Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 380: Chutian Edition Cooking Wine on Heroes

Latest website: Cao Cao, who lives in Xiacheng, received a banquet from Chutian and invited Cao Cao to a banquet in another courtyard in Xiacheng.

Cao Cao was uneasy. Chu Zimou was a dangerous person in his eyes, and he was firmly anchored in East County, but he did not develop.

Chu Tian invited him, maybe it was a Hongmen Banquet.

Operation Cao is a smart person, and has as far as possible the relationship with Cao clan relatives and Xiahou clan military commanders, and not much contact with Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan and others. At this moment, Chu Tian suddenly looked for him, could it be that he suspected that he still had ambitions?

Although Cao Cao was suspicious, he still had to come to the banquet, after all, Chu Tian was his current lord.

Before leaving, Cao Cao asked Cao De to take good care of Cao Song and prepare for the funeral.

"The wind is depressed and the water is cold, and the strong men will never return."

Cao Cao went to the banquet with a tragic heart.

In addition to the Lord\'s Mansion, Xia Liang, who is in charge of Neiku, is still in several other courtyards in Xiacheng. These other courtyards are the assets of the lord\'s mansion, that is, Chu Tian\'s personal assets.

Chutian chose to host a banquet to receive Cao Cao in one of the other courtyards.

Generals Tai Shici, Xue Wanche, and Mi Fang of the Fifth Academy of the Northern Army and the Tiger Ben Corps led their soldiers around the pavilion. They were dressed in sharpness, and each of them had a Tang sword hanging around their waist.

Cao Cao trembled when he saw such a lineup. If it is really a Hong Men Banquet, no matter how high his force is, he will undoubtedly die.

There are bottles in the pavilion, green plums on a plate, a bottle of boiled wine, and other cold dishes.

Chu Zimou, the foreign prince who defeated him, sat in the pavilion: "Meng De, please sit down."

Cao Cao sat down with Chu Tian anxiously: "I don\'t know if the Lord calls me, what can I tell you?"

"No hurry, no hurry."

Chu Tian squinted his eyes to look at Cao Cao, causing Cao Cao to get goose bumps.

Chu Tian\'s purpose is also very simple, to bring Cao Cao to participate in the third national war. Send Cao Cao to participate in the third national war. As a result, Cao Cao has an aura of the whole army, which can strengthen the abilities of king-level and below-king generals, and the Eastern Han faction has a greater probability of winning. Secondly, Chutian planned to adapt Cao Cao to his status as a general through the national war.

Cao Cao has not been a vassal for long. If the crusade against Dong Zhuo is considered to be a real separatist regime, then Cao Cao has only been a vassal for two years, and he has been held in Dongjun by Chutian. Even half of Yanzhou cannot be unified. The highest official position is just a nameless Yanzhou governor.

The two sit opposite each other, and the maid cooks green plum wine with a delicate fragrance.

Cao Cao was absent-minded about the Hongmen Banquet.

Chutian captured Yanzhou, Jinan, Qi and other places. The soldiers pointed out that they were all invincible and even more prestigious. Cao Cao, a Yanzhou provincial governor, is no longer worth mentioning in front of General Zhengdong.

The wine was half full, the clouds were overcast, and the showers were approaching. Chutian\'s guards went to the pavilion to take shelter.

"The lord doesn\'t need to be circumspect, otherwise Meng De will be hard to swallow."

Chu Tian could have nothing to do, but Cao Cao didn\'t know Chu Tian\'s true intentions, and was panicked.

Chu Tian asked, "Does Meng De know the changes in Dragon?"

Cao Cao wondered why Chu Tian asked this, pondered for a while, and then replied: "The dragon can be large and small, and it can rise and hide; when the dragon is large, it thrives in the clouds, while the small one hides its shape; when it rises, it soars in the universe and hides itself. Then lurks in the waves..."

Chu Tian asked again: "The dragon is a thing, a hero comparable to the world. Meng De has been around for a long time, can you tell who is the hero of the world?"

"Meng De is just a mediocre person, how can he recognize a hero..."

"Hugh is too modest."

"Think about it now."

Cao Cao did not expect that Chu Tian would ask such a question, so he had to follow Chu Tian’s line of thought to answer: "The old Qin Hu is in the pass, he has eight thousand miles of Qinchuan, and the third assistants of the Megatron are among the three men. Ling is not a minister, can he be a hero?"

Chu Tian replied: "Hulao is mine. It is difficult for Lao Qin to move east. There are also Longxi aristocrats who are not heroes."

Cao Cao also said: "Hebei Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and three males, many old officials; today the tiger is in Jizhou, and there are many civil servants and generals. In the Youzhou battle, defeating the soldiers of the combined state and Liaodong, can you be a hero?"

Chu Tian replied: "Yuan Shaoser is bold, conspiracy, and internal troubles. He is not a hero."

Cao Cao also said: "There are tens of thousands of cavalry at Mingguan Pass in Liaodong, dominating outside the pass, invincible, can you be a hero?"

