Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 15: Wooden arrow tower drawings

After Chutian ransacked the Yellow Turban Army\'s warehouse, he immediately left the Yellow Turban Army stronghold.

   When the head of the Yellow Turban Army returned with hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers, there were only copper coins and bronze-level weapons that were too heavy to take away. An unwilling roar came from the Yellow Turban army stronghold.

   got rich! Chu Tian carried heavy gold and silver, two skill books, and three architectural drawings in his arms. At the same time, he was holding two pieces of leather armor, a long sword, and a long spear.

   If it were not equipped with weights, Chu Tian would like to move all the weapons and armors in the Yellow Turban stronghold back to Xia Village to equip soldiers or sell them for money.

   In a sense, killing people and setting fire to the golden belt can realize the accumulation of primitive capital through war, and the early development of the territory can be faster.

   Hua Mulan, Xia Liang Liang, Xiaozhu Village heroes also hold a lot of trophies.

   There are already four Xiangyong riding war horses under the mountain to meet them, and the group returns to Langya City.

   "How do you plan to divide the spoils? This time it is mainly your Xia Village hero who killed the rebellious military prince."

   "The loot you found is yours, and the loot I found is mine."

   Chutian is not at all sloppy, and he doesn\'t care about how to divide the extra spoils with Xia Liang, the village chief of Xiaozhu Village.

   There are no silver-level heroes in Xia Chuang and two elite courageous villagers. Only four people in Xia Village may not be able to complete this task. This is also a means to buy people\'s hearts.

   If there is no benefit, other lords will not follow you with all their heart.

   Diplomacy is the same as agriculture, commerce, and military as the important content of "Lord". The most representative one is undoubtedly the unity during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period.

  This time looting the Yellow Turban stronghold, the items that Chutian obtained from the rebel army were the big heads.

   Sure enough, Xia Chuang saw that Chu Tian didn\'t care about gains and losses, and his mentality changed slightly. Perhaps Xia Village could be worthy of a long-term alliance.

   Chutian did not notice the change in the mentality of his allies, but checked the three architectural drawings dropped by the rebel army in Langya City.

   This military prince was also under the commander Zangba of Tao Qian\'s tribe of the Three Kingdoms princes. The construction drawings he possessed shouldn\'t be the construction drawings of the Yellow Turban Barracks in Bad Street, right?

   [Name]: Small wooden arrow tower (Level 2 fortifications)

   [Maximum durability]: 100

  [The number of defenders that can accommodate]: 3 people

   [Effect]: The defender\'s vision is increased, and the defense power is +3.

   [Materials needed]: 10 taels of silver, 100 lumber.

   [evaluation]: The nightmare of low-level arms.

   The first architectural drawing is the arrow tower that Chutian saw in the Yellow Turban stronghold.

   Arrow towers belong to city defense fortifications. As long as there are blueprints and resources, there is no problem with how many arrow towers Chutian wants to build in his own territory, and he can even build a circle around Xia Village.

   It\'s just that Xia Village is not so luxurious, and there are not so many archers.

   "Build two wooden arrow towers at the entrance of the village. After harvesting food at the end of June, the Yellow Turban army will attack the villages of the lords. The arrow towers can be used to resist the Yellow Turban army."

   Wooden Arrow Tower is a powerful fortification in the early stage, which increases the field of vision and 3 points of defense. For the fragile archer, this is a charcoal in the snow, and it also provides shelter.

   This architectural drawing is very practical in the early stage.

   Then Chu Tian looked at the remaining two drawings again.

   [Name]: Secondary school

   [Effect]: Soldier training effect +2%.

   [Materials needed]: 20 taels of silver, 50 lumber, 150 stones.

   [evaluation]: Can’t slack off today! One more kilometer!

   This secondary school field can improve the training effect of soldiers, and it is also a very useful special building.

   military commanders usually train soldiers, which can improve the level and morale of soldiers. There is a secondary school field, which is equivalent to the growth rate of soldiers +2%. Don\'t underestimate 2%, and accumulate less.

   "It is worthy of being a rebellious soldier, and all the drawings he carries are military architectural drawings..."

   Chutian saw the third drawing, which was also a military drawing.

   [Name]: Secondary Armor Workshop

   [Effect]: Bronze and silver armor can be produced, and the production cost of armor is -2%.

  [Materials needed]: 40 taels of silver, 100 lumber, 50 iron, 50 stone.

   [evaluation]: The armor produced is worthy of one use.

   "This is also a good thing."

   Chutian saw the introduction of the drawings, a small wooden arrow tower, a secondary school field, and a secondary armor workshop. Coupled with the drawings of the second-level infantry battalion and the first-level cavalry battalion purchased in Langya City, Xia Village has almost a complete military industry...

   Is Xia Village going to follow the development route of the Spartan civilization and military force?

   No, Chu Tian gave up this dangerous idea.

   The poor and military Spartan will easily decline due to population decline.

   Chutian took out two skill books, one was an offensive skill book-Blazing Spear, an intermediate skill, divided into 10 levels.

   [Name]: Flame Spear Technique (1/10)

  【Power】: 5

   [Secondary effect]: There is a very low probability that it can burn the opponent, causing the enemy to enter a light injury state.

   [evaluation]: Let the flame destroy everything.

   There is also an intermediate mental method "Iron Wall Heart Method", which is also divided into ten levels, which can improve the life-saving ability.

made money. Chu Tian planned to use two intermediate skill books for his own use, one offense and one defense.

   Xia Liang in Xiaozhu Village is also very satisfied with his harvest. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Chutian counted the other items he and Mulan had searched.

   "21 taels of gold and 314 taels of silver. I gave up too much copper. There are also 4 silver-class weapons and 3 armors."

   Chutian returned to Langya City and found the county yamen in a stormy manner.

   The above-mentioned gains are only the unexpected gains from attacking the Yellow Turban strongholds, as well as the rewards for completing the C-level reward mission-20 gold and an intermediate skill book.

   "You killed the renegade soldier?"

   When Chutian went in alone to receive the reward, Zang Ba, the guard of Langya City and the special hero of the Three Kingdoms, looked at this very weak player in disbelief.

   This person actually completed a task that other players dared not take. A level 60 rebel army, and he followed a large group of Yellow Turban soldiers.

   No matter what, Chu Tian received 20 gold coins and gave 5 taels of gold coins to Xia Liang as a reward.

   Langya city guard Zang Ba rewarded Chutian with an intermediate skill book called [Intermediate Archery]. When using a longbow as a weapon, the attack power and destructive power are increased.

   Having another windfall, Chu Tian went to the auction house without hesitation and continued to search for drawings. There are never too many architectural drawings. Only by increasing the prosperity of the village as soon as possible can it be upgraded to a third-level village.

   "The shopkeeper, I\'m here again."

  Although the auction house in Langya City is a black merchant, the architectural drawings of the auction house are very complete...I am a fish.

Seeing the small bag of gold coins that Chutian had placed on the counter, the shopkeeper opened his eyes and rubbed his palms: "My little master, you are really our chief customer recently. I don\'t know what architectural drawings you want? Our auction house recently bought it at a high price. I have a small drawing of a brothel. It only costs 300 taels of silver. Would you like to have one?"