Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 1067: The 6th National War

"Jiangdong Army, Jiaozhou Army, Yizhou Army, Jingzhou Army, a total of four armies, responsible for the South Ping An, Toungoo, Siam, Lancang, Malay, Chenla, Malacca. Above the South Ocean, there are Java, The nations of Manila."

Chu Tian and Sun Jian discussed sweeping away the civilized areas of Southeast Asia, with the southern army as the main force.

The northern armies attacked the four eastern islands.

The entire empire has begun to operate war machines, re-recruiting and replenishing soldiers and horses, while at the same time producing weapons and hoarding rations for expeditions.

"Ding! The sixth national war will begin in August of the seventeenth year of the lord’s calendar. Please check the rules of the national war for each lord."

When Chu Tian was talking with Sun Jian, Chu Tian suddenly received a system notification.

Chu Tian just started preparing for the Great Expedition, and before he became emperor, the sixth national war began!

"Wentai, I am afraid we will stop here first. Sun Quan, temporarily serving as Tian Cao in Langya country."

Seeing that the banquet was almost the same, Chu Tian sent Sun Jian away and arranged for Sun Quan by the way.

Xia Liang sent Sun Shangxiang out. Sun Shangxiang didn\'t know that he would enter the East Palace in the future. Instead, he waved goodbye to Xia Liang: "Goodbye, sister."

Xia Liang smiled slightly, but Chu Tian shuddered, how did he feel that Sun Shangxiang was pitted.

Xia Liang raised a contract to Chu Tian with Sun Shangxiang\'s signature on it.

"She\'s just a child..."

When Chu Tian saw that Sun Shangxiang, who was still a little girl, had signed an unequal treaty, he couldn\'t help but feel sympathy for Sun Shangxiang.

"The harem needs order, and so does the East Palace."

Summer is cold.

"The sixth national war is about to begin."

Chu Tian didn\'t worry about Chu Wu and Sun Shangxiang for the time being, these two little guys would not be able to grow up for a few years.

His attention shifted to the sixth national war.

Each national war takes a long time, but the items are extremely valuable.

In the last national war, Chutian recruited Sifias, Valous, Geng Gong, Zhang Heng, Cordillera, and Mehwa, and obtained solid bullet production drawings and firearm workshop drawings, and his strength increased.

Only this time, I don\'t know what kind of special items the national war will have.

Xia Liang is more concerned about Chutian\'s safety: "Can this national war be resurrected?"

"I haven\'t looked at the rules carefully."

After Sun Jian left, Chu Tian had time to carefully review the rules of the sixth national war——

First, qualifications for participation in national warfare: Lords with a territory population greater than 5 million. The territories of the lords participating in the war are not protected by the system.

Second, the battlefield of national warfare: an independent battlefield-four sub-islands, one main island, separated by the sea.

Each sub-island has five sub-cities, each of which is guarded by king-level or imperial-level generals, and the main island has two main cities, each of which is guarded by a saint-level commander.

Conquer the city, you can recruit generals to guard the city.

Can occupy the city to obtain supplies, recruit soldiers, and speed up the recruitment of soldiers.

The duration of the national war, half a year.

The spawn point of the lord participating in the battle is a random island.

At least 12 sub-cities will be captured before the main island will emerge from the sea fog.

Third, the initial upper limit of troops: 100,000; the upper limit of heroes: 15 generals and counsellors, players occupy the quota, except for players who are transferred to high-level soldiers; the upper limit of warships: 800.

Fourth, the lords of the same civilization are alliances and must not attack each other, otherwise the power will drop 100%, but inaction is allowed.

Fifth, kill the lords, generals, and legions of other civilizations to obtain military exploits; kill the higher-ranked lords and their legions to obtain more combat exploits; rewards will be settled according to the global rankings.

Sixth, you must not withdraw from the battlefield of the national war unless you are killed; during the national war, all systems of the participating players are cut off.

Seventh, at the end of the national war, all the initial forces, including players, generals, and legions, can be resurrected. The units recruited during the national war cannot be resurrected, nor can they be brought back to the main world.


Chu Tian briefly reviewed the rules of the sixth national war, and probably understood that this national war was a combination of land warfare and naval warfare.

There are a total of five islands and 22 cities. Defensive officers can be recruited if you capture these cities.

The guards of the two cities on the main island will be extremely rare holy generals!

The strength of the Saint-level generals is amazing. Wu Qi and Xiang Yu are both giants.

If you can capture the two cities on the main island, you can get two holy generals.

In addition, you can recruit king-level or imperial-level generals if you conquer 20 other sub-cities.

What is more tempting is that the guards of each city may come from different civilizations.

The most coveted by Chu Tian were naturally the two holy generals on the main island.

The opening condition of the main island is that 12 sub-cities have been captured.

Lords of different civilizations need to compete for these cities and intrigue.

Lords born on the same island are destined to fight for the five cities on the same island.

The navy must also be taken, otherwise they will not be able to move to other sub-islands, or enter the main island to **** the holy commander.

This time the national war is quite considering the operation, rather than rushing.

The lord was born on an island and needs to race against time to conquer the city of his own island and eliminate other lords on the same island.

At the same time, pay attention to entering the main island as soon as the main island is opened, otherwise the holy commander may be swiftly ascended by other lords.

The difficulty is that it is not the sooner you attack the holy commander, the better, the difficulty of attacking the main city guarded by the holy commander is unknown, you may lose both sides, and you will only do other people\'s wedding clothes.

In addition, if you advance quickly, you may be able to sweep the two sub-islands before the main island opens.

The size of this requires the lord to adapt to the situation and rely on luck.

In short, the rules of this national war are more complicated than previous ones, and they need to be weighed and discarded.

In order to attack the main city, it is necessary to give up the time to attack part of the sub-city, and to guard against other lords.

There is still the possibility of a naval battle in the sixth national war.

The combination of various factors made Chu Tian have to pay attention to this national war. After all, there are two saint-level commanders who will be recruited because of the national war.

The two holy commanders guarding the main island, who are they?

According to Chu Tian\'s balance estimate of "Lord", it may be an Eastern and Western commander.

After reading the rules of the national war, Chu Tian said to Xia Liang, "This national war can be resurrected."

"That\'s fine."

Xia Liang knew that Chu Tian would definitely participate in the national war, and whether the national war could be resurrected was of utmost importance.

It can be resurrected, and the lords of various civilizations will definitely fight.

"After the sixth national war is over, let Han Xiandi make a concession."

Chu Tian was already an uncrowned king, and it was a matter of time to proclaim the emperor. The sixth national war delayed the time for Chu Tian to become emperor.

The preview of the sixth national war and special rules alarmed the lords of all civilized areas.

Because of the possibility of naval warfare in the sixth national war, some kingdoms finally began to exert their strengths in UU Reading www.uukanshu.com.

In the Kingdom of England, King Charles patrolled the Royal Fleet in Portsmouth. Famous sailing warships including the "Mary Rose" were moored in the port. The great pirate Francis Drake followed Charlie.

"In this national war, the Royal Fleet can finally come in handy. When will we, England, be able to reproduce the glory of the sun never set empire."

Charlie couldn\'t help sighing.

England has lost its identity as an empire that never sets for too long.

In "Lord", English civilization has no sense of existence. Lords such as Alexander, Constantine, Caesar, and Ekaterina stole the limelight of English civilization in the western continent.

In the naval battle of the sixth national war, English civilization finally had a sense of existence.

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