Lord of All Gods

Chapter 851

"No need, no need!" Qin Peng immediately signed a contract with Ye Liuyun.

The souls of the seven senior ranks have all been checked, and it is useless for him to check again, and he still doesn\'t seem to trust Ye Liuyun.

After the contract was signed, Ye Liuyun handed over resources such as battleships, armor, weapons, and the two billion spirit stones to Qin Peng on the spot for military expenses.

"Bring your people, and put on the equipment and clothes first!" Ye Liuyun suggested to Qin Peng.

Qin Peng immediately distributed the clothing and equipment to everyone.

Some people held the clothing and equipment in their hands, and even their eyes were a little wet. This is their long-lost equipment.

These people still have feelings for the army, and they are reluctant to throw away the incomplete old equipment.

Now I can finally wear this outfit again, of course I am very excited.

After half an hour, everyone returned to the scene again. Once again lined up this time, the momentum immediately changed.

"Please brave Marquis give the army a name!"

Wearing the general\'s armor, Qin Peng knelt down on one knee and saluted Ye Liuyun.

"Let\'s call it Yongliejun!" Ye Liuyun has always been lazy in naming names, so he came up with whatever he could to save trouble.

"Yes." Qin Peng agreed, and then said to Ye Liuyun: "Qin Peng, the commander of the brave army, will report to Lord Hou, and ask Lord Hou to give instructions."

"Thank you!" Ye Liuyun asked Qin Peng to get up first, and then arranged: "Your task at this stage is to garrison Yonglie Island. Before Yonglie Island is open to the public, no one is allowed to go to the island."

"Decree!" Qin Peng agreed, and went down to divide his subordinates into three teams, who took turns patrolling the perimeter of the territory.

In fact, these people can\'t play any defensive role at all.

The scope of the territory is too large, and their number is too small.

"I\'ll leave the rules and recruiting in the army to you. First, help me form an army of ten thousand people. Everything in the army is up to you." Ye Liuyun said to Qin Peng.

"Thank you, Lord Hou, for your trust. But this recruitment..." Qin Peng was also worried.

At present, there is no one in this territory!

"Don\'t worry, there will be people! You can also go to the nearby Yingzui Island to recruit soldiers. But there is a principle, it is better to lack than to overuse. The quality of people is the most important!" Ye Liuyun instructed him.

"Don\'t worry, Lord Hou, I promise to cultivate a loyal elite army!" Qin Peng promised.

Spirit stones, battleships, and equipment were all given to him directly. And this military affairs, let him alone decide. Although he signed a contract with Ye Liuyun, this trust was enough to move him.

"Okay, I\'ll arrange other people to do the rest, so you can do your own work!" Ye Liuyun asked them to familiarize themselves with the feeling of returning to being a soldier.

He led the people to the central area of ​​the territory and began to move the mountain.

There are lofty mountains and dense forests here, and he has to open up this place. He moved those mountains and dense forests into his own space world as a whole.

Everyone also helped him level the ground together. And quickly sorted out a lot of space.

Ye Liuyun saw that the size was enough, so he released the high-ranking palace given to him by the county king, which was located in the central area of ​​the territory.

Then they were busy clearing out the surrounding mountains.

Ye Liuyun\'s space world has also been enriched a lot because of this. Afterwards, he also put the ghost butterfly into his space world, and let it clean up the beasts in the mountains. All the ferocious beasts that surpassed the realm of good fortune were killed by the ghost butterfly.

The rest of the beasts in the yin and yang realm are no match for the tree demon and the flower demon, so he doesn\'t need to worry about it.

After everyone was tired, Ye Liuyun also took everyone back to the palace to rest. Then he called Qin Peng and others over.

He confessed to Duoyan: "I won\'t stay here for long, the construction here will be left to you!

You and Qin Peng divide the work, he is responsible for the security here, and you are responsible for the development here.

I will leave the golden lion to guard this brave island. If there are still problems that cannot be solved. You go to Yingzui Island to ask the county king for help. "

"Okay. Don\'t worry, I will definitely try my best!" Cyclops promised.

"The Qianlong Academy is about a month away from here. I will come back when I have time, and bring you more resources."

As Ye Liuyun said, he also took out all the substances he had seized and handed them to Cyclops.

He has always been like this, and he has no doubts about employing people.

The resources that Ye Liuyun gave Cyclopedia were the storage rings of more than 20,000 people, as well as the property in the treasure house of the Chang family. These resources are enough for Cyclops to transform Brave Island.

Ye Liuyun also left the super battleship and the third-tier battleship in Cyclops\' hands to him.

He himself used the super battleship rewarded to him by the dynasty before, and rushed to Qianlongyuan with Liang Xinyu and others.

"Is that how you trust these people?" Liang Xinyu asked Ye Liuyun.

"Well! I understand them." Ye Liuyun didn\'t explain too much to Liang Xinyu.

He and Cyclops and the others can be regarded as life-threatening friendships. He is still very relieved of being a human being with one eye.

Along the way, they practiced while sailing.

Ye Liuyun first took the Heaven and Earth Pill and the Xingshen Pill to improve his power of heaven and earth and soul power, and then took out the high-ranked Dark Dragon Yuan Pill given to him by the county king, and used it to break through the realm.

Ye Liuyun absorbed this Nether Dragon Yuan Pill much faster than the foreign Yuan Pill.

The power of the flames inside was also added to his own ghost fire.

His realm had already been cultivated to the point where he was about to break through, but now he broke through even faster.

Not long after he practiced, he directly broke through to the realm of the seventh level of yin and yang.

Every time the realm of yin and yang breaks through one level, the strength will increase a lot, and the gap between the realm of the sixth level of yin and yang is not one or two times.

Feeling the new power in his body, Ye Liuyun felt comfortable all over.

"Finally reached the seventh level of yin and yang! It\'s really not easy!"

While Ye Liuyun was feeling the improvement of his strength, he was still continuously condensing his true essence.

No matter how slow the breakthrough speed is, he still cannot give up the requirement for the quality of the true essence.

A few days later, he consumed almost a quarter of the Yuan Dan of a Nether Dragon before he fully replenished his true Yuan.

His true energy consumption is almost catching up with the strong man in the realm of creation.

After Ye Liuyun broke through, he saw that there was still time, so he didn\'t stop, but continued to absorb energy, and didn\'t stop until he raised his realm to the middle stage of the seventh level of yin and yang.

Then he started to absorb the Fire Spirit Stone again, replenishing the Golden Crow Sacred Fire, so that the Yin and Yang flames could reach a balance again.

Along the way, they all spent their time in cultivation.

The battleship is also driven by several people in turn.

Before they arrived at Qianlongyuan, although the realm of the others had not improved, their spirits and strength had also improved a lot.