Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 311: Cao Cao's last chance

"Xu Sheng and Zheng Zhilong deceived Jimo City under the guise of the North Sea Xiang Kong Rong. The Fubo Legion has occupied Jimo, and the two led Jimo\'s soldiers to attack Jiaodong County!"

   "Let them do what they want."

   Chutian retired to Zhisuoju County in Beihai State, and heard the actions of Xu Sheng and Zheng Zhilong, and couldn\'t help being surprised by their performance.

   Xu Sheng\'s power in Chutian is considered a second-rate military commander. Zheng Zhilong is a first-rate military commander on the sea, but only a second-tier military commander on land. The two of them cooperated, and they were able to attack the city on land.

   After Zhao Gongzi fled to Qi, there were only a few defenders in Beihai Kingdom and Donglai County, and the Fubo Army could pacify the counties.

   At present, the Fubo Legion has no other combat targets. It is not bad to let Xu Sheng and Zheng Zhilong fight in Qingzhou.

   Chutian prepared two things in Beihai Country. One is to send people to guard Beihai Country and to spy on the remaining four counties of Qingzhou at any time. Second, the capture of Yingling County, where Taishici was defending, was captured, and Taishici was captured.

   After preparing two things, Chu Tian can return to Xiacheng to farm.

   Chu Tian just wanted to farm in Xuzhou, but the restless princes around came to provoke him one by one, and Chu Tian was helpless.

   Linzi in Qingzhou has Tiandan defending the city, and it takes a long time to capture the defending city of Tiandan.

   "The reason Zhao Gongzi and Tian Qi joined forces is because the lord is aggressive, and their lips are cold. If the lord stops the offensive, maybe they will fight inwardly."

   It was not Fang Xuanling who persuaded Chu Tian this time, but Lu Su.

   After he knew that Chu Tian was easy to get along with, he began to put forward his own opinions. Although Lu Su was still immature compared to Fang Xuanling, who had become an old dough stick, he was a plastic talent after all.

   "I have this intention. Order Le Yi to quickly capture Yingling County and govern Beihai State. Fang Xuanling, you are responsible for expropriating the Xiangyong from all counties in Beihai State, and use 200,000 Xiangyong to completely fill up Yingling County."

   Chu world is cruel.

   Tai Shi Ci was unwilling to surrender the city, so he used the crowd tactics commonly used by the Yellow Turban Army to forcibly capture Yingling County.

   Can\'t let Taishici become a nail of the Beihai Nation, otherwise the Beihai Nation will not be able to stabilize and develop, and it will also drag down the power of Chutian\'s main army.

   Many counties in Beihai country are looking forward to the wind. Fang Xuanling forcibly recruits 20,000 to 40,000 from each county and gathers in Yingling County.

  Leyi Legion has ordered craftsmen to build hundreds of trebuchets during this period of time, bombard the encampment with stones every day, and destroy the fortifications such as arrow towers and gate towers.

   Tai Shici personally defended the city, using a longbow to shoot at the enemy who was trying to approach the city wall, without any arrows.

   Le Yi observed Yingling City for days, and basically explored Taishici\'s defense.

   When it comes to the commander-in-chief and the siege and defense, Tai Shici is still a lot worse than Le Yi.

   "The lord has issued an order to recruit 200,000 people to come. Please the army to capture the encampment within a month and capture the defender Tai Shici alive."

   Chutian sent Zhao Yun, who was more powerful, to serve as Le Yi\'s **** to help Le Yi conquer the tomb.

   Le Yi said: "If 200,000 people arrive, you can take this city within 15 days. As for the life and death of Tai Shici, there is no guarantee."

   Taishan County, the prefect Li Guang and military division Du Ruhui led the temporarily formed Taishan Army to attack Jinan.

   Taishan Army is not a main force, but a defensive corps, similar to Zang Ba and Sun Guan’s Langya defensive corps, Mi Fang’s East China Sea defensive corps.

