Lord of All Gods

Chapter 834

A few days later, the surveillance personnel outside the stronghold also withdrew one after another.

The Chang family has collapsed, so they have no intention of continuing to monitor, and they have left to fend for themselves.

There are still ten days left before the enrollment day for Demon God Island.

Inside the Xuankong Stone, there is a hundred days, enough for Ye Liuyun and the others to improve their cultivation.

After taking the cross-border pill, Lei Ming is absorbing the magic crystal and preparing to break through.

A hundred days should be enough for him to break through to the realm of the Nine Layers of Yin and Yang before going to the Demon God Island.

Ye Liuyun placed the captured artifact hammer beside Lei Ming.

Give Lei Ming more protection, and he will feel more at ease.

Afterwards, he himself took out the Yuan Dan of the foreign race and began to absorb it.

In the past hundred days, Ye Liuyun not only raised his realm to the late stage of the sixth level of yin and yang, but also deliberately cultivated the power of heaven and earth, compressed the power of the soul, and expanded his own space world.

Lei Ming\'s breakthrough was very smooth, and even Ye Liuyun envied the realm of the Nine Layers of Yin and Yang.

In the last few days, Lei Ming stopped practicing. He clings to Ye Liuyun every day, almost hanging on him.

Ye Liuyun also stopped practicing and spent a few days with her.

The night before the enrollment, Ye Liuyun also entertained a few monsters to have a big meal together.

Wu Qingcheng has already allocated all the resources and thought very carefully. Even the meat reserves for the monsters have already been brought to them.

Ye Liuyun gave Longnu the treasure that had just been seized to defend against the attacks of the spirit and soul.

He also wanted to give Longnu that artifact, the long sword, but Longnu didn\'t want it.

"I don\'t know how to use a knife either, so keep it as a spare! I have enough treasures for soul defense!"

Longnu also knew that Ye Liuyun was worried about their safety. She has artifacts and treasures, and can handle most situations.

Ye Liuyun nodded, feeling that it was about the same, so she didn\'t force Longnu anymore.

"You guys have to take care of each other after you arrive at Demon God Island!" Ye Liuyun instructed the monsters.

They were very obedient and nodded obediently.

"The few of them are often together and are already very familiar, so you don\'t have to worry about it!" Qiongqi comforted Ye Liuyun.

"Are you going to Demon God Island too?" Ye Liuyun persuaded Qiongqi.

"I also want to go and have a look. It is said that the resources there are quite rich. But what do you do? Can you handle the pursuit of the Nether Hell?"

Qiongqi has not yet decided whether to go or not. He was worried that Ye Liuyun would not be able to handle it by himself.

"There are ghost butterflies and soul flags, it\'s nothing serious. I don\'t worry if you go and look at them. If you are worried about me, just get me a few more array flags!"

Ye Liuyun hoped to go to Demon God Island with other monsters.

With Qiongqi, he doesn\'t have to worry about other monsters being bullied.

"Okay then, I\'ll go and have a look too, and I\'ll find you when I get the resources. Now I\'ll get you a stronger formation flag!"

After Qiongqi said that, he went back to refine the formation flag for him.

Before dawn, Qiongqi gave the formation flag to Ye Liuyun.

This set of formation flags can already be used as several sets of formation flags.

A set of 108 formation flags can be used together, or can be divided into 18, 36, 64 or 72 formation flags for separate use, each with its own power and function. different.

Just how to use it, Qiongqi taught Ye Liuyun for a long time.

"Don\'t worry, with such a powerful formation flag, I can ensure safety!"

After Ye Liuyun learned it, he also gained a lot of confidence.

After dawn, Ye Liuyun rushed to the recruitment arena with a few monsters.

The sign of Yaoshen Island has already been hung on the subjective battle platform, but the person in charge of recruiting students has not yet come. They came a little early.

There are also many monsters waiting around. Even some monsters directly showed their bodies, showing off their origins.

Monsters are all respected by blood. The purer the blood, the more noble the birth.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils swept them around and lost interest. In terms of pure blood, none of these monsters was a match for the monsters around him.

Lei Ming hated Ye Liuyun the most, he kept holding his arm and never let go.

She didn\'t even want to watch such a lively scene. She didn\'t even look straight at those monsters.

Thinking that after they left, Ye Liuyun would be left alone, and couldn\'t help but worry for him.

"Little brother, we will leave later, and you will be left alone. Will you be sad?"

"Sadness is also temporary. We will see you again soon! Don\'t worry, I will always think of you!" Ye Liuyun comforted Lei Ming.

"Well! I will practice hard when I go, so that I can protect you then!" Lei Ming said seriously.

Ye Liuyun smiled: "Okay! I\'ll wait for you to come back and protect me. But don\'t work too hard, take a proper rest! There are so many food prepared for you, remember to eat, don\'t starve and lose weight!"

"It\'s enough for the two of you! I can\'t stand it anymore!" Qiongqi interjected, afraid that the two of them would be reluctant to separate after talking.

He felt that Lei Ming was a little too attached to Ye Liuyun, and Ye Liuyun was also reluctant to part with Lei Ming.

Dragon Girl is very envious of Lei Ming, who can be so intimate with Ye Liuyun.

But if she was asked to hug Ye Liuyun, she couldn\'t do it. So she just watched silently from the sidelines. I feel that being able to stay by Ye Liuyun\'s side is already very good.

"The bloodlines of these monsters are not that strong!" Qiongqi said after looking at the monsters present, intending to distract Lei Ming\'s attention.

Lei Ming followed Qiongqi\'s gaze and glanced at the other monsters, but quickly turned his gaze back to Ye Liuyun.

A firescale lizard that manifested its original form, heard Qiongqi\'s taunt, and roared at them, which also contained a sonic attack.

He didn\'t care about the realm of Qiongqi and others. It is estimated that he is used to being arrogant and doesn\'t take others seriously.

This sudden roar startled Ye Liuyun and the others.

Before Ye Liuyun could speak, Lei Ming rushed out angrily, swung a sledgehammer, and smashed directly at the Firescale Lizard\'s spine.

"What\'s the name! It scared my little brother!"

The current Lei Ming, with his eyes wide open and his cheeks puffed out, hit him with a hammer. It was completely different from the little bird who was beside Ye Liuyun just now.



After hitting it with a hammer, the firescale lizard was hit so hard that its body sank in the opposite direction, and it whimpered incessantly in pain.

"If you make any noise again, I\'ll smash you to pieces!" Lei Ming threatened again, raising his sledgehammer.

That unlucky Firescale Lizard did not expect Lei Ming to have such a temper.