Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 219: Home and feature rewards

"Tao Qian paid 100,000 taels, of which 50,000 taels from Mi\'s family had been transported to Xiacheng, but Tao Qian was still delayed in every possible way."

"Tao Qian knows that even if we pay compensation, we will not let him go, so we will not give us money to strengthen our strength. The Mi family actively raises funds and silver, just to keep the Qu County where his foundation is located. We occupy East China Sea State III. The county has threatened Quxian. In order to avoid the destruction of Quxian, Mi Zhu is still willing to spend money to eliminate disasters..."

   After Xia Liang listened to the report of the officials negotiating with Tao Qian and Mi Zhu, she knew why Mi Zhu actively mediated.

   Mi Zhu did not want Quxian to be destroyed by the war.

   "I heard that the princes of Kanto have withdrawn their troops, how come Lord Lord has not returned..."

   After she handled these trivial matters, she never received any notice from Chu Tian to return to her teacher.

The princess of Pingyang, Li Xiuning, came in, with a strange expression, and reported to her about the recruitment and training: "A batch of trained recruits, currently at level 30, with a total of 5,000 people, will be sent to Licheng in the East China Sea for garrison. Already in A hundred-man scout team will be deployed in the northern area of ​​Tancheng. Once the army of Tancheng goes northward, it will be known immediately."

"I know."

   "There is..." Li Xiuning stopped talking, "I will leave at the end."

   "Wait, I will go with you to inspect the city defense."

   Xia Liang was worried that Tao Qian would come back, so he followed Li Xiuning to leave the lord\'s mansion.

   She noticed that Li Xiuning’s expression was a bit wrong: "What happened?"

   "You hold on to Xiacheng and remember your great achievements once."

   Chu Tian\'s voice sounded, and Xia Liang\'s mind went blank. When he turned his head, Chu Tian leaned against the stone lion next to the lord\'s mansion. He had already secretly returned to the lord\'s mansion.

   "Lord Lord..."

   She finally understood why Li Xiuning was a little strange today. It is estimated that Li Xiuning found out that Chu Tian, ​​who was the lord, was waiting outside the house, and she was very puzzled.

   "This is General Li Xiuning?"

   Chutian knows that female generals are more accustomed to calling themselves generals than girls.

   He took a look at Li Shimin\'s sister, thinking that he had met Li Shimin not long ago, but now it\'s good, Li Shimin\'s sister actually works under his own influence.

   The Li family is open, and Li Xiuning is no exception.

  Because Li Xiuning had already played for the kingdom of Langya, Chu Tian didn\'t show greedy eyes, but he wrote down his appearance indifferently to avoid not being recognized later.

   But it is impossible not to be recognized. In "The Lord", there are female military generals with names and surnames who look outstanding.

   Li Xiuning was able to see Langya Xiang and General Fubo up close, a man who had a good reputation in Langya country.

   "Lord Lord, you should inform in advance so that the officials can come to meet you."

   Seeing Chutian coming back in the summer, he took the lead in putting his eyes on Li Xiuning, and there was unexpected loss in his heart.

   "Isn\'t it just going to beat Dong Zhuo, catch a few generals, there is no need to fantasize."

   If Dong Zhuo heard Chu Tian say this, he would definitely be annoyed to sleep at night.

   "I want to know everything that happened during this period, the loss of Langya country, and so on."

   The first thing Chutian did when he came back was to grasp the situation in Langya Kingdom.

   Various account books were transferred. During the battle with Cao Bao\'s coalition forces, several towns in Langya State were looted and suffered heavy losses, with more than 10,000 soldiers casualties.

   However, under the control of Xia Liang, the nine towns in Hedong resettled the victims and basically restored calm.

   As for the three counties of the East China Sea, because of Li Xiuning\'s characteristic of "forbidden army invading and plundering" as the main general, the people\'s sentiment will not drop significantly when the enemy\'s city is broken.

   Appointing Li Xiuning as the chief general to invade other people\'s territory can reduce the aftermath.

   Chutian has already learned of Li Xiuning\'s panel. If Li Xiuning recruits 10,000 women\'s soldiers, there will be candidates for military commanders to guard the house.

   Female generals who participated in the military imperial examination can join the women\'s army as middle and low-level officers.

   [arms]: Detachment of Women

   [Order]: Tier VI light infantry

   [attack power]: 18 [defense power]: 10 [speed]: 6

   [Skills]: Advanced Fen Xun (improve the morale of your own army), advanced shield formation, advanced spear formation, advanced incentives (can improve the morale of adjacent troops, can only be used once in a battle)

   [Characteristics]: Princess Pawn (when Li Xiuning is the main general, attack +5, defense +1, speed +1, morale decline speed -10%)

  [Military Salary]: 6 taels/month

   [Required Condition]: Female

   [Training period]: 2 months

  [Quantity limit]: 10,000

   Chutian was quite surprised when he saw the panel of the Detachment of Women.

