Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 381: Thoughts of Joan of Arc

The latest website: "National War, maybe you can take this opportunity to return to France."

Joan of Arc, currently one of the commanders of the five Northern Army schools, heard the news of the third national war, and felt that she had no hope of returning to France, and suddenly new ideas occurred.

The market is full of discussions about the third national war, which cannot be concealed.

She paced restlessly.

In the third national war, it is obvious that France will also participate. As long as she finds the opportunity and escapes to the city of French civilization, she can return to France safely, and she will no longer be oppressed by the black-hearted lord Chu Tian.

"This is the only chance..."

However, she had to find a way to find out if Chu Tian would take her to participate in the national war. If Chu Tian didn\'t plan to take her to participate in the national war, then her plan would be meaningless.

The uneasy Joan of Arc tentatively probed Chutian\'s tone, and took the initiative to find the black-hearted lord.

"Do you want to participate in the national war?"

Chu Tian looked up and down the alien general, and Joan shivered. Joan of Arc was the general who was captured by him in the last national war. It has been nearly two years since he was 17 years old to 19 years old.

According to Chu Tian\'s agreement with her, she will serve for Chu Tian for five years. Now two years have passed, and four years remain. It\'s not that Chu Tian made a mistake, but Chu Tian often finds excuses to extend the time limit for Joan of Arc to return to France.

Joan of Arc has the most powerful inspiration of the Chutian forces at present. If she is brought to the national war, it will naturally help the Eastern Han Dynasty to deal with other civilizations.

But there is also a consequence, that is, Joan of Arc may use this opportunity to escape back to France. Once she returns to the French civilization, the French civilization\'s combat power during the national war will be greatly enhanced.

Chu Tian is considering the list of generals who will go to the national war.

In theory, all the generals are the best in national warfare, but in reality it is not the case.

The commander who has the aura of the whole army is the most practical and must be brought along, followed by the chief general who is alone and a group of warriors.

Chu Tian also left a group of generals to maintain law and order and train soldiers and horses.

The national war lasted for half a year. If a king-level commander trains soldiers and horses, half a year can turn a group of recruits into veterans. Chu Tian expanded the main army to 300,000, and there were a large number of local defensive corps that needed training, and some generals would definitely be left behind. In addition, a troop only applies to the main general bonus and certain bonuses that do not conflict with the main general. However, the 30,000 army has a large group of generals, which is too wasteful.

It was really difficult for Chu Tian to decide whether to let Joan of Arc participate in the third national war. After all, the enemy this time might be France.

Joan of Arc was looked at by Chu Tian\'s eyes more than a dozen times, and said bitterly, "Lord Lord, please let me go to participate in the national war."

Chu Tian\'s eyes were aggressive: "Do you want to use the opportunity of the national war to escape back to France?"

Joan was seen through by Chu Tian at a glance, she was shocked in her heart, hesitating: "No... not like this..."

Chu Tian has been sitting in the position of lord for more than five years, and it can be considered a scheming fortune. Joan of Arc thought carefully about this, Chu Tian knew it well.

"I have an appointment with you. After serving me for five years, I will release you back to France. Now it\'s only two years before you plan to escape. This is the contract spirit of the French?"

Chu Tian played with Joan of Arc between the palms of his hands, easily.

Joan of Arc was said by Chu Tian, ​​and she used her fingers to draw circles on the desk aggrievedly: "But five years and five years, five years later, five years later... It was originally said that it was five years, but now the total time limit is already For six years..."

Unexpectedly, this guy would settle the bill.

"In this national war, you stay and defend the city with Miss Xia. Xia Cheng has a lofty status and cannot be lost."

After Chu Tian found out that Joan of Arc had grown a little bit, he could not easily take her to the national war, otherwise Joan would most likely escape.

Joan of Arc was a little broken and her nose was sore: "Take me to the national war, I can do everything..."

After speaking, she even went to untie her waist.

Chu Tian had a black line on his face. When did Joan of Arc learn this method: "Stop, who taught you to do this?"

Joan wiped her tears and sobbed: "Sister Xia said that if you want to get it, you have to pay...


Chu Tian thought that he had to use the family method to punish the summer coolness, and even if the summer coolness damaged Mulan, even Joan of Arc is being taught.

"Let me think about it, you go down first."

Chu Tian drove away Joan, who wanted to sacrifice her life in exchange for freedom.

The messy-clothed Joan was driven out by Chu Tian. When Hua Mulan saw that Joan\'s eyes were red, she was surprised: "What happened to the lord?"

Joan of Arc threw herself into Hua Mulan\'s arms and sobbed: "Your lord wants me, wants me..."

Originally, Joan wanted to tell her to defend the city, but only half of her words made Mulan misunderstand.

