Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1068: Western warships and famous naval fighters come out

"God bless the King Henry, Mary Rose, Great Harry, and Peter Pomegranate. Four of them are Clark sailing ships. Elizabeth, Golden Lion, Intrepid, and Rainbow. Four gallons are sailing ships. A masterpiece by the master Matthew Baker."

"The Galen ship is equipped with blunderbuss and a large number of crossbows. If you have artillery, it would be great."

The English master of navigation, Drake, introduced the eight new legendary warships to King Charlie.

As a former maritime overlord, the English civilization has many legendary warships, master craftsmen, and masters of navigation.

"These are not the pinnacles of sailing ships. What I want is a giant like the Sea King and a lot of artillery."

As the lord of England, Charlie is still not satisfied with the eight newly added Clark and Galen.

Master Boatman Matthew Baker said to their king: "Your Majesty, I need the drawings of the Sea King to make it. The latest Galen ship is the Revenge, which is under construction."

"The drawings of the Sea King are difficult to obtain. Ship-borne artillery is even rarer. If this national war can be exchanged for the drawings or fire paper of the Sea King, we in England will once again become an empire that never sets."

Charlie boarded the four-masted Elizabeth Galen sailing warship and looked down at the English warship in the harbor: "As long as the country blocks the sea during the war, no lord is the opponent of our Royal Fleet."

In the Port of Lisbon, Spain\'s invincible fleet is assembled, Queen Isabella of Spain has conquered Portugal, and the fleets of the two kingdoms are united.

"San Martin", "San Juan", "San Marco", "San Juan Batista", "San Mateo" and other sailing warships are anchored in the port.

These are the legendary ships of Portugal.

"All the sailors and soldiers of the Saint Martin are willing to serve for Her Majesty the Queen."

The Duke of Medina Sidonia and the captains are loyal to Queen Isabella.

"Our Spanish population is too small, and we should divide more land."

Queen Isabella also knew the shortcomings of Spanish civilization.

The Spanish civilization has the Spanish phalanx, the invincible fleet, and the Knights of Santiago, with a complete range of arms, and there are really no obvious shortcomings of arms.

However, the population of the Kingdom of Spain was small, and after the annexation of Portugal, the population was still less than that of France.

As the most important resource in "Lord", population is a problem that every king needs to consider.

Population is even an important indicator of the size of an empire.

An empire with a population of hundreds of millions is vastly different from an empire with a population of tens of millions.

At present, there are only the Han Empire, the Mongolian Empire, and the United States of empires with a population of hundreds of millions.

Spain and Portugal ruled by Queen Isabella combined have a population of more than 20 million, so Isabella has to consider how to increase the population. Otherwise, she lacks the right to speak in the western continent.

"The Invincible Fleet will let them know that we, Spain, should have a greater say in the ‘Crusade’ conquest, and divide more land."

After returning from the Conference of Western Kings in Zurich, the "Crusade" conquest joined by Queen Isabella has begun.

Western kings including Isabella and Charlie are veritable kings of the Crusaders.

Istanbul, the Golden Horn, Alexander the Great, and the Ottoman Sultan Hurem, who was captured by Alexander, patrolled the re-formed Mediterranean fleet.

The Ottoman "Navy Reformer" Kemar Leis, the legendary pirate "Red Beard" Barbarossa Hereding and other naval fighters gathered.

The era of great navigation did not only belong to Europe. China, West Asia, and North Africa also gave birth to a number of sea warriors or great pirates, competing with European civilization.

Spanish galleons, Galese battleships, light row boats and sloops all cover the Golden Horn.

The Atlantic Ocean belongs to England, Spain and the Netherlands, while the Mediterranean Sea is divided by Macedonia, Rome, and France.

Alexander has entered middle age and is still at his peak: "This time, Hairedin and Kemar Leis, you led the 30,000 most elite soldiers, and followed me to the national war."

The Ottoman naval warfare leaders such as Kemar Leis and Barbarossa Hayedin had to surrender to the new king of Asia Minor.

Eumenis said to Alexander: "King, this is the list of the expedition-Belisarius, Seleucid, Antico, Hephaestion, Ptolemy, Leonidas, Bleda... "

"So be it."

After listening to the list of fifteen famous generals, Alexander nodded by default.

"Xurem, you command the Sipahi cavalry and the Yeniceri Army, and go out with me."

Alexander asked the female sultans of the Ottoman Empire, the kings of Sparta, the leaders of the Huns and other vassals to march.

Sultan Xu Leim said coldly: "If it weren\'t for Emperor Suleyman to be killed by the generals of the East, and the Yeniceri Army rebelled, you would not be able to conquer Asia Minor."

"This is fate. The Crusaders\' conquest is about to begin. This national war only delays the time for the Crusaders to conquer. Even if you do not surrender, Istanbul will be conquered by the Crusaders."

Alexander\'s tone was equally calm.

Alexander went from revealing his sharp edge to reducing his momentum, which was even more terrifying.

Sultan Xu Leim was also a strong woman. Although she was not as capable as Sulaiman the Great, who was killed by Huo Qubing during the Third National War, it took Alexander six or seven years to conquer Asia Minor, which greatly delayed Alexander\'s expansion. .

However, Alexander the Great at the peak was already a saint-level commander, Athens, Sparta, and the Huns were Alexander\'s canines. Sultan Xu Leim was ultimately defeated.

On the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, the fleet of the Knights of St. John’s Hospital in Jerusalem assembled, along with the fleet of Genoa, with Genoese naval commander Andrea Doria as the commander of this fleet.

Constantine came to the island of Malta, preparing to take the fleet of Malta and Genoa to participate in the sixth national war.

"Hospital Knights, Carthage War Elephant, Genoese Crossbowmen, Roman Legion, and Eastern Cavalry... In this national war, the two Saint-level commanders must win one."

Constantine was jealous when he learned that in the sixth national war, he might get two holy commanders at most.

The holy commander is very important to a civilization, especially for a civilization with a small population, which may be a qualitative change.

In St. Petersburg, Ekaterina has a headache because she doesn\'t have any decent naval masters.

"In the Black Sea, at least 500 galleys must be produced before the start of the national war."

"Your Majesty~www.novelhall.com~The emperors and kings of the Western Continent, they held secret meetings in Zurich, but did not invite you. It seems that you were targeted by them."

Sophia reported to Ekaterina a disturbing incident.

Ekaterina was ostracized by the Western lords.

"If it\'s just squeezing, it doesn\'t matter."

Ekaterina is worried about more serious problems.

The secret meeting of the Western lords in Zurich, the specific content, Ekaterina could not know, only the king-level figures who attended the meeting knew the content of the Zurich meeting.

Sophia put a list on Ekaterina\'s desk: "This is the list of generals in the sixth national war."

"During the national war, 400,000 troops were dispatched to the border. The Teutonic Knights have been frequently active at the border recently."


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