Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1194: 1 battle to destroy 3 countries

"Those who descend will not kill!"

   Ling Tong carried a knife, and forced back thousands of soldiers from Zhenla.

With a bang, a scimitar in the hands of a soldier of Zhenla landed and was frightened by Ling Tong.

   Ling Tong’s deterrence is not only his own force, but also the Iron Man army behind Ling Tong.

  The swords of the soldiers of Zhenla slashed into the iron armor of the Iron Man army, leaving only white marks, and the damage was limited, which made the soldiers of Zhenla doubt life.

  Only when attacking the city, smashing down the iron army with stone or wood can kill the iron army.

   Once the high-ranking heavy infantry Ironman army was on the city wall, these Zhenla country defenders would be helpless.

   What\'s more, Jiangdong generals such as Ling Cao, Ling Tong, Jiang Qin, led the iron army, and went to the city regardless of casualties.

   "Get me out of town!"

   Zhenla King Jayaba Mo VII was furious and kicked a Zhenla soldier over.

   The king personally supervised the battle, and the Zhenla soldiers had to raise their sharp blades and kill Ling Tong again.

   "I have already said that those who descend will not kill. Since I don\'t know how to promote, then there is only a dead end!"

   Ling holds a knife, leads the Iron Man army, and continues to drive straight in and seize the city wall!

   A machete slashed Ling Tong\'s shoulder armor, and Ling Tong returned the sword to wipe out the Zhenla soldiers!

   Ling Tong was like a lunatic in the **** battle, smashing into the enemy line alone, and then beheading a hundred people!

   On the other side, the father of Ling Tong, Ling Cao climbed onto the city wall, also like a madman, making Zhenla scared like a tiger.

   Jiang Qin, Pan Zhang and other generals also successively climbed the city.

   "Take my bow!"

   King Zhenla saw that enemy troops were coming up from each section of the city wall, and the morale of Zhenla soldiers was low, so he was given a golden bow.

   His sight swept among the many generals in Jiangdong.

   Zheng Chenggong, the main general who attacked the northern city wall, supervised the battle under the city, and did not try his own risk. Most generals who attacked the city wall were strong generals from Jiangdong.

   King Zhenla finally turned his attention to the military commander Ling Cao who was struggling to kill.

   "The enemy will die!"

   King Zhenla drew his bow and aimed at Ling Cao.

   There are hundreds of Zhenla soldiers who fell under Ling\'s sword.

   Lingfu father and son are too threatening to Zhenla soldiers.

   Ling Cao suddenly felt uneasy, and the arrow of King Zhenla\'s fingertips had been released!

   After more than a dozen moves, Ling Cao who killed the generals of Zhenla suddenly fell.

   An arrow hit Ling Cao on the back of the neck, killing Ling!

   "The enemy general gives the head!"

   Zhenla King Jayavarman VII shot Ling Cao and achieved a rare victory, reviving the morale of Zhenla!

   Ling Cao died in battle, and the morale of the nearby Ironman Army and low-rank Xia Army dropped drastically!

   The soldiers of the Zhenla country killed the enemy generals because their king shot them, and their morale rose, and they killed all the Ling Cao squads who had climbed into the city!

   "Don\'t underestimate our Zhenla Kingdom, the Imperial Forest Army, kill them!"

  The King of Zhenla dispatched the generals of the Imperial Forest Army and brought the Imperial Forest Army of the Kingdom of Zhenlai up to the city from the various stone steps, taking advantage of the morale rise, and counterattacking.


   Ling Tong was killed because of Ling Cao, he stared at him, frantically killing King Zhenla!

   "Protect the general!"

   The Iron Army was worried that the hysterical Ling Tong would be killed in the chaos like Ling Cao, so he hurried to keep up!

   Ling Tong pushed forward frantically, and the iron army armed to the teeth followed Ling Tong. The iron army swung the horse-cutting knives and stepped forward. Rows of horse-cutting knives were neatly cut down and killed the Zhenla soldiers!

   Zhenla soldiers fired a volley of bows and arrows, landing on the armor of the Iron Man army, making clanging noises, but it was difficult to break the defense.

   Every further step of the Iron Man army, dozens of first levels landed!

  The Jiangdong military commanders Pan Zhang, Ma Zhong, Zhu Huan and others, who had a low sense of existence, successively beheaded the military commanders of Zhenla Kingdom, reversed the decline in morale, and once again gained the upper hand!

   The crazy Ling Tong has approached the King of Zhenla, and all the soldiers of Zhenla Kingdom fell under the sword of Ling Tong or the Iron Man army along the way!

   Ling Tong\'s eyes are red, and the only target is King Zhenla!


   King Zhenla opened the golden bow, aimed at Ling Tong, wanted to shoot Ling Tong, once again Megatron Xia Jun.

   A golden light flashed, and the streamer shot towards Ling Tong!

   Although Ling Tong has fallen into madness, he relies on instinct to avoid the arrow of King Jayavarman VII of Zhenla!

   Li Jian brushed Ling Tong\'s cheek, leaving a blood stain!

   If this arrow is poisonous, perhaps Ling Tong will also die.

   Ling Tong did not care about his injuries at all, and went all the way to King Zhenla, and was stopped by two generals of the Imperial Forest Army of Zhenla Kingdom!

   is qualified to serve as a general of the Imperial Guard, not necessarily a commander in command, but force must be the most powerful group of generals in a civilization!

