Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 218: Infighting, returning to teachers and powerful enemies

The envoy exchanges between the Kanto princes and Dong Zhuo, the two sides bargained, in order to determine the official positions of each party.

   Every foreign lord wanted to obtain the official position of the state shepherd and become a prince holding a large party of power. As a result, Dong Zhuo was not happy.

   There are only 13 states in the whole world, not enough for 25 princes to carve up, and Tao Qian, Liu Yu, Liu Yan, Liu Biao and other state herdsmen did not show up.

   Does it mean that there must be twenty-nine state shepherds in thirteen states?

   During this period, a major event happened. Yuan Shu, who was appointed as Yuzhou Mu by Dong Zhuo, sent an assassin to assassinate Yuzhou Governor Kong Yu and annex Kong Yu\'s soldiers!

   The remaining princes were shocked!

   Twenty-seven princes, two princes died at Hulao Pass, another prince Mingguan returned to Liaodong urgently, and now another prince was assassinated by allies, leaving only twenty-three princes.

   The news of Yuan Shu\'s assassination of allies spread like wildfire, and the princes put pressure on it.

   Facing pressure from his allies, Yuan Shu simply led his troops to leave Hangu Pass, and went to occupy Xuchang, the governor of Yuzhou, trying to digest Yuzhou.

   In addition to Han Fu of Jizhou, the food for the Kwantung Allied Forces also came from Yuan Shu of Nanyang. As a result, Yuan Shu no longer provides food, and the Kwantung coalition forces are in a precarious position.

   Now there are 22 princes left.

   Yuan Shao, as the leader of the alliance, had to follow suit and ordered Yan Liang and Wen Chou to attack Han Fu at night, beheading Han Fu, claiming that Han Fu was killed by deserters, and then annexed Han Fu\'s tribe.

   Yuan Shao also announced his resignation and led Jizhou pasture.

   There are only twenty-one road princes left.

  Without the food in Jizhou and Yuzhou, the 19th princes found themselves being cheated by a pair of stupid brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu!

   Fang Xuanling reported the terrible situation to Chu Tian: "If this goes on, the army will be short of food soon."

"Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu didn\'t make much contribution. They didn\'t expect to kill their allies. Once they succeeded, they left immediately. They cut off the food provided by Han Fu and Kong You. It is really short-sighted. They acted so unrelentingly. After defeating them, any prince who has grievances with them will never leave a way to survive."

   Chutian learned that Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu not only annexed other princes, but also quickly evacuated Luoyang and seized the territory in order to fear the other princes\' revenge.

   In other words, the current Kanto princes alliance has fallen apart.

   Without the princes nearby to provide food, they could not attack Chang\'an.

   Now all the princes hate Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

   Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu attacked their allies at a critical moment, and left without saying goodbye. They cut off their food and did everything, and other princes would never let them go.

Dong Zhuo had originally promised the princes to canonize the prefectures, generals, and counties. However, he learned that Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu had left and that the rest of the princes were not in good food. The generals of the town and four campaigns will not be considered.

   "Unexpectedly, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu would still be pitted."

   Chutian felt helpless for the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. Their greedy attitude to seize the territory was ultimately difficult to achieve.

   In the end, the Kwantung princes represented by Chutian compromised with Dong Zhuo.

  Chutian was named the prince of Kaiyang County, while the other princes of foreigners, the powerful princes of the county, the weaker princes of the township, and the pavilion.

   [Official position]: Hou of Kaiyang County

   [Effect]: Kaiyang County people’s hearts are not easy to decline; the support rate of aristocratic families increases slightly; the prestige increases, and the attraction to historical heroes in the late Han Dynasty increases slightly.

   County as a knighthood, it can bring no small effect.

   The current titles of Chutian include Tian Khan, Great Xian Mentor, Langya Xiang, General Fubo, and Kaiyang County.

   Because Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu lost the opportunity to be promoted to Xuzhou Mu and General An Dong, Chu Tian silently wrote down the grudges they had with Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.

   The Lujiang prefect was also angry with Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. His official posts were Yangzhou Mu and General Annan. Dong Zhuo was about to agree, and they were all destroyed by the Yuan family brothers.

   There is also Huma, who was listed in the same name as Zhou Mu and General Anxi. His official position in the list was gone, and only one hou was sealed.

   "Don\'t let me catch Yuan Shu in the future, otherwise I will execute him."

   The Lujiang Prefect Bronze is indignant.

   The remaining nineteen princes began to withdraw their troops.

   If you don’t withdraw the army, the food is gone, as long as Dong Zhuo sends tens of thousands of cavalry to pursue, the remaining 19 princes will be defeated.

   "You can only conquer Xuzhou by force, and then ask Dong Zhuo for Zhou Mu and General An Dong."

   Chutian still covets the position of Xuzhou Mu\'s.

   It is unrealistic to obtain the official position of Xuzhou Shepherd by skill, so Chutian forcibly controls Xuzhou, and then asks for the title of Xuzhou Shepherd. By the time the tree was done, Dong Zhuo wouldn\'t want to recognize it.