Chu Tian replied: "Mingguan is located in the east of Liaoning, surrounded by powerful enemies, and it is hard to enter Youzhou. It is not a hero."

Cao Cao was going crazy, but couldn\'t resist, so he had to say: "There is one person who will attack Jiangdong, and he will win the battle. The attack must be taken. He is the leader of Jiangdong. Can Yangzhou Mu Tongque be a hero?

Chu Tian replied: "Jiangdong should stick to it. It is difficult to expedite north. Huainan is now my possession. I have 100,000 troops in Hefei and Shouchun. The bronze bird will not enter Qingxu for the rest of his life. Sooner or later I will be captured by me. It is not a hero. "

Cao Cao also said: "Liu Jingsheng named Eight Jun, defeated the prefect of Changsha Sun Jian, Megatron Jingzhou, enough troops, can Liu Jingsheng be a hero?"

Chu Tian replied: "Liu Jingsheng has no real name and is not a hero."

"Meng De really doesn\'t know who can be a hero."

Cao Cao muttered in his heart. He counted the current princes, but he didn\'t expect Chu Tian to look down on them. Isn\'t this playing him?

Chu Tian said: "Heroes must have great ambitions, have a good plan, cross the world, and swallow thousands of miles like a tiger."

Cao Cao wondered: "Who can be it?"

A flash of thunder flashed, and Chu Tian took the opportunity to point to Cao Cao: "Today is the hero, only Meng De and my ears!"


After the lightning, the thunder blasted and the spoon in Cao Cao\'s hand fell to the ground, quite embarrassed.

Chu Tian asked deliberately: "The power of the shock, why is this? Is it that Meng De is also afraid of thunder?"

Cao Cao quickly got up and apologized: "Meng De was originally a Hanchen and is now driven by the lord. If he can\'t be compatible with the lord, I would like to stay home from now on and read only the books of the sages and ignore the outside affairs."

Seeing that Cao Cao was scared, Chu Tian asked him to stand up: "Meng De, don\'t panic. In this national war, you and me will fight together, just like the battle of Mobei, you will be a hero in the world."

"So that\'s it..."

Cao Cao was taken aback. He thought Chutian would eradicate it.

Cao Cao, who was frightened in a cold sweat, was shaking his hand holding the wine glass slightly, and he was shocked by a sip of green plum wine.

Although Chu Tian praised Cao Cao, the implication was more to beat Cao Cao, making him completely abandon the idea of ​​becoming a prince and earnestly become a qualified army commander.

Cao Cao became the commander of the army, and his abilities were far above the ban and Cao Ren, at the same level as Le Yi.

Cao Cao can naturally understand what Chu Tian meant. If he could not even see this meaning, he would not deserve to have an intelligence of over 90.

"How about Meng De?"

"May I be driven by the Lord."

Cao Cao saw that Chu Tian started to use him, as long as he seized this opportunity, he might be able to serve as San Gong in the future. If you can\'t become a prince, it\'s not bad to be a three-man

Chutian used both the hard and the soft to abduct Cao Cao to the battlefield of the national war. In this way, there will be three coaches with the aura of the whole army. Chutian’s characteristic "Han Wu" (all attributes of Han civilization arms +8%), Le Yi’s characteristic "Five Kingdoms Fighting Qi" (all army attack power +10%, formation maintenance +10%), Cao Cao’s characteristics" Wei Wu" (the attack power of the whole army +10%, the morale decline rate of the own army -10%, the morale decline rate of the enemy army +10%).

Wei Qing\'s "Changping Hou" army aura is aimed at cavalry, all cavalry attack power +10%, normal marching speed +3%, forced marching speed +5%.

Up to three auras of the whole army can be used in a battle. The stacking of Chutian, Leyi, and Cao Cao can provide the troops with 28% attack bonus and 8% defense bonus, which can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops.

The aura of the whole army also has its shortcomings, that is, the width of a battlefield is limited and cannot accommodate hundreds of thousands of people. Some narrow valleys can only hold thousands of people to fight.

Cao Cao understood that Chu Tian wanted to use him instead of harming him, so he settled down, drank green plum wine, and talked with Chu Tian about the national war. At this time, Cao Cao was still full of energy. He heard that this time he was going to fight with the alien heroes.

Cao Cao attacked Wuhuan and Liaodong Xianbei, swept Liangzhou Qiang, Di, Tu Ge, etc., without any mercy.

In the third national war, the alien race he faced was not something Wuhuan could compare to.

The Mongol Empire, the Huarazimian Kingdom, the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire, the Arab Empire, etc....their size and combat effectiveness are far above Wuhuan.

Cao Cao is also unwilling to be lonely. If he really wants him to read the sage books at home, it will take a few days before something happens.

Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Qingzhou have another major event in preparation recently. The national war began in August, and June was the time of the imperial examination. Each county conducted literary and martial exercises to select talents for the lord’s palace.