  The strength of the Detachment is not high, or even a bit low. The attack/defense of the Xiliu Battalion, which is also a Tier VI light infantry, is 19/14, while the Detachment is only 18/10.

   But the Detachment Army can always maintain a high morale, continue fighting, and can also improve the morale of neighboring troops, which is very practical.

   The recruiting conditions are also very simple, with a six-level infantry battalion and qualified female troops.

   "You should have ordered Li Xiuning to recruit women\'s soldiers, right?"

   Chutian saw that Li Xiuning\'s maiden army recruited the conditions simply and couldn\'t help but move.

   Cavalry recruits the most demanding conditions, followed by heavy infantry with good armor, longbowmen with good bow, and light infantry again. As for the Women\'s Army as long as the source of troops can be recruited, this restriction is almost the same in the arms of the same rank.

   This is Chutian’s idea. As long as the monthly salary can be paid, wouldn’t it be easy to recruit 10,000 women soldiers?

Xia Xia Liang shook his head: "So far, there are only two thousand qualified troops. First, many women are weak, and even female players rarely choose to become military generals; second, even if they are qualified, few women are willing. In the army, they have a better way out."

   These are indeed problems.

   Chutian was troubled by the source of troops for the first time.

   Langya country has millions of people, and only two thousand women can be recruited.

   I am afraid that it will take the entire Xuzhou to gather the 10,000 Women\'s Army.

   "Two thousand people are enough. I think these two thousand people can defeat 10,000 low-level soldiers and continue to move."

   Chutian is very optimistic about the sustained high morale of the Detachment of Women.

   Such a force defends the city and uses the city wall to make up for the shortcomings of the low defense. Coupled with the long-lasting high morale, the siege party is estimated to be quite uncomfortable. Unless they kill the women\'s army in a big way, there is no way to destroy their morale. The Detachment Army can also boost the morale of neighboring troops, as well as Li Xiuning’s motivational characteristics...

   The Tang Li family is indeed an open family.

   "Yes. Why did Li Xiuning appear in Xiacheng?"

   Chutian heard about Xia Liang’s experience in recruiting Li Xiuning, and knew that Li Xiuning was mostly a wandering general like Zhao Yun.

   Because a large number of lords died in the early stage, the number of wandering generals is definitely quite large. As one of the 100 prefectures in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Langya Kingdom is not a small territory, and sometimes there are wandering generals who have lost their lord.

   Xia Xianliang replied: "Li Xiuning\'s original lord did not have a high degree of affection with him. The lord wanted to get into trouble and was killed by Li Xiuning."


   Chutian didn\'t expect that the lord would die so badly.

   There is a knife on the head of the color word.

   Fortunately, I did not treat Hua Mulan.

   Chutian could not help but secretly rejoice.

   Li Xiuning is also very aggressive. It is estimated that because the original lord was not good, she lost her trust in the male lord, so she chose to be loyal to Xia Liang as a female player.

   was worried about Li Xiuning\'s dissatisfaction and left, so Chutian acquiesced to Li Xiuning to become Xia Liang\'s retainer, and stayed to defend the city in the future.

   There are many generals under Chu Tian, ​​but there is always someone to stay in Langya to defend the city. As the territory expands in the future, there will be more guards who need to stay.

  A county must have at least one guard.

   "Tao Qian sneaked an attack on Langya while I was away. When the winter was over, he traveled south along Yihe River to capture Tancheng and Xiapi."

   Chutian has been angered by Tao Qian.

   It is said that Tao Qian took the initiative to form the coalition.

  Tao Qian was captured, then Xuzhou Mu was taken by himself, and then he went to the court, even if Dong Zhuo did not approve it.

   "General Xu Sheng\'s injury has improved, and it is estimated that he will be able to return to health next month."

   "Zang Ba and Sun Guan returned to Tobu and other counties to guard against Beihai."

   "If there is no other order, then the subordinate will retire."

   Xia Liang reported the matter and handed over his temporary military power.

   "Wait a minute, Shou Langya, you have made a great contribution, what kind of reward do you want? Fields, houses, official positions, as long as I can bring them out, I can mention them."

   Chu Tian didn\'t know how to reward her. She was already an order to open the sun, and she couldn\'t get a higher official position until Chu Tian got Xuzhou Mu.

   "If you have to reward, then ask the lord to reward you with a thousand taels of silver."


   Although I don\'t know what Xia Liang wants to do with a thousand taels, Chutian thinks it is a good deal with a thousand taels of silver. It is better to say that it is too cost-effective.

  Don\'t say one thousand taels. In that case, even if it is ten thousand taels, one hundred thousand taels, or five hundred thousand taels, Chu Tian is willing to take them out.

   Because there were too many silver liang, Li Xiuning helped Xia Liang move the silver liang back.

