Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1195: Destroy the enemy country, capture the country’s master

The battle of Champa lasted from early morning until late at night. The fire spread in Champa and was blazing. The two sides continued to fight with the flames.

   Chen Xingdao had three arrows in his body, dripping with blood, still resisting desperately.

   Many soldiers of the Greater Vietnam country trusted Chen Xingdao, gathered under Chen Xingdao, and obeyed his orders.

  The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms blocked in Champa are still fighting against the trapped beasts and are unwilling to surrender.

   Swords, lights, swords and shadows in the city, although Jiangdong Army and Jiaozhou Army won, after all, there were too many enemy soldiers in the city, so that the durability of many soldiers\' swords dropped to 0, broken or rolled.


   Sun Quan panted. After being injured, he still followed Sun Ce to fight.

   Although Sun Quan is not a first-class commander, he dared to go to battle personally. Thousands of trouble-free soldiers under his command beheaded thousands.

   It’s just that Sun Ce is still the existence he looks up to.

  Sun Ce fought for a whole day and night, beheading the King of Siam, 13 Siamese generals, and a thousand soldiers, Megatron Champa.

   Arrow God Yang Yuji and single-riding Xiao Moke also performed extremely dazzlingly in this battle.

   Yang Yuki shot and killed the "White Prince" of the Kingdom of Siam with seventeen arrows, and successively shot hundreds of people, many of whom were generals or captains.

   Xiao Moke blocked the South City Gate with his own power and let Xia Jun enter the city.

   These fierce generals are not as good as commanders who can coordinate the overall situation, but they play a decisive role in the local area.

   "It\'s over, this is over..."

   At the periphery of Champa, a rebel army composed of players from the Greater Vietnam Kingdom saw the entire Champa city turned into a sea of ​​flames, and was afraid to move forward.

   "The city gate has been breached, and the morale of the defending army will definitely drop, making it difficult to defend. It seems that we are late."

   "No, we came just in time. If we come early, we will be surrounded by Xia Jun in Champa, nine deaths. In my opinion, we will disband and retreat, and we will have the opportunity to rebuild the Kingdom of Vietnam."

   "It is reasonable. The Great Xia Dynasty is in a period of rising national power, like the sky. We can follow the trend, if we go against the sky, then the gain is not worth the loss."

   This team of Great Vietnam players originally came to Champa Qinwang with a lot of enthusiasm, but really saw the tragic decisive battle in Champa. Chen Shengzong was blocked in Champa and it was difficult to fly his wings, so he decided to retreat and the birds and beasts scattered.

   News of the Siege of Champa, along with the retreating players, spread throughout the Kingdom of Vietnam, Siam, and Zhenla. The players and civilians of these three countries were even more shocked, and they stopped crying at night.

   The main force of the three kingdoms is concentrated in Champa. If the Xia army annihilates the main force of the three kingdoms in one fell swoop in the battle of Champa, then the three kingdoms will be destroyed in one battle, and they will no longer be able to resist.

   The war between the Jiangdong Army, Jiaozhou Army and the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms lasted until the second day. Both Jiangdong Army and Jiaozhou Army basically exhausted all their physical strength.

   On the second day, the Great Vietnam, Siam, and Zhenla countries, whose morale and physical strength had fallen to the bottom, were finally unable to support them after hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were lost. Some generals successively surrendered to Jiangdong Army and Jiaozhou.

   "Wish to drop!"

  A Siamese general had 30,000 soldiers and horses, but most of them were killed in the battle. In the end, he could not bear the huge pressure and surrendered to Jiangdong Army.

   The Jiangdong Army marched forward, 450,000 Siamese soldiers and horses, and more than 250,000 casualties before and after, causing many Siamese generals to mentally collapse.

   The most fierce resistance was Chen Shengzong and Chen Xingdao’s soldiers and horses of the Great Yue Kingdom, trying to break through from the west, escape to the mountains and forests, reassemble the King Qin army, and borrow troops from other civilizations.

   Chen Shengzong\'s face was as gray as death: "I was alone in Champa with a large army of 600,000, and there was no World War I. Even if I escaped by chance, I am unable to recover the country. It is better to die."

