Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

~: About Update and Book Friends

It is normal for the new book term to be twice a day, so don’t say the author is short and weak. It is working hard to save the manuscript, and it will do as much as it is on the shelf.

  Book Friends Group: 1054516434 (the lord of all people in online games)

   The author number is bound to other accounts, so I can’t reply directly in the comment area (but I read every comment!). If you have to capture the author alive, you can find it in the book friend group.

If you are interested in battles, architecture, ancient technology, farming patterns, military commanders (especially military commanders from other civilizations, the author of ancient Chinese military commanders Jiucheng knows), you can mention it to me, but for the sake of plot and rhythm, not necessarily Will accept them all.