   Xiaoxue started outside the lord’s mansion, and Li Xiuning found that Xia Liang as the head of the family was a little lost, and did not seem to be excited about getting a thousand taels of silver.

   Hot tears fell on the snow, and Li Xiuning asked worriedly: "Patriarch, are you okay?"

   Xia Xia Ryo rubbed his eyes: "It\'s just snow falling in my eyes..."

   Army teacher Fang Xuanling came to Chu Tian to talk about it, and happened to see this scene in secret.

  As a military officer, not only do you make suggestions when you march and fight, but you also have the ability to insight into interpersonal relationships.

   Chutian returned to the back hall and found that the room was a lot neater, and there was a faint rouge smell. For a while, he thought he had gone wrong.

   He recruited personal soldiers from the Lord’s Mansion, only to know that Miss Xia had temporarily stayed here during the defense of the city, so that it was convenient to dispatch troops and supplies at any time.

   The next day, Chu Tian went to check Xu Sheng\'s injuries.

   Xu Sheng was severely injured, and Chu Tian rewarded him, so that he could heal well.

   At the same time, Chutian made an important decision-to expand the navy camp.

   Next to Xuzhou, you can attack Tancheng and Xiapi along the Yi River. The navy camp is used to transport grain without worrying about the safety of the grain road.

   The navy camp was originally composed of two thousand people, and it lost a small part in the battle of Cao Bao’s attack on Langya.

   Chutian plans to temporarily expand to the scale of 10,000 naval forces to facilitate the transportation of grain and fight for control of the Yi River.

   At present, Langya country, with the strength of a county, supporting the 10,000 navy camp is somewhat difficult, but if the entire Xuzhou is taken down, then the navy camp that can feed 10,000 people can be fed without much pressure.

  The expansion of the army is based on the premise that the war is expected to be won, and the spoils and occupied territory are used to make up for the expenditure of the expansion.

   Therefore, the militaristic empire will strive to expand, otherwise the economy will soon collapse.

   They only need an excuse to start a war, which is the so-called fuse.

  Tao Qian sent Cao Bao to attack Langya Kingdom, giving Chutian a reason to occupy Xuzhou. As long as he avenged the people of Langya Kingdom who died in battle, he could attack Tao Qian.

   "Fifteen warships, 40 walkers, several sentry ships, and several grain ships."

   After discussing with Xu Sheng, Chutian sent people to prepare ships and train new navy soldiers.

   When the spring begins, the production of the warship is basically completed, and then the warship can be used to control the Yi River, and then to attack Tancheng south, opening the door to Xiapi.

   The serious injury of Xu Sheng also reminded Chu Tian that even a famous general might die.

   Therefore, Chu Tian ordered the generals to minimize the number of times that they charged and fell into the battlefield. If the opponent can be consumed with troops, then there is no need to go into battle in person.

   "Ding! The second historical battle is over. The princes of the Kanto region won, and all the princes, lords, and free players of the East princes camp received +50% of the military merits. You will get the characteristic reward-the S-level characteristic ‘fourth world and three public’."

   Chutian was planning to expand the navy with Xu Sheng and received a reminder. Since the second historical battle allowed all princes to fish in troubled waters, the top ten rewards were all random features.

   Four Worlds and Three Public...

   Chutian is sure that this is the characteristic of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu!

   He still hated Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu not long ago, but now he has acquired their characteristics and made good luck.

  Chutian examines the effects of the "four worlds and three males" feature.

   [Name]: Four Worlds and Three Public

   [Order]: S-level characteristics

[Effect]: Both you and your descendants will gain the status of disciple of the family~www.novelhall.com~ family favorability +5%, the favorability degree of heroes from noble family +5%, the probability of special talents will be increased slightly, historical heroes will be trusted The probability is extremely small.

   This is a feature that has nothing to do with fighting, but a feature used to recruit talents, and it is easy to get the support of a family.

   By virtue of his status as the fourth generation and the third public, Yuan Shao has obtained the refuge of a large number of talents. It is a pity that Yuan Shao can\'t employ people, which led to the loss of a large number of talents to Cao Cao\'s camp.

   It can be said that there is this characteristic. Even if Chutian does nothing in Langya Kingdom, there is a very low probability that a hero will come to Chutian.

   This is the benefit of fame.

   can also increase the attraction to the family.

   Now Chutian is attractive to foreign races, peasant soldiers, and aristocratic families...

   "The expansion of the navy battalion is left to the general."

   Xu Sheng is still in a state of minor injuries, but it does not affect the training, so he handed over the expansion of the navy camp to Xu Sheng, and then went to find literati such as Lu Zhi and Cai Yong.

  He wants to try the effect of his four generations and three males.

   Chutian also became the person he hated the most--a disciple of the family.

   Fang Xuanling seems to be from a family. In history, there are a large number of aristocratic heroes such as Zhang Liang and Xie Xuan, and it will not be so difficult to recruit them in the future.

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