Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 310: The Housekeeper of Qingzhou Governor

"Mr. Zhao and Tian Ji have both been defeated. Only you can defend the Qi country. Everything is entrusted to Mr."

   Pingyuan Aida Qi took the initiative to send a military commander to the teleportation formation of Pingyuan County to make a beeline for the general.

   He had heard the result of the Battle of Yingling, Zhao Gongzi and Tian Ji\'s Qingzhou Army were defeated, so he had to use his hole cards.

  This military commander was originally Tian Qi\'s retreat. At this time, the army of Xuzhou Muchuzimou was as fast as the wind and invaded like fire, and there was a tendency to sweep across Qingzhou.

   Pingyuan Ai Tian Qi has been promoted to Qingzhou governor, he can\'t sit back and watch Chutian occupy Qingzhou.

   "Please be relieved, the lord. As long as the army is sufficient, even if Le Yi comes, the end general can still defend Linzi."

   "I\'m just the ability of Mr. Trust, so I ask Mr. to take orders when he is in danger."

   Through the teleportation formation, this general arrived at Linzi, the ruler of Qi State in Qingzhou, and he also brought a large number of parts for defense equipment.

   Gong Zi Wen He Tian Ji retreated all the way, seeing the fortified Linzi City, which was a little relieved.

   Linzi City is a large city, Dorgon and Wu Sangui used the human sea tactics to capture the city for Zhao Gongzi. Young Master Zhao didn\'t expect Linzi to become his own retreat.

   He divided his troops and moved the population of the villages and towns around Linzi to Linzi, prepared to defend Linzi, insisting on the tactics of fortifying the walls and clearing the land, and forcing Chu Zimou back.

   This time he received more generous support from the newly appointed Qingzhou governor, Tian Qi-Tian Qi sent generals to help him defend Linzi.

   "Which general is confident that he can block Le Yi\'s offensive?"

   Mr. Zhao couldn\'t help but wonder.

   The Xuzhou Legion came out all over the place, wherever it went, it was crushed, unless it was a legendary general, it was difficult to stop.

   Tian Ji did not have the cooperation of Sun Bin, and his combat effectiveness was not high. He was flanked by the guards of Chu Tian, ​​Hua Mulan, and Joan of Arc, and was quickly defeated.

   But Tian Qi, the governor of Qingzhou, was confident that this general could stop the Xuzhou Legion.

  If the opponent is a famous general in the world, why not send it to support yourself as soon as possible?

   Young Master Zhao thought of this, and was somewhat dissatisfied with the Qingzhou provincial governor. He said to Tian Ji: “If the Qingzhou provincial governor has a world-famous general, he should use it as soon as possible, instead of waiting until I lose the battle, and then send the famous general.”

Tian Ji said: "This man is a defender, and only Jiancheng can exert his abilities. Even with his help, we cannot change the situation of our defeat in the field. Moreover, the camp is too far away from our lord\'s site and lacks reinforcements. Even a defender can hardly persevere. Only Linzi, close to Jinan and Le\'an, can receive continuous support. As long as Linzi has defenders inside and outside aid, it will be indestructible."

   After listening to Tian Ji\'s analysis, Zhao Gongzi was relieved.

  Without reinforcements, no matter how powerful a defender is besieged for a year or two, most of the city will fall.

   During the Southern Song Dynasty, Xiangyang City was attacked by the Mongol Empire for many years. The reason why it has not fallen is because the Southern Song Dynasty government continuously sent reinforcements to support Xiangyang City and contain the Mongol Empire’s army. During the last few months of Xiangyang\'s fall, the reinforcements had been completely defeated by the Mongol Empire and could no longer support Xiangyang.

   The governor of Qingzhou has used Linzi as a fortress to stop Chuzi from seeking a military front in Xuzhou.

   When Zhao Gongzi and Tian Ji entered the city, Tian Qi sent to support Zhao Gongzi\'s guards to organize soldiers and Xiangyong to strengthen the city\'s defenses and build Linzi into a bronze wall.