   Due to infighting among the princes and insufficient food, they retreated one after another.

  Before the camp, Chu Tian counted the gains from participating in the crusade against Dong Zhuo. He obtained a total of 70,000 military merits. He captured about a thousand horses in Xiliang, more than four thousand soldiers in Liangzhou, and seven thousand horses.

   The number of horses in Xiliang is astonishing, and the horses captured by Chutian are only a part.

   In addition, the two military commanders Xu Rong and Hua Xiong were captured, and Lu Zhi and Cai Yong also received two Eastern Han celebrities and twenty or thirty civilian officials. This is an unexpected gain.

   Chutian also suffered a great loss. For the 20,000 people he brought, he lost 5,000, and the remaining 15,000.

   "I can finally go back."

   Chutian almost had his home stolen, he could not help but sweat, and he almost became a homeless prince.

   When Cao Cao conquered Tao Qian, Yanzhou was attacked by Lu Bu and Zhang Miao, and Cao Cao was almost homeless.

   Chutian had a dangerous and dangerous experience of what happened to Cao Cao.

   Fortunately, Xia Liang and Li Xiuning, Xu Sheng and others guard Langya country, otherwise Chutian will start all over again.

   After returning to Xiacheng, Chu Tian will still reward them well. This kind of credit will not be overemphasized in the future even if he is appointed general or prefect.

   The princes of Chutian and his party passed through a scorched Luoyang city, cleaned up Luoyang city a little, and worshiped the first emperor.

  At the same time, Chu Tian and a group of foreign princes sent out personnel to search for the whereabouts of the Jade Seal of the Kingdom. They all knew that Chuanguo Yuxi might be left in Luoyang. It is recorded in history that Sun Jian once found the Jade Seal of Chuanguo in a well in Luoyang.

   As a treasure of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom has brought unprecedented bonuses to the territory.

   But all the princes were disappointed, and they couldn\'t find the Chuanguo Yuxi at all.

  Although the battle of Hulaoguan and the burning of Luoyang took place in this crusade against Dong Zhuo, many changes have taken place. Diaochan disappeared, Xu Rong and Huaxiong were captured, Lu Zhi and Cai Yong were acquired by Chutian...

   It\'s fine now, the Jade Seal of Chuan Country is even missing.

   Chu Tian also had the mentality to try, and he really didn\'t find the Chuanguo Yuxi, so he was not in a hurry.

   All princes or prefect level, want to be emperor?

   Yuan Shu is a negative example of premature proclaiming the emperor.

   All princes returned to Suanzao County in Chenliu County and successfully suppressed the momentum of Dong Zhuo’s development.

   The Dong Zhuo army, which had a tendency to sweep the Eastern Han Dynasty, was suppressed by the Allied Forces, just like the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army.

   The gun shot the bird.

"Obviously, I asked Dong Zhuo for Xuzhou Mu\'s plan to succeed, but you were cheated by Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. Brother Chu and Brother Yan, we will see you in the future. See you next time, maybe I have already built a powerful empire in the Western Regions. , Just like the Western Liao and the Mongol Empire."

   Huo An, the lord of the Western Regions Protector House, bid farewell to Chu Tian and Prince Yan.

   "Don\'t be defeated by the Guishuang Empire and the Seljuk Empire. You lose the face of our Eastern Han Dynasty, and you have to ask us for help."

   "No, I can drink the Mali Sea!"

   Huo An left with the remaining thousands of Western Region cavalrymen, and before leaving, he still muttered, "Why my Western Region soldiers are always scared when they see you, Brother Chu, and don\'t understand..."

   Huo An returned to the Western Regions Duhu Mansion.

"Mingguan should be at war with Choi Jae-sun\'s army who invaded Liaodong from the Goryeo Kingdom at this time. The battle must be fierce. Choi Jae-sun is the first lord of the Goryeo Kingdom, and he is resolute in his methods. If he does not obey his lord, he will be executed. He takes the initiative. Sneak attack on Liaodong, I was fully prepared. My territory is in Liaoxi, if Mingguan cannot stop the Goryeo State, then my Liaoxi cavalry will take back Liaodong at all costs."

   The lord of the west of Liaoning, Prince Yan, a famous general, Di Qing, he is ready in case Liaodong is captured by the Korean stick.

"You believe in Mingguan. I already know of his three generals, Chang Yuchun, Li Chengliang, and Zu Dashou. None of them are not well-known generals. Chang Yuchun has a nickname,\'Chang Shiwan\', just give With a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, he can run wild, not the mediocrity in some martial arts novels. That is a complete misunderstanding of Chang Yuchun. Mingguan may become your enemy in the future."

Chu Tian reminded Prince Yan that he learned that the third general in Mingguan was Chang Yuchun, the famous general who was second only to Xu Da in the early Ming Dynasty. He had almost no defeat in his life. He fought from the south to the north and captured the Yuan Dynasty. He was a legendary general. !

