Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 45: 2 town conflict

Chutian is busy revitalizing the industry, and in Lingyan Town, about 25 kilometers away from Xia Town, 50 cavalry and 100 light infantry recruited by the lord "Datang Li Er" have completed training.

   Hundreds of free players from guilds came to Lingyan Town.

"This time our goal is the third-level gold mine in Shangbi Village. Shangbi Village may have been occupied by a powerful lord. But no matter what, we have to take the third-level gold mine. The third-level gold mine puts 100 labor in , At least 30 taels of gold are produced per month. If you increase your labor, you will get more gold every month. With this gold, and my town has a secondary ranch, our Lingyan Pavilion will become Langya Country The biggest force. Before Xuzhou Governor Tao Qian becomes active, we must expand our territory as soon as possible!"

   Datang Li Er glanced at the guild members present. With his troops and hundreds of free players, he should be able to seize the third-level gold mine.

"set off!"

   The Lingyan Pavilion coalition composed of 50 light cavalry, 100 light infantry, 100 free players, and 300 courageous villagers marched towards Shangbi Village.

   Chutian didn’t know that his vassal village would soon be coveted by other lords. At this time, he was taking Li Zong to inspect the farmland. Li Di organized a group of refugees to divert water from the Yi River to the newly reclaimed farmland, and at the same time dig drainage ditches and wells.

  October is the season for planting. Xia Town should prepare farmland by October and plan the use of farmland reasonably. For farmland where the fertility of the land has been lost, some grains and beans can be planted to accelerate the restoration of land fertility.

   The rhizobia of legumes have a strong ability to fix nitrogen. Chutian still understands this common sense.

  In addition to soybeans, it can also take care of planting oil crops such as peanuts.

   Soybean is a crop owned by the Eastern Han District. Peanuts and corn are in other civilized areas. Even Champa Rice, which is important to the Eastern Han District, is in Annan District. There are still seven or eight months before the civilized area opens, so the seeds of these crops cannot be bought.

   Even if the civilized area is opened, the merchants of both sides have to transport goods through the vast sea.

   Xia Town and vassal villages implement a wheat-soybean rotation system.

   "My Lord Mayor."

   Farmers in the farmland are clearing weeds and finely preparing the land. Seeing the lord Chutian and the official farmer Li Li came to inspect the farmland, they greeted them.

   Now Chutian will often visit the farmland, and if he upgrades to the city in the future, he might not have time to go down the farm himself.

  The farmland is of course not inside the town, but outside the town. The area covered by the rammed earth walls of the town is not large. During the Three Kingdoms period, the total length of Yecheng, the capital of Cao and Wei Dynasty, was only 10.3 kilometers. Generally speaking, administrative, commercial, residential buildings and other buildings need to be protected by city walls, and farmland, orchards, and mines covering a large area are outside the town. With a larger population, new municipal districts will form even outside the city walls.

   A fast horse galloped across the country road, and the cavalry above shouted: "Get out, get out!"

  The farmers on the dirt road evaded to both sides.

   Chu Tian frowned slightly, he said to Hua Mulan who was following to inspect, "Stop him."

   Mulan blocked the dirt road, and the galloping cavalry had to stop.

   The cavalry seemed a little anxious, but after seeing that the person in front was Hua Mulan, the cavalry who had been under Hua Mulan immediately dismounted: "General!"

   He saw Chu Tian again, and knelt down quickly: "Lord Lord!"

   "When did you panic and run the horse in the field?"

  Chutian’s "Separation of Soldiers and Farmers" policy clearly stipulates that soldiers cannot harass the people at will, especially during peacetime cavalry cannot ride freely in the town, nor can they run horses in the fields to prevent trampling on the farmland or hitting the farmers.

   The cavalry hurriedly explained: "The villain was ordered to station in Shangbi Village. When patrolling outside the village, he found an army marching in Shangbi Village. Master Wu Shang immediately sent me back to Xiazhen to report!"

