Lord of All Gods

Chapter 840

Yuan Datou is a person who gets excited when he hears about a fight.

Seeing that Ye Liuyun was going to fight a foreign race, how could he not be tempted. Even if Ye Liuyun didn\'t take him there, he would find a way to go by himself.

"Okay, then you can go together!" The county king directly agreed on Ye Liuyun\'s behalf.

Ye Liuyun dared to agree to this kind of thing until he made a final decision.

Afterwards, Deacon Lu asked for the injured disciple to be carried onto the battleship and left Yingzui Island directly.

"Master Ye, Mr. Yuan, let\'s go back and discuss the details?" The county king extended an invitation to Ye Liuyun and Yuan Datou.

So Ye Liuyun and Yuan Datou followed the county king back to the county palace.

After returning to the Prince\'s Mansion, Ye Liuyun saw Liang Xinyu, Su Manning, and Fatty Wei also sat down together.

He was wondering secretly, the king of the county explained to him first.

"I\'ll ask the three of them to practice together and adapt to the environment of Qianlongyuan in advance. The real Qianlongyuan is actually similar to the battle you are about to face."

As he spoke, he first handed over the dynasty\'s reward to Ye Liuyun.

"The information you provided has been confirmed. This is something rewarded to you by the dynasty."

The king of the county handed Ye Liuyun a storage ring.

Ye Liuyun scanned in with his spiritual sense, and found that there was a divine weapon dagger, a set of high-grade battle armor, 100 million high-grade spirit stones, and three high-grade healing elixirs inside.

"Hey! This dynasty is impressive enough!" Ye Liuyun was a little shocked when he saw these rewards, he didn\'t expect them to be so valuable.

He thought it was just a token gift.

Then he immediately realized that the county king must have won it for him.

So he immediately thanked the county king. "Thank you for your support, the king of the county."

This also has something to do with the fact that he has learned a lot about the world from Qiongqi recently.

If it was in the past, if the county king didn\'t say anything, he might not have thought that the county king must have said a lot of good things for him.

"Hahaha! It\'s all due to you, what\'s wrong with me!" Although the county king said so, he was actually waiting for Ye Liuyun\'s words.

You know, he can take all of this kind of credit for himself.

The reason why he mentioned Ye Liuyun was actually another kind of consideration for him. Although he did not pay the money, it is no different from what he gave Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun\'s gratitude was not wasted at all!

The county king immediately felt that his thoughts were not in vain, and that Ye Liuyun was worth cultivating.

Afterwards, the county king also talked about business.

"This time to wipe out the Fierce Demon Sect and the alien race, the dynasty will send high-ranking masters. Our Yingzui Island only sent 30,000 golden armored guards to assist.

The general leading the team will put you all in the order of battle of the Golden Guard. But you are free to move around and don\'t have to go with the team. "

With that said, the king of the county gave each of the five of them a token.

"This token is the identity certificate for this expedition. With this token, people in other armies will also recognize you as our own."

The king of the county knew how many of them were there, and he might go out to fight alone, or get separated from the team, or meet other teams, so he had already made arrangements for them.

"The team is going to leave tonight. Do you all need to go back and prepare? If not, just stay with me for dinner, and then we will leave together." The county king asked for their opinions.

In fact, everyone has already made preparations and can set off at any time. So they all agreed.

Ye Liuyun informed Cyclops to wait for him at the same place through the soul contract. He captured a super warship from Tianhuang. So even if One Eye doesn\'t go, he can return at any time.

Ye Liuyun followed the crowd to Liang Xinyu\'s other courtyard to rest. The king of the county is busy with the deployment of troops.

Ye Liuyun also understood that the reason why the county king let them stay together was to let them get to know each other better so that they could take care of Liang Xinyu in the future.

So he had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he chatted with everyone and got to know them better.

"Brother Ye, you are really hiding something! That palm just now was too strong!" Fatty Wei was full of praise for Ye Liuyun.

He used to always think that Qiao Yunhai was the number one expert among the younger generation, invincible. Unexpectedly, he couldn\'t even pull out his sword in front of Ye Liuyun.

"Actually, it\'s not very strong!" Ye Liuyun said modestly.

"Ye Gongzi is really too modest. The level of saber intent alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I don\'t know where you learned from with your ability?" Su Manning also kept inquiring about Ye Liuyun\'s information.

She also often used coquetry to attack Ye Liuyun secretly. While Ye Liuyun was chatting with her, Wanshen Ling reminded him several times that he was attacked by Su Manning\'s charm.

Fatty Wei, Yuan Datou and Liang Xinyu also frowned. Even if they are not directly attacked, they still need to release the power of their souls to resist them.

"Miss Su, I know you are a little bit dissatisfied. Why don\'t we compete openly and aboveboard, and when we chat in the future, can you stop sneaking up on me?" Ye Liuyun also felt a little annoyed.

If someone is around and often sneaks up, anyone else will be upset. Although he has the order of the gods, he doesn\'t need to be vigilant all the time, but he doesn\'t want people to miss him all the time.

"Yes, Manning, when everyone is chatting together, don\'t test him. Otherwise, we will all suffer." Liang Xinyu also persuaded Su Manning.

"Hey! Young Master Ye\'s spirit is really too powerful. I just want to try to sneak attack him to see if I can succeed. Now it seems that no matter what time he is, he will never reveal anything."

Su Manning was indeed dissatisfied. But after many trials, she also knew that she couldn\'t do anything to Ye Liuyun. Sneak attacks are not enough, and she is no match for head-on combat.

"Okay, I promise you, I will never attack you again in the future!"

In the end, she no longer wanted to try, and completely gave up.

Next, these talents chatted with peace of mind.

Before departure, several people had dinner together again, and when they were full, they boarded the battleship and set off for the assembly point with the 30,000 Golden Armored Guards.

The battleship that the county king arranged for them was also a super battleship, so it was very fast.

On the battleship, Ye Liuyun and the others were also busy with their cultivation and did not chat.

For martial arts, cultivation is the most fundamental. Everyone is hurrying up and improving their strength.

With Ye Liuyun in front of them, it is not easy to enter the Xuankong Stone to practice, let alone take out the Yuan Dan of a foreign race to absorb it. I have to condense the power of spirit, flame, Buddha and demon, expand the space world, and cultivate common powers such as the power of heaven and earth.

He thinks it\'s not bad. These forces also need to be condensed. No matter what it is, as long as it can help his strength, he needs to practice.