   At present, Zhao Gongzi is still the lord of Linzi. He took the initiative to ask the generals sent by Qingzhou Governor: "May I ask your name?"

  The general replied: "General Tian Dan of the Qingzhou Provincial Government."

   Tian Shan!

   Young Master Zhao thoroughly understands why the governor of Qingzhou has vowed to keep Linzi. It turns out that the general he sent is Tian Dan!

   During the Warring States Period, the five-nation coalition led by Yue Yi of the Yan Dynasty defeated the Qi army, and then even the Qiqi city with the Yan army. Only Jimo and Ju were the only two cities in the Qi country to defend. Among them, Jimo\'s guardian is Tian Dan.

   Tian Shan Shoucheng, Le Yi failed for several years. Later, King Yan died, and Tian Dan used a divorce scheme to change the newly appointed King Yan to Le Yi, and then used the Fire Bull Array to break the Yan army, slash the generals, and restore Qi!

   If there is Tian Shan guarding the city, then Linzi can indeed be as stable as Mount Tai, and there is a chance to regain Beihai Country and Donglai County.

   "No wonder Tian Qi can sit on the three counties of Pingyuan County, Jinan State, and Le\'an State. It seems that he also has several famous generals under his command."

   Gongzi Zhao understood that Qingzhou governor Tian Qi could own half of Qingzhou, and it was not simple.

   Young Master Zhao had Xue Wanche, Tai Shici, Dorgon, Wu Sangui, and Guan Hai. They only occupied half of Qingzhou, and the princes who were able to survive were more or less supported by a group of famous generals.

  Since Tian Shan is the chief defender of the city, Young Master Zhao doesn\'t have to worry about being wiped out for the time being, so he will hoard food and grass in Linzi as much as possible for long-term persistence.

   Chutian has led the army into the Qi State and went straight to Linzi, the Qi State Administration.

   Take Linzi in one fell swoop, he owns half of Qingzhou.

   "The Yellow Turban Army under Guan Hai reported that Guan Hai had been killed by Zhao\'s captain Xue Wanche in the chaos army."

   After Chu Tian recruited Guan Hai, Guan Hai, who took the trouble without authorization, was defeated by Xue Wanche. As a traitor, he was flattened by Xue Wanche with five thousand cavalry and died.

   "Guan Hai\'s force is not bad, but after all, he is not the opponent of the fierce general Xue Wanche who even Li Shimin praised."

   Chutian accidentally died in the battle of Guan Hai, thinking that Guan Hai\'s allegiance could be obtained.

   The general died in a hundred battles, and any general may die.

   Hua Mulan was shot by an arrow by Tian Ji\'s army crossbow in the battle of Yingling, and was injured. She was reprimanded by Chu Tian, ​​and she was silent.

   Not only Mulan, but Joan of Arc, who took the lead in the charge, was also reprimanded.

   "Given your impulsive performance, one month will be added to the time you return to France."

   Chutian squeezed the labor force of Joan of Arc.

   Joan was very aggrieved and did not dare to refute, otherwise Chu Tian would find an excuse to extend her time back to France.

   If it is not necessary, Chu Tian does not want these generals to take the lead. Now the Xuzhou Legion is strong and strong, and by sending soldiers forward, the battle can be ended.

   Leyi was left in Yingling by Chutian and continued to besiege Taishici.

   The tomb that Taishi Ci insisted on was a backstab. If he did not attack and pull the tomb, once Zhao Gongzi and Tian Qi joined forces to counterattack, Beihai State might soon fall.

   Chutian personally led 50,000 people to attack Qi.

   Going deep into the enemy territory is quite dangerous.

   Chutian chased fiercely all the way, and the two counties in Qi State came down watching the wind.

   There are six counties in Qi, two of which are occupied by Chutian, which is equivalent to Chutian occupying one-third of the territory of Qi.

