Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 41: Gold storm

Good luck is useless, but strength. Those who have virtues (strength) in gold mines live.

   At least Chutian thinks so.

  The head of Shangbi Village first discovered the gold mine and couldn\'t hold it. It was later occupied by horse thieves, and now it fell into Chu Tian\'s hands.

   After confirming that there is a gold mine in Shangbi Village, Chutian led the soldiers into Shangbi Village.

   "Thank you for saving us!"

  The villagers of Shangbi Village greeted each other with food, and Chutian, who came for the gold mine, did save these villagers in a sense.

   "I heard that Shangbi Village was occupied by horse thieves. I felt the same and had trouble sleeping and eating, so I came to rescue you non-stop. It\'s better for you folks and elders to be fine than everything."

   Chutian cheered and comforted the villagers and moved them even more.

   The horse thief did not destroy the stone stele in Shangbi Village. It is estimated that they wanted to use the villagers to mine.

   Chutian chose to occupy Shangbi Village, turning this second-level village into a vassal village of Xiazhen.

   It only takes two hours to occupy the secondary village, and Chutian can already see the information of Shangbi Village.

   [Territory]: Shangbi Village (second-level village)

   [Lord]: Chu Tian (fourth class not changed)

   [affiliation]: Xiazhen

   [Specialty]: Inferior gold ore (Grade B), Hawthorn (Grade D specialty)

   [Population]: 517/1000


  [Public Security]: 55

   [Facilities]: Level 3 mining farm, Level 2 blacksmith shop, Xiangyongying, Caotang private school...

   A very ordinary second-level village. Because Chu Tian rescued the village from the horse thief, the people\'s hearts reached 90. Generally speaking, there is basically no possibility of an uprising in the people\'s mind above 80, and there will be some positive effects above 90, such as donating money and food and responding to policies.

   Chutian looked at the talents in Shangbi Village, and there was actually a silver-level internal affairs talent, Elder Zhang, with a political attribute of 47, which was barely enough.

   Chutian directly appointed him as the temporary village head, and asked him to supervise the villagers’ mining. In the future, he only needs to send drawings for the village head to build. Every month, Shangbi Village will transport the mined gold and taxes to Xia Town.

"Wu Shang, I will leave you with 2 cavalry and 50 elite infantrymen and guard the village on the wall with Elder Zhang. Without an order, you must not conflict with the surrounding villages. Normally you improve public security. If there is an enemy attack, close it tightly. The village gate stood firm, and the cavalry was dispatched to Xiazhen in a hurry."


   Chutian arranged for Wu Shang, a silver-ranked ranger, to serve as the defensive general of Shangbi Village. There is a shortage of talents. It may be that Wen You Li Li and Wu You Hua Mulan have seen too many heroes with 80 attributes and above. At this time, looking at the next batch of gold-level and silver-level generals, they suddenly lost their popularity.

   In fact, most village chiefs still use silver-level or even bronze-level military commanders and civil servants. There are very few gold level generals.

   Chutian arranged for a group of villagers from Shangbi Village to become miners. The main income of Shangbi Village comes from mining farms. As long as the food is self-sufficient, there is not enough labor. In order to mine gold, agriculture can only be sacrificed slightly.

   The quota of vassal villages in Xia Town, Chutian used very carefully. Xiaozhu Village is a trade-type village, and Shangbi Village is a mineral-type village. In short, they are all about making money and assisting Xia Town.


   "Ding! Players, your territory "Shangbi Village" is occupied by other lords. You have lost your status as a lord. Please choose your growth direction again."

   "The general direction."

   Langya City, the escaped village chief of Shangbi Village received the system prompt and couldn\'t help gritting his teeth.

  He came to a courtyard bought by a player guild in the city, where free players came in and out. In the middle of the courtyard there was a plaque-"Lingyan Pavilion".

   There are at least hundreds of player guilds in Langya City.

   "I\'m looking for the chairman, I have important information."

   "The chairman\'s village was upgraded to a first-level town today. He is in his own territory. What information do you have?"

   "I know where there are gold mines."

   "Gold mine!"

   Several free players in charge of managing the guild looked frantically.

  Everyone is trapped in the world of "Lord", the earth coin is just a piece of waste paper, and gold, silver and copper are extremely important.

   "How many levels of gold mines?"

   "Level three."

   "Come on, prepare the horse! I will take you to the president\'s Lingyan Town, the president will definitely be interested in the third-level gold mine!"


  Lingyan Town, 30 kilometers southwest of Langya City, is a first-class town. The lord "Datang Li Er" can be ranked in the top 100 in Xuzhou District. It is one of the rare towns in Langya country.

   "The chairman, the village head of Shangbi Village reported that a third-level gold mine is less than 40 kilometers away from you."

   "Bring him to see me."

   "We are on the way to your town."


Datang Li Er received the report from the guild members, and his eyes also showed a desire for gold mines: "I have a second-level ranch and a second-level cavalry battalion here. It is not that I have no ability to train cavalry, but can\'t raise horses. Fifty. A war horse requires at least one hundred gold. The cost of raising horses is a huge expense every month. If I win a third-level gold mine, I will have the funds to recruit hundreds of cavalry and become the most powerful town in Langya. !"

   Under the order of Datang Li Er, fifty Xiangyong entered the cavalry camp in Lingyan Town for training. All the fifty cavalry were trained as light cavalry.


Chu Tian didn’t know that this level three gold mine aroused the coveting of other lords~www.novelhall.com~ After occupying Shangbi Village, he returned to Xiazhen and continued to expand his army-using the captured horses to train 12 light cavalry and 59 elite infantry.

  According to the current organization, Xiazhen has 40 light cavalry, 50 Xuzhou archers, 120 elite infantry, and the generals include Hua Mulan, Liu Sandao, and Zhao Qi. Shangbi Village has 2 light cavalry, 50 elite infantry, and the guard will be Wu Shang. Xiaozhu Village is too close to Xia Town, there are no standing soldiers, and there are only a few villagers who maintain law and order.

   There are two vassal villages in Xia Town.

   The vassal village is very important. Money will be handed in every month, and grain will be handed in to Xia Town every year. Xia Town has more financial income and can feed more soldiers.

   The output of the gold mine is unknown. Chutian arranged 150 labors to mine the Shangbi Village gold mine. After a month of mining, it is probably known how much output will be produced by the 150 labors invested in the third-level gold mine.

   The population of Xia Town continues to increase. The fourth-level fish market has gradually become prosperous because the city’s Cao Xialiang commissioned caravans to promote it in various places. There are hundreds of residents trading in the fish market every day.

  Dian Agricultural Officer Li Li led the townspeople to open up a new farmland outside the town to prepare for planting in October.

   At the end of August, Xuzhou archers finally finished their training!

   A team of Xuzhou archers stood in five rows in the school field, wearing leather armor, holding a bow in their right hand and carrying a quiver. A quiver is loaded with 20 to 30 arrows, which costs about one or two silver.

   Training a team of elite archers is also quite expensive.

   "There is a third-level village near the water village. If you can occupy that third-level village, you can control the water village and set up a navy camp in the water village in the future."

   Chutian has not forgotten that there is a powerful navy in Xia Village with eight sailors. Dreams are still necessary. What if I can drink the Yangtze River in the future?