   Du Ruhui rectified the original soldiers of Taishan County and temporarily formed the Taishan Army in accordance with Chutian\'s order. With a total of 40,000 people, it is the largest local legion.

   The defensive corps can be used to actively attack, and offense is the best defense.

   Li Guang led the Taishan Army into Jinan, and went straight to the Dongping Tomb of Jinan State Administration.

   The strong assault of the Chutian forces caught the Qingzhou provincial governor by surprise.

   It is hard for him to imagine that the Xuzhou Army is fighting on multiple lines!

   The Xuzhou Legion is like a few greedy pythons, entwining and strangling the Qingzhou Legion.

   Qingzhou governor sent Tiandan, the most powerful military commander under his command, and successfully blocked the Xuzhou Army in Qi, but the Taishan Army began to attack Jinan, which caused the Qingzhou governor to have a headache.

   "You go to Jinan to support."

   The governor of Qingzhou once again dispatched troops from Pingyuan County to support Jinan.

   He almost sent all the elite soldiers under his command to stop Xuzhou Mu’s attack.

   Qingzhou Governor and Zhao Gongzi only have four counties left, and Chutian has the strength of eight counties. The huge territorial gap makes Qingzhou Governor feel hopeless.

   He can only adopt the same tactics as the Zhao Gongzi, standing firm and clearing the field, waiting for a change.

   Sometimes the delay is long and no one knows what will happen. For example, if Xuzhou Muchuzi plots excessive indulgence and perishes, the offensive of the Xuzhou army against Qingzhou will naturally collapse.

   As soon as Li Guang’s Taishan Army entered Jinan, the defenders from all parts of Jinan immediately fled to the Dongping Mausoleum and joined the Dongping Mausoleum.

   "The parachutist Li Guang attacked Jinan!"

   "Xuzhou Muchuzi is planning to capture Beihai country!"

   "Beihai Xiang Kong Rong seeks alive for Xuzhou Muchuzi!"

  As the most powerful prince in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the actions of Xuzhou Mu’s actions have attracted the attention of all princes, and all princes are very concerned about the development of Chutian.

   Of course, they are not caring for kindness, but they want to get up the next day, Chu Tian can disappear out of thin air.

   Now the territory of Chutian has changed from five counties in Xuzhou to eight counties, and the whale swallows tigers to become the largest prince south of the Yellow River.

   The surrounding princes were suppressed by Chu Tian, ​​and none of them improved.

Zhao Gongzi was beaten to only one Qi country. Qingzhou governor Tian Qi’s subordinate Tian Ji lost 30,000 soldiers, Yuan Shubing defeated and vomited blood, Taishan County prefect escaped, and Jiujiang County prefect was killed by his subordinate Hou Jing, and Cao Cao was in pain. struggle……

   "Wenruo, Gongda, the situation is not good for me now, how can I suppress Chu Zimou in Xuzhou?"

   Cao Cao found Xun You and Xun Yu, worried.

  Chu Tian suppressed the surrounding princes. At present, the only princes who are able to resist are Tian Qi and Cao Cao of Qingzhou Governor.

   Xun You and Xun Yu, even if they were the mastermind and Wang Zuo, were silent in the face of the absolute gap in national power.

   There are eight prefectures in Chutian, two prefectures in Gongziwen, and ten prefectures in total.

   Cao Cao has only three prefectures.

As Wang Zuo, Xun You has a huge bonus to the territory, but Chutian also has a Li Miao, who can bring a bonus to grain production every year, and there are a large number of civil servants governing. Therefore, the development speed of Xuzhou is faster than that of Yanzhou. .

   "Even both of you are helpless..."

   Cao Cao has a dry throat.

   If Xun You and Xun Yu both use Chu Zi to make no mistakes, Cao Cao will be hard to support.

   At present, Cao Cao apparently seeks refuge in Yuan Shao, but in fact he cannot obtain effective support from Yuan Shao. The reason is simple. Yuan Shao is working hard to expel Liu Bei\'s forces from Julu County and has no time to be distracted and head south.