   Together with Beihai Country and Donglai County, this expedition can at least merge the two counties of Qingzhou and the part of Qi State into Chutian\'s sphere of influence.

  The territory of Chutian changed from six prefectures to eight prefectures and one part of Qi country and one part of Pei country.

   Chutian\'s ambition is not only that, he wants to capture all of Qi.

   50,000 cavalry-dominated legions quickly advanced to Linzi, the place of Qi Guozhi. You can already see the majestic city walls of Linzi and the Qingzhou crossbowmen deployed on the walls.

   Linzi\'s defenders learned of the Xuzhou Muqin\'s conquest, and were so frightened that they immediately closed the city gates and defended the walls. The archer boarded the arrow tower, Xiangyong manipulated the bed crossbow, struggling to twist the shaft, and the sharp crossbow arrows aimed at the cavalry below.

  The guards Tian Dan, Tian Ji, and Zhao Gongzi personally came to the city wall to observe the majestic Xuzhou Army below. Even Tian Dan could not help but worry: "Fortunately, the enemy is mainly cavalry, otherwise Linzi will be in danger."

   "Can General Tian be sure to guard this city?"

   "There are nine out of ten defenders."

   Tian Shan didn\'t dare to say something to death. After all, the opposite was the most powerful prince in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   There was no second prince in the Eastern Han Dynasty who dared to fight the surrounding princes at the same time. In a short time, he moved to four states, defeated powerful enemies one after another, and opened up three and one-third of the prefectures.

Tian Dan said again: "We can deliberately show our weakness and arrange a small number of lowly motivated soldiers to stick to the city wall. If Xuzhou Muzhong plans to attack the city, he will definitely be frustrated. Once the morale of the enemy is low, our army will counterattack, and Xuzhou Mu It will be defeated."

   "I really want to see how Chu Zimou stormed Linzi and then frustrated. He was frustrated last time at the battle in Xuzhou. It was too smooth sailing."

   When Zhao Gongzi rose up, he encountered more setbacks than Chutian.

  The rise of no prince in the Eastern Han Dynasty was smooth sailing, but no one cared.

   Tian Ji speculates: "Chu Zimou was young and vigorous. He won one after another in Qingzhou. His confidence was swollen. He thought that we would have no fighting spirit and would definitely attack Linzi. He wanted to complete the battle and occupy the entire Qi country."

   Tian Shan also echoed: "You are young and frivolous, just like this. The arrogant soldier will lose."

   Tian Shan deliberately set a trap for Chu Tian, ​​so that the defenders who had been defeated from the Yingling battlefield defended the city, lured Chu Tian into attacking Linzi and defeated Chu Tian\'s morale, and then used the fire bull formation to counterattack.

   As long as the Chutian tactics, then the Xuzhou Army will reverse the victory or defeat.

   Young Master Zhao looked down at the city: "Chu Zimou, Tian Qi has already dispatched the hero as the hole card. Will you take the initiative to attack Linzi and then hit your head with blood?"

   Chutian riding a war horse came down to the city and looked up at Linzi. Behind him were tens of thousands of elite cavalry. He hijacked the power of victory and won all the way. The whole army from top to bottom was indeed a little impetuous. Even Xue Rengui, Hua Mulan and others think that Qi is within easy reach.

   Not only that, Lu Su, who is younger than Chutian, also advocates offense.

   Fang Xuanling calmed down a bit, still observing the situation.

  Chen Qingzhi and Cao Xu did not comment. The victory or defeat of Xuzhou Muqiguo\'s offensive has little to do with them.

   "If Linzi is captured, Qi will be my ninth county, and then Lean and Jinan will be attacked, and all the land of Qingzhou south of the Yellow River will be included in the sphere of influence."

   Chutian was hesitating whether to attack Linzi.

   The Linzi defenders looked tired and low morale. They should be Qingzhou soldiers who fled during the battle of Yingling. As long as a strong attack is launched, Linzi should be easily captured.

   "Lord, Miss Xia\'s letter!"