Knowing that Mingguan had Chang Yuchun as a general, Prince Yan was helpless. Di Qing\'s record was much worse than that of Chang Yuchun. Once he went to war with Mingguan and competed for Liaodong and Liaoxi, Chang Yuchun would be his biggest Enemy: "Not only Mingguan, but also Gongsun Zan, Wuhuan tribe, Xianbei tribe, and terrifying prairie in western Liaoning."

   "The terrifying prairie?"

   It was the first time Chu Tian heard of this kind of saying.

   The prince Yan has a solemn expression: "You should know that the grassland controlled by our East Han District is not a complete grassland, so there must be other nomadic tribes."

   Prince Yan took his Liaoxi cavalry back to Liaoxi using the teleportation array.

   "Teacher, Xuande bid farewell."

   Before leaving with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei specially came to say goodbye to Lu Zhi who was with Chu Tian.

   Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are currently under Liu Bei\'s command.

Chen Xi, Liu Bei’s alien soldier, took his family general Asnasher, and before returning to Zhongshan with Liu Bei, he whispered to Chu Tian, ​​“The era of the separatist regime will come soon. I hope that one day we Will not be an enemy."

"hope so."

   Chutian did not regard Liu Bei, who is located in the northern part of Jizhou, as his opponent.

   Liu Bei chose to develop Zhongshan Country in the northern part of Jizhou. His opponent is extremely powerful. Mingguan of Liaodong, Prince Yan and Gongsun Zan of Liaoxi, Youzhou Mu Liuyu, Jizhou Mu Yuan Shao, Weijun Prefect Zhao Long, Taiyuan Prefect Huma.

  Youzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou and other Hebei vassals will fight fiercely, even more fierce than the Henan vassals.

   Liu Bei faced the princes who possessed Chang Yuchun, Lianpo, Shi Wansui, Di Qing, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and other generals, he might not be able to survive and merge the three states.

   So the future opponent may not be Liu Bei.

   In contrast, Chutian can attack Xuzhou faster.

   As long as it is faster than other princes, then it will occupy the early development advantage and continue to snowball development in the future.

   "Tao Qian of Xuzhou has nothing to do with generals. There is Song Jiang in the East China Sea, but Song Jiang is just a leader of the peasant uprising army. Compared with my generals, he has nothing to say."

   Chu Tian led the main force to return to Langya Nation this time. After taking a rest and digesting the rewards, the first person Chu Tian did not let go was Tao Qian.

   Tao Qian will be destroyed after the beginning of spring.

   Chutian made up his mind in his heart.

   "We may become enemies in the future."

   Cao Cao took the Xiahou brothers, and the military commander Dianwei who was conquered on the way to defeat Dong Zhuo, and took the initiative to bid farewell to Chutian.

   One of them is in Yanzhou and the other in Xuzhou. They are located in the Fourth World War. There is no danger to defend. Once a battle, the main attack will be the main attack.

   To be honest, Chu Tian thought that Cao Cao was more difficult to deal with than Liu Bei and Sun Jian.

   Liu Bei\'s Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are five tiger generals, but they all have fatal shortcomings. As long as they make good use of their shortcomings, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei shouldn\'t be afraid.

   Cao Cao has a large number of second- and third-rate generals under his command. Cao Cao can give them bonuses. In addition, it is difficult to calculate Cao Cao, so Cao Cao\'s army is difficult to fight.

   "Zimou, we should not have any conflict."

  Sun Jian’s Changsha County is too far from Chutian’s Xuzhou, so he is not worried about conflicts of interest with Chutian.

   Chutian nodded superficially, but said in his heart not sure. Since ancient times, ~www.novelhall.com~ After the unification of the Central Plains, people always drink the Yangtze River.

   All princes said goodbye to Chutian, and Chutian got to know more princes. Some people may become the next strong enemy, such as Cao Cao, while others may become allies.

   Chutian and others returned to Xiacheng with the spoils.

   "I don\'t know what Xia Cheng and Zimou Du Fu Thatched Cottage is like."

   Lu Zhi and Cai Yong still have some expectations.

   A team of soldiers and horses entered the teleportation formation and could return to Langya City without paying a price.

   Finally, Chu Tian took Lu Zhi, Cai Yong, Xue Rengui, and Zhao Yun into the teleportation array.

   The scene in front of me changed...

  The sky full of Liaodong cavalry launched a charge against the Korean cavalry. General Chang Yuchun took the lead and led the heavy cavalry to attack the enemy\'s formation, breaking through the three phalanxes of the Goryeo Kingdom and championing the three armies!

   Mingguan led a military division to watch the battle from a high place: "Thanks to the military division guarding the home, setting an ambush in the Qianshan Mountains and delaying time, I did not allow the Korean cavalry to besiege the city, otherwise I would almost never come back."

   The military division said: "The lord is wise, and only by leaving ten thousand cavalry in advance can the ministers delay the enemy calmly."

   "The lord of Goryeo took the initiative to attack Liaodong. When I completely unify and stabilize Liaodong, they will know the terrible cavalry of the suzerain state. My Guanning cavalry will soon be able to train a small team..."

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