   Two generals with more than 90 force will repel Ling Tong!

   Ling Tong was injured, still attacking desperately!

  The Iron Man army followed, relying on its strength, to storm the imperial generals of Zhenla Kingdom!

   is not only a general, the combat power of high-level arms is also not weak!

  The Iron Man army went forward, exhausting the physical strength of the general of the Zhenla Imperial Guard. In the end, an imperial army general was slashed in his eyes by the irrational Ling Tong, and then died under the iron man\'s sword!

   "Damn it!"

   King Zhenla tried his best, and the northern city wall was still under the offensive of the Iron Man, gradually falling.

   The military commanders of Zhenla with more than 90 force were also killed by high-level heavy-step tactics.

   "Don\'t want to go!"

   Ling Tong saw that King Jayavarman VII of Zhenla wanted to go down to the city, regardless of his injuries, he continued to hunt down!

   To the south, Xiao Moke slammed into the city before closing the gate to the south, and was attacked by thousands of enemy troops!

   Xiao Moke, in order to get the army into the city, stood alone at the gate of the city, constantly killing the enemy, without retreating half a step!

   Liu Laozhi, Long Qi and other fierce generals arrived one after another, vying for the city gate, fighting the dead, piled up like a mountain!

  Sun rides a horse, leads Jiangdong\'s soldiers to assault the city gate, and with the cooperation of the Beifu army, enters the city!

  The war is still going on. The soldiers and horses of the Three Kingdoms were blocked in Champa, blood flowed into rivers, and countless casualties!

   "Use the knife cart!"

   Chen Xingdao tried his best to withstand the Xia Jun who had invaded the South City and launched hundreds of sword carts to prevent Sun Ce\'s cavalry from advancing!

   More than a dozen war horses crashed into the cart, and were pierced by the blade of the cart. The blood was dripping, and people turned their backs on their backs!

   Under the command of Chen Xingdao, the carts of swords blocked the streets and fought fiercely over Champa. Many houses were burned down, and smoke billowed.

   "Catch Chen Xingdao alive, reward thousands of dollars!"

   Sun Ce was blocked by the knife cart, and was a little angry at Chen Xingdao, who kept causing trouble for himself.

  The other princes of the Great Yue Kingdom were completely suppressed by the Jiangdong Army. Only Chen Xingdao exhausted all methods to kill Xia Jun.

   After Sun Ce ordered a reward for Chen Xingdao, all Jiangdong army soldiers went forward bravely and burned the cart with torches.

   King Zhenla retreated from the northern city wall in an embarrassing manner, and the kingdom of Zhenla, the weakest of the Three Kingdoms, was the first to lose.

   The Iron Army killed off the city wall, chopped down the Zhenla soldiers defending the city gate, opened the city gate, and let Zheng Chenggong’s navy enter the city.

   At this time, Xia Jun has already poured in at the southern and northern gates.

   A Zhenla general knelt in front of Chen Shengzong: "The Zhenla soldier is defeated, our king is asking you for help!"

   "He is really rubbish!"

   Chen Shengzong personally fought on the east city wall and blocked Li Dingguo and Fu Youde\'s offensive forcefully. At this time, I heard that the northern city wall guarded by King Zhenla was lost. 150,000 Zhenla soldiers could not defend one of the walls, and their faces were pale.

   "You bring 100,000 soldiers, go and help!"

   Chen Shengzong had to divide his troops to support King Zhenla.


   A loud scalp-numbing noise suddenly came from under the east wall.

   Chen Shengzong\'s face was pale: "What happened?!"

  Great Yue State general Chen Qing\'s face was as gray as death: "Holy, the crash of Xia Jun is hitting the city gate, and the east gate is about to fall."


   There was another loud noise, and the hearts of all the soldiers of the Great Yue Kingdom trembled.


   The Jiaozhou Army pushed a huge crash, hitting the Dongcheng Gate one after another. The Dongcheng Gate was unable to contain the ferocious impact and was crumbling.

   Every time he was hit by a mallet, the soldiers of the Great Vietnam were frightened!

   "Quickly, burn the crashed car with kerosene!"

   "Sheng Shang~www.novelhall.com~ has been... too late..."


   With the last loud bang, the East City Gate was smashed and broken wood splashed. The Jiaozhou Army, led by Li Dingguo, came in from outside the city!

   A military commander of the Great Vietnam led his troops to resist and was shot and killed by Li Dingguo!

   "Holy Protection!"

   A group of military commanders and soldiers guarding Chen Shengzong, trying to protect their king.

   From a bird\'s eye view from the air, the north, east, and south gates have been breached. A steady stream of Jiangdong Army and Jiaozhou Army have entered Champa, and hundreds of thousands of enemy troops have been blocked in the city!

Although there was no Xia Jun attack on the west gate, Xia Jun still lay ambush outside the west of the city. There was a military commander of Zhenla country who wanted to leave the city from the west gate. More than ten thousand soldiers and horses!

   Now, the defending army also knew that there was Xia Jun\'s ambush outside the west gate.

   "Xiang Yan, Han Dang, you lead 50,000 troops to the west, strengthen the ambush, and don\'t leave one person!"

   Sun Jian saw that the southern city gate was breached and originally planned to carry out a classic siege, but at this time, he didn\'t want to let it go, so he strengthened the western force and blocked the opponent\'s retreat. No one can go!


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