"Sister, I will make the decision for you!"

Hua Mulan came to Chutian angrily.

Chu Tian saw Hua Mulan glaring at him, and when he was in trouble, another trouble came: "What\'s wrong with you?"

Hua Mulan plausibly said: "Lord, privately think that if you do something wrong, you will be responsible."

Chu Tian has a headache, what\'s the matter...

After Hua Mulan was also blasted away, Chu Tian had enough time to decide the candidates for the third national war and the composition of the 30,000 army.

During the period, the fourth imperial examination examination was in progress. A total of more than 5,000 talents were selected, and only two hundred were eligible to participate in the palace examination. Among them, there are 100 civil officials and 100 generals.

Chu Tian took the lead in implementing imperial examinations in Langya, and other lords also followed suit. Basically, all states and counties were selecting talents, and fighting ceased everywhere.

Five counties in Xuzhou, five counties in Qingzhou, nine and a half counties in Yanzhou, and one county in Yuzhou and Yangzhou each selected one hundred generals. On average, for one county, fewer than five generals can stand out and be reused.

This group of generals gathered in Xiacheng, waiting for Chu Tian to summon them.

Among the 100 generals, there are historical generals and ordinary generals. The lowest generals are also gold-level general generals, and there may even be historical generals. As Chutian\'s sphere of influence expands, the quality of the generals recruited through martial arts will be higher.

"There are a total of 87 male generals and 13 female generals. Among them are many high-quality generals."

Before Chu Tian summoned them, they gathered at the school grounds, and Hua Mulan, Jeanne, Mi Fang and others came to check.

"It is indeed a fierce general!"

Mi Fang couldn\'t help but sigh when he saw the lined up of generals, most of them burly.

His eyes were placed on a majestic, slightly blessed warlord, who had a big axe beside him. The big axe was spotted on the mountain.

The big axe general and Mi Fang stared at each other.

Mi Fang also followed righteous brothers Wu Anguo and Lu Kuang.

"what\'s your name?"

Mi Fang looked at each other very pleasingly, so he became curious.

The fierce general\'s voice was loud and loud: "I am the first fierce general of Lingling Prefect, and I am against the tens of thousands of Xing Daorong!"

Mi Fang commented: "A fierce general under the Lingling prefect... can be a general under a prefect. It seems that you have a bit of force."

"you are?"

"Xuzhou Wushuang General Mi Fang, now the fifth school of the Northern Army is serving as a general."

"Xuzhou Wushuang Admiral...Look up for a long time."

Xing Daorong simply compares, he is the military commander of Lingling County, and Mi Fang is the military commander of Xuzhou, one is a county, the other is a state, so naturally the military commander of a state is more powerful.

However, Hua Mulan and Joan of Arc focused their attention on the few female generals. The 13 female generals selected were at least the gold-level generals with over 60 military strength. This group of people is likely to become their generals.

Some of the thirteen female generals also looked at them, eager to try.

Mi Fang glanced at all the generals: "Before the lord summons you, it\'s better for you to compete in martial arts for the time being to see if you have real talents."

Hua Mulan, Joan of Arc and others allowed Mi Fang to hold a contest, and they also wanted to see how powerful this batch of newly recruited generals was.

"Can anyone dare to fight against our 10,000-person enemy Xing Daorong?"

Xing Daorong, who fled from the defeated Jingnan to Xuzhou, lifted a dozen kilograms of axe, and looked down upon the other ninety-nine generals. He wants to be famous through martial arts and get reused by Yanzhou Mu.

Many people heard that Xing Daorong was the top warrior under the prefect of Lingling County, and they couldn\'t help but feel frightened.

Although Xing Daorong was not named in the Three Kingdoms platoon, he was able to be reused by the prefect, and he was definitely much stronger than ordinary generals.

Xing Daorong\'s weapon, the mountain-opening axe, looked very scary, and the axe body was so scarred that he had obviously experienced many battles.

"I\'m here to challenge!"

An ordinary general with a force of about 70 points armed with a red tasseled spear, took the initiative to challenge Xing Daorong.

"My axe may not be merciful! I will force Huashan!"

Xing Daorong shook his great axe, drove the mountain and screamed, and slashed at the military commander holding a red tassel spear!

The red tasseled spear and the giant axe fight, one is feminine, the other is domineering!

Xing Daorong held an axe in both hands and was on the offensive. The red tasseled spear could only be resisted. In the end, he chopped the red tasseled spear into two pieces with a single axe. The big axe fell and fell four inches into the ground, almost cutting his opponent into two pieces!

Most people take a step back subconsciously.

In a sense, Xing Daorong is really a fierce player!

"His force is higher than mine..."