With the expansion of the territory, the larger the scale of the imperial examination, only a handful of people could enter the palace examination, and thousands of troops would cross the single-plank bridge.

Imperial examination, divided into literary examination and martial arts examination!

Peiguo, the martial arts examination room, a group of strong men sweating like rain, raised stone piers to show their strength.

In addition to males, a few women with higher strength can also participate in martial arts.

At present, the Detachment Army, one of the four guards, are all women. As a high-level unit, their strength is not low.

In "Lord", force has nothing to do with gender. For example, Hua Mulan can beat Chu Tian on the ground, although Hua Mulan is only a symbolic struggle in front of Chu Tian...

"Unless you are familiar with the art of war, there is no need to have a force of 60 or more. There is no need to participate in the martial arts. The selection of the martial arts is handsome, general, and guards, not soldiers. Those with a force of less than 60 should be recruited."

The generals in charge of supervising Pei Guo\'s martial arts exercises patrolled the school grounds, and directly drove away some indiscriminate people.

"Are there any plastic talents?"

"There is a woman with some strength, a stone pier that ordinary strong men can\'t lift, she can lift it easily."

"Unexpectedly, there is such a person in our Peiguo martial arts school. Her force may be above 80, which is quite rare."

Because of the existence of many players, the force value has become the basis for measuring the strength of the strong.

The player\'s data is the most intuitive, while ordinary generals and historical generals need allegiance to see the panel, so martial arts are necessary.

The martial arts are divided into two categories: art of war and martial arts, respectively selecting commanders and powerful generals. In theory, players can also become a qualified commander, as long as they have a strong mind, and a higher commander value or some characteristic bonuses.

Each county has a martial arts school. At the Xiapi National School, a five- and three-thin general wanted to break into the martial arts examination room. A dozen soldiers could not stop it, and several people were beaten by him.

"What\'s the noise!"

The generals patrolling the schoolyard commanded dozens of soldiers to arrive, armed with long spears and bows and arrows, and surrounded the fierce general.

The fierce general shouted: "I want to participate in martial arts!"

The general looked at the reckless man up and down: "The registration time for the martial arts exercise has passed..."

"I have the courage to be improper. Not long ago, I was able to stab thousands of powerful enemies. Isn\'t it right to participate in martial arts?!"


The general hesitated.

Strictly in accordance with the regulations, the registration time for the imperial examinations has passed.

But the brash man in front of him did seem to have some force. As for what he said about thousands of people, most of them just boasted.

The deputy said: "In addition to the establishment of the imperial examination, the lord also issued a recruitment order. An adult can allow him to participate in the imperial examination. With his force, he can easily pass the martial arts. Then the adult can show the reason upward. If he fails to pass the martial arts, Let\'s humiliate again."

"It\'s reasonable." The military commander couldn\'t think of a problem, so he asked the military commander, "I will report this to the top. You can participate in the martial arts exercise. What is your name?"

The fierce general raised his head and chested out: "In Xia Lingling, he is the first fierce general under the command of Lingling Prefect!"

Xing Daorong reported his name, and countless people around him were shocked.

Even the brawny man who was participating in the martial arts exercise in the school field looked at Xing Daorong by appointment.

Xing Daorong is different from them, he has been reused, and is the first fierce general under Liu Xian, the prefect of Lingling!

For the brawny who are participating in the martial arts in the Xia Pi country, it is an honor to be able to serve as the main general under a powerful prefect!

Xing Daorong enjoyed the envy and admiration of everyone.

The school general hurriedly said: "If you have eyes but don\'t know Mount Tai, you are disrespectful. I don\'t know why you appeared in Xiapi Country? This place should not be close to Lingling County."

Xing Daorong replied: "Jingzhou Mu and the Nanjun Prefect is about to attack Lingling County. I was defeated in Changsha and Guiyang successively, so I did not want to surrender to him. They would only bully the others with too many people and dare not come out with me. Fighting alone is not a hero. I heard that Xuzhou Mu\'s reputation is far-reaching. As long as you give me Xing Daorong\'s 100,000 troops, I can help Xuzhou Mu\'s waste!

"General Xing has great ambitions, UU read www.uukanshu.com, but our lord is now a Yanzhou animal husbandry, leading the general East."

The general in charge of Xiapi National School was very polite to Xing Daorong.

Anyway, Xing Daorong is also a fierce general, maybe he is really the same as he said, an enemy of ten thousand people.

Xing Daorong scratched his head: "Yanzhou Mu, Xuzhou Mu...the same, the same."

Xing Daorong entered the schoolyard, walked like flying, and easily lifted the stone pier. Obviously, he was extremely powerful!

Generals who can be reused by the Lingling Prefect, somewhat capable.

"If this **** will be recommended to the lord, it may be a recommendation."

The generals of the Xiapi country were complacent.

In his opinion, Xing Daorong is already a fierce general against thousands of people.

Xing Daorong is like a full-level general who has entered the Novice Village, which is daunting.