However, Chen Xingdao had different ideas: "The minister heard what a foreigner said, the world is not the dominance of the Great Xia Dynasty. There are also forces such as the\'Sea Alliance\', the\'Crusade\', and the\'Prairie Empire\', which are enough to contend with the Great Xia Dynasty. For the time being, the aggrieved saint hides in the mountains, and the ministers go to borrow troops."

   "If the country can be restored, you must worship Qing as the king!"

   Chen Shengzong had already been driven into a desperate situation, Chen Xingdao\'s words made his resistance to resistance resurrected.

   Chen Xingdao and Chen Shengzong led tens of thousands of remnants out of the city from the west gate, and the west was the mountains.

   Chen Xingdao, like Li Mu and other generals, first considered victory and defeat first, and had already planned the retreat after Champa lost.

   However, Sun Jian laid an ambush outside the West Gate in advance!

   With the sound of a cannon, two generals, Han Dang and Xiang Yan, came out and besieged Chen Shengzong and Chen Xingdao!

   The soldiers and horses of Chen Shengzong and Chen Xingdao exhausted their physical strength and morale after a day and night battle, while the soldiers and horses of Han Dang and Xiang Yan recovered most of their physical strength after a one-night rest. At this time, Chen Shengzong and Chen Xingdao were easily defeated!

   "Capture enemy generals!"

   Han Dang and Xiang Yan were lying in ambush outside the city, capturing a hundred generals from the Great Vietnam, ranging from silver to king level.

  The most important prisoner is Chen Shengzong himself.

   Chen Xingdao of the main combat faction, after causing a lot of trouble to the Jiangdong Army, eventually fell into the hands of the Jiangdong Army.

   "It turned out that we captured the leader of the Great Yue Kingdom alive!"

   Han Dang interrogated a group of captive military commanders of the Great Vietnam, and found that among the captured alive prisoners, there was the leader of the Great Vietnam, and he was excited.

   Chen Xingdong’s next resistance plan, because he was captured alive, failed in advance.

   Champa, in the vast decisive battle, was reduced to ruins, and the chickens and dogs did not hear.

   King Jayavarman VII of Zhenla was defeated and was captured alive in a one-night melee.

   "I want to kill him!"

   Ling Tong\'s expression is tired and ferocious, angrily, he picks up his sword to find the surrendered King Zhenla!

   "General Ling Tong, who captures the host of the enemy country alive, should be handed over to the court to deal with, and not to be killed."

   Beifu Army commander Xie Xuan winked at Liu Laozhi, his general, and Liu Laozhi stopped Ling Tong.

   Xie Xuan is after all Xie Jiabaoshu, a disciple of the aristocratic family, after the tragic war ended, he still maintained a high level of reason to stop Ling Tong.

   Although King Zhenla shot Ling Cao, how to deal with King Zhenla depends on the attitude of the court, not the generals.

   Sun Jian, the coach of the Jiangdong Army, is visiting the injuries of the veterans.

   The four veterans of the Sun family suffered heavy losses in this battle.

   Zumao was hit by a war elephant. Although he could barely save his life, he was almost a useless person, unable to fight with Sun Jian.

   Huang Gai and Cheng Pu were slightly injured in this battle. After their injuries healed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should still be able to follow Sun Jian.

   "The final general can no longer go with the lord, please forgive me..."

   Zumao lay on the couch, tearing.

   "Bo Fu has already avenged you. You and your family, our grandson family will fully support you, don\'t worry, and stay at home with peace of mind."

  Sun Jian comforted this veteran who was loyal to him.

   The four veterans are loyal to Sun Jian. The relationship between Sun Jian and them is similar to the relationship between Dongying daimyos and their elders, so Zumao has become a waste person, and Sun Jian still treats Zumao kindly and cultivates his sons.

   Sun Ce asked Sun Jian after rectifying his troops, "My father, Cheng Pu and Huang Gai, two old generals, should they be fine?"

"The two of them are not in danger of life. After recuperating for a period of time, they can fight again. Bo Fu, you also need to pay attention to Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Yang Yuji and others. Treat them as retainers. Maybe one day they will save Your life."

  Sun Jian has four loyal veterans, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Zu Mao. Only then did he know that having a group of diehard retainers would be very useful at critical times.

   Although Sun Ce thinks that his force has already surpassed Zhou Tai, he still said: "My child will treat them as his retainers and make sincere friendships."


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