Mi Fang muttered inwardly.

Xing Daorong won the first battle, watching the heroes, arrogantly: "Who else would dare to fight?"

The audience was silent, and among them there were a group of people who knew the art of war but were not powerful enough to evade Xing Daorong.

Mi Fang said to Xing Daorong: "It seems that you will be the champion in this martial arts examination. If you can join the Five Northern Military Academy in the future, you will surely have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

In order to please Mi Fang, Lu Kuang said, "Brother, since he is the champion of this martial arts exercise, it is better to go up and give him some advice, so that he has room for growth in the future."


Mi Fang\'s force is really inferior to Xing Daorong.

"There is no need for Big Brother to take action, my Beihai Hammer was defeated by Big Brother!"

Wu Anguo wielded the hammer to fight.

Both of them are heavy weapons, a mountain axe, and a North Sea hammer. They collided with each other during the battle. The sound of the collision of gold and stones was extremely harsh!

This is a duel between two reckless men. The mountain axe blocked the hammer, and the hammer hit the giant axe. The giant axe was hit, and Xing Daorong\'s hands holding the axe shook pain.

The giant axe slashed, and the hammer blocked, Wu Anguo was also a little laborious.

"We must win..."

Mi Fang made a cold sweat for Wu Anguo.

He is Wu Anguo\'s eldest brother. If Wu Anguo can\'t defeat Xing Daorong, then as the eldest brother, he has to go. Mi Fang thought he was not Wu Anguo\'s opponent, nor Xing Daorong\'s opponent. So Mi Fang hopes Wu Anguo can win.

Wu Anguo fought bravely, and the fifty catty hammer continued to hit Xing Daorong, forcing Xing Daorong to return to defense!

The two sides used the most savage weapons and methods to fight in close hands. The hammer and the giant axe collided with sparks from time to time!

After dozens of rounds, the two sides were sweating profusely, their muscles were trembling, and their muscles were obviously weakened.


Wu Anguo yelled violently and raised the hammer again!

"I surrender!"

Seeing that Wu Anguo still had strength, Xing Daorong simply surrendered because he was unable to fight anymore.

"You can\'t even beat me, you are still far behind my elder brother. But you are indeed a good player."

Wu Anguo leaned on the hammer, panting, and sympathized with Xing Daorong.

"It\'s Xing Daorong who underestimates the hero of the world. There are people outside the world, and there is sky outside the sky.

Xing Daorong was defeated by Beihai Iron Hammer Wu Anguo, and looked at Mi Fang, who was the eldest brother, with fear. Even Wu Anguo, who ranked second, defeated him, and Mi Fang\'s force was estimated to be even higher.

"This year seems not to work."

Mi Fang couldn\'t help sighing. This is not because he is proud, but because he compares Xing Daorong with the real first-rate fighter, the gap is not small.

Of course, Mi Fang knew that the most apex of Chutian forces were Xue Rengui, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Li Guang and others.

If Xing Daorong is the most powerful general in this martial arts exercise, it is still a bit short.

A female general watched Wu Anguo and Xing Daorong indifferently, and did not seem to be shocked by the sweaty fight between the two.

After Xing Daorong shot, another group of generals competed with each other.

"Among the female generals, who is the most powerful?"

A general with a broadsword came to invite a handful of thirteen female generals.

With a clang, a pear spear picked up the long knife!

The long knife swung around in the air a few times before it crashed to the ground.

The generals who came to challenge were dumbfounded.

The opponent will pick up their weapons with a single shot. Two people are not opponents of the same level at all. To speak unceremoniously, if the two confront each other on the battlefield, the female general can kill her with one shot!

Seeing this, Xing Daorong and Wu Anguo, who were resting on the side, swallowed with difficulty. The force of this female general is far above them, and it\'s not even worse.

This is the champion of this martial arts exercise!

Unexpectedly, you can really recruit ruthless people...

Mi Fang was also completely stunned ~www.novelhall.com~ The female generals took the initiative to challenge other generals, but the contestant was not other people, but Mulan.

Hua Mulan felt the opponent\'s fighting spirit and drew Tang Dao to use short weapons against long weapons.

Suddenly, Hua Mulan frowned slightly, and a very uncomfortable feeling came from her abdomen.

Eat your stomach?

Hua Mulan had no choice but to say to Joan of Arc who was following: "Sister Joan, I am sick, she will let you deal with it."


Joan of Arc was pushed up by Hua Mulan, she had to draw out the knight sword and confronted the female general. The sharp knight sword pointed at the opponent.

The female general shook her pear spear, and saw that the other party\'s knight sword was somewhat different from that of the Central Plains, and she was somewhat surprised: "Next, Mu Guiying, please enlighten me."