han and Song Army Baojia rushed out of an unoccupied outer city gate, came outside the city, and flanked the golden soldiers at Xuanhua Gate!

Wang Yanzhang, Ma Chao, Xu Fengnian, Huo An and others led the cavalry and 50,000 Baojia out of the city to fight the golden soldiers outside the city.

Although Ma Chao was young, he entered the enemy line with a gun and killed more than ten golden cavalry!

Two elite kidnappers stabbed with spears and were caught by Ma Chao!

Ma Chao gritted his teeth and pulled the two cavalry off the horse!

An iron spear came and the two cavalrymen were killed. Wang Yanzhang looked at his apprentice with satisfaction. Once Ma Chao grows up, his force is absolutely not bad: "Good job."

Ma Chao continued to fight with the Golden Cavalry with guns.

"If Huo Qubing is here, the difficulty should decrease."

Huo An only brought a fierce general from Dawan to participate in the Battle of Jingkang. As for Huo Qubing, Chen Tang, Zhao Ponu, Gao Xianzhi and others, stayed north of the Tianshan Mountains to confront the Mongolian cavalry.

Huo Qubing’s cavalry had additional damage to the Golden State Cavalry, so Huo An believed that Huo Qubing’s presence would reduce the difficulty of the battle of Jingkang.

Huo An himself also had a certain amount of force, and he took a kidnapper under the horse, but it was extremely laborious. After the kidnapper horse\'s ability increased by 100%, there was a bonus for Jin Guo generals such as Wanyan Zongwang, and the actual combat power was very high.

"Fortunately, this is only a copy. If the Mongolian cavalry in the main world has the same level of promotion as the golden soldier, then it would be too scary..."

Huo An thought that if the attributes of the Mongol Empire were also increased by 100% by the system, the situation would be very serious.

The peak Mongol Empire is more terrifying than the peak Golden State.

"Probably not..."

Such thoughts only flashed in Huo An\'s mind, and he continued to fight with Jin Bing.

The Han army, the Song army, and the Baojia militia were divided into two groups, attacking the outer wall from the inner city all the way, and attacking the outer wall from the outer city all the way, in order to wipe out the main force of the golden soldiers!

Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Zonghan, Jin Wushu, Wanyan Yinshu, etc. are a group of Jin Guo generals whose true level is above the king level~www.novelhall.com~ They are the military generals of the peak Jin Guo period, the first group to fight the world People, the status of the Jin country is equivalent to a group of generals who founded the Ming Dynasty. At this time, I saw that the city was full of gold armor, the people of Kaifeng wanted, and the morale was high. They had already attacked under the outer wall and were about to recover the outer wall.

Once the outer city wall was recovered, Jin Bing wanted to break through Kaifeng City again, which was extremely difficult.

Song Qinzong learned this lesson, and should not dare to let the magic stick lead his troops to defeat the Jin Bing. Of course, it is also possible that next time...

Wanyan Zongwang looked down at the Han and Song troops that filled the entire imperial street, and finally said, "Be prepared to retreat."

Wanyan Yinshu was dissatisfied: "Are we leaving like this?"

Wanyan Zongwang had another idea: "Retreat does not mean failure. They attract their main force outside the city. If they dare to go out of the city to hunt and kill, use field battles to wipe them out. If they dare not to leave the city, we will plunder Henan, Shandong, and Hebei. You can’t go back empty-handed in all places. This time, we have exhausted our national strength and we have to gain something."

Jin Wushu took the initiative to ask Wanyan Zongwang for his instructions: "Second brother, if Song Jun comes to chase, I will personally lead Tiefutu to ambush all the chasing soldiers!"