   Unless Yuan Shao eliminates Liu Bei, it is possible to support Cao Cao.

   This may be the worst Cao Cao in history. When his opponent had eight counties, he only had three counties.

Finally, Xun You, the conspirator, couldn’t stand it anymore: “The subordinates mentioned this matter with a few strangers and asked them for a solution. Some strangers thought that they could annex the tribes of Yuan Road and occupy Yuzhou. Yuzhou and Yanzhou are territories and can fight against Chu Zi. This may be the lord\'s last chance. Once we continue to let Chu Zi seek to become bigger, there will be no good opportunities."

   When Cao Cao heard what Xun You said, his eyes gradually brightened.

   Yuan Shukong had a huge site, but was mediocre. He was beaten to death by 10,000 people by Yang Ye, and he was taught a lesson in Pengcheng by Chu Tian. Cao Cao was dissatisfied with him.

   "But, will foreigners support me?"

   Cao Cao sat on the ground, discussing the general situation with Xun You and Xun Yu.

   This may be one of the few opportunities for their influence.

   Xuzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou are four major prefectures. The representative princes are Chutian, Tian Qi, Cao Cao, and Yuan Shu. Among them, Chutian forcibly occupied Taishan County in Yanzhou, Beihai Country and Donglai County in Qingzhou, which was equivalent to occupying 1.5 states.

   If Chutian\'s sphere of influence is allowed to exceed two states, Cao Cao will almost never come back.

Xun You analyzed for Cao Cao: "With the fame of the lord, he echoes a hundred of foreigners. Yuan Shu has a group of powerful and ambitious alien lords. Seeing that Yuan Shu cannot defeat Chu Zimou, they will definitely help the lord to defeat Chu Zimou, and then Fish in troubled waters and rise up."

   "It\'s not a boast, I am indeed quite famous among strangers."

   Cao Cao didn\'t know why he was sought after by a large number of strangers. During the Yellow Turban Rebellion, strangers who visited Cao Cao every day could break the threshold of Cao Cao.

   If it weren\'t for the rise of Chu Zimou in Xuzhou, Cao Cao, who has a large number of foreigners sought after, may have unified the four states south of the Yellow River and is ready to go north to attack Yuan Shao.

   Chutian\'s reputation also made a group of strangers take refuge, and the rest who were unwilling to take refuge in Chutian were ambitious strangers. Or, they are still reluctant to be among the ten thousand people in their own power.

Xun You said: "That\'s it. The lord replaces Yuan Road and becomes a prince spanning Yanzhou and Yuzhou. He promises that the alien lords of Yuzhou will seal the land and do not interfere with their territory, so the alien lords can serve as the lord. Xuzhou Mu Chuzi is very aggressive. Why don’t the foreign lords of Yuzhou take refuge in Chu Zimou instead of Yuan Gonglu? It’s just that they don’t want to give up their current power, status, and their ambition to compete in the Central Plains. The lord can use his ambition... …"

   "The master discusses important matters with Wenruo and Gongda, why don\'t you call your subordinates? Perhaps the subordinates have the ability to solve the problems of the master."

  The counselor Cheng Yu interrupted the conversation between Xun You and Cao Cao.

   After Cao Cao was appointed as Yanzhou governor by the old Qin Bao, Cheng Yu officially served for Cao Cao.

   Cao Cao’s talents have been increasing, but Cao Cao’s forces have been maliciously targeted by Chu Tian, ​​making Cao Cao seem to have not developed.

   Cao Cao saw Cheng Yu\'s arrival. Hearing Cheng Yu\'s tone, it seemed that he could break the deadlock for Cao Cao\'s forces. He couldn\'t help but be overjoyed: "If Zhong De has a trick, you can say it quickly."

   Cheng Yu sits in danger: "Just as Gongda said, Yuzhou should be annexed and the forces of Yan and Henan should be combined to defeat Chu Zimou. This is the only way."

