Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 14: Big gain

At the bottom of the hillside fifteen miles outside Langya city, there are three bandits patrolling. They have yellow turbans tied to their heads. They are yellow turban soldiers active in various parts of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   Suddenly, a few arrows shot from the bushes, hitting three rogues, two rogues fell, and only one rogue still wanted to escape after being injured.

   Another arrow flew over and shot the seriously injured rogue.

   "The player kills the 15th-level Yellow Turban soldier and gains 50 experience points."

   Chutian led a small group of men and horses to emerge from the bushes and searched for the trophies from the corpses of the Yellow Turban bandits, obtaining a total of one or two silver and 152 copper coins.

   "Little 喽啰 is poor."

   Chutian counted the spoils. Compared with the cost of tens of taels of silver for the development of the village, this spoil is a drop in the bucket.

   He looked at the top of the hill, where a dozen wooden sheds stood, and wooden fences were used as defenses.

   This group of Yellow Turban soldiers does not produce, and lives by looting nearby villages. Therefore, the Yellow Turban army has basically no economic buildings.

   Chutian and his party groped up the mountain road, killing several Yellow Turban soldiers on the way.

   There is even a wooden arrow tower in the Yellow Turban Army stronghold monitoring the periphery.

   The wooden arrow tower is incredible. It is a secondary fortification, which can greatly improve the attributes and vision of the archers deployed on the wooden arrow tower. Even Xia Village does not have an arrow tower. If several marksmen are deployed on the arrow tower, it is difficult for the enemy to attack the village unless the enemy has siege equipment or a large number of archers suppress the arrow tower.

   There are two yellow turban archers on the wooden arrow tower of the yellow turban soldiers, and the level seems to be not low.

Chu Tian patiently observed the outside of the Yellow Turban stronghold, and then gathered the other seven people and used branches to draw the outline of the Yellow Turban stronghold on the ground: "There are at least 100 Yellow Turban soldiers inside, and we only have eight. We cannot attack each one. From time to time, there will be yellow turban soldiers patrolling down the mountain. We can intercept and kill these patrolling yellow turban soldiers and start to provoke snakes."

   Summer is cold and puzzled: "What about then?"

  Chu Tian used a branch: "Then we sent four people to provoke the Yellow Turban soldiers, leading away most of the troops inside, and the other four ambushing people outside to kill the rebellious army officer. This is called Tiaohu Lishan."

   "This idea is very good, but those who provoke may be hunted down by dozens or even hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers, and most of them will die..."

   "Don\'t forget that we have four war horses. As long as the people who lure the enemy change their horses on the way, they can escape the chase of the Yellow Turban soldiers."

   Chutian made arrangements. Two courageous people from Xia Village and two courageous people from Xiaozhu Village to perform the action to lure the enemy.

   These four courageous people can even ride horses.

   In order to complete the C-level reward mission, Chutian patiently ambushed the Yellow Turban soldiers who came out on patrol, killing a total of seven Yellow Turban soldiers.

  The Yellow Turban soldiers who came out to patrol were all ambushed. The Yellow Turban soldiers in the Yellow Turban stronghold finally fell into panic. The leader of the Yellow Turban Army assembled all the Yellow Turban soldiers to strengthen defense.

   Four Xiangyong haunted outside the Yellow Turban stronghold. The head of the Yellow Turban, who became angry because of anxiety, chased out hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers and was smoothly led away by Xiang Yong.

   "The Yellow Turban Army is really the Yellow Turban Army, and it doesn\'t look very smart. If it is a general of the Three Kingdoms princes, it shouldn\'t be a trick like this."

   Chutian’s judgment is correct, except for a few special heroes, the general setting of the Yellow Turban generals is to be superior and inferior.

   The silver hero of Xiaozhu Village is an archer. The so-called archer is not only good at using bows and arrows, but also has special bonuses when commanding archers, such as Huang Zhong and Sun Shangxiang of the Three Kingdoms.

   Hua Mulan took off the single wooden bow, and the hero of Xiaozhu Village respectively aimed at a yellow scarf archer on the wooden arrow tower.

   Two arrows shot one after the other, hitting the two yellow turban archers!

  The yellow turban archer shot by Hua Mulan was directly killed in seconds, but the yellow turban soldier shot by the hero of Xiaozhu Village was not dead yet, and wanted to knock the gong to remind the other yellow turban soldiers in the stronghold.

   Hua Mulan shot another arrow to make up for the hero of Xiaozhu Village.

  The level of the Yellow Turban soldiers who are qualified to stand guard on the wooden arrow tower is not low, and even level 30 silver-level heroes cannot be killed with a bow and arrow.

   Xiaozhu Village’s summer cool, silver-level hero looked at Hua Mulan, as if looking at a monster. The yellow turban archer who couldn\'t kill a silver-ranked hero with one arrow, she killed with one arrow, the gap was too big.

   "Is she really just a golden hero? Isn\'t she a special hero?"

   Xia Liang can rise to a second-level village by his own ability. He is a smart man. Seeing the huge gap between the ordinary heroes he recruited and Hua Mulan, he soon discovered that Hua Mulan may not be just a gold-level ordinary hero. Either a special hero, or surpasses the gold rank.

   "Go in!"

Chu Tian didn\'t have time to explain. The main force of the Yellow Turban army was mobilized by him to adjust the tiger away from the mountain. There were only 20 or 30 Yellow Turban soldiers in the stronghold. In addition, the archer guarding the wooden arrow tower was shot and killed. Here, kill the soldiers who defected.

