Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 46: Lords of the Eastern Han District

"The first epic battle in the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

   Countless lords and free players in the East Han District were alarmed. The previous Yellow Turban trail activity is just a warm-up for the first epic battle "Yellow Turban Rebellion". The rewards for epic battles are huge.

   The lords and free players participating in the epic battle in each state will be concentrated in a larger battlefield, and they can also choose the camp.

  Lords and free players can choose to join the royal division of the Han Dynasty, or the Yellow Turban Army of the three brothers Zhang Jiao. It seems to be evenly matched, but it is hard to imagine how the Yellow Turbans were in such a situation when the Han court had the "three greats of the late Han" Lu Zhi, Huang Fusong, and Zhu Jun, as well as Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Dong Zhuo and other heroes reaping their military merits. How to turn over.

   After all, the Yellow Turban Army offended not only the Han court, but also aristocratic families and princes in various states and counties. No landlord would be willing to let a group of peasants climb on their heads.

   "The last event made me in Xuzhou just want to take the first place by farming, and this time the first one will be me. Two and a half months, enough time for the fourth-level infantry battalion to be built and the first batch of heavy infantry trained!"

   Guanzhong area, near Chang\'an City, the lord "Luo Qin" is supervising the carpenter\'s construction of the fourth-level infantry battalion.

   "Yellow Turban Rebellion" warm-up event "Yellow Turban Trail" the first prize should have been his. After being taken away by Chutian, Old Qin had always been worried about it.

   Qin general Mengwu returned with a team of infantry from crusade against bandits, and dozens of bandits became prisoners.

   "Train these bandits into heavy infantry."


   Xiangping County, Liaodong County, Youzhou, hundreds of cavalry captured a tribe and assigned the name of the fourth vassal village.

  The lord "A small soldier at the border at the end of the Ming Dynasty" has become the most powerful player lord recognized by Xiangping County, and the lord who belongs to Xiangping County is terrified of his cavalry.

"The Yellow Turban Rebellion? This should be a decisive battle between the Han court and the Yellow Turban Army. I heard that the Han court dispatched three soldiers and horses to attack the Yellow Turban Army. Liu Bei followed Lu Zhi, Cao Cao followed Huang Fusong, and Sun Jian followed Zhu Jun. There is a chance to see the Three Kingdoms. My heroes, which army should I choose to join the Han court? Or the Yellow Turban Army... impossible. In order to get the official position of the Han court, I will fight Gongsun Zan, Gongsundu and Liu Yu in the name of the court in the future. Choose the Yellow Turbans."

  The light of fire reflected in the eyes of a small soldier at the border gate at the end of Ming Dynasty. It was the flames of the attack on the nomadic tribe.


   Shu County, Lujiang County, Yangzhou, the lord "Tongquechun Shensuo Erqiao" already has a navy of more than 300 people, including two warships and more than a dozen sentry ships. At this time, he is fighting with water bandits.

   He suddenly heard an announcement from the system in the East Han District, and the bow was stiff. But he quickly shot and killed a water bandit with an arrow.

   The archers on the two warships fired a hundred arrows to suppress the water bandits and soon captured the water village.

"Unfortunately, the main battlefield of the Yellow Turban Rebellion is in the north, and my navy will not be able to play a role at all. However, the waters of the Yangtze River will be my world in the future. As long as the navy is strong enough, with the numerous player lords south of the Yangtze River and The population brought by their villages may not be smaller in the south than in the north. This is still somewhat different from the real Eastern Han Dynasty."

   Tongque Chunshen locks and Er Qiao looks at the rolling Yangtze River, where a water empire can be established. After the area of ​​the Yangtze River has been expanded tenfold, the width of the river in the middle and lower reaches reaches several kilometers or even tens of kilometers, and it is impossible to cross the Yangtze without a navy.


   "Is the first epic battle finally going to start? Interesting. You are going to send gold and silver to the state capital, can there be results?"

   "The officials in the prefecture didn\'t look down on us at all. A military general in the Three Kingdoms period didn\'t treat us as the same thing, and those aristocratic families ignored us."

   "Finally, keep the gold and silver to develop our town. When our town reaches the city level, if we can get one or two historical military generals, the family of Shu people dare not underestimate us, but demand us."

   In Chengdu Plain, Yizhou Shu County, a lord sent his men to bribe the officials of Yizhou Prefecture, and ended up shutting their doors. The aristocratic families of Yizhou Prefecture looked down on the previous lords at all. In the eyes of the aristocratic families, these lords were just aliens with a little power, and they were far from the aristocratic families who controlled the soldiers and horses of the Shu area.

   In the Hanzhong Plain, a lord is recruiting refugees. He joined Zhang Lu’s Five Dou Rice Sect and gained a bonus for attracting refugees. The population is larger than that of lords in other regions.

   Xiangyang, Jingzhou, a lord successfully befriended Cai Zhong, the general of the Cai family, and visited the Cai family. He suddenly learned the news of the "Yellow Turban Rebellion" and was taken aback for a moment, before continuing to greet Cai Zhong with a smile. Although the Cai family in Jingzhou does not have first-class talents, the Cai family has a huge influence in Jingbei.

   Qingzhou Beihai Country, several player guilds gathered in Yingling County to prepare for the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

   "Young Master Zhao, you were a player during the closed beta. Did you start an epic campaign at that time?"

   "No. Only a small amount of news released on the forum. I heard that everyone can choose between the two major camps and the three major battlefields, which means there are six combinations."

   "It seems that we can only receive more detailed announcements before the event starts."

   "Not all players dare to participate in this event. This time they are facing the main force of the Yellow Turban Army. Even if there are officers and soldiers of the Han court as the main force, who dares to take the initiative to rush to the forefront? That would be fatal!"

   Several player guild leaders talked about the first epic battle while making tea~www.novelhall.com~.

   The rewards for epic battles are obviously extremely rich, but dangerous. Some players don\'t necessarily take risks, but choose to stay in a safe and neutral city, or silently develop their own territory.

   Players who are ambitious and adventurous will participate in the war.

   "What was the first epic battle in other civilized areas? Do you know the lords of other civilized areas?"

"Really know. The first epic battle in Toei Ward was the Battle of Ozazama, the battle between Owari Kuni Daimyo Oda Nobunaga and Tokaido Daimyo Imagawa Yoshimoto. It should have been Oda Nobunaga. Victory, but the support of Oda Nobunaga from players in the Edomite area may turn into a bully and there is no suspense."

   "The Holy See was the Spartak uprising in the Roman period."

   "The Goryeo District is a battle for the unification of the three Koreas."

   Not only all the lords and free players in the Eastern Han District, the lords and free players in other civilized areas were also alarmed almost at the same time.

  Each civilized area has its own epic battle, and all lords who aspire to the world are preparing for the battle.

   Now that there are frictions between the lords, many small lords have been annexed or destroyed by the big lords, and the competition in the epic battle will only become more intense.

   These guilds in Beihai County, Qingzhou are well informed, and they are also paying attention to the situation in other civilized areas.

   "Master Zhao, our Beihai State-owned Mausoleum County is the largest in your town. You may become the largest lord of the North Sea country in the future. However, there seem to be many powerful lords in Langya country to the south of the North Sea country."

   "As long as you support me, we will conquer Beihai Country, or even go south to Langya Country, without any problem."