   Xun You’s vision was very accurate. Cao Cao thought Cheng Yu had other countermeasures, but he repeated Xun You’s strategy, which was a little disappointed.

   "However, the alien lord of Runan County, Yuzhou, said that Tang sent a doorman and asked his subordinates to recommend him to the lord. The words were sincere, and his subordinates thought they could unite."

   This time Cheng Yu\'s words completely moved Cao Cao.

   Xunyou was only proposing a plan, and a foreign lord from Yuzhou has come to the door.

   "There are three people who can use it. First, the prefect of Runan said Tang, he has military commanders and courage. Second, Hou Jing of Shouchun City, he has ambition. Third, the prefect of Jiyin County..."

   "Why is there a Gongziwen?"

   Cao Cao\'s hatred for his son is deeply rooted. If it weren\'t for Gongziwen, he would have unified Yanzhou and attacked Xuzhou.

Cheng Yu shook his head: "Why is Gongziwen fighting with us? It\'s nothing more than to fight for Yanzhou. Now Chu Zimou\'s power is getting bigger and bigger, but Gongziwen\'s power has only expanded from one county to two. Defeated by Chu Zimou, the two prefectures of Gongziwen will also become the possessions of Chu Zimou. Gongziwen can only choose to join hands with us if he wants not to be annexed. Please put down the hatred with Gongziwen and join hands Defeat Chu Zimou, and then split the victory with Gong Ziwen."

   "This statement is reasonable..."

   Cao Cao was already a little ill and went to the doctor, wanting to unite Gongziwen and attack Chutian.

   "Send someone to contact Hou Jing and Gongziwen secretly. In addition, I ask the prefect Runan to tell me that Tang\'s envoy comes to see me."

   Cao Cao finally approved Cheng Yu\'s proposal.

   The prefect of Runan said that Tang secretly teamed up with Cao Cao, which is relatively secret and unknown.

   Yuan Shu has been abandoned, no matter to Cao Cao or to the rising prefect of Runan, Yuan Shu has no use value.

   The prefect of Runan tells Cao Cao through Cheng Yu~www.novelhall.com~ to hide from the sight of Chu Tianan\'s spy who is standing next to Cao Cao.

   Chutian hasn\'t noticed Cao Cao\'s final struggle yet.

   Chu Tian defeated the vassals around Cao Cao, in order to eliminate Cao Cao in one fell swoop, and drove Cao Cao\'s army to the Yellow River for complete annihilation.

  Jiyin County, Dingtao, as a prince not too big or too small, Gongziwen is in an embarrassing situation-he is caught between the forces of Chu Tian and Cao Cao.

   If he could defeat Cao Cao and occupy Yanzhou before Chutian developed, he could become a great prince. But after Chu Tian developed, he still didn\'t improve, and his situation was quite embarrassing.

   He received a letter from Cao Cao sent secretly, Cao Cao wanted to instigate his betrayal of the alliance with Chu Tian and join Yuan Shao\'s camp.

"Cao Cao has three prefectures, I have two prefectures, there are four prefectures over Qingzhou, a total of nine prefectures. Yuzhou and other prefectures in Yanzhou are occupied by various lords... Cao Cao wants to Jedi. To fight back, do you want to cooperate with Cao Cao? If Chu Zimou is defeated, it is estimated that Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Qingzhou will have to reshuffle the cards. The lords of Yanzhou, Yuzhou, and Qingzhou should be eager to reshuffle the four states. In this way, who It is possible to take the place of Chu Zimou, because apart from Chu Zimou, no second prince has an absolute advantage..."

   Gongzi Wen held his hand and looked in the direction of Langya Country in Xuzhou, his eyes changing.

   Cao Cao proposed to unite with the tri-state lords, defeat Chu Zimou, and reshuffle the cards, which undoubtedly has a certain temptation to the Gongziwen who wants to compete in the Central Plains.