   The most powerful Hua Mulan rushed to the forefront. The yellow turban soldiers who stayed at the camp hurriedly came out from the wooden shed to fight, but were killed by Hua Mulan.

  The silver heroes of Chutian, Xia Liang, Xiaozhu Village use bows and arrows to cover Hua Mulan.

   Chutian shot an arrow and hit the Yellow Turban soldier\'s shoulder. The Yellow Turban soldier was not dead. His level was higher than the Yellow Turban soldier outside.

   Xia Liang made another arrow, but the Yellow Turban soldier was still alive.

   Until the silver-ranked hero made another arrow, the strong Yellow Turban soldier fell.

   "No wonder it\'s a C-level reward mission, even a soldier is so hard to kill..."

   Chutian now understands why this mission is C-level, a 60-level rebel army officer, and hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers. If it hadn\'t been for the main force of the Yellow Turbans to be drawn away, the current battle would be even more fierce.

   But Hua Mulan is still a yellow turban soldier with one sword, and the price paid is physical strength.

   "Did that idiot Zang Ba send you to kill me?!"

   A warrior dressed as a military commander with a big beard appears, holding a spear.

   Chutian didn\'t need to think too much to know that this man was the army officer of the rebellion in Langya City.

   Langya City’s guards are not unknown people, but heroes from the Three Kingdoms period like Zang Ba, Sun Guan, and Yin Li. Then this person should be Zang Ba’s subordinate, and later turned into the Yellow Turban Army.

   Hua Mulan has already fought with the rebel army, using a Chinese sword against a spear, but has the upper hand.

  The competition between generals depends on the attributes such as level difference, force, equipment, and skills. Although Hua Mulan is only at level 30, she has 81 points of force. Even if the silver-level rebels reach level 100, their maximum force is less than 60 points. The rebel army can only rely on the level difference to resist Hua Mulan\'s attack.

   Hua Mulan stepped forward, a Chinese sword in her hand was like a butterfly light, smashing the rebel army back steadily.

   There are also seven Yellow Turban soldiers in the Yellow Turban Army stronghold, their level is no less than 30, and they besieged Chutian, Xialiangliang, and Silver Heroes.

   Only the silver-level heroes of Xiaozhu Village are capable of fighting against yellow turban soldiers of the same level, but with two fists hard to beat with four hands, it is difficult to shelter two village chiefs who are not high in level.

   "You guys are hiding behind me!"

   The silver rank hero tried to block the seven Yellow Turban soldiers, but there were still three Yellow Turban soldiers who broke through his offensive and killed Chutian.

   The iron sword collided with the yellow turban soldier\'s broad sword, and Chu Tian\'s arm numb.

   The Yellow Turban Soldier has a higher level than him, and his force cannot cross so many levels to fight.

   A stone flew and hit the Yellow Turban soldier\'s shoulder. The Yellow Turban soldier was injured and fell. Chu Tian took advantage of this opportunity to stab him with an iron sword and stabbed several swords in succession.

   "The player kills the 30-level Yellow Turban soldier and gains 200 experience."

   "Ding! Congratulations to the player for reaching level 16."

   is indeed a yellow turban soldier with a high level, no wonder it is so difficult to fight.

   If it weren\'t for Hua Mulan to kick the gravel on the enclave during the battle with the rebel army, and injure the level 30 Yellow Turban soldiers, Chu Tian might be killed by the 30 Yellow Turban soldiers.

   Even if it is a small soldier, the level one is high, it is equally scary.

   A 100-level warrior division and a 10-level mob, the gap between the two sides is not a little bit.

   Therefore, with 7,000 white robes to break the 300,000 mobs, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is completely possible to reproduce in "Lord".

  Chu Tian and Xia Liang joined together. They fought two yellow turban soldiers hard. During this period, Hua Mulan kept hitting the yellow turban soldiers with flying stones, doing two things to support Chu Tian.

"Do not!"

   The rebel army screamed, and there was a horrible knife mark on the front of his chest, which was killed by Hua Mulan.

   Xiaozhu Village’s silver hero level is only 30, but it doesn’t take much time to defeat several yellow turban soldiers of the same level. One after another yellow turban soldiers fell under his iron sword.

   "Quick, take advantage of the yellow turban main force has not come back!"

  Chutian, they killed the rebel army and searched for the spoils.

   There were three architectural drawings on the rebel army officer, and Chu Tian took it in his arms before he could see what the drawings were. The main yellow turban may return at any time, and it is not safe here. Hua Mulan had already expended a lot of physical energy to kill the rebel army, I am afraid that she could not shelter Chutian under the siege of hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers.

   "Twelve taels of gold, the military officer is really rich."

   Chutian also found 10 taels of gold from the body of the rebel army. The military officers in Langya City were very rich, and they carried twelve taels of gold with them. They didn\'t know how much they were richer than the yellow scarf. The gap between the rich and the poor is so big, no wonder the Yellow Turbans are going to revolt.

   In addition to three architectural drawings and twelve taels of gold, Chu Tian also seized the military officer’s spears and leather armor, which were all silver-level equipment.

  The silver heroes of Hua Mulan, Xia Liang, Xiaozhu Village broke into the warehouse of the Yellow Turban stronghold, and there were two treasure chests inside. In addition to treasure chests, there are more than twenty pairs of leather armors and sophisticated weapons.

   Xia Xia Ryo exclaimed: "This is a fortune!"

   Chutian also followed, and said hurriedly: "We can\'t take so many things, only gold and silver-grade equipment, and skill books."