Lord of All Gods

Chapter 850

Cyclops drove the super battleship, and soon came to the sky above Qin Peng\'s station on Yonglie Island again.

The robbers on the ground were a little excited when they saw Ye Liuyun\'s battleship coming ahead of schedule.

Qin Peng directed the robbers and lined up to welcome Ye Liuyun and others.

Ye Liuyun put on the magical transformation armor, which controlled the armor to turn into red dragon scales, and the helmet was also in the shape of a dragon\'s head.

Riding on the golden lion again, he looked majestic, but he had the demeanor of a general.

With his attire, even Qin Peng and others looked at him highly.

But until Cyclops put away the battleship, they didn\'t see the army, only the people around Ye Liuyun.

The one with the highest realm is the golden lion under Ye Liuyun\'s seat, and he is also the only one with a strong fortune-telling realm.

"Just you people?" Qin Peng was a little puzzled. Some of the robbers showed disappointed expressions.

Ye Liuyun comforted them and said, "Don\'t worry, I will conquer this brave island today!"

Saying that, Ye Liuyun didn\'t delay anymore, and first released the ghost butterfly directly.

The coercion of the ghost butterfly rank was also released, and the expressions of these robbers eased a little.

"It\'s okay, but the speed will be slower!" Qin Peng saw the ghost butterfly, and thought that Ye Liuyun was going to use the ghost butterfly to kill those strong one by one.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care what they thought. He released the ghost butterfly to protect himself. Lest someone strong take the opportunity to attack him.

Then, he took out the token and entered the real yuan.

The token was immediately activated, emitting a golden light that spread to the entire island.

Ye Liuyun held the token and said directly to the token, "From now on, this island will belong to Marquis Yonglie, and it will be named Yonglie Island."

The token was also very magical, and immediately spread Ye Liuyun\'s words throughout the territory. At the same time, the golden light was used to display the word "Yonglie" over the territory, which means that this island will be "Yonglie Island" in the future.

"So the dynasty can know the name of this island?" Ye Liuyun was also curious about the function of this token.

It\'s a pity that Qiongqi is not here, otherwise Qiongqi can explain the principle.

Then, Ye Liuyun said to the token: "Everyone wait, evacuate from Yonglie Island within one hour, otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

His words were once again spread across Brave Island.

As early as when the golden light spread all over the island, those who knew it already knew that the island had a new owner. Some were already timid and began to evacuate voluntarily.

But most of them didn\'t move yet. Many people don\'t understand what\'s going on. There are also some strong people who don\'t bother with Ye Liuyun\'s warning at all.

They didn\'t see a large-scale army, nor did they feel the coercion of the strong. So he was still laughing at Ye Liuyun in his heart.

"Where did you come from, do you think we were frightened?"

Seeing that those strong men did not leave, they simply stayed with many people, wanting to see what method the new owner of the island would use to drive them away.

If the means are not strong, maybe they can still rely on it.

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, she put away the token and waited.

The faces of Qin Peng and other robbers were a little ugly.

"You don\'t want to scare these people away, do you?" Qin Peng asked tentatively.

"Haha, are they that scary?" Ye Liuyun laughed.

Then he explained: "I told them to give them an hour, of course they must keep their promises, they can\'t launch an attack now!"

"This little thing can launch multiple attacks at the same time?" Qin Peng looked at Gui Die and asked Ye Liuyun.

"It can\'t! It\'s for my self-defense, so as not to be attacked by others. I have another way to conquer the territory!" Ye Liuyun said confidently.

"It\'s still the same sentence!" Su Manning muttered softly behind him.

They have been curious all the way, and now they have to wait another hour.

An hour later, Ye Liuyun directly took out the Hundred Refining Soul Banner. Then it shook.

While shaking, he said: "Don\'t you want to see how I conquer the territory? You are all optimistic!"

In the Hundred Refining Soul Banner, ghosts kept pouring out. Most of them were the disciples of the sect that he killed in ambush during the battle of the Fierce Demon Sect.

Including the original ghosts in it, there are about 30,000 ghosts.

The entire sky was dyed so dark and gloomy.

The cries of ghosts and wolves of these ghosts also spread throughout the entire Yonglie Island.

Some people felt bad and immediately started running outside.

Immediately afterwards, in the soul banner, seven high-ranking foreign spirits appeared. These seven high-ranking foreign spirits shocked everyone present and shivered.

"There are still seven respectable ghosts of foreign races!" Qin Peng\'s voice trembled a little.

Ye Liuyun could feel that the golden lion under him was also trembling slightly, and the muscles all over his body tensed up.

"Except for the people here, kill all the others, leaving no one behind! Don\'t worry about the beast."

Ye Liuyun is also ruthless enough, the order given to those ghosts is not to keep any of them!


The ghosts howled, divided into seven teams, and scattered in all directions, like black clouds.

All the people present were shocked by these ghosts. No one expected that Ye Liuyun carried an army of ghosts with him!

And there is still an army of seven high-ranking alien ghosts.

"These ghosts of foreign races..." Qin Peng waited for those ghosts to get a little farther away, and then remembered to ask Ye Liuyun how he had the spirit of a foreign race.

"After being killed by me, he was sucked into the soul banner!" Ye Liuyun took the initiative to explain to them, lest they misunderstand.

"Can you kill a strong man of high rank?" Qin Peng was a little disbelieving.

"Coincidentally, they were still awake at the time!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t brag, but told the truth.

After everyone heard this, they felt a little more balanced.

Soon, battle fluctuations came from all over the island.

In the face of the slaughter of the army of ghosts, even if some strong people have treasures that can resist the attacks of gods and souls, they cannot withstand the attacks of respectable ghosts.

Ye Liuyun also began to use the golden pupils to absorb the power of the soul, and then put them all into the Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

Among the martial arts who were killed by these ghosts, there are actually many strong people in the realm of creation.

The strength of the ghost in Ye Liuyun\'s soul banner will be improved after this time.

The army of ghosts moved very fast, after half a day, all these ghosts returned to the Hundred Refining Soul Banner.

"Search again, so as not to miss anything."

This time, Ye Liuyun only released seven high-level foreign spirits, and searched the entire territory again.

After several hours, those ghosts returned, and no living human Wuxiu was found.

"Okay, the cleaning work is basically finished, can we sign the contract? Or do you want to check it again?" Ye Liuyun asked Qin Peng.