   When Chutian planned to attack Linzi, Xia Liang sent a letter from the person behind him.

   Chutian opened the cowhide bag and took out the letter with a hint of fragrance, which contained graceful handwriting.

   The content of the letter is probably that Xia Liang heard that the Xuzhou Army was advancing in the rear, persuading Chu Tian to stay calm, and told Chu Tian that the defender of Linzi City may be a well-known defensive general in history, Tian Dan, please be cautious. If you cannot conquer, you can temporarily stop the advance and digest the occupied territory.

   "Miss Xia knows me too."

   After Chu Tian read it, he seemed to be poured cold water, and he quickly calmed down, eager to unify Qingzhou.

   If the information is true, Tian Dan sticks to Linzi, which has a large population, and he really can\'t beat it down.

   Not only was Chutian unable to capture, even if Le Yi wanted to capture Linzi, it would be difficult to do so.

   "We withdrew our troops, hoarded heavy troops in Juxian County, and guarded Beihai State."

   Chutian\'s proposal alarmed all the generals.

   Even Joan of Arc couldn\'t help but be surprised: "Our morale is high, why should we retreat?"

"This is an order."


   Saint Joan of Arc was blocked by Chu Tian\'s words and mumbled dissatisfiedly.

   Chutian’s withdrawal order made the generals who were keen on opening up and expanding the territory unsatisfied, and Lu Su was also quite critical.

   Fang Xuanling, as a military teacher, seemed to see some clues, so he supported Chutian withdrawing troops and consolidating the territory he had already occupied.

Fang Xuanling also proposed to relocate the population of the two counties that Qi State surrendered to Beihai State, to supplement the population of Beihai State, especially to fill the population of Juxian County in Beihai State Administration, and to make Juxian County a military center, peep into Qi State. Stop the Qingzhou forces from counterattack Beihai Country and Donglai County.

   Chutian agreed with Fang Xuanling\'s suggestion to move the population of the two counties of Qi State to Guoju County, Beihai. At present, Chutian has no shortage of territory and population.

  The Linzi of Qi State is in the hands of Zhao Gongzi. These two surrendered counties are difficult to defend. It is better to move the population and make Zhao Gongzi uncomfortable.

   Chutian patted Fang Xuanling on the shoulder. He seldom expressed closeness to his subordinates using otherworldly actions: "Military officer, thank you for this."

   Fang Xuanling was confused. Rao is Fang Xuanling with very high intelligence ~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t know why Chu Tian suddenly praised him.

   Chutian handed the Xia Liang letter to Fang Xuanling, and Fang Xuanling was relieved.

   Fang Xuanling doesn\'t have a God\'s perspective. He is affected by the surrounding environment and can only make judgments through simple observations. It is impossible to know that the opponent has changed the guard. There is enough intelligence to make accurate judgments.

   "If Tian Dan is really a top defender, no wonder Miss Xia would suggest withdrawal."

   "If I knew that my opponent had Tiandan, I would not attack Linzi. But we can\'t just retreat like this."

   Chutian decided to withdraw his troops. In order to express his dissatisfaction, he ordered the soldiers to insult the defenders on the city wall before leaving, and then left.

   Linzi defenders did not dare to pursue the Xuzhou Legion, which had a large number of elite cavalry, and could only watch the Xuzhou Legion go away.

   Young Master Zhao also expected Tian Dan to stage a wonderful battle against defeat. As a result, Chu Zimou led his troops around the city and withdrew.

   "Chu Zimou is as cunning as a fox."

   Tian Dan has prepared the Fire Bull Array and a large number of defensive equipment. This is good, Chu Zimou was not fooled at all, and it was absolutely unambiguous when it was time to withdraw.

   Tian Ji also sighed: "We miscalculated this time."

  The Chutian Army not only insulted the Linzi defenders, but also hurriedly drove the population of the two counties of Qi State to Beihai State and did all bad things. The Linzi defenders were also powerless to do this. They dared not go out of the city to fight with the Xuzhou Army Corps.

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