Lord of All Gods

Chapter 823

Ye Liuyun finally stepped onto the ring at this time.

"You\'re going to die today, kid. See if I don\'t pull out your tongue!" Chang Wanshan waited for Ye Liuyun to stand still, and was about to strike immediately.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun stopped talking.

When fighting, he will never be distracted by nonsense.

Before Ye Liuyun took the stage, he was thinking about how to get rid of Chang Wanshan.

For a villain with Chang Wanshan\'s personality, he would either not take action, or he would kill the grass and roots, otherwise they would definitely retaliate.

But with Chang Wanshan\'s family reputation, Ye Liuyun was also afraid that someone would save him.

So what he was thinking about was how to kill Chang Wanshan in one blow, so that there was no time to save him.

Especially with his spiritual sense, the county king is already gaining momentum, which means that he is likely to rescue Chang Wanshan.

Ye Liuyun felt that the realm of the county king should be in the state of good fortune.

If you want to kill someone under the nose of such an expert, mind and soul attack is the fastest way.

So as soon as Ye Liuyun came up, he launched a soul attack, swallowing his main and secondary souls into his yin and yang domain.

Ye Liuyun\'s current master and assistant souls have all reached the level of honor, so the power of his soul can be described as terrifying for ordinary martial artists.

At the same time, Ye Liuyun also released the ghost fire, which directly burned Chang Wanshan\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

The speed of the soul attack is much faster than normal moves.

Ye Liuyun absorbed all of Chang Wanshan\'s soul, and it only took a moment to look outside.

Chang Wanshan\'s physical body was still standing on the stage. Ye Liuyun had already sucked his storage ring over, turned around and was about to step down.

Some people still don\'t understand what\'s going on.

But the county king was shocked!

"This kid is too quick!"

He didn\'t have time to save Chang Wanshan.

When he found out that Ye Liuyun launched the soul attack, he immediately released his soul.

It\'s a pity that when his spirit rushed into Chang Wanshan\'s sea of ​​consciousness, Chang Wanshan\'s sea of ​​consciousness was almost burned up. It also caused his spirit to be almost infected with ghostly ghosts.

Feeling the power of the ghost fire, his soul did not dare to charge into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness. Withdrew immediately.

In such a short time, Ye Liuyun had already absorbed Chang Wanshan\'s soul, and he had no time to rescue him.

And he also felt that according to Ye Liuyun\'s soul fluctuation, Ye Liuyun\'s soul power might not be weaker than him. This is what shocked him the most.

You know, Ye Liuyun\'s realm is a big realm lower than his, and it\'s even a turn.

He also knew that Ye Liuyun deliberately didn\'t give him a chance to save people.

"This kid, you are decisive enough to strike!" The county king was calm on the surface, but in his heart he very much agreed with Ye Liuyun\'s approach.

Either don\'t do it, or do it without leaving any trouble.

When everyone understood, Chang Wanshan\'s body also fell straight on the stage.

The scene was quiet for a while, and then boiled up.

"Spirit attack!"

"This kid is so strong! No wonder he is so confident!"

"No wonder Su Manning passed by just now, this kid is fine!"

Facing the powerful Wuxiu, everyone can always do not provoke them. Because the soul attack is the most difficult to guard against, and it is often extremely dangerous.

So after Ye Liuyun showed his hand, no one dared to provoke him at will, and even the voice of the introduction became much lower.

The young man who provoked Ye Liuyun just now was also secretly grateful: "So he is so strong! Fortunately, she didn\'t come on stage just now, otherwise, the person lying down now would be me!"

Chang Wanshan\'s body was carried down, and the servants who followed him immediately reported back to the family.

"Brother Ye, I\'m afraid people from the Chang family will come to your door after a while!" Fatty Wei reminded Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

Ye Liuyun thought about it, but still did not leave.

He wants to see how the character of the county king is!

And it\'s not that he has no way to deal with the Chang family.

The king of the county is also thinking at this moment, what should he do when people from the Chang family come to the door in a while.

With the power of Ye Liuyun\'s soul, he is definitely stronger than Su Manning, so he deserves to be wooed.

But just being strong in spirit didn\'t seem to be enough for him to fight against the Chang family for Ye Liuyun.

So he sent a voice transmission to the princess, asking her to immediately find someone with strong physical body and martial arts, and challenge Ye Liuyun respectively. He wanted to fully test Ye Liuyun\'s strength.

"Young master Ye, I never expected that your soul power is so powerful. I have a friend here named Hou Yuan. Why don\'t you fight him again?"

The princess suggested according to the king\'s intention.

Ye Liuyun heard the words, and also wondered why the princess let him continue to play.

"Could it be that you want to avenge Chang Wanshan?"

Fatty Wei reacted quickly, and immediately sent him a voice transmission: "This may be the meaning of the county king, to see if you are worth letting him protect you."

Ye Liuyun suddenly realized when he heard the words, but before he could speak, Hou Yuan spoke first!

"Not Cai Hou Yuan, I want to learn about Ye Gongzi\'s physical body, please enlighten me!"

When he said this, he was clearly saying that he wanted to compare his physical body with Ye Liuyun, and he couldn\'t use his soul power.

Ye Liuyun stopped talking nonsense this time, and directly used the power of space to flash onto the ring.

"What a powerful space force!"

"This kid is not simple!"

There was a lot of exclamation from the audience.

In the realm of yin and yang, Wuxiu will have some space power to some extent.

However, Ye Liuyun\'s space power has almost reached the level of Zun. Compared with ordinary martial artists in the realm of yin and yang, they are not even a little bit stronger.

Even Ning Tiande, who is good at physical skills, frowned. He couldn\'t break Ye Liuyun\'s hand that he showed just now.

He had always thought that he could travel through the void of the seventh level, and he was already a leader among his peers. But unexpectedly, just now Ye Liuyun obviously passed through the void of the eighth level.

With this move alone, he couldn\'t catch up with Ye Liuyun.

"Good guy, this kid\'s power of space is actually slightly stronger than mine!"

The king of the county saw it, and couldn\'t help but secretly praise it in his heart.

Princess Liang Xinyu, now also sees the trick.

"This Ye Liuyun is hiding deep enough. I didn\'t see it before. Why is he so strong? If he wins again physically, wouldn\'t there be no one to be his opponent!"

After Hou Yuan and Ye Liuyun stood still, they also began to gather momentum.

As soon as Hou Yuan came up, he unleashed all the power of his blood in an attempt to suppress Ye Liuyun.

Ye Liuyun smiled slightly, and immediately opened the blood circulation, which in turn suppressed Hou Yuan.

Afterwards, he blasted towards Hou Yuan with the thunder and fire Batian of Batian Shenquan.

His golden pupils had already assessed Hou Yuan\'s strength.

To beat Hou Yuan, he didn\'t even need to use Qiankun Palm. Lei Huo Batian\'s move was enough to defeat him.