Lord of All Gods

Chapter 841

In order to cultivate the magic vine, Ye Liuyun also gave the magic vine a Yuandan of a foreign race for him to absorb.

After the magic vine absorbed the Yuan Dan from other races, it also had a hint of evil. The pitch-black vines stretched out, looking even more evil.

Ye Liuyun was afraid that he would be affected by evil spirits, so he checked the fluctuation of the magic vine\'s consciousness on purpose.

He found that this magic vine was really smart. That evil breath was sealed up by him alone, and it was only used in the vines, and it was not absorbed into the magic vine seeds.

Ye Liuyun is now looking forward to how big the magic vine can grow.

The warship Ye Liuyun and the others were on was commanded by the Golden Armored Guards, so they didn\'t need to worry about it at all.

It wasn\'t until the battleship arrived at the assembly point that they stopped practicing and came out of the cabin.

"So many warships!" Everyone couldn\'t help exclaiming.

There are more than 20 super warships in the gathering place alone. There are hundreds of first-class warships. There are even more battleships of the second and third ranks!

"As expected of the dynasty of the Central Continent. This strength is really powerful!" Ye Liuyun sighed in his heart.

In addition to their 30,000 Golden Armored Guards, there are also 200,000 local demon guard troops, and 50,000 soldiers from the Fire Wolf Corps sent by the Great Xia Dynasty.

"The soldiers of the 50,000 Fire Wolf Corps have the lowest level of yin and yang."

Liang Xinyu explained the Fire Wolf Corps to everyone. When talking about the lowest level, he even took a look at Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun also felt a little embarrassed. Dare to love his realm, even joining the Fire Wolf Corps is not enough.

Liang Xinyu suppressed a smile, and continued to introduce: "Each of them has a fire wolf mount, and the state of the mount is the same as that of the soldiers. Moreover, the mounts are equipped with armor, and their combat effectiveness is very powerful."

Speaking of this, several people looked at Ye Liuyun together, and all laughed!

His realm is not even as good as a mount of the Fire Wolf Corps.

Ye Liuyun touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, but there was nothing he could do.

"Why is your realm so low?" Fatty Wei couldn\'t help asking.

"My realm has been lagging behind, and I can\'t help it!" Ye Liuyun also said helplessly.

In the end, it was Princess Liang Xinyu who helped him out: "Although your realm is low, your strength is high. It means that you have cultivated relatively solidly.

In fact, you should be like you in cultivation, and you should not just pursue realms. If you practice like this, when you reach our level, you may be able to compete with the third level of martial arts! "

Fatty Wei thought for a while, and he also felt that it made sense: "Then I will also compress all kinds of power, and then break through to the realm of creation."

A few of them were chatting, and the general of the Golden Armored Guard who had reported for duty came back and introduced the current situation to them.

"Recently, the Fierce Demon Sect has begun to openly attack the various sects, and has also cultivated many corpse demons!"

"Has the powerful man from the Great Xia Dynasty come?" Ye Liuyun was most concerned about this question.

He just didn\'t find the powerful man with his divine sense. If there is no such strong person, it is impossible to take down the alien race of the Fierce Demon Sect.

The general replied: "It has already come, and there are more than one. It is currently under surveillance near the Fierce Demon Sect to prevent the aliens from escaping."

"Well, it seems that the Great Xia Dynasty still attaches great importance to this." Ye Liuyun thought to himself: "The Great Xia Dynasty must have dealt with these alien evils before, otherwise it would not be so important."

"What should we do? Should we stay here and wait to attack with the army, or go and investigate first?" Princess Liang Xinyu asked Ye Liuyun.

Their strength belongs to Ye Liuyun\'s strongest. The others also looked at Ye Liuyun, seeing him as the captain of the team.

"Then we\'ll leave here later and act alone!"

Ye Liuyun was not hypocritical, and directly assumed the responsibility of the captain, and first greeted the general.

"Do you need me to send you some guards?"

The general was still a little worried about the princess\'s safety, and felt that Ye Liuyun\'s level was too low.

Ye Liuyun directly refused: "No need, we are here to practice. General, don\'t worry, we won\'t take big risks!"

"Alright then! Be careful yourself!" The general didn\'t talk nonsense, and was busy arranging military affairs.

Ye Liuyun and the others got off the battleship and rushed towards the Fierce Demon Sect.

Not long after they left the gate of the gathering place, another super warship rushed over and stopped in front of Ye Liuyun and the others.

From the battleship, several young people descended directly.

"Xin Yu!" One person called out to Liang Xinyu.

Liang Xinyu frowned, and reluctantly greeted: "Yu Tianxiang, why are you here?"

"Our Qianlong Academy has also received news that a point reward has been issued. We are here to earn points."

As Yu Tianxiang said, people also came over.

"I didn\'t expect to see you here. It\'s great! Shouldn\'t you report to Qianlong Academy? Uncle Liang is here too?"

Yu Tianxiang is very enthusiastic about Liang Xinyu, obviously he is pursuing her.

As for Liang Xinyu, she obviously hated him a little.

"He didn\'t come!" Liang Xinyu replied coldly, turned around and was about to leave.

"Xin Yu, there are alien races and corpse demons in the Fierce Demon Sect. If you run around like this, what should you do if you encounter danger? Why don\'t you go back to the gathering place with me first, and after we report for duty, I will take you to kill the alien races, that\'s also safe!"

Yu Tianxiang chases after Liang Xinyu, trying to stop her.

"No need, I\'ll just walk around!" Liang Xinyu didn\'t say anything to him, and walked away from him again.

Ye Liuyun and the others immediately followed Liang Xinyu to the direction of the Fierce Demon Sect.

Yu Tianxiang took a look at them, then returned to the battleship and sailed towards the assembly point.

"Let\'s go, get rid of this annoying guy!" Liang Xinyu urged the others.

"Who is that person?" Fatty Wei asked puzzled.

"He is Yu Wang\'s eldest son, Yu Tianxiang, and also a disciple of Qianlongyuan." Liang Xinyu obviously didn\'t want to talk about him.

"Your suitor?" Su Manning asked with a smile.

"Just a playboy!" Liang Xinyu\'s disdainful expression was beyond words.

Ye Liuyun opened his mouth and said: "I see dozens of them have come, and there are also martial artists of the third level of fortune!"

Ye Liuyun had already scanned the situation on the battleship with his divine sense just now.

"There may be more Qianlong disciples coming! They are all here to do the mission, and they won\'t come together." Liang Xinyu explained to Ye Liuyun.

"No wonder I saw that there are still many sect disciples in the assembly point!" Ye Liuyun said.

"Those people are not necessarily all from Qianlongyuan. Once the dynasty\'s reward is released, all the sects will receive the information. It\'s just that some people are far away and can\'t make it in time. Some people think that the mission is not worthwhile, so they don\'t come."

Among them, only Liang Xinyu knew more about these things.