   "The army? How many are there?"

   "More than 500 people, among them there are many strangers!"

   Chutian was surprised. He hasn\'t had any real battles with other lords. Whether it\'s Xiaozhu Village or Yunlai Village, he surrendered after seeing the bad situation. The conquest of Shangbi Village was just a small battle with the horse thief.

  As the territories of various lords expand, some conflicts are inevitable.

   can have an army composed of more than 500 soldiers and players, the lord behind must not be weak, at least own the town.

   "The opponent\'s target is Shangbi Village. Shangbi Village is only a second-level village, not a third-level village. Then they are very likely to come for a third-level gold mine."

   Although Li Mi is a hero of internal affairs, his current intelligence of 75 is comparable to that of a second- and third-rate adviser in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Hearing what the cavalry said, he quickly judged the intention of the opponent.

   Chutian almost thought of the third-level gold mine in Shangbi Village. There are many people who know that there are third-level gold mines, the miners of Shangbi Village, and the village chief who escaped when the horse thief arrived.

   Sure enough, I have something good, and I have to be able to hold it.

"Oh, I can’t even think about farming well. I have to have trouble finding the door." Chu Tian patted the dirt on the army boots. "Assemble all the troops and let Xiaozhu Village send 300 villagers, and our Xia Town sends 400 villagers. It depends on whose people are many!"

   The Xuzhou archers in the barracks have a long training period and are still undergoing training. 60 elite infantry have been trained.

   40 cavalry, 40 Xuzhou archers, 140 elite infantry, a total of 220 professional soldiers gathered at the schoolyard in Xiazhen.

   Chutian is preparing to plant seeds in October. At this time, please come to the door and send troops to settle it.

   "Wait, the other party should be the lord who owns the town? I wonder if the town can become a vassal?"

   There is also a fourth vassal village in Xia Town.

   It is reasonable to say that the level of the main city is higher than that of the branch city. For example, if Xiaozhu Village becomes a vassal of Xia Town, even if Xiaozhu Village meets the conditions for upgrading a first-level town, it cannot be upgraded to a first-level town. It can only be upgraded after Xiazhen is upgraded to a second-level town~www.novelhall.com ~ Chutian also doesn\'t know whether it is possible to annex a first-level town. If towns of the same level can be annexed, Xia Zhen\'s strength will be even higher.

   "My lord mayor, the villagers are full of outrage when they heard that the enemy has invaded, and they are all willing to participate in the battle before the farming is busy."

   Elder Li organized 400 Xiangyong to join the battle, and the average level of Xiangyong is around 20.

   Xiangyong\'s combat power is lacklustre, but at least the number of people looks scary.

  Chu Tian appointed a bronze hero Zhao Qi to lead the Xiangyong troops. His characteristic [Xiangyong Commander·Small] can give Xiangyong +1 to all attributes, which is regarded as a small early magic skill.

   Hua Mulan commanded the 40 most precious light cavalry in Xiazhen. The 25% offensive and defensive bonus brought by Hua Mulan allows first-tier light cavalry to be used as second-tier elite light cavalry.

   Liu Sandao commanded 40 Xuzhou archers. The bow generals added the characteristic [Great Han Army Soul·Small] to grant two bonuses to the archers.

   As for the elite infantry, Chu Tian personally commanded. Chutian has no special bonuses, but the elite infantry\'s own attributes are already very good.

   "If the opponent retreats when they know it\'s difficult, that\'s all. If the opponent wants to fight, then defeat them and annex their territory."

   Chutian thought while leading the 220 professional soldiers and 400 villagers from Xia Town out of town.

   "Ding! Donghan District Notice: All Donghan District players please note that the first epic battle-"Yellow Turban Rebellion" will start on December 1, the first year of the Lord\'s calendar. Please prepare in advance for all lords and free players!"

   Just half a step out of Xiazhen, Chu Tian received a shocking news.

   The time for the first epic battle has been determined, and